2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Is this bid for industrial use, or something more sinister?​

A skeptic might look at this government bid and conclude it must be a bid for cutting equipment to be used in cutting books, stacks of papers or posters. One of the companies involved in the bid appears to be a printing company, for example. But wouldn’t that also be the perfect cover story for acquiring actual guillotines intended for a more sinister purpose?

Given that Canada is already in the process of constructing covid “concentration camps” — while touting this guillotine bid as part of “Canada’s response to COVID-19,” many people will have serious questions about the intended use of these devices as well as the language used to describe them.

If these were merely industrial cutting machines, wouldn’t the listing just say, “Cutting Machine” instead of “Guillotines?”



I think it does sound sinister and creepy. I think the NWO mentioned them somewhere else before but I can't remember where.

Not to make lite of the article but the Cs did say something about Guillotines that at least is a little more hopeful and humorous.

Session 5 February 2000:
Q: Well, why do we feel like we are waiting for the guillotine to fall on our heads?

A: Guillotine will miss its mark if one retracts head.
Please elaborate.

American exceptionalism is not about American arrogance. American exceptionalism is that the it is a constitutional government based upon the value of the people over the government and thus the people are liberated from being the property of the state. Throughout history, the majority of governments did not have a constitution and the people were the state's property. This is the true meaning of American exceptionalism.

America's government is corrupted by career leftist politicians, leftist bureaucrats, leftist governmental agencies and leftist corporate special interest groups. It is the mass of leftist in the entire power structure that has turned America into a karmic target. The American people on the other hand are not the source of this mess but sadly maybe the recipient of the bill.

I don’t contest your insight here. In the context of what I wrote I was only referring to American exceptionalism as form of ideological superiority - an extension of imperialism where the US saw itself above all others and saw to it to enforce that ideology. My comment was merely recognizing that Americans will need to look intrinsically at how their country will position itself among the rest of the countries - one without supremacy. To do so, all wars must end.
I don't know if I incorrectly heard the ending of this message it starts at approx the 2:00 min mark the captions read

All the way
All the way
You will ride life straight
To perfect laughter.

But instead, I heard straight to perfect LEFT, I this is true, then this poem sounds like a rallying call for the left, my thought. My hearing is pretty good, I have listened to the ending several times, and don't hear the word laughter spoken.
The first time I listened I heard it as left. I listened again and heard it as laughter. The second syllable is faint so more subtle. I listened again and laughter was said. Thats my hearing.

I think it does sound sinister and creepy. I think the NWO mentioned them somewhere else before but I can't remember where.

Not to make lite of the article but the Cs did say something about Guillotines that at least is a little more hopeful and humorous.

Session 5 February 2000:
When I started researching NWO and conspiracies in the 90's I remember reading about guillotines as well. I do not remember the source but I think it ended up being garbage.

Also, the C quote you posted is profound on so many levels at the moment. Thanks for the reminder!
While I have no doubt that there was fraud, cheating and what not to get Biden's votes up (just enough to provide 'victory'), something doesn't smell right with these revelations about the Smartmatic software and Dominion machines. Sideny Powell was just talking on Loud Dobbs (Fox), and the thing that caught my attention was what the 'Smartmatic whistleblower' had said in his/her testimony. It went something like this: the software has been used in Venezuela and Cuba during the elections to produce landslide victories for Maduro and Chavez. The whistleblower alledgedly was involved in the process of designing the software, and saw the manipulation of votes in real time. Powell also said that "the CIA was fully aware of this happening":

This prompts the question: if the US has been for decades so vehemently opposed to Maduro and Chavez, seeking a regime change in those countries, why would e.g. the CIA allow these election frauds to take place?

Powell says that the software company is/was foreign owned, but I didn't catch what exactly she meant by that.

If it's true that the elections of Chavez and Maduro (maybe others) a few possible explanations come to mind:

1) There was a lot of money involved; the Chavez/Maduro groups paid enough money to the software company. And maybe the company wasn't interested in any political outcome, just money. And the CIA and US players could not stop this, or, they allowed this to happen (why, I don't know – maybe they had a deal and made a lot of money). However, knowing that Chavez and Maduro were very popular, why would they need to manipulate the elections?

