A new creation.

Russ said:
And I think you may find that the painting you posted is quite nice in the flesh, very subtle... textures etc, subtle colours. Its a very different kind of thing IMO. Maybe you would understand what I mean a bit better if I put it like this - bad singers vs good ones. You could easily say, "oh yes but its not them being bad singers, thats the way they wanted it to sound".
Yeah that does make sense. There is a difference between singers who hit the "wrong" notes due to lack of ability, and singers who have a less obvious reasons for hitting notes that on the surface may appear to be wrong to a layman but in reality aren't wrong, but a different kind of "right" notes, and it's just a matter of understanding what makes those notes right. But this means that a true artist is DOing something, there is skill behind it at some level - not just a subjective/accidental result, but something that is a conscious creation that is both, objectively there and is appealing/interesting in some way at the same time due to the author's ability to do what he/she does.

Whether the meaning/pattern/formula/idea/result is "interesting" is the subjective part, but the fact that it exists and can be recognized/acknowledged and understood by all observers that have the necessary knowledge and viewing apparatus, that part must be objective. Otherwise the artist has nothing to do with what people see in the "art".

And wow that 2nd one is really cool. I am a photoshop newbie but it looks like more effort/skill/time/attention to detail went into that 2nd one.
Here is a resent creation I made with photoshop CS3. It took me 2 hours to make.
It is called Seasons changing. Let me know what you think. Thanks for your time.
The first piece is very beautiful. I like it a lot. The name is very timely too, i think. :)
The second is good too.
Both are nice, imo RedJade, the second definitely more detailed, obviously more time. To be honest, I liked the snow, the lady-in-red(especially so)....but not the cat. I know nothing about graphic art, but do appreciate the creativity. Thankyou.

What caught my attention about this thread would have to be the shades of ego. Maybe pertinent to consider what Anart mentioned? So rather than critique the artist, might I critique the critiquers......?

Russ said:
I'll be honest, you're a novice,
Russ said:
then again I've used photoshop for over a decade so I have a very high standard, I can see all the techniques and tools you've used and can rate how you've used them
Russ said:
...I suppose I'm a little bit identified with it, but very little. I really don't care that much at all though (too much experience),
Tigersoap said:
And I do really know some famous illustrators, i am not making this up.
Being an "artist"(whatever that really means), I personally FEEL that technicalities(how well something is TECHNICALLY created) actually plays a very minor role. Some of my favorite artists are/were not very tech-advanced, but many a moment was spent crying for joy in experiencing their work. 100% subjective?

Russ and Tigersoap: It sounds like maybe you have careers involved in this type of design and if Redjade was looking for an opinion on how to get a good job in the industry, you might very well be correct. I did not get that that was what she was looking for. I also wonder if this is a left-or-right brain function.

Like your prose SAO.
I did give redjade my opinion on her artistic talent, more than once. Its just my opinion that with more experience with photoshop, her talent would be even more evident, because she would have more freedom to express it and realise it.

Also my comments could be taken as egotistical, but do try to take them the opposite way aswell and see how it fits.
Russ said:
Also my comments could be taken as egotistical, but do try to take them the opposite way aswell and see how it fits.
It might be worthwhile for you, Russ, to do exactly this - in reverse. To actually spend some time reading your comments with the understanding that they ARE egotistical and see how that fits. You might learn something about yourself and how you communicate. fwiw.
I know, I can come across as arrogant, I don't mean to and I don't think I'm being egotistical, even if it might be read like that. I admit it is partly my fault I sound like that, but also its hard to get across tone and things with just text. I do try but its easy to slip up and say something that can be taken the wrong way.

I was a bit too harsh saying redjade was a novice, thinking about it, its not really true, there are a lot less experienced people than redjade, so I can see how that was like saying "I'm so far above you", but what I really meant was that I thought she still had some things to learn about the program. I find its especially easy if I am experienced at something, to think that someone who isn't really that bad, is a novice. Maybe its got something to do with how I judge my own work. At the moment I'm not sure, I find it very complicated.

I try to consider too much I think, at the time I thought I should be as honest as I could, but hmm I suppose I didn't think about how it might hurt redjade to hear it, I could have been more considerate. But I didn't want to be too nice either, because I didn't want redjade to think there was 0% room for improvement, I wanted to push her a bit.

The other problem is time, it takes me a long time to write something and read through it and check it all, then read through it again etc. Sometimes I am short on time and give it a quick read and then post, when I should probably save it for later, when I have more time.

I'm not sure what else to say at the moment but I'll keep working on it, and try to take things a bit slower and more carefully.
Russ said:
I know, I can come across as arrogant, I don't mean to and I don't think I'm being egotistical, even if it might be read like that. I admit it is partly my fault I sound like that, but also its hard to get across tone and things with just text. I do try but its easy to slip up and say something that can be taken the wrong way.

