A demon? Or a few...

"Ben, you’ve mentioned this to me before, but I'm afraid I don't really understand what you mean by removing the attachments in a "direct" manner."

It was the 'slash and burn' method that Robert Bruce describes that I was principally referring to, and you should be more than equipped to do this because of your work with the IMS.

"You’ve mentioned before that negs have tried to infiltrate your psyche, but you managed to resist fairly easily, is that because you have good defences, or because you aren’t attracting an opponent worthy of being a great challenge? (yet)"

I don't think there is any evidence to suggest what I have experienced is an attachment, whilst I can't be sure, and yes, I do think I have fairly good defences. I would go as far to say that I am probably one of the least likely 'characters' of people to be infiltrated by negs, and I am by no means complacent about this - that wouldn't fit with the statement I just made.

From what you've told me, it's very likely that you got your major attachment because of an experience you had when you injured your tailbone, and this would fit with the idea of a root chakra attachment. I think you know enough to go about this with the upper hand
Cheers guys, I am seeing something new here thanks to your insights, much appreciated.
There is an actual part of myself incredibly afraid of confronting this problem head on, a few nights ago I went under some quite intense attack, didn't get a good nights sleep in the end, this is why I keep telling myself that I need to build and cultivate myself and my will before I can say goodbye to this Neg(s) once and for all.
EsoQuest, I can see exactly what you are saying, I think I have a pretty good idea about the difference between the real I and the Neg because I've been under it's influences for so long that when I had a breakthrough with energy work, it felt like I found a sincere child drowning because his arms and legs have never been used before, this moment of clarity really made me find a moment of peace I've never experienced before, and since then, the work, and everything else has been so much easier. Thanks again for the help.
This is off the subject entirely, but Ben, I'd just like to mention... RED SPAROWS!!
"This is off the subject entirely, but Ben, I'd just like to mention... RED SPAROWS!!"

Yeah, where have all the sparrows gone? :) To Leeds

"There is an actual part of myself incredibly afraid of confronting this problem head on, a few nights ago I went under some quite intense attack, didn't get a good nights sleep in the end, this is why I keep telling myself that I need to build and cultivate myself and my will before I can say goodbye to this Neg(s) once and for all. "

That makes sense, but the other side of the coin is that this may be a great example of neg stimulated emotions and thoughts - which of course are benefiting the Neg. If there's one thing Negs hate, it's mental fortitude and courage. What will give you this protection? Well, knowledge, of course!

Now I know that you know there is really nothing to fear from these inflexible, entropic entities once you understand their weaknesses. I think you should observe that fear and where else it might come from.
Yeah, I agree fully.
They especially hate creativity; A few times I understood the being and let it know that I was aware of it and that there was nothing it could do to feed of me in the future. At that moment, it became a quivering, pathetic mess. Once, I literally roared with laughter and joy when I saw this creature for what it was, a confused, little baby that dropped it bottle!
I think there is definitely still another one which is rather powerful, but I'm sure I'm here to learn a heck of a lot of courage, although I am still scared in a way, I understand how much of a blessing working with these beings is, furthermore, I know eventually with persistence I can beat this thing, no matter how clever it thinks it is, it's entropic nature stops it from finding new creative ways of attacking me, so I know I'll figure it out.
Maybe this one I'm having trouble with has a special assignment and was sent by the self proclaimed king of petty tyrants Reverend Moon! :D
That was just a joke, but actually, I wonder if there IS something fiendish going on in that religion... OFCOURSE THERE IS! In the sense that it's a fundamentalist religion, but I wonder if the whole organisation is a breeding ground for all kinds of demons... Hmmm
"......self proclaimed king of petty tyrants Reverend Moon!"

Are you sure you meant to write that? I doubt he even knows what a petty tyrant is! (or a belief system based on facts)
Good thread guys, i've had a lot of awareness of bio-energy, and i've played with it a bunch, but i havent accomplished much with it. I tend to focus on making it flow and my awareness of it increases when im stoned, don't know why. If it only manifested in that state i would prolly write it off as a side effect of the drug itself, however im constantly aware of it, i only get the urge to play with it in that state.

