2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

I don't think any US president can hope to have hopes if he doesn't pay homage to Israel, that's just a given. She is right technically, but one truly can't expect RFK to live up to one's expectations of perfection. So, disappointing? perhaps.. but definitely not unexpected.

Yes and no. Again, we need to keep the distinction between CBDCs and crypto in mind. Control is circumscribed by the specific situation. If I run the central bank and want to inflate the supply of a CBDC, easily done. If I change the Bitcoin code to inflate the supply and pay myself 1 million BTC for doing the job, I need consensus from the entire network, which may be very difficult to obtain, perhaps impossible.
Right, so you could with CBDC enact QE much like with Fiat, yes?

And secondly, I realize that this is the appeal of bitcoin, the notion that said consensus prevents manipulation by centralized powers, however if corona taught us something is that seemingly discordant powers can be made to agree on a given topic. I am not trying to demerit the idea of fixing US currency to a tangible good, or on something different than nothing, as it is right now, but I also know that certain ideas wouldn't be floating if a contingency weren't in place to prevent it from providing people with real independence.

I think RFK might be doing it for good purposes, perhaps seeing it as most see crypto, but perhaps he's not seeing the rest of the implications when trying to steer such a psycho commandeered ship in a completely opposite direction.
Right, so you could with CBDC enact QE much like with Fiat, yes?
Yes, correct.

And secondly, I realize that this is the appeal of bitcoin, the notion that said consensus prevents manipulation by centralized powers,
Yes, although Bitcoin consensus only raises the threshold of difficulty for manipulation; it can't prevent it altogether. This can be observed in the discussion around the increased centralisation of Bitcoin holdings and profitable mining pools. It seems that, in this world, things tend towards centralisation in any way possible; I think that's an inherent part of the STS mindset, and Bitcoin cannot completely ameliorate that regardless of its technical design features. Taking these limitations into account however, Bitcoin, in its current configuration and compared to fiat currencies, has certain advantages.

however if corona taught us something is that seemingly discordant powers can be made to agree on a given topic.
The counterpoint to that is corona also taught us that despite the seemingly overwhelming confluence of discordant powers, they can still fail. Trump's election was another example.

I am not trying to demerit the idea of fixing US currency to a tangible good, or on something different than nothing, as it is right now, but I also know that certain ideas wouldn't be floating if a contingency weren't in place to prevent it from providing people with real independence.
While I think there's a certain justification to that perspective, without more information it's difficult to know whether such contingencies exist in the realm of the actual or the purely possible.

I think RFK might be doing it for good purposes, perhaps seeing it as most see crypto, but perhaps he's not seeing the rest of the implications when trying to steer such a psycho commandeered ship in a completely opposite direction.
Almost certainly. The main reason I think that RFK's crypto policy is a good idea (in broad brush, not every specific detail) is because it strikes directly at the heart of what Peter Turchin has described as the elite's "wealth pump". I see central bank monetary supply inflation as the key policy that underpins this "wealth pump", although there are numerous other structural features as well. While crypto may have problems of its own, decentralising the governance of at least one 'mainstream' currency provides an escape route for wealth that would otherwise be siphoned up by the elite's system.

Now, you can say that this is a false escape route set up to corral the "smarter money" who can see the writing on the wall, but even if so, it still fragments the elite's system, degrades their efficiency and delays their objectives. There's also the BRICS/de-dollarisation/multipolarity trend that's applying pressure as well. And just today, the latest from the IMF: It's important for countries not to grant crypto "offical currency or legal tender status". El Salvador ruffling a few feathers? Who knows, maybe a false escape route could become a real one if reality messes up the elite's carefully planned outcomes?

Imo, crypto is yet another reason to add to the massive list of reasons as to why the deep state cannot allow RFK to obtain the Presidency. He's like Trump on steroids - he not only wants to "drain the swamp", but his family history and personal experiences have given him unique insight into the actual problems inherent in doing so, making him more likely to have a greater effect than Trump did. Unfortunately, as we've just seen, he seems to be pro-Israel, but expecting a US president to be critical of Israel in the current political environment... well, you might as well expect them to start promoting an educational curricula that includes all of Laura's works as textbooks. :-D

Anyway, this is entirely my 2 sats of course. :-)
Fiat (what we use today) = bad, as it is back by nothing thus doomed.

