3-5 code


Jedi Master
Hi All,
One of the questions that never really got answered for me while reading Riding the Wave was what the 3-5 code is/was/meant to be.

I actually did a search first and there seems only one thread on the subject and still that had no definitive answer, only theories.

As it is, I do have a theory and it came to me when I first read http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/wave13.htm, but I thought it silly and just hoped that a better theory would be told.

Anyway, if there is a solid theory, could someone point me to it; if not, my first thoughts when reading Laura's account with the C's was that it related to a form of cycle which is used and applied by some market technicians (including me), called Elliott Wave Theory.

The theory in it's simplest form takes the form of 5 waves up (each wave alternates though so wave 1 is up, 2 down, 3 up, 4 down, 5 up), and then 3 waves down (again alternating, wave A down, wave B, up, wave C down).

The 5 waves up are always in total, longer than the 3 waves down. A completed 8 waves completes the sequence and then it starts over again.

Each wave is also a sub wave of an even bigger wave sequence, (which is termed 'higher degree), at the same time, each wave consists of a complete wave sequence within it (termed 'lower degree). So it is like those holographic images (I think that is the right term), where there is always a smaller sequence within a sequence, and each sequence is a part of a bigger sequence.

The thing is, even though the theory is applied to the general stock markets, it is also applied to humanity itself, by some of the very people who use it in the stock markets. Robert Prechter is a prime example.

To give you an idea, the period from the end of the bear market around the Great Depression (1933) to now (depending on who you read), is in the process of completing a complete sequence, 5 waves up and 3 waves down. Wave 1 from 1933 to 39 (bull market), wave 2, 39 to 42 (bear), wave 3, 42 to 66 (bull)m wave 4, 66 to 79 (bear) and wave 5, 79 to 2000, It is suggested that the first of the waves down (wave A, was the tech bust), and we are now in the wave C (the credit crisis).

If we take an even bigger perspective, a higher degree, it is suggested that a 5 wave sequence ended when the Roman Empire ended, and the dark ages that followed was a huge 3 wave down period. We are in the area where it is quite possible we are at the top of a huge 1000 year 5 wave sequence and a long and dark 3 waves are to follow, which could possible last 500 years or so.

However it doesn't stop there. Elliott wave theory, and especially Robert Prechter go into a lot of details about Fibonacci, Phi and the Golden Ratio, and how all of these, and the 8 wave sequence are related to everything in life. For example the ratio that a spiral is occurring at in nature relative to itself as it goes further out from its center, such as a pine cone, hurricane, sea horse tail, goats horn, shells, milky way etc are the same ratio from lower degrees to higher degrees in elliott wave.

As we go inwards, we have the same relative ratio, that is the higher degree to lower degree.

Some of the numbers of significance are

Fibonacci numbers 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987 etc
The sum of any ten numbers is divisible by 11.
Golden Section .618 - any length can be divided in such a way that the ratio between smaller part and larger part is equivalent to ratio between larger part and whole. For example, whole is 1, larger part is .618, smaller part is .382.
.618 / 1 = .618
.382 / .618 also = .618

This ratio exists in DNA.

Golden Ratio 1.618

If we take 1 and divide it by .618 we get 1.618 (also .618/.382)
If we take any fibonacci number and divide it by the number before it we get 1.618 approx, although the further out we go the less the divergence from 1.618
At any point in the evolution of a spiral in nature (as mentioned above), the ratio of the length of the arc to its diameter is 1.618.
On the piano, 13 keys to an octave, 8 white ones, 5 black ones, all Fibonacci numbers)

So what we have is a progression within any degree being observed of 5-3, and this includes all things that progress or grow in life.

The ratios are the relationships between the degrees.

We are always either progressing or receding, but within a higher degree in which we may be progressing or receding and so on, but by the laws of elliott wave, the amount by which we recede is never more than that by which we progress, like 5 steps forward, 3 steps back.

There is quite a bot more information I have on this, but I didn't want to write too much to soon, but rather get others thoughts on it.