On attachments; i've often wondered if i had one that enjoyed weed. Mostly b/c I've tried to stop and just can't seem to muster the will to outright end it. When i do break its for a few days or a few weeks, but then i start right back up to the daily level again. I got it down to once a day, but cutting it out altogether is much more difficult then it should be.

You mention channeling Qi into the marrow, When i have an excess i tend to send it right back into my cells, specifically the nuclei/DNA and in my head i see little lightning bolts jumping around, zapping a base here an enzyme there. Don't know what it's doing, improving/damaging/both, no clue, i just do it instinctually and hope my instincts are correct.

Never had a good book or resource where i could learn about studying Qi. Did tai chi, tae kwon do, and reiki and they're all good to learn but thus havent yielded any practical results re: energy manipulation. I've noticed a definate difference between the reiki energy and my own bio-energy. Makes me wonder if there are limitless types, when im around artificially generated electrical/magnetic fields i can sense them too, and they feel different as well, much less pleasant then the aforementioned two. Anyway those are just my experiences, comments appreciated! :-)
Cyre2067 said:
On attachments; i've often wondered if i had one that enjoyed weed. Mostly b/c I've tried to stop and just can't seem to muster the will to outright end it. When i do break its for a few days or a few weeks, but then i start right back up to the daily level again. I got it down to once a day, but cutting it out altogether is much more difficult then it should be.
There is a difference between attachment and preference, and only you can tell which is which if you are really honest. Many people like to deprive themselves of things they enjoy to prove they are not attached to them, thinking this is an indication of some form of self control or freedom. IMO an attachment makes you sacrifice more than what it provides or more than it is worth.

That said, experiences excusively in one kind of "brain state" can lock the energetic system to respond only when one is in that state. So if you try to cultivate bio-energetic awareness while straight you may have more difficulty doing so than a non-smoker. On the other hand, if you manage to cultivate Qi cirulation modes while straight, then I tell you from exprerience it takes it to a whole other level when you are high.

The thing is when self-cultivating in the straight state you will not be able to do things you do stoned, and that in itself is frustrating. I knew people that studied stoned and then had to take tests stoned (which they would ace) or they would not remember a thing. It's similar with Qi. The body says "hey bud this doesn't compute until you take a few puffs".

So it pays if you really want to cultivate bioenergetic potential to stay clean for half the week or more if you can as a matter of course. You will experience Qi from a whole different angle, as it were, and the smoking experience will be greatly enhanced, since also you recover from tolerance effects that tend to numb the experience. ;)
I agree, Manipulating Qi while stoned gives me an immense experience, I often find the channels much stringer and easier to focus upon, but the reason why I don't do it all the time is because it dampens my desire to strengthen my physical body.
I find that even if I cultivate energy while straight for a few days I notice a massive improvement in my awareness if I do it while stoned. I've adopted a method of Qi cultivation so I can do it all day long, so naturally when I'm stoned I can do it with even less mental effort than normal, I start to see flashes of white light expressed in certain people, once, my friend sat next to me flashed as strongly as if a flashlight was turned on in my direction! Since then, I've started to notice this phenomenon while straight, some people flash blue, some green. The other day I noticed someone flashing violet colours on her forehead. Does anyone know how to interpret these colours? I have read many sources that say different things, does anyone have any suggestions?
Cyre2067, how long did you practice Tai chi for? It takes a long time for the results to start manifesting, but I recommend practicing some form of Qi gong seriously with Tai chi if you want to see real results. I haven't even began to tap into what Tai Chi is all about, but just the other day, I was turning around while doing Tai Chi, and golden light started spinning around along with my momentum, simply magnificent!
Novelis said:
I start to see flashes of white light expressed in certain people, once, my friend sat next to me flashed as strongly as if a flashlight was turned on in my direction! Since then, I've started to notice this phenomenon while straight, some people flash blue, some green. The other day I noticed someone flashing violet colours on her forehead. Does anyone know how to interpret these colours? I have read many sources that say different things, does anyone have any suggestions?
Here are some thoughts. Flashes are different than a constant perception of light, which is usually more diffuse. Imagine a capacitor charging and then abruptly discharging. IMO this is a transitory stage and you may eventually be able to deepen the percepetion to see the light as a constant.

