9/11 Survivor Sues Rumsfeld and Cheney

Could this lawsuit lead to a real investigation?

A career Army officer who survived the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, claims that no evacuation was ordered inside the Pentagon, despite flight controllers calling in warnings of approaching hijacked aircraft nearly 20 minutes before the building was struck.

According to a time-line of the attacks, the Federal Aviation Administration notified NORAD that American Airlines Flight 77 had been hijacked at 9:24 a.m. The Pentagon was not struck until 9:43 a.m.

On behalf of retired Army officer April Gallop, California attorney William Veale has filed a civil suit against former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney and former US Air Force General Richard Myers, who was acting chairman of the joint chiefs on 9/11. It alleges they engaged in conspiracy to facilitate the terrorist attacks and purposefully failed to warn those inside the Pentagon, contributing to injuries she and her two-month-old son incurred.

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kesdjan said:
Could this lawsuit lead to a real investigation?

Considering the reality of the situation, and the immense level of control, one would highly doubt it. Is there a reason you think it might?
anart said:
Considering the reality of the situation, and the immense level of control, one would highly doubt it. Is there a reason you think it might?
Not really. But with flapping butterfly wings and all, who knows?
I'm sure teh STS atty for the plaintiff will simply take the offered $$$$ and let the case be buried as usual -- why would the higher ups risk an investigation at all when money is so cheap these days?
Starmist said:
I'm sure teh STS atty for the plaintiff will simply take the offered $$$$ and let the case be buried as usual -- why would the higher ups risk an investigation at all when money is so cheap these days?

Hi starmist, again, we are all STS, because this is an STS realm.  So, while it is not incorrect to call this person an 'STS attorney', simply because we are all STS, the way you are using the term makes it sound as if anyone else is STO.  All that STS occupants of this realm can be - until they graduate from this place - are 'STO candidates' - not STO.  I've suggested to you in two other threads to please read the entire Wave series to clear up some of your confusion, so perhaps now would be a good time to do that?  http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/waveindex.htm

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