2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I think that some of us have been fortunate enough to not be subject to the same amount of misery that non-Americans have received lately. I live in Florida and there is not much going on in the lockdown department. There has been a false hope that maybe if Trump was re-elected that we could somehow escape the madness others have been subjected to in regards to the lockdowns. So since this election is all the news is talking about here, here are a few stories I found that will give us a glimpse as to where we are headed (I went ahead and left out the anti-trump, lady gaga, and Kardashian stories).

Many people outside of the US have had it worse, so I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for us. I think the feeling will be more like 'it sucks don't it? welcome to the club!' This whole election thing is so brazen that it makes me wonder if the PTB had to go full desperation sooner and why. Maybe a comet/second sun/wave/aliens are here in February?
He put out a video in 2017 saying no one died in the massive Las Vegas shooting, which is no longer available. It said to me "obvious disinformation".
Egad. That doesn't exactly spell "Reliability".

That's the trouble with spooks; deception runs in their blood. Their entire life after joining the black hat world is basically one long psy-op.
It really does, I think, take a third party journalist to pick things apart, and even then you're only ever left with different levels of plausible theorizing.

Hard to know if it's true, but this is a possible explanation:

Here's a video with a lady examining her ballot strip showing what looks like a possible watermark. Could still be faked, but if it's true we'll probably see soon enough (or maybe not so soon!).

I can see some spots on the paper, but I'm not sure they are anything more than run of the mill (literally) defects. Recycled paper especially tends to be full of random leftovers from previous lives.

However, the fact that they appear as ink spots rather than actual traditional watermarks is interesting. -Real watermarks are introduced during the paper production phase, while the pulp is drying, a machine rolls a pattern onto the paper making the details of the design thinner than the surrounding paper. It happens at the paper mill rather than the printing plant, so trying to use those would introduce massive challenges if you wanted to employ them as unique identifiers for a final printed product.

However, a printed pattern appearing over an area of the paper would be much easier. On bank notes, one anti-counterfeiting feature is that of an 'Orion' constellation pattern of dots which are printed many times per note, but rotated slightly and thereby are able to encrypt information. You can create unique, serialized data per note.

Something like that would be quite possible with modern digital printing.

Given the source of the information, I'd put the likelihood of it being true on a probability curve rather than a facts column. There's definitely a waft of "Q" floating in the air surrounding it, -which is not to say that I can't also imagine a compelling list of reasons to think it might have validity.

The biggest challenge would be in coordinating the operational security and the various technical requirements of printing uniquely identified ballots in target states. Depending on how you set things up, and how much information you wanted to have linked to each watermark, it could probably be achieved without too many people being in the know or with their understanding exactly what the implications were.

If it were as simple as a plant specific identifier, you could derive useful information simply by comparing the number of ballots with that mark to the number which were supposed to have been printed. If the mark is missing, you know it wasn't printed in an approved plant. If the number of copies in the wild exceeds the official print run, you again know there might be something fishy going on.

If however, as Steve Piecsenik asserts, there is voter-specific data encoded into each ballot, then you'd need a much more complicated system, with specific software and databases necessary to install on the printing plant end. I imagine the operational security demands would become enormous and costly in that case, possibly to the point of it being prohibitive. Every level of complexity in a plan introduces a heightened risk of discovery by the enemy.
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Thomas Wictor says POTUS has it all under control. In 2018 President Trump formed a new agency for national security called CISA. This was to protect infrastructure which included voting integrity. He brings up the paper ballots for one, which he says have been encrypted and would take about 2 days to discover if they are fake or not. So, if this is true (once again the question) then arrests will be made and its game over for the Dems. He also thinks the social media monopolies will be broken up and MSM is finished.

Every year, citizens across the United States head to their local polling stations in order to cast their ballots for the candidates of their choice. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) works to ensure the physical security and cybersecurity of the systems and assets that supports the Nation’s elections. Known as election infrastructure, this assembly of systems and networks includes but is not limited to:

Voter registration databases and associated IT systems
  • IT infrastructure and systems used to manage elections (such as the counting, auditing, and displaying of election results, and post-election reporting to certify and validate results)
  • Voting systems and associated infrastructure
  • Storage facilities for election and voting system infrastructure
  • Polling places to include early voting locations
In January 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) designated the infrastructure used to administer the Nation’s elections as critical infrastructure. This designation recognizes that the United States’ election infrastructure is of such vital importance to the American way of life that its incapacitation or destruction would have a devastating effect on the country.