Hello Tridean,

If you search for 353535 for example in the search box at the upper side of the screen there will be a few forum posts about such questions already.
Maybe this will help you in your quest ;)
My apologies Tigersoap, I just realized that I had only searched this topic and not entire forum.

Thx too Ellipse.

I think I can throw my theory out the window then
I did a search of 353535 and found some interesting things.

What first grabbed me was the terminology used especially in this post by foofighter, and the discussions between Ark, Laura and the C's.

Terms such as fractal, waves, grand super cycles, phi, golden ratios, prime numbers, fibonacci are frequent in both these discussions and if someone was to read 'Elliott Wave Principle' by Robert Prechter. I find it odd that these terms are used a lot by two groups of people who know nothing about each other.

However all this has done has added to my curiosity that was peaked when I first read 5-3 (5 minus 3), which is the elliott wave.

The most important thing to note about the Elliott Wave theory is that it is based on psychology. Elliott said that the markets move due to psychology and NOT fundamentals, news, government interventions and so on, which is what most mainstream economists say.

But, it is also used to predict.

Robert Prechter predicted the crash we are in now, in fact, one day (1 day) in October 2007, before the top in the Dow Jones 30, he told subscribers to fully leverage a short of the markets. In other words sell every stock you had and take on leveraged short positions because the market was going to fall. The next day was the high, and ever since it has been declining.

So the question remains, how can someone predict a crash like he did using a simple theory called Elliott Wave, and it is because of mass psychology. In other words, Elliott Wave states that mass psychology can be predicted.

Another thing that struck me was that Prechter and other Elliotticians, predict 2012 to be a major point of reference, as point that will be etched in the mind of people, especially those who study markets and economics. Can you see why this would cause me to sit up?

There is also a line used often in the markets, and that is 'history always repeats itself' and there is also a line used by what is known as the dumb money, and that is 'this time it will be different'.

I wrote an article around a year ago where I thought the reason history will always repeat itself is because human beings have not evolved emotionally, and continue to not do so. This is why the 5-3 wave structure of Elliott Wave and mass psychology in economics, markets, technology and so on keeps repeating. We may evolve intellectually, but not emotionally, or at least not in line with intellectually, and hence the 5 steps forward, 3 steps back.

Economies inflate and then deflate, bubbles and busts. Is this not how cycles in nature work, heat and then cool, rise and then fall, birth and death, but at the same time, a linear progression underneath is taking place. Also if you visit this site and watch the free video (requires a sign up) http://www.socionomics.net/history/ you'll see how popular culture follows this same wave principle. An example, the two periods of scary movies, the Frankenstein era, and then the Nightmare on Elm Street era, both occurred during bear markets, times of depressing psychology.

What I found fascinating was reading about the ability to go back in time, and how this would create the problems of someone good going back to stop something bad happening, which in turn makes someone bad go back a little further to prevent the good person fixing the problem, which causes the good to go back even furrther......and it becomes such a mess that the cycle has to end and the excess has to be cleaned out.

This is the same thing happening with the markets, they boom and then have to bust to clean out the excess, to revitalize things, to rebirth etc, and those that use Elliott Wave can plot this happening and then use fibonacci and other such measurements to help predict turning points.

It may be that some people may enjoy reading the book I mentioned above. I am not saying that I think that C's were referring to this cycle of 5 and 3 as being the Elliott Wave itself, but could it be that it is a measurement of mass psychology, and is mass psychology not an important area of discussion for the direction of this world.

I am just wondering if anyone else here has ideas on this theory of 5-3, or if anyone else contemplated it relating to mass psychology?

So far, my take on the 3/5 code, when taken in the context of the discussion where it was bruited, is that we have 3 centers until we work, at which point we can acquire access to two higher centers and become 5, or a "star."
Funny, I had no idea about this code, but recently the number 3.5 was in a dream of mine.
Well, it was someone winning 3.5 million in a lottery, but close enough.
also the number 27 (million) was in the dream. no idea what those 2 mean.

