While it's true Tucker Carlson can be very good at his job, and he continues to provide some very informative segments, nevertheless, given time is of the essence, my problem with Carlson these days is that he's barely touching on the MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD. In fact, his paltry coverage has been demeaning to anyone who has been closely following this issue, and sees it as "the" centerpiece issue that all other stories should be subservient to at this pressing moment in time.
Timing is everything. If not now, when?
On Friday, Tucker spent his whole first segment talking about how partisan politics isn't all that important after all -- not compared to going hiking in the Rockies, or fishing in the [you name your favorite fishing hole].
I mean, if he did such a report when the fate of the whole nation wasn't in the balance, well, then, alright. But his doing so now is a signal to those in the know not to worry. He will NOT be paying any attention (or barely any) to the enormous elephant in the room [MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD]. And the more he does this, the more he reveals his willingness to conform to Fox's obvious demand that he steer clear of anything too "convincing" on this subject.
He only mentions the Dominion story for the first time tonight because it's been coming out all over the place in the alternative press -- and even on some Fox shows -- to the degree that he and his producers would look remiss if he didn't at least touch on it. Instead of interviewing Sidney Powell, as Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo did yesterday morning, he states that because her legal team won't hand over their evidence (i.e., their case materials), that's it. He won't go any further with it. Yes, unless he is shown the very evidence they are using in their court cases (something Tucker knows they can't do) Tucker will do nothing. And yet, as is evident in the alternative press, there is a great deal he could be reporting on without having Powell give away their whole case.
People upset with Fox have been asking Tucker to leave the station. Tucker mentions this tonight, then claims not only is he not leaving, his reportage is expanding! Tell me this has nothing to do with his agreeing NOT to do a thorough job on the systemic Voter Fraud in this election. Like most of Fox, the Tucker Carlson Show is holding back with regard to Trump. Only, with Carlson this is even more egregious since Tucker's incessant and eloquent protestations against the ideological left, the role of BLM-Antifa, the non-stop rioting, the role of Big Tech, the glaring inconsistencies of Fauci, etc., etc.. month after month, in the lead up to this election would lead one to imagine he would do everything in his power to offer the clearest, most comprehensive reporting possible on the many ongoing and changing aspects of Trump's legal battles being waged right now in multiple states. Instead, when Tucker brings up "fraud" it's to mention ONE DEAD PERSON voting in Florida!! -- he actually singled THAT out as a story worthy of our time, when rampant voter fraud implicating millions of votes (as opposed to those of a few dead people) are in the balance!!!
Actually, the word 'fraud' never came up once tonight when speaking of Dominion. Nor did its connection to Pelosi (I believe it is her Chief of Staff and husband who are involved in the company).
By way of contrast, here are several segments (if you go down the thread) of Bartiromo's interview with Powell.
Oh, before getting to that: last week, when Tucker FINALLY mentioned Giuliani's press conference (you remember, the one Fox pre-empted in order to call Biden the winner), he never even reported on what Giuliani actually said [!!].