I don't know this for sure, it's just a sense that I had when I was reading early legislation and how WW1 & WW2 impacted it. I haven't seen it written anywhere - but here goes:

I don't think that there is fiat currency - fiat meaning not backed by assets. I think that there's a chance that when currencies were decoupled from precious metals, they were transferred to another asset - human energy. Gold for example only has value in potential if it's sitting in the ground undiscovered. If human energy is added to find it, dig it up and process it, or create the machinery to do those jobs, then the value of the gold can be realised. So the primary asset of a country is it's human labour and I think that there was a shift to the population being the asset that backed a currency.

Now we have both a depopulation agenda and a future of CBDC's and/or cryptocurrencies. Maybe there's indication that the assets backing these currencies are going to shift again with the reduction in population.
I don’t know that fiat is backed by human capital…yet. My understanding is that human capital (slavery of sorts) is a future goal. Fiat (the dollar anyway) is backed by the ability to create debt. Fiat is not currency. It is a debt instrument.

J. Michael Springmann has a good piece on that:

Here it is, minus pictures:

The Beginning Was the End. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. started strongly. He made many dynamic speeches condemning the New World Order of Vaxx, Die, Cover-Up. He spoke in the United States and in Berlin, Germany. Kennedy denounced the lies of various and sundry governments about the Covid-19 viruses and the regimes’ need to strip people of their freedoms. His book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2021), exposes the untruths used to justify their criminal behavior. To quote Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate and noted virologist, “Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘A lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand ties becomes the truth.’ Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Fauci and his minions. RFK, Jr. exposes the decades of lies.”

Another author, Ralph Pezzullo, in writing about Kennedy’s book, said: “…Your future, your family’s future, and the future of democracy are at stake.”

That’s the issue. Democracy. Kennedy, according to CNN June 1, 2023, spoke to the New Hampshire legislature: “There’s so many Americans who believe that the system now is rigged, the economic system, but also the political system, that the elections are fixed,” he said in Concord. “And we ought to be, the Democratic Party particularly, ought to be making this election a template for democracy to our country and to the rest of the world.”

[As he British say, Kennedy was “spot on” regarding the rigged electoral system. And the need for reform. His remarks have sparked an all-out assault on him.]

Attack the Attacker. Otherwise, people might believe the truth spoken. On June 1, 2023, The Guardian, the suspect British “newspaper” wrote: “Robert F Kennedy Jr, the conspiracy theorist and vaccine skeptic challenging Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination, told an interviewer he had ‘conversations with dead people’ every day.”

In an undated Internet listing, the Washington Post, another questionable newspaper, stated: “A lawyer and environmental activist, Kennedy Jr. is also a prominent anti-vaccine activist, pushing disproven claims that childhood vaccines are linked to autism and spreading misinformation about coronavirus vaccines.”

Continuing, on June 5, 2023, the Post (where Democracy has died in the paper’s Darkness) printed “Kennedy was arguing that a 2019 tabletop exercise about a mock pandemic, archived on YouTube, actually revealed a secret plan involving U.S. spymasters to enrich drug companies and suppress free speech. He then rattled off clinical data from a coronavirus vaccine trial that was not designed to measure mortality, falsely suggesting that vaccines killed more people than they saved. He made no mention of the abundant science that has found that the vaccine prevented serious illness and saved lives.”

The End of the Beginning. The Beginning of the End. In a Substack article [(The Silencing of Kennedy's Most Notable Critic (substack.com)], journalist Sam Husseini noted June 5, 2023 apropos of comments by Jared Beck, Florida lawyer and supporter of politician Bernie Sanders:

Beck: “As to RFK, Jr. – I am afraid he is playing the Bernie Sanders role this time around, to give a ‘voice’ to the disaffected, so that this ‘voice’ may be publicly gaslit and abused in the mainstream media, used as a tool to extract funds from the disaffected for the political party system, and then deployed to sheepdog the disaffected into supporting Joe Biden. That’s how U.S. ‘electoral’ politics rolls and has rolled since at least the time RFK Jr.’s uncle was publicly executed. I can’t imagine RFK Jr. is unaware of the role he is playing. But in order to play any substantial role in the family profession, it’s the only role he would ever be allowed to have. So perhaps understandable, but no less morally despicable.”

Haven’t We Seen This Before?
Remember Ros Perot? Remember Ralph Nader?