CISA is committed to working collaboratively with those on the front lines of elections—state and local governments, election officials, federal partners, and vendors—to manage risks to the Nation’s election infrastructure. CISA will remain transparent and agile in its vigorous efforts to secure America’s election infrastructure from new and evolving threats.

For a collection of voluntary tools and resources, visit the Election Security Resource Library.
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I did see where this had been posted before. It's something called the Trump Accountability Project.

Regarding Hubris, I found this quite interesting and relevant:

The Nemesis of Hubris: Slaying the Serpent

The immutable laws of nature​

The immutable laws of nature, governing the very workings of the universe itself on every level, remain invisible and hidden to the naked eye, yet are infinitely more powerful than what the level of comprehension and understanding of most can grasp, often being overlooked and abused.

These laws are sacred, sacrosanct and absolutely unforgiving.


Hubris and Nemesis​

We are all no doubt familiar with the terms hubris and nemesis. Typically, we understand the term hubris to mean excessive pride or arrogance, while the term nemesis can be variously understood to mean either an unrelenting opponent, a cause of misfortune, or even an agent of retributive justice.

Interestingly however, when we investigate the origin of these two terms, we can trace them back to ancient Greek mythology and religion, where we find that they are inextricably linked and complementary to one other.

Originally in ancient Greek religion, Nemesis was seen as a goddess who simply allotted fate to each in accordance with what was deserved by virtue of their actions. The fortunes given could be either favourable or unfavourable.

Later in ancient Greece, however, Nemesis came to be seen as the goddess of divine retribution against those guilty of hubris – the crime of possessing a level of arrogance and self-importance so great that it angered the very gods themselves.

The name Nemesis appears to be derived from the ancient Greek word némein, meaning “to give what is due”. Nemesis was often seen as the goddess from whom no one guilty of hubris could escape.

Another name given to Nemesis by some ancient Greek writers was Adrasteia, meaning “the inescapable”.

Indeed, it was Nemesis herself who punished Narcissus for his vainglorious arrogance, luring him to the pool where, transfixed by the beauty he saw in his own reflection, was unable to leave, eventually dying there as a result.

The arrogance of hubris is often associated with such an extreme level of overconfidence that the person in question actually becomes blinded by total delusion and irrationality to the point where they believe they are virtually infallible, incapable of failure or making mistakes. This often results in damaging consequences or even the deliberate mistreatment of others, and is often in the context of those occupying positions of power or influence. The acts of hubris exhibited often involve the humiliation of others.

It could be argued that hubris is one of the factors responsible for more violence than almost anything else throughout human history. This would seem to work both ways, not only due to the actions of those guilty of hubris itself, but also by those incensed by the injustice and humiliation inflicted upon them by the hubristic, thus provoking the desire for vengeance.

And in accordance with ancient Greek thought, such hubris will necessarily bring about the inescapable retribution of Nemesis herself.

This characterization of cause and effect embodied by the goddess Nemesis clearly parallels the price Mother Nature herself demands in payment for violating her sacred laws of causality.

The serpent​

In all of human history, there has never been a greater example of a more unbridled and perverse level of hubris than that displayed by the great serpent, the Eternal Enemy of Mankind.

The serpent is an entity that throughout the ages has belonged nowhere but wound its way everywhere, shedding its skin and changing its form in its attempts to blend, creep in, subvert, and dominate.

Again and again it has been driven away at the hands of wrathful populations who have tasted its poison and felt its coils constricting around them in its attempts to take hold and dominate.

Unnatural, a parasite; its own lifeblood taken from the veins of others, for it knows no other way.

The master of corruption and greed, the serpent has grown powerful by preying on the weakness of man. Its coils tighten as its hold on the world increases, now taking pieces out of all of us one bit at a time.

Elevating itself to the position of the gods themselves, the serpent holds contempt for the natural order of things, mocking with disdain the laws of nature, above which it has placed itself. It meanwhile busies itself laying claim to the whole world – our world – a world the serpent neither belongs to nor deserves.

This is why the gods curse the serpent above all things, and why even its own god has abandoned it.

But look into the eyes of the serpent for but a moment and you will clearly see the fatal error that has already been committed: the fatal error of hubris.

The slaying of the serpent​

Trapped within its own blinding visions of victory, the serpent has failed to see that it has already lost; that it has already failed to conquer the one thing which would have given it complete domination over the entire world: the conquest of the laws of Mother Nature herself.