Also, saw something on youtube where donald trump was doing a commercial with sheep, and seemed to be talking about 9/11, and one of the comments was about 'wait till 3.5'
Dingo said:
I did a search of 353535 and found some interesting things.

What first grabbed me was the terminology used especially in this post by foofighter, and the discussions between Ark, Laura and the C's.

Terms such as fractal, waves, grand super cycles, phi, golden ratios, prime numbers, fibonacci are frequent in both these discussions and if someone was to read 'Elliott Wave Principle' by Robert Prechter. I find it odd that these terms are used a lot by two groups of people who know nothing about each other.

However all this has done has added to my curiosity that was peaked when I first read 5-3 (5 minus 3), which is the elliott wave.

The most important thing to note about the Elliott Wave theory is that it is based on psychology. Elliott said that the markets move due to psychology and NOT fundamentals, news, government interventions and so on, which is what most mainstream economists say.

But, it is also used to predict.

Robert Prechter predicted the crash we are in now, in fact, one day (1 day) in October 2007, before the top in the Dow Jones 30, he told subscribers to fully leverage a short of the markets. In other words sell every stock you had and take on leveraged short positions because the market was going to fall. The next day was the high, and ever since it has been declining.

So the question remains, how can someone predict a crash like he did using a simple theory called Elliott Wave, and it is because of mass psychology. In other words, Elliott Wave states that mass psychology can be predicted.

Another thing that struck me was that Prechter and other Elliotticians, predict 2012 to be a major point of reference, as point that will be etched in the mind of people, especially those who study markets and economics. Can you see why this would cause me to sit up?

There is also a line used often in the markets, and that is 'history always repeats itself' and there is also a line used by what is known as the dumb money, and that is 'this time it will be different'.

I wrote an article around a year ago where I thought the reason history will always repeat itself is because human beings have not evolved emotionally, and continue to not do so. This is why the 5-3 wave structure of Elliott Wave and mass psychology in economics, markets, technology and so on keeps repeating. We may evolve intellectually, but not emotionally, or at least not in line with intellectually, and hence the 5 steps forward, 3 steps back.

Economies inflate and then deflate, bubbles and busts. Is this not how cycles in nature work, heat and then cool, rise and then fall, birth and death, but at the same time, a linear progression underneath is taking place. Also if you visit this site and watch the free video (requires a sign up) http://www.socionomics.net/history/ you'll see how popular culture follows this same wave principle. An example, the two periods of scary movies, the Frankenstein era, and then the Nightmare on Elm Street era, both occurred during bear markets, times of depressing psychology.

What I found fascinating was reading about the ability to go back in time, and how this would create the problems of someone good going back to stop something bad happening, which in turn makes someone bad go back a little further to prevent the good person fixing the problem, which causes the good to go back even furrther......and it becomes such a mess that the cycle has to end and the excess has to be cleaned out.

This is the same thing happening with the markets, they boom and then have to bust to clean out the excess, to revitalize things, to rebirth etc, and those that use Elliott Wave can plot this happening and then use fibonacci and other such measurements to help predict turning points.

It may be that some people may enjoy reading the book I mentioned above. I am not saying that I think that C's were referring to this cycle of 5 and 3 as being the Elliott Wave itself, but could it be that it is a measurement of mass psychology, and is mass psychology not an important area of discussion for the direction of this world.

I am just wondering if anyone else here has ideas on this theory of 5-3, or if anyone else contemplated it relating to mass psychology?


Reading this post a couple of things stood out, firstly that 3 - 5 is Pythagorean if you consider the 3-4-5 triangle which is right angled.
The 5 - 3 sides reperesent the long and the short of it, and the cosine of the angle.

But the main thing which triggered me to write this response was the term "Elliott Wave"

Hebrew translation of the word 'Elliott' = 'Man of God'.