Ross Perot dared to question the Establishment. Running for president in 1992 and 1996, he risked starting a new political party outside the existing one. Yes, ONE. (An African journalist once told me that the Great Malodorous American Behind had but two cheeks: Democrat and Republican.) Perot also presumed to interpret himself directly to the American people—not through the Lamestream Media—which then turned on him and repeatedly attacked him as a destabilizing person of questionable sanity. Ralph Nader tried to work within the traditional Democratic (?) Party but was blocked. He ran for president as a Green Party candidate in 2000 and on a compendium of 3rd party and independent ballot lines in 2004. The Democrats (Dumbocraps?) claimed Nader cost them the election in 2000 because he pulled ballots away from their candidate, Al Gore. They seemed never to realize it was their message the voter wasn’t buying, not that Nader was a divisive force. As Nader’s former campaign manager Theresa Amato noted “…it is a myth that anyone can run — successfully — for president outside of the two parties.”

So. Will the Dumbocraps permit Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to defeat Discombobulated Joe Biden as the party’s candidate for president? Or will they do a Bernie Sanders on him, permit him to gather delegates within the party and then take them away and give them to the aged idiot now running an illegal and unconstitutional war against the Russian Federation? And rig another election. Or, perhaps not. What nationally appealing candidate can the Rapeuglycans, the other cheek, hope to field?

But What Will Really End Kennedy’s Run? His subservience to the Apartheid Entity that styles itself “Israel”. (The illegitimate, terrorist organization that many believe murdered his uncle, President John F. Kennedy and his father, Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., also once a candidate for president.)

According to the Cleveland Jewish News on June 1, 2023 (which drew on the Jewish News Service Robert F. Kennedy Jr. affirms: ‘I support Israel’JNS.org):

Independent podcast co-host Craig Pasta Jardula asked Kennedy: “A couple tweets were put up in support of Roger Waters and then taken down. You want to give us a little explanation of why they were taken down and also your stance on Israel and Palestine?”

Kennedy responded: “I made the tweet applauding Roger Waters’ courage in opposing the Covid mandates and the Ukraine war. I was unaware of his position on Israel. And when I learned that I immediately took it down.” [N.B. Waters is a fierce critic of the very undemocratic Israel.]

Then discussing his stance on Israel more broadly, Kennedy said: “I support Israel. My family has a long relationship with Israel and supporting its right to exist and its right to protect its security.”

Jardula followed up: “And the Palestinians?”

Kennedy replied: “And a humane outcome and a recognition ultimately of the aspirations of the Palestinian people is important for everybody.”

[Sure, permit the Palestinians to live in a small bit of their country that the Zionists stole from them. That’s really humane.]

Did the Izzies that Robert now supports murder his family?

In a Tehran Times interview, Laurent Guyenot (French author and anthropologist) said:

Q: Your conclusion is that Israel orchestrated the killing of Kennedy. What was Israel’s motive?

A: I am walking in the footsteps of the late Michael Collins Piper, who was the first to blame Israeli networks for the assassination of John Kennedy, in his book Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. To understand Israel’s motive, Piper relied on several studies that have revealed that Kennedy was determined to stop Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Global nuclear disarmament was Kennedy’s dearest project. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, he had initiated a promising dialogue with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev on this issue. So, when the CIA informed him of the nuclear program carried out by the Israelis in their Dimona laboratory, he engaged in a standoff with David Ben-Gurion, who was both prime minister and minister of defense of Israel. Ben-Gurion was convinced that by trying to prevent Israel from acquiring the bomb, Kennedy was endangering the very survival of the Jewish state, to which he had devoted his entire life.

Dimona was certainly Israel’s major reason for eliminating Kennedy and replacing him with Johnson. But there were others. The Kennedy brothers were at the origin of a procedure to reduce the influence of the American Zionist Council by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. In October 1963, Attorney General Robert Kennedy gave the AZC a 72-hour notice to register as a “foreign agent.” After John Kennedy’s assassination, the AZC escaped this procedure, and its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC), became the most powerful lobby in the United States, and an indispensable tool for the corruption and intimidation of American elected officials, and for the control of American foreign policy. A third likely motive for the Dallas coup was Kennedy's support for the Palestinian cause and his sympathy for Egyptian President Abdel Nasser. As late as November 20, 1963, Kennedy’s representative at the United Nations demanded the implementation of Resolution 194 and the return of the 800,000 Palestinian refugees, causing strong protest in Israeli circles. After Kennedy's death, American foreign policy in West Asia was radically reversed again, without the American public realizing it. Johnson cut economic aid to Egypt and increased military aid to Israel to 92 million in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined. Israel is behind serial assassinations of Kennedy brothers: Laurent Guyenot - Tehran Times

Former university professor Kevin Barrett, Ph.D. commented in a May 28, 2018 PressTV statement that:

“The assassinations of the Kennedy brothers were largely carried out on behalf of Israel,” Barrett told Press TV on Monday.