The hubris of attempting to part the seas and conquer the laws of nature herself – this is something that Mother Nature can simply never forgive.

This is why the clouds of nature’s fury gather, and why Nemesis herself now begins to stir and awaken, the sharpened sword of vengeance right by her side.

The serpent has chosen to play a game that no people, no empire, no regime, and no culture in human history have ever won: the establishment of an enduring global hegemony.

Will it succeed where all others have failed? There is not one concrete reason to think so.

By choosing to pursue this self-appointed destiny, the serpent, infected as it is by its own delusions of exceptionalism, is now entering uncharted waters, and may well be risking all, may well be burning down all bridges, and making the chance of return and redemption impossible. Once the serpent has crossed that Rubicon, there may be no turning back.

If the serpent ends up cornering itself, it will be trapped, having nowhere to turn.

Regardless of how much knowledge the serpent thinks it may have acquired in order to engineer our downfall, no matter what theories, algorithms or mathematical models it has employed to decipher the dynamics of human history and predict outcomes, Mother Nature in the end cares not one iota for such things.

She only concerns herself over whether or not human conduct and endeavour lines up with the laws that keep the cogs of her universe turning. Theories, abstractions and predictions are all subservient to this.

Keep in mind that the communist leaders of the Soviet Union had a complete and total grasp of the works of Lenin, Marx and communist theory, and arrogantly held a total conviction in their understanding of history and humanity.


But when things finally started to unravel in the USSR during 1990-1991, they did so at lightning speed. And so we see that despite all of the confidence, well-honed theories and predictions regarding the human condition, the communist leaders at the end of the day proved that they really knew nothing.

Perhaps in our time we shall see a likewise undoing of the serpent, and look on as it too is eaten alive by the very forces of nature it hoped to tame and fashion for its own purpose.

One thing is certain, however: whether or not Europe and the sons and daughters of Europe survive, the serpent in the long term absolutely will not. It is already too late; the serpent has already committed the ultimate offense against nature and roused Nemesis from her slumber. The serpent just cannot see it yet.

So shall we see positive and momentous changes occurring in our lifetime? Of course no one can answer this question for sure. However, if there is one thing that history teaches us, it is to expect the unexpected.

And most important of all: what about our people? Will we endure? Will we recover? Will we flourish once again? There is both pessimism and optimism surrounding this question. But once again, I hear that same lesson of history whisper into my ear: “Expect the unexpected.”

The game is far from over, the story incomplete. But if we take due care to act in harmony with the laws of nature, she will prove to be a powerful ally for us, offering us the chance to reap the harvest of victory.

Minds need to be awakened, hearts need to be set aflame, and dead weight needs to be pruned. But one thing is certain above and beyond all: Do not make the mistake of consigning our people to the dustbin of history!

At the moment we are seeing momentous changes occurring all across the Western World, particularly in Europe. And I can assure you that in accordance with these events, nature herself has already set in motion cogs which have laid dormant within our people for some time now.

And as for the serpent?

That sound in the distance the serpent can’t quite hear yet, that shape on the horizon it can’t quite figure out, that elemental force it can’t quite grasp – that’s the inevitability of fate heading its way.

The inevitability of Nemesis, sword in hand. She’s coming . . .
Author’s note: The picture chosen for this article, besides depicting Nemesis, also displays a raven perched on the tail of the foul serpent – quite possibly one of Odin’s ravens – as if it were overlooking the slaying of the creature in order to report the event to Odin himself. This therefore is a very interesting combination of elements from both ancient Greek as well as Norse culture.

Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania officials to set aside late-arriving ballots

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Friday ordered election officials across Pennsylvania to segregate mail-in ballots received after Election Day.

Alito temporarily granted a request by the Keystone State’s Republican Party, which said a court order was needed to ensure that all 67 election boards were complying with a directive from Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, the Washington Post reported.

Alito, the justice responsible for the region of the country that covers Pennsylvania, gave state officials until Saturday afternoon to respond, the paper said.

The development marked the latest twist in a legal battle over the counting of mail-in ballots in the crucial swing state.

Last month, the high court upheld a decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to extend the deadline for ballots to arrive until three days past Election Day.

But Boockvar directed that any ballots that came in during that time be set aside because the state GOP was challenging the legality of including them in vote totals.

Last week, the US Supreme Court declined to expedite a hearing in the case.