2) We got it all wrong regarding these communist countries. Maybe the 'deep state' actually wanted communism to spread, because it fits perfectly with their NWO agenda? We knwo that the Marxist and communist ideologies fit well in their plans, so maybe that's why they have been wanting to spread these ideas for decades. So, maybe the more conservative, but still ruthless, politicians and 'big players' in the US wanted to overthrow Chavez and Maduro, but the 'deep state' was secretly working against these plans behind the scene – they actually helped to rig the elections. As a bonus, they could see how well the software and manipulation worked, and hone the details for their own use.

3) The software was used to rig and manipulate the 2020 US elections (little doubt about that), but as they're exposing this they (Conservatives) are also 'piggybacking' the idea that also the Cuban and Venezuelan elections during the last two decades were rigged. To inforce the idea that these countries have illegitimate leaders and governments – which would make a soft in the future coup easier. Maybe to inforce also the idea that communism is infested with fraud and cheating, which it of course is (like any other political system with psychopaths in power).

Okay, just some 'thinking aloud' that I wanted to share. Any thoughts/theories?

While it's true Tucker Carlson can be very good at his job, and he continues to provide some very informative segments, nevertheless, given time is of the essence, my problem with Carlson these days is that he's barely touching on the MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD. In fact, his paltry coverage has been demeaning to anyone who has been closely following this issue, and sees it as "the" centerpiece issue that all other stories should be subservient to at this pressing moment in time.

Timing is everything. If not now, when?

On Friday, Tucker spent his whole first segment talking about how partisan politics isn't all that important after all -- not compared to going hiking in the Rockies, or fishing in the [you name your favorite fishing hole].

I mean, if he did such a report when the fate of the whole nation wasn't in the balance, well, then, alright. But his doing so now is a signal to those in the know not to worry. He will NOT be paying any attention (or barely any) to the enormous elephant in the room [MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD]. And the more he does this, the more he reveals his willingness to conform to Fox's obvious demand that he steer clear of anything too "convincing" on this subject.

He only mentions the Dominion story for the first time tonight because it's been coming out all over the place in the alternative press -- and even on some Fox shows -- to the degree that he and his producers would look remiss if he didn't at least touch on it. Instead of interviewing Sidney Powell, as Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo did yesterday morning, he states that because her legal team won't hand over their evidence (i.e., their case materials), that's it. He won't go any further with it. Yes, unless he is shown the very evidence they are using in their court cases (something Tucker knows they can't do) Tucker will do nothing. And yet, as is evident in the alternative press, there is a great deal he could be reporting on without having Powell give away their whole case.

People upset with Fox have been asking Tucker to leave the station. Tucker mentions this tonight, then claims not only is he not leaving, his reportage is expanding! Tell me this has nothing to do with his agreeing NOT to do a thorough job on the systemic Voter Fraud in this election. Like most of Fox, the Tucker Carlson Show is holding back with regard to Trump. Only, with Carlson this is even more egregious since Tucker's incessant and eloquent protestations against the ideological left, the role of BLM-Antifa, the non-stop rioting, the role of Big Tech, the glaring inconsistencies of Fauci, etc., etc.. month after month, in the lead up to this election would lead one to imagine he would do everything in his power to offer the clearest, most comprehensive reporting possible on the many ongoing and changing aspects of Trump's legal battles being waged right now in multiple states. Instead, when Tucker brings up "fraud" it's to mention ONE DEAD PERSON voting in Florida!! -- he actually singled THAT out as a story worthy of our time, when rampant voter fraud implicating millions of votes (as opposed to those of a few dead people) are in the balance!!!

Actually, the word 'fraud' never came up once tonight when speaking of Dominion. Nor did its connection to Pelosi (I believe it is her Chief of Staff and husband who are involved in the company).