“John F. Kennedy was dedicated to shutting down Israel’s nuclear weapons program and was killed because the Israelis, specifically [former Israeli prime minister David] Ben-Gurion believed that this was an issue of survival for Israel” he added.

“Robert Kennedy’s convicted killer Sirhan Sirhan, the patsy who was chosen to be presented to the public as the supposed killer who was actually hypnotized and had no idea what he was doing there…was used for propaganda purposes by the Zionists who murdered both of the Kennedy brothers,” Barrett said.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of RFK, says he does not believe Sirhan had carried out the assassination and believes a second shooter did it. Kennedy brothers likely killed by CIA on behalf of Israel: Scholar (presstv.ir)

For a deeper, more informative discussion of this, please see Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? – Kevin Barrett (heresycentral.is)

COMMENT. Robert F. Kennedy will be done down by: 1. The Lamestream Media; 2. The Establishment and The Established Party(ies?); 3. the Zionists; 4. His own self.

Two percent of the U.S. population are Jews. But they control (and brag about control) of the five or so corporations providing “news” in America. They also manage U.S. domestic and foreign policy and contribute vast sums of money to candidates who do their will. If Kennedy wants to play up to them for campaign contributions and voter support, he will have to follow their dictates. He will have to change his outlook and statements on Fauci, Gates, and Big Pharma (which has many Jews in powerful positions).

He has already begun to change. Note his remarks on Roger Waters and supporting Israel. When I called and emailed Kennedy’s campaign headquarters, I asked for clarification of his statements about Waters and Israel. None has been forthcoming.

Given the foregoing, it’s my belief that the Zionists will only give lip service to Kennedy’s campaign for change, tricking him into a belief that, if he accepts their views, they will back his policies, meanwhile, they will continue to support their age-old home amongst the Democrats. This will leave Kennedy out on a limb which will either break or be cut off by an itinerant woodchopper.

So, I say to him, in advance, السلامة Ma’a salama; auf Wiedersehen; Au revoir; Arrivederci.
Thanks Ryan,

Well, I suppose my concern is that RFK might be either trying to appeal to a base without really understanding the implications of trying to play against really powerful centers in the world, specially being in the US, or that he's simply misguided. But I suppose time will tell.

I concur in principle, dismantling the US financial system, is good for humanity, it won't be that good for the US, not for a while at least, attempting to do so, or at least speaking loudly about it has a lot of merit and it speaks of a more widespread intention in the populace. But there's always going to be a part of me that will remain skeptical. So I suppose time will tell.
On another note, I came across this video from Russell Brand on CNN's Anderson Cooper's recent exchange with Cornel West, who is incidentally also running for president.

I thought it was worth the watch. Not how the war effort in Ukraine is loosing adepts on both sides of the aisle in the US.

Rising the Hill or “The Hill” is the name of this news source and “Briana Joy” IMO does a great job of holding RFK Jr.’s feet to the fire on the subject of Israel. Minute 16:30 to 26:30. The rest of the interview is also well done. I’ll leave that 10 minutes for you to decide. But I’m wondering if he may be believing what he says or is he just paying the devil his due? And I wonder what his Uncle Jack would think with the same information?

How can you have unconditional support for an apartheid state?

A few points RFK Jr. makes:

Israel is an oasis of democracy! All they want is peace. They don’t want the Palestinian lands they are just holding them to make “peace”. All Israels neighbors are horrible terrible regimes. The only hope in the middle east is Israel.

Until further notice Briana Joy is a: Journalist! 😊

Minute 16:30 to 26:30

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There is a vacuum at the top of US politics. It draws in what is in the immediate vicinity.

But, what is happening now, and who is in the spotlight later, when the chips are on the table, are potentially two very different things. I think RFK is an odd sort of trial balloon. So is DeSantis. Two odd fish vying for power and relevancy. Being allowed to "Grandstand" in front of the cameras and microphones; an appetizer before the main entre.

