2022 Crop Circles

A new circle, to say something seems to me a kind of toroid that merges two realities or planes in one.

thank you for sharing Arma., interesting - symmetrical on one axis, reversed on the other ... noticed there are many stalks that are still standing in the flattened sections, though it's difficult to see how the stalks are flattened i.e. are they swirled almost as if woven flat or are they pressed flat - the method or technique of flattening the cereal stalk gives more insight, imho, as to 6d or 3d using 4d tech.
cheers :-)
The drawing was discovered on June 4 near Nr White Horse Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, UK.



It could well be a hyperdimensional wedding present from the Cs, acknowledging Chu & Scotties marriage.
I'm serious.
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A new circle, to say something seems to me a kind of toroid that merges two realities or planes in one.

Is it a signal that we are about to break free from the control system which entraps us?
Q: (L) Because, otherwise, we're just literally, as in that book, stuck in the replay over and over and over, and the Holocaust could happen over and over, and we could just, you know... Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun... over and over and over again. (T) We're stuck in a time loop; they're putting us in a time loop. (J) Are we in a time loop?
A: Yes.

Q: (D) I have a question about... there was a... (PAUSE) Mankind has found it necessary for some reason or other to appoint time for some reason or other. The only reason I can see is to have a means of telling, like in verbal or written communications...
A: Control mechanism.
Q: (T) Is there a way for us to break the control mechanism? Besides moving to 4th density? (D) That was part...
A: Nope.

Q: (D) When 4th density beings communicate it's telepathic, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (D) Okay, since time doesn't exist, how do you communicate about happenings?
A: Rephrase, please; clarify.
Q: (L) What she means to ask is, if you're communicating telepathically... (D) On 4th density.. (L) And time doesn't exist, how do you communicate about events as one happens now, as opposed to later and the next thing happens, and the next thing happens... (J) How is it sequential?
A: Translate.
Q: (D) Translate? Okay, let me explain what I mean. I mean, we talk about 1907 something happened...
A: That is how it is done.
Q: (T) Translate is how it is done. You translate the experience?
A: From 4 to 3. And vice verse.
Q: (L) So, in other words, it's almost like making movies. (J) Are linear thought processes part of it? Is it being linear and non-linear?
A: Part of 3d illusion only.

Q: (L) So, in other words, if you're a 4th density being, everything is more or less happening, excuse the term happening, everything is simultaneous, and if you wish to discuss or communicate or have any focus upon any particular aspect of this unified dimension, then what you do is you kind of extract it out, project it into 3d...
A: Close.
Q: (L) ... like a movie.
A: But you will not understand fully until you get there
Q: (T) Okay, so it's a concept that we can't completely grasp in 3d at this point.
A: Can a dog grasp algebra? You got it.
Q: (L) In other words, we're in bad shape! And these guys are playing games with us, so to speak...
A: Subjective.
Q: (T) Subjective to whether we're in bad shape or not.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) I was going to say that doesn't necessarily mean we're in bad shape... (L) Well, the situation we find ourselves in, is the only way of getting out of this time loop, so to speak, to move into another density, or is there a loop in the other density as well?
A: No.
Q: (L) No loop in the other density?
A: Yogis can do it.

Q: (L) Yogis can do it... (T) Transcend time. (L) Okay, let me ask this before we really start to go...
A: How they control their own physicality.
Q: It's really sad that Santilli is involved with such flakey people! (F) Hasn't he always been? (L) He is certainly influenced by the wrong people! And I don't think we want anything to do with him at all. (A) Now, we we were talking about Kaluza Klein, and you mentioned the Germans "exploring the loop of the cylinder" in relation to time travel. I don't know what this means but I have the idea that it is related to extra dimensions, hyperspace. Now, we asked a question at some point and you said that a cylinder is really a double loop. You then suggested that we meditate on the true meaning of this sentence. Now, I don't know how to meditate, but I do know how to do math. So, I drew three pictures here: one is a real cylinder, two is a which is a kind of cylinder inside a cylinder, and three, like a torus. Laura said that it wasn't any of these, that it should only have one side like a cylinder/mobius strip - no left and no right. So, this could be option 4, something like a Klein bottle or option 5, something called a twisted torus. Is it 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5? Or 6, none of the above? Is it one of these?
A: Selection 3.
Q: 3 is the torus.
(L) What is a loop of the cylinder? Yes, there is one loop and then there is another loop. One loop is probably what we call time - cyclical time.
A: Time cycle.
Q: What is the second loop?
A: Included, but not inclusive.
Q: I guess that means that it is included, but is not the whole thing. It covers that, but that isn't the whole thing. What DOES it mean?
A: Yes.
Q: Wait, I asked what is the second loop. The second loop is included but not inclusive?
A: Remember, you do have cycles but that does not necessarily mean cyclical. 3 Dimensional depiction of loop, seek hexagon for more. Geometric theory provides answers for key. Look to stellar windows. Octagon, hexagon, pentagon.
Q: Are those the different levels of density?
A: No, but it relates. Geometry gets you there, algebra sets you "free."
In topology, a ring torus is homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of two circles: S1 × S1, and the latter is taken to be the definition in that context. It is a compact 2-manifold of genus 1. The ring torus is one way to embed this space into Euclidean space, but another way to do this is the Cartesian product of the embedding of S1 in the plane with itself. This produces a geometric object called the Clifford torus, a surface in 4-space.
A: Remember, you do have cycles but that does not necessarily mean cyclical. 3 Dimensional depiction of loop, seek hexagon for more. Geometric theory provides answers for key. Look to stellar windows. Octagon, hexagon, pentagon.

that statement reminded me of this circle formation from 2005 in wiltshire. i suppose many people see an insect of sorts, but the i see a cross-section of cam in motion, rotating clockwise (see the flattened centre circle, it's the central axis for the teardrop shaped cam showing motion and direction by the segmented lines or vanes on the left side, i.e. it's rotating to the right).

Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 10.02.18 AM.png

ok, so the cam is spinning on the centre axis, following the curvlinear path (those parabolic shapes that mesh and look like legs)

Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 10.18.51 AM.png

as the cam rotates along the cylindrical tube following the "legs" it is eccentric to the central axis of the tube and because the torus fluctuates in size (and possibly shape, say due to distortions like the wave) then the "loops" would be in a cycle but not cyclical as we think of it.

that latest circle reminded me of the cartesian "squares" in 2 dimensional space, the tube representing 3 dim space with the cam revolutions constructing "time" for us in 3rd density.

Screen Shot 2022-07-09 at 10.31.48 AM.png

Q: (T) Okay, so it's a concept that we can't completely grasp in 3d at this point.
A: Can a dog grasp algebra? You got it.

i'm feeling like that dog.

it's ruff.

Our sun actually orbits the barycenter of the solar system which at times is outside of its radius in a pattern that resembles an epitrochoid (like a cam or Wankel rotary engine)

here is a depiction:

The various complex movements in the solar system, taken together, have been associated with changes in climate-
Our sun actually orbits the barycenter of the solar system which at times is outside of its radius in a pattern that resembles an epitrochoid (like a cam or Wankel rotary engine)
i've often wondered what information the 6d folks were sharing with us when looking at the many circles that resembled a rotary ic engine.

thank you for sharing this and the links dennis, i have more reading to do ! :-)
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