The effect is like a perception of the person's bio-energetic and emotive state, and can also indicate probability tendencies if and when greater detail can be digested. Developing such abilities with weed is apparently different than if you try to develope them without chemical input. In the weed case (and moreso with psychedelics) the development occurs in fits and starts. A saturation point is reached and an abrupt transition can occur.

This is because the nervous system is learning faster than its conscious modes can assimilate. This is not wrong, but it is a case where you need to balance the organic changes with the ability to consciously digest them. Essentially a stimulus builds in the subconscious and then "flashes" through to consciousness. You can probably smooth out the effect if you intend the perception and then open to it consciously so that instead of build-up and discharge you have a constant lower-level stimulus.

As for colors, you have been percieving white IMO because of the charge effect that bunches the frequencies together into a compact message. You probably know Newton's experiments with the color wheel. Rotate a wheel with spectral colors on it rapidly and it looks white.

It seems that you are beginning to equalize in the sense that the higher frequencies are being discharged first carrying the force of the stimulus, beginning from violet and working down through blue and green. Any number of things can happen here. You might start seeing flashes of yellow, orange and red. Or those frequencies are too low to carry the thrust of discharge so they may start appearing as you allow yourself (learn) to perceive a constant current instead of the discharge effect.

Traditionally, there is a vertical hierarchy to color interpretation, with violet being the higher mind of brain hemisphere unity, blue being the lower formative mind, green the emotions most coherent with the mind and body, yellow emotions as mentalized will-power, orange as a mind perception of sensory based emotions and red as the more organically based emotions.

However, these perceptions are subjective and one should interpret them as one does dream symbols, where there is a general context common to most people, but subjective variations are prominent. These perceptions are from your visual cortex interpreting the percieved bio-field in terms of frequency variations (colors). You need to integrate your own emotional body (temporal lobe neurons) to associate emotional meaning to those colors, which can be done through intention and simply asking yourself what the meanings are and feeling into the answer.
Damn - never had anything visual like that, pretty sick. I barely scratched the surface with Tai Chi. Took a semester long dabble in it. Was neat, but i'm impatient so i moved on to tae kwon do for more physical excercise (did about a year of that, got 2 belts in 2 semesters, but then i graduated!). I just picked up "The Way of Power: Reaching Full Strength in Body and Mind" by Lam Kam Chuen and "Chi Kung: The Way of Energy" by same upon reccomendation from someone on here. I'm gonna try to do the energy work w/o smoking and see if there's a difference. I know there's a shift in my consciousness about 3-4 days after i stop, so we'll see how it goes when i start playing with it. Will def keep ya'll informed.
Just started playing with the NEW bit and after the first TI excercise (where ya swirl the thumb/toe joints) my left foot gave pins/needles and then my awareness went straight to my dome where it spiraled around the top of my head for about 2 minutes. Crazyness! Absolutely Wonderful!
Cyre2067 Said:
I barely scratched the surface with Tai Chi. Took a semester long dabble in it. Was neat, but i'm impatient so i moved on to tae kwon do for more physical excercise

Interestingly I found out something the other day, when I used to practice Tai chi I always wondered about how much exercise I am getting from doing it, I never broke into a sweat or anything, but I've found that the more correctly you are moving your body, the more muscles you are exercising that aren't usually used, now when I practice I always break into a full body sweat and feel rather tired afterwards, which is weird feeling because normally one would sweat from strenuous exercise, not from relaxing and using as little force as possible. If it is correct that I am getting tired from it because I am doing it more correctly, then it means you simply didn't give Tai chi enough time for the real effects on health to take place... But you did say that you barely scratched the surface so you already knew that.
Hello all,

Just a little input here-I used to pratice Tai Chi (Yang style) and it always made me sweat a lot. The movements themselves are not so strenuous but standing in the "horse" position for long periods of time while moving around your bodies "center" puts a lot of strain on the leg and abdominal muscles-I always felt the "burn" in my upper thighs the most and would spend time just in the horse stance to get used to it.

I think the major reason you feel warm and sweat and feel so wonderfully tired afterward is because the Chi (Qi, Ki) circulates through your body-coming in through your Tan Tien (a spot just below your navel-but you probably already are aware of this) and flows through the trunk down the legs and out through your hands.