I was a bit too harsh saying redjade was a novice, thinking about it, its not really true, there are a lot less experienced people than redjade, so I can see how that was like saying "I'm so far above you", but what I really meant was that I thought she still had some things to learn about the program. I find its especially easy if I am experienced at something, to think that someone who isn't really that bad, is a novice. Maybe its got something to do with how I judge my own work. At the moment I'm not sure, I find it very complicated.

I try to consider too much I think, at the time I thought I should be as honest as I could, but hmm I suppose I didn't think about how it might hurt redjade to hear it, I could have been more considerate. But I didn't want to be too nice either, because I didn't want redjade to think there was 0% room for improvement, I wanted to push her a bit.

The other problem is time, it takes me a long time to write something and read through it and check it all, then read through it again etc. Sometimes I am short on time and give it a quick read and then post, when I should probably save it for later, when I have more time.

I'm not sure what else to say at the moment but I'll keep working on it, and try to take things a bit slower and more carefully.
I think it's interesting to watch how Ark talks about about physics (not that the subject comes up a lot). He could certainly say more but doesn't, you would hardly know he is who he is sometimes. My Father was a manager at IBM but he was kind of too hands on for that job in conventional terms. He was once working in a lab with a small group and it took many months before they even knew he was a manager (he wasn't even working with the people he managed, there's probably a lesson there too). It's not really a hurt someone thing, or a be slower and more careful thing, or something you need to overly explain to others (unless Anart specifically asks for it, then you better!) :) It's just kind of a personal STOish goal to naturally put others in the spotlight (but without holding their hand or having them hold yours) and there's no way to be perfect at it here in 3D.
There is always room for improvement no matter who you are. I think maybe Russ came across the way he did because he instantly elaborated on how much experience he has, how much skill and knowledge he has, and how little redjade's knowledge and experience is compared to his, and that he can see every single tool she used and exactly how she used it. It just seemed like he went into a little too much unnecessary detail describing his abilities, and usually that is a hallmark of ego involvement. Russ I don't mean to "chastise" you or anything, I'm just describing how I perceived it so maybe it would help you see how others may have seen what you said and why.

Russ said:
I think you've got some good ideas in there but I think it could be a bit more refined, then again I've used photoshop for over a decade so I have a very high standard, I can see all the techniques and tools you've used and can rate how you've used them wink
I mean plausibly speaking, maybe you're just saying all this to justify the advice you're giving and why you're giving it. But all the details about your ability and how they were delivered, including the fact that many of them are subjective but spoken as if they are objective and not open to debate, suggest to me there was more to it than that.

I don't think ego is necessarily going to lie, it is often more subtle than that so it can be "plausibly rationalized" as having a seemingly justifiable reason for saying everything that is said and how it is said. So this makes it hard to know what you said has ego - you yourself can look at what you say and you can see seemingly good reasons for saying it. Nevertheless, ego's influence can subtly shift the "tone" and "perspective" of the message, like you may be saying more things from a more "high" standpoint than may be necessary, or treating certain subjective things like objective and universal - things like whether an idea is nice or not. It's not so cut and dry when it comes to ego, and it's really a matter of context and specific situation, osit.
I fail to understand how anyone can criticize Redjade's art. Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? In all honesty, it takes my breath away, and for the life of me I don't know why.
BTW Redjade, I would really appreciate it if you would post some more of your work. I love it.
Redrock12 said:
I fail to understand how anyone can criticize Redjade's art. Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? In all honesty, it takes my breath away, and for the life of me I don't know why.
BTW Redjade, I would really appreciate it if you would post some more of your work. I love it.
I have been sick for the pass 3 days. I will catch up with all the comments that were posted.

Here is a link to more of my artwork.

Very sorry to hear you haven't been well Redjade. I have been following this thread with great interest, as I have some unresolved issues regarding creativity and criticism that I'm trying to get a handle on. Certainly, there is a lot of competition in the arts, big egos, and unfair criticism. There are also useful suggestions, and the two often come mixed together. How do we protect our creative process, while still taking in the suggestions that will help us grow?

Maybe it's important to remember that being creative is it's own reward. No type of criticism, good or bad, should ever diminish the value of the creative process, or our ability to immerse ourselves in it. Unfortunately, it seems that's more easily said than done.

Anyway, I wouldn't be able to make a judgment about how much time you put into either of the pieces you posted, as I am completely ignorant about computer art. However, I like the way that the subject blends with the background on the second piece. I also found it thought provoking. As I was pondering what I liked and didn't like about it, I found that the qualities I was considering were all very much related to the caption - Dreamer. So, rather than looking at a picture of a dreamer, I was looking inside the dreamer in all of us. Well done!
I am really disturbed by the comments so far.
I thought this forum wasn't to stroke people's ego unecessarily.

I think some of you might fear to be criticized themselves regarding what they are doing.
The fact that Redjade is a girl (we