2022 Crop Circles

At first I thought it was morse code. If it is, going from the centre dot (excluding) outwards it translates to :

There is a meaning with "KOOSU" , in English Kannada Dictionary it give : baby, boy, girl, infant, kid.

Kannada (/ˈkɑːnədə, ˈkæn-/; ಕನ್ನಡ, [ˈkɐnːɐɖa]) is a classical Dravidian language spoken predominantly by the people of Karnataka in the southwestern of India...

Not sure what you mean - do you mean the name of ships ?
Space ships...?

Also noticed the clockwise outward archimedean spiral shape...
On the CC page at the top is a link for Google map showing location of the feature.


Looking at it the landscape around the circle looks like a Moose.
Not sure what you mean - do you mean the name of ships ?
1662925226254.png1662925361590.png This is what i felt when i saw the image. I'm probably wrong- as stated before - could not interpret them with my limited knowledge. What is interesting on this image is the double half loop on one side and the straight line on the other. 1662925972702.pngYou see them here clearly. And the isolated dot between the lower rings - a comet?
At first I thought it was morse code. If it is, going from the centre dot (excluding) outwards it translates to :

If the letters obtained by BlueKiwi are correct (I have not verified it), in the first morse sequence that corresponds to the K, an eight or figure of infinity (eight lying down) is inscribed.

Also, after the first five letters, there is a cut in the circle with a cross line, so you can mark a separation to distinguish words.

So it would be KOOSU (highlighted K with infinity) and then ULCM.

and up to here:-D
Juts to note - I assumed circles were dots and the longer ones were dashes, for the morse code.

Inverting that gives AESSOGGYÆI

In my head I read it in a Scottish accent as "Aye, it's soggy eh ?" haha

Aside from that, some basic binary comparisons don't turn up much (to me anyway)

If the message is taken to be 10 1 111 111 000 001 001 0100 1010 11 in binary, that gives 2 1770114103 decimal and inverted gives 10007661150 if you treat each group as its own distinct number.

Maybe where the dot or the Θ (theta symbol ?) is could be a decimal point ?

Also, in the image at 4 o'clock there looks to be a perpendicular dash across the spiral.
Crop Circle in Brazil
A view from above :

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