By way of contrast, here are several segments (if you go down the thread) of Bartiromo's interview with Powell.

Oh, before getting to that: last week, when Tucker FINALLY mentioned Giuliani's press conference (you remember, the one Fox pre-empted in order to call Biden the winner), he never even reported on what Giuliani actually said [!!].

While I have no doubt that there was fraud, cheating and what not to get Biden's votes up (just enough to provide 'victory'), something doesn't smell right with these revelations about the Smartmatic software and Dominion machines. Sideny Powell was just talking on Loud Dobbs (Fox), and the thing that caught my attention was what the 'Smartmatic whistleblower' had said in his/her testimony. It went something like this: the software has been used in Venezuela and Cuba during the elections to produce landslide victories for Maduro and Chavez. The whistleblower alledgedly was involved in the process of designing the software, and saw the manipulation of votes in real time. Powell also said that "the CIA was fully aware of this happening":

This prompts the question: if the US has been for decades so vehemently opposed to Maduro and Chavez, seeking a regime change in those countries, why would e.g. the CIA allow these election frauds to take place?

Powell says that the software company is/was foreign owned, but I didn't catch what exactly she meant by that.

If it's true that the elections of Chavez and Maduro (maybe others) a few possible explanations come to mind:

1) There was a lot of money involved; the Chavez/Maduro groups paid enough money to the software company. And maybe the company wasn't interested in any political outcome, just money. And the CIA and US players could not stop this, or, they allowed this to happen (why, I don't know – maybe they had a deal and made a lot of money). However, knowing that Chavez and Maduro were very popular, why would they need to manipulate the elections?

2) We got it all wrong regarding these communist countries. Maybe the 'deep state' actually wanted communism to spread, because it fits perfectly with their NWO agenda? We knwo that the Marxist and communist ideologies fit well in their plans, so maybe that's why they have been wanting to spread these ideas for decades. So, maybe the more conservative, but still ruthless, politicians and 'big players' in the US wanted to overthrow Chavez and Maduro, but the 'deep state' was secretly working against these plans behind the scene – they actually helped to rig the elections. As a bonus, they could see how well the software and manipulation worked, and hone the details for their own use.

3) The software was used to rig and manipulate the 2020 US elections (little doubt about that), but as they're exposing this they (Conservatives) are also 'piggybacking' the idea that also the Cuban and Venezuelan elections during the last two decades were rigged. To inforce the idea that these countries have illegitimate leaders and governments – which would make a soft in the future coup easier. Maybe to inforce also the idea that communism is infested with fraud and cheating, which it of course is (like any other political system with psychopaths in power).

Okay, just some 'thinking aloud' that I wanted to share. Any thoughts/theories?
Interesting thoughts, perhaps as well México. It doesn't matter who votes but who counts the votes, comes to my mind. We have been deceive for ages, is/would not a big surprise. I am more to inclined between 2 and 3, though. In México's case, many as I, had known that the president should be approved by the US, Colosio was assasinated during a presidential rally in 1994 a la Kennedy, they need people whom can follow certain guidelines.

Maduro, some how approved Biden and that was curious.

Let's see what develops next.
Given that Canada is already in the process of constructing covid “concentration camps” — while touting this guillotine bid as part of “Canada’s response to COVID-19,” many people will have serious questions about the intended use of these devices as well as the language used to describe them.

I think there may be some more Sinister reasons that guillotines would be linked with a medical classification.

I think it does sound sinister and creepy. I think the NWO mentioned them somewhere else before but I can't rememb

I just could not get the memory of a NWO connection to guillotines out of my mind so I did some searching.

There is actually a medical code for "legal execution" that was implemented in the Obama administration. This is an international code tied to WHO. It was mandated for doctors in the U.S. to their dismay and increased office record keeping workloads tremendously.


Legal execution

The above code has been replaced by "This code was replaced on September 30, 2015 by its ICD-10 equivalent."