3 5

cycling and recycling between 3rd D and 5th D for so long...
physical existence/death

2 cents
BHelmet said:

3 5

cycling and recycling between 3rd D and 5th D for so long...
physical existence/death

2 cents

Yes ! This was exactly what I was thinking as well. Of course, being a code, it could carry many meanings simultaneously.

This is what originally had me thinking what you wrote BHelmet;

From 21st of December 1996:

Q: (L) Getting back to the 353535 code: can you tell me more that will help me get to...

A: Better turn it over to Ark.

Q: (L) So, I should leave it alone for now?

A: Good idea.

Q: (L) I will. I wanted to get to this other subject anyway. We know that you have said that time is an illusion in 3rd density reality - that it is the 3rd density illusion - and it is involved with our DNA, which determines how we perceive it. So, it is an illusion. Yet, somehow, this illusion converts at some point into a solid reality via some mode or operation. I would like to know, at what point it converts and how?

A: You are off base. Who said it converts?

Q: (L) Well, we perceive a damn solid reality! There is STUFF that if you kick it, it hurts!

A: That perception is part of the illusion.

Q: (L) But, that is obviously not the TOTAL illusion. What else is a part of this illusion? If our perception is part, then there must also be something there to be perceived, correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, what is it that we are perceiving?

A: That which you are programmed to perceive.

Q: (L) Is not this perception, these things we perceive as outside ourselves, are they not substance of some sort? Are they not there in some form, even if we perceive them the way we do?

A: Of course, but what does this have to do with "time?"

Q: (L) I am getting to that! We perceive a world "out there." Trees, cars, trucks, houses, bricks, boards, blocks, people, dogs etc etc etc.

A: You left out backyard barbecues!

Q: [laughter] (L) Very funny! We perceive things out there. Of what are they composed?

A: Matter.

Q: (L) Of what is matter composed?

A: Atomic structure.

Q: (L) Of what are atoms composed?

A: Thoughts.

Q: (L) Whose thoughts?

A: Yours.

Q: (L) Everything?

A: Everything.

Q: (L) If I perceive something, and everything I perceive is composed of my thoughts, and V_ is perceiving, is everything her thoughts?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is the difference between her thoughts and my thoughts?

A: That is what binds you. You see, it is merely a program.

Q: (L) Is it merely a program that we think we are separate individuals?

A: Not the point.

Q: (L) What is the point? What binds us together? Where does the program come from?

A: Where do your programs come from?

Q: (L) 7th density? Ourselves? The Lizzies?

A: We are asking about the programs in your computer.

Q: (L) In my computer? Different places. I get them and load them in. Are programs made - do they exist like 'thought centers' - and do we just load them in ourselves?

A: Why have you forgotten? 309,000...

Q: (L) Oh. You are talking about the "takeover" by 4th density STS. But, still, the point I am trying to get to is - yes we have DNA - but you can't reprogram DNA if there is not DNA there to begin with. If there is not something to load the program into. What is the substance of this reality that we exist in?

A: You just answered.

Q: (L) I don't understand.

A: You can't load it into something if there isn't something there to begin with.

Q: (L) Fine! What is this something that is there to begin with?

A: Your previous DNA structure.

Q: (L) Where did the previous DNA structure come from?

A: The previous program.

From August the 23rd 2001:

Q: Okay, last time we were talking about the "M" mound in Wisconsin. You said that it was not a natural structure but that it was built for "F 353535." Could you say more about this? Was this used somehow to genetically manipulate the surrounding population?
A: Best so called lie in town.

The parts I've bolded led me to think that 353535 (ad infinitum) is the -lie- that people die and must go to 5th and then recycle back to 3rd.
The lie is that you're either "in" the body or "out". What about variability of physicality ? The lie then could be the intentional or unintentional omission of 4th.
Among other things..

Edit: Grammar
transientP said:
From 21st of December 1996:

Q: (L) Getting back to the 353535 code: can you tell me more that will help me get to...