It is this that makes Tai Chi a formidable martial art-most folks do not pratice it as a fighting art-it takes approximately ten years (according to our master) to become really well versed in the art-the premise is built on circles-you are supposed to take your opponents Chi (Qi, Ki) and amplify it with your Chi and then "give it back" When done correctly a good Tai Chi praticioner can stop an attack or take down an opponent with seeming to do virtually nothing.

As for praticing martial arts when "stoned" -I would drink a little wine before praticing at home to help me relax-Tai Chi should not be done "tensed" or you will block the flow of Chi and possibly harm yourself-although the books written by the Chinese masters strictly forbade practitioners from indulging in alcohol, drugs (opium I would imagine, maybe bahng-a tea made from Cannabis indicus) sex (bummer) and "heavy foods" so no Twinkies or pizza before practice guys and gals! I have not practiced for a while-our master decided not to teach anymore in favor of teaching Kung Fu-he studied the "Golden Mantis" form and could do some amazing things with his body (they looked real painful-he would go from a full standing position and do the "splits"-sinking right down to the floor with one leg straight out in front and one behind-ouch!) and have not found anyone that teaches it here-plenty of Tae Kwon Do, Karate-Do and Jeet Kun Do dojos but no Tai Chi-although I do have a tape I made with my old master showing the first twenty forms, which I learned (I believe there are 124 total in Yang style-it has been a while)

As for the use of psychoactive substances-I won't preach here-and I cannot say because I was let us say back in the day more than a casual user of such-it was difficult to give up-but trust me. Your mind will be much much clearer. My motto used to be "get high to get by" well that was about all I was doing-getting by and the weed and other stuff did not help. But I had experiences involving certain mind expanding substances that really set me on the road to self discovery that I do not think would have happened elsewise. JUST BE CAREFUL! Certainly those who watch and wait will choose a time when your psychic defenses are down and will take the opportunity to attack. We need everyone on the front lines we can get! Take care.
Novelis said:

If anyone's interested...

this link is no longer valid, I managed to find complete tutorial here

Novelis said:
About three years ago now, I started a form of energy work called the New Energy Ways (N.E.W) system because I was in really poor health, I thought this method would not only cure physical ailments, but would also teach me how to raise and sense energy, which is a skill so useful I can't even begin to describe the various ways I've benefited from it.


If anyone's interested...

Anyways, since learning this skill I've been getting steadily more aware of subtle energy influences and changes, and I've had many, and I mean MANY attacks, in fact, the last few years have been a living nightmare sometimes, but that's not to say I am not incredibly grateful towards the experience.
One morning, I was dreaming about going to bed, when I felt a body next to me, not knowing that I was dreaming, my awareness explained it by thinking there was someone sharing the bed with me, but as I became more lucid I realised where I was, then, I felt sharp claws against my back, and that's when I knew I was awake, this entity talked to me, then went on my back and started applying pressure, I actually felt myself physically sink into the mattress, then his hands cupped my head and it started smothering my head into the pillow!

I don't know how I didn't freak out, but I remembered reading somewhere that negative entities (I call them Negs for short) tend to just want to scare you, I didn't give it what it wanted and relaxed, the moment I did so, it went away.
Since then, I've had many more attacks, but most of them more of a covert and more manipulative nature than this instance. Once I clearly saw a mind's eye image of an ugly demon I think I've had for a long time, since childhood probably...
I've had many scary experiences since I started on this "journey", some voices I've heard are so clever and devious it's unbelievable! The fact of the matter is, the matrix doesn't want me to have a whole lot of energy, and I can't help but think that maybe I chose to deal with such horrible demons for a very good reason.
I started to learn that the very way your physical body is, with it's various ailments and inadequacies is a perfect reflection of problems in the energy body and the mind, and the only way the mind can start reaching into infinite potential is by making sure the body is well looked after, this is what yogis have been teaching for thousands of years, and I definitely want to be well prepared physically, mentally and spiritually for whatever happens in the future. 
Learning this simple skill has really helped me out in staggering ways, it might have even been the beginning of my interest in the unknown, I fully recommend it for anyone and everyone... Tai Chi too.


I completely understand where you're coming from, unfortunately once the realization hits that a negative entity is attached to oneself,
it's very difficult trying to un- attach it/them...

I'm currently dealing with this myself...
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