A screenshot of how the code was used in the video below:

Lethal execution.png

I am not sure the following site (bit chute) is credible but it may have some valid information:


Ignoring the biblical gloss I think there may be more fact than fiction in the report. I do not think these plans will be successful once the public knows about them. I do think they use such tactics the same way they used ISIS and their beheadings to instill fear.

Of course there are other applications for guillotines and I am sure that the Canadian government is ordering such items strictly to fight Covid19 :-/.
Interesting thoughts, perhaps as well México. It doesn't matter who votes but who counts the votes, comes to my mind. We have been deceive for ages, is/would not a big surprise. I am more to inclined between 2 and 3, though. In México's case, many as I, had known that the president should be approved by the US, Colosio was assasinated during a presidential rally in 1994 a la Kennedy, they need people whom can follow certain guidelines.

Maduro, some how approved Biden and that was curious.

Let's see what develops next.
My bet would be that they come to this in order to justify the dominion system, something like saying "We designed these machines to be 'riggable' against our opponent countries, you see, not to rig US elections, it' not us the guilty peoples who did it for the US" + at the same time, it brings another argument in the line of their fight vs venezuela by spreading the information that Maduro & Co are reallyyyy bad guys who rig elections (it may be true of course, but ... well, I would doubt at first glance, as i would doubt that Maduro would make any agreement with them).
I mean, this could be a part of the PTB which is dividing, some try to save their head in one hand (who mentionned 'guillotine' ? ^^), and on the other hand, they discredit Venezuela (rightly or wrongly)
Yes, Miller makes a very bold statement right now which basically reveals the 2nd term’s foreign policy intention to really “shift” away from decades of global imperial expansion (yes, this was their intention going in 4 years ago) - amazing if they can hold to their word.

This has also got to create some major cognitive dissonance for the anti-war lefty never Trumpers. Not to mention the media spin it would take to paint this in a negative light (I haven’t checked, yet).

But really, the prospect of the US purposely focusing on a true defense strategy a kin to Switzerland or even Russia (But Putin forced them too! :-P) is probably really throwing the war pigs off.

Of course the “secret team” always lurks and I wouldn’t put it past them to throw a big false flag (at least try) — alien invasion unites the world and a ushers in a new order? - good grief.

The average American exceptionalist will have a lot to reconcile...
Right now I'm curious to see who Trump will be appointing for his second term which will help us to see what his plans are. Whats happening in the Pentagon is especially interesting. I've never been interested in war strategies, but at the moment it has caught my attention mainly because I've started following Thomas Wicktor who is knowledgeable on the subject. He compares past battles and strategies to what is happening now with Tump who he considers an exceptional strategist as well. Here's a look at one appointment made in May who Thomas speaks of as well as Miller. I'm impressed that he was recommended by Gen. Flynn.

Ezra Cohen-Watnick a defense intelligence veteran and former Trump National Security Council aide, is headed back to the Pentagon to serve as deputy assistant secretary of defense for counternarcotics and global threats.. In his new capacity, he will focus on the fight against drug cartels and transnational criminal networks (TCNs) — a big priority of President Donald Trump’s. Trump recently directed the Pentagon to launch a counternarcotics operation to stop the flow of drugs across the U.S.’s southern border.

Cohen-Watnick will not only be focusing on drug cartels in Latin America but also on the larger TCNs that span the globe, including those used by Hezbollah and state-sponsors of terrorism such as Iran.

The position is a return to defense policy for Cohen-Watnick, who was detailed at the Pentagon before being brought into the National Security Council by former National Security Adviser Army Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn in 2017 as senior director for intelligence programs at the NSC, where he oversaw intelligence activities targeting TCNs.

While at the NSC, Cohen-Watnick discovered — as part of an unrelated intelligence community oversight review — evidence that the Trump campaign had been incidentally spied on by American spy agencies surveilling foreign officials in the U.S.

I've already posted a few videos from Thomas. He's been making one per day lately, back to his mission to help explain who Trump is and what he's up to. I enjoy watching him in the evening while relaxing. Maybe you will enjoy him as well.