In emergency court papers filed Friday, Republicans said that “a total of 25 Pennsylvania county boards of elections have not indicated whether they are segregating the late-arriving ballots.”

“If county election boards count and do not segregate late-arriving ballots, it could become impossible for this Court to repair election results tainted by illegally and untimely cast or mailed ballots,” the GOP added.

On Thursday, Boockvar told CNN that various counties had reported “from zero to…about 500 ballots received the day after Election Day.”

“So unless it is super close, I don’t see them making or breaking this [election] one way or another,” she added.

The post Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania officials to set aside late-arriving ballots appeared first on New York Post.
Hard to know if it's true, but this is a possible explanation:

Here's a video with a lady examining her ballot strip showing what looks like a possible watermark. Could still be faked, but if it's true we'll probably see soon enough (or maybe not so soon!).

Maybe nothing, but at 0:48s in the video I saw something that looked like letters. Maybe it's coming through from the other side, don't know. I took a screenshot, rotated it 180 and added some contrast:

I'm feeling more optimistic after listening to Thomas Wickter. He says in the video that people just don't know who Trump is which made me think... there is more strength there then we know. He put this agency together knowing this would happen. NEMESIS has arrived. That was brilliant Jeep!

HUGE! Corrupted Software Used in Michigan County that Stole 6,000 Votes from Trump — Is Also Used in ALL SWING STATES — And Uses Chinese Computer Parts In Its Machines​

A so-called computer ‘glitch’ fix in one of Michigan’s counties has led to 6,000 votes switching from Joe Biden to President Trump. The Head of the Republican Party has asked for an additional 47 counties be recounted after the fix since these 47 counties also use the same Dominion software.

A so-called computer glitch has been uncovered in Michigan today and it resulted in swapping 6,000 votes from Joe Biden to President Trump.
UPDATE: Michigan's #AntrimCounty flipped to a win for #DonaldTrump after an election-software glitch was fixed today. Revised totals now show that Trump won by an estimated 2,500 votes.
Michigan's GOP Chairwoman, Laura Cox is calling for 47 other counties in Michigan to…
— Scriberr News (@ScriberrNews) November 6, 2020

Dominion Software is used in 28 US states including ALL OF THE BATTLEGROUND STATES.
The Dominion software “glitch” ONLY took votes from President Trump and Republicans.

Dominion is used in 30 different states.
Dominion is used in EVERY SWING STATE!


Via Kyle Becker reported:
And NUMEROUS COUNTIES in Georgia also used the software!

And two counties in Georgia that used the software shut down for two hours on election day.

And Dominion uses Chinese computer parts in their machines.

The source of the nation’s voting machines has become an urgent issue because of real fears that hackers, whether foreign or domestic, might tamper with the mechanics of the voting system.

That has led to calls for ES&S and its competitors, Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems and Austin, Texas-based Hart Intercivic, to reveal details about their ownership and the origins of the parts, some of which come from China, that make up their machines.
Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos and Hart InterCivic President Julie Mathis said their companies use Chinese-made LCD screen components, chip capacitors and resistors, arguing that in some cases there’s no option for manufacturing those parts in the United States.
“We would welcome guidelines and best practices from the committee and from the federal government,” Poulos said. “This is not a problem that’s unique to the election industry.”

This is turning into a MASSIVE scandal!​

Democrats thought this “glitch” would be enough to beat Donald Trump.​

They had no idea he would have the greatest landslide and vote totals in US history!​

So then they had to dump Hundreds of Thousands of ballots in to the swing states they lost!​

Here's an alternative view of what's happening. I would be surprised if it turns out to be correct, but they seem sincere enough and they do claim that if there is fraud they will cover it. I'm familiar with these two,and I believe that they would. I think it's useful to see what the other side of this is saying and how they view things. FWIW

If however, as Steve Piecsenik asserts, there is voter-specific data encoded into each ballot, then you'd need a much more complicated system, with specific software and databases necessary to install on the printing plant end. I imagine the operational security demands would become enormous and costly in that case, possibly to the point of it being prohibitive. Every level of complexity in a plan introduces a heightened risk of discovery by the enemy.
It would be far easier just to serialize the ballot watermarks, and that's most likely what was done (assuming a factual base to this story). That way all is under control of the CISA and nothing special needs to be done by the printer, other than to embed serial numbers. In this video, I didn't hear Piecsenik assert there is voter-specific data encoded into each ballot. Did he do so elsewhere?
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