I get the sense there are other vultures waiting in the wings, and other plans afoot. November 2024 is a LONG way off. The Bernie Sanders analogy holds more water than the Ross Perot analogy, I think. Perot actually ran for president in an election. I'm not sure Kennedy gets that far. The fall of the house of Biden will be fascinating to watch, if they finally throw him under the bus. OF course, since we are talking Kennedy here, they "let" (forced) LBJ excuse himself after one term, although I am sure LBJ wanted to run again. Maybe they will let Good Old Joe read a little speech at some point and decline to run in 2024.

The fun part!:

As for the Israel thing - could this Fiorella be speaking the truth? Sure! ...Or not!

Fiorella presents herself, visually, as "a Babe". She was (is?) an "actress". Her IMBD page notes that she had a small part in "Return of the Loch Ness Monster from Outer Space" (2012) among others. :rotfl: So, we are talking some serious talent! Looks like a couple Russian names were in charge of the production. Coincidently, she has a gig with RT. That's more than one red flag (pun intended).

Nothing intrinsically wrong with looking good or working for RT, but.... there is a seriously curated marketing angle in her avatar. Personally, I view her as a presenter being fed information to disseminate. (Interesting word, that)

Amazing what you can find if you dig a little. They apparently don't think any of us will bother.
Well, the way I see it, right now he has no chance of becoming the president, but if he doesn't support Israel, he has zero chance of remaining notorious and being interviewed, or a career as an anything. I would lean on pay the Devil's dues, though I could be wrong.
Yeah, when it comes to Israel, what many people may say and think are two different things. RFK Jr. knows the long history; it can't be unknown, and he also knows there are supporters within Israel itself and at home and how not to alienate either.

As an aside (this one with JFK Jr. who is against untested and toxic vaccines), is that any YT that carries a anti covid vaccine message comes with this, yawn, government unHealth Canada covid reminder. The taxpayers are footing the advertising bill.

Whatever you think of his needs and his reasons for supporting Israel, its clear from the below it goes a lot deeper than mere 'support' - eulogizing the IDF for being the most humane force and for taking such efforts to minimize civilian casualties, whilst at the same time getting close to a rant about how the Palestinians en masse are Jew murderers/terrorists whose leadership rewards for life those who will kill any living Jew, etc. In the week that the US Secret Service (or the SS as I prefer to call them) refused him protection, perhaps he's trying to ensure Mossad doesn't make it 3 Kennedy's and a full house before November 22nd comes around.

Another fascinating and inspiring interview with Kennedy:

Among other things he talks about how he won the battle against heroin addiction and that it started shortly after his father was killed (RFK). Carl Jung played an important role there. I have hardly ever seen a more openly honest "politician" who isn't afraid of saying the wrong things in my life. In fact, he is pretty much like the exact opposite of a typical career politician in so many ways. I really like the guy. By now it is a done deal for me: I will vote for him, but unfortunately I can't!
Steve Bannon has come out for a Trump/RFK Jr ticket. From "The Hill":

Steve Bannon suggested Sunday that a presidential ticket with former President Trump (R) as president and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (D) as vice president could result in “a massive landslide.”

On an episode of “Bannon’s War Room,” the longtime Trump ally predicted the former president, if he gets through the mounting legal issues he faces, could win in the general election with RFK Jr. as his running mate.

“We stay maniacally focused in the general — particularly as, remember, the firestorm of the lawfare will start next spring with him,” Bannon said on the podcast, referring to Trump. “If you can walk through that, which you can do — you can walk through that fire … and I think get 55 percent or more of the country.”

Bannon continued: “If somehow it worked out [that] you could get Kennedy as a running mate — and I don’t know, that is far from even technically can happen because of the structure of the Democratic and Republican parties and ballot access and all that — you could get 60 percent or higher in the country and win a massive landslide.”

Kennedy is running as a Democratic presidential candidate but has gained favor mostly with conservatives. In a recent poll conducted by Quinnipiac University, Kennedy’s favorability among Republicans continued to be high, with likely GOP voters favoring him by more than a 2-to-1 margin.

Kennedy’s favorability among Democrats, however, was the opposite and continues to drop, according to the poll. Likely Democratic voters had an unfavorable opinion of him, by a more than 2-to-1 margin. His net favorability among Democrats is negative 26 points, which is down from a net negative 15 points one month prior.

Kennedy, who has at times come under fire for promoting conspiracy theories championed by the far-right, has been floated as a possible vice presidential pick for Trump in the past.

Roger Stone, another Trump ally, called a potential Trump-RFK ticket a “dream ticket” back in April.

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