Now I have a question. In the past some people here have questioned how reliable Mike Adams of Natural News is. I followed him for a few years and thought he was legitimate but after this was mentioned I wondered. It did seem like some of his articles where overly sensational. Does anyone have information on this? Thanks. We're seeing many articles from him now.
Right now I'm curious to see who Trump will be appointing for his second term which will help us to see what his plans are. Whats happening in the Pentagon is especially interesting. I've never been interested in war strategies, but at the moment it has caught my attention mainly because I've started following Thomas Wicktor who is knowledgeable on the subject. He compares past battles and strategies to what is happening now with Tump who he considers an exceptional strategist as well. Here's a look at one appointment made in May who Thomas speaks of as well as Miller. I'm impressed that he was recommended by Gen. Flynn. ...
Seems that Trump hired a "Leon" who will help to clean up ... deep state minions ... still in place.
Let's hope so ;-D
When I started researching NWO and conspiracies in the 90's I remember reading about guillotines as well. I do not remember the source but I think it ended up being garbage.

Also, the C quote you posted is profound on so many levels at the moment. Thanks for the reminder!
I mentioned guillotines in this thread awhile back also. This was only on Oct. 30, seems like ages ago, so much has happened. The video is linked on that page if your interested.

Very informative interview with many experts on whats happening now with the US color revolution taking place. A few comments: We haven't seen their gorilla forces yet just the rioters have gotten media coverage. Evidence connects Chinese funding to BLM and their San Francisco consulate and funding of other agencies. The model being used is the French Revolution and attention is brought to the guillotines erected around Washington, reminds me of the beheadings in France recently. The "demonstrators" lack focus and are unaware of the the real reasons for the overthrow and are taken in by slogans and symbols. Tactics used at the 57:00 mark. Government unions complicint in shutdowns and shortages. Republican reps. lack courage, call them.
Powell says that the software company is/was foreign owned, but I didn't catch what exactly she meant by that.

I am also wondering why the C.I.A. would allow Maduro to use the Dominion software to win (if he really did fix the election) unless they really want a more leftist socialist government to oppose.

And I think you really asked some good questions that I am still pondering.

As for the foreign countries involved Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell describe the connections in quite a lot of detail. I think it was Sidney Powell who said that Dominion Voting Systems is based it Canada and it is. That would mean it is a "foreign owned" company. Dominion uses the software of SmartMatic according to Giuliani. Wikipedia is now describing Rudy Giuliani's claims to be false.

SmartMatic is denying any use of their software by other companies. This is very fast moving and strange.

Before SmartMatic had a PDF selling the wonders of their product so I don't know what the fact checker page is designed to do.

Were Smartmatic voting machines used in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, or North Carolina?
No. None of these states used Smartmatic technology.

I think I smell a rat and I don't think it is Rudy Giuliani but I will "wait and see".
Recent discussions with three US contacts declare that Biden is the MSN mass media winner.
They say that I have bought into the conspiracy THEORIES. One is university educated, and the second is a materialist.


I don't know if I incorrectly heard the ending of this message it starts at approx the 2:00 min mark the captions read

All the way
All the way
You will ride life straight
To perfect laughter.

But instead, I heard straight to perfect LEFT, I this is true, then this poem sounds like a rallying call for the left, my thought. My hearing is pretty good, I have listened to the ending several times, and don't hear the word laughter spoken.

It's laughter, not left 🙂

Below is the written poem

if you’re going to try, go all the
otherwise, don’t even start.

if you’re going to try, go all the
this could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs and
maybe your mind.

go all the way.
it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days.
it could mean freezing on a
park bench.
it could mean jail,
it could mean derision,
isolation is the gift,
all the others are a test of your
endurance, of
how much you really want to
do it.
and you’ll do it
despite rejection and the worst odds
and it will be better than
anything else
you can imagine.

if you’re going to try,
go all the way.
there is no other feeling like
you will be alone with the gods
and the nights will flame with

do it, do it, do it.
do it.

all the way
all the way.

you will ride life straight to
perfect laughter, its
the only good fight
there is.
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