Q: (L) But, that is obviously not the TOTAL illusion. What else is a part of this illusion? If our perception is part, then there must also be something there to be perceived, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, what is it that we are perceiving?
A: That which you are programmed to perceive.

A: Where do your programs come from?

Q: (L) 7th density? Ourselves? The Lizzies?

A: Why have you forgotten? 309,000...

Q: (L) Oh. You are talking about the "takeover" by 4th density STS. But, still, the point I am trying to get to is - yes we have DNA - but you can't reprogram DNA if there is not DNA there to begin with. If there is not something to load the program into. What is the substance of this reality that we exist in?

A: You can't load it into something if there isn't something there to begin with.

Q: (L) Fine! What is this something that is there to begin with?

A: Your previous DNA structure.

Q: (L) Where did the previous DNA structure come from?

A: The previous program.

From August the 23rd 2001:

Q: Okay, last time we were talking about the "M" mound in Wisconsin. You said that it was not a natural structure but that it was built for "F 353535." Could you say more about this? Was this used somehow to genetically manipulate the surrounding population?
A: Best so called lie in town.

The parts I've bolded led me to think that 353535 (ad infinitum) is the -lie- that people die and must go to 5th and then recycle back to 3rd.
The lie is that you're either "in" the body or "out". What about variability of physicality ? The lie then could be the intentional or unintentional omission of 4th.
Among other things..

Thanks, TransientP, for filling in the C's quotes/back story - yeah - 4th is the way out and the missing link. I am reminded of the quote to the effect: what better way to continue the manipulation than by mass extermination and mass re-hybridization of a group forever ignorant of 4th D. Something like that.
Here it is:

A: You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement!
Thats a very interesting interpretation of the 3-5 code Dingo! My father in law used the Elliot Wave subscription for a while but he seems to have lost interest in trading now. I thought it was a clever scam which showed how to make easy money. The big wave ride down seems like it's happening though.
BHelmet said:
transientP said:
From 21st of December 1996:

Q: (L) Getting back to the 353535 code: can you tell me more that will help me get to...

Q: (L) But, that is obviously not the TOTAL illusion. What else is a part of this illusion? If our perception is part, then there must also be something there to be perceived, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, what is it that we are perceiving?
A: That which you are programmed to perceive.

A: Where do your programs come from?

Q: (L) 7th density? Ourselves? The Lizzies?

A: Why have you forgotten? 309,000...

Q: (L) Oh. You are talking about the "takeover" by 4th density STS. But, still, the point I am trying to get to is - yes we have DNA - but you can't reprogram DNA if there is not DNA there to begin with. If there is not something to load the program into. What is the substance of this reality that we exist in?

A: You can't load it into something if there isn't something there to begin with.

Q: (L) Fine! What is this something that is there to begin with?

A: Your previous DNA structure.

Q: (L) Where did the previous DNA structure come from?

A: The previous program.

From August the 23rd 2001:

Q: Okay, last time we were talking about the "M" mound in Wisconsin. You said that it was not a natural structure but that it was built for "F 353535." Could you say more about this? Was this used somehow to genetically manipulate the surrounding population?
A: Best so called lie in town.

The parts I've bolded led me to think that 353535 (ad infinitum) is the -lie- that people die and must go to 5th and then recycle back to 3rd.
The lie is that you're either "in" the body or "out". What about variability of physicality ? The lie then could be the intentional or unintentional omission of 4th.
Among other things..

Thanks, TransientP, for filling in the C's quotes/back story - yeah - 4th is the way out and the missing link. I am reminded of the quote to the effect: what better way to continue the manipulation than by mass extermination and mass re-hybridization of a group forever ignorant of 4th D. Something like that.

Wisconsin mounds are something that the University of Wisconsin has studied:
Wikipedia has it here:-


It's all to do with septic waste disposal.

That's unless there are other mounds in Wisconsin.
I have heard of other mounds in the US (sorry, no ref.) that people 'lie' on to increase their fertility.
Supposedly they are in the shape of male genitalia.

Then again, septic waste is good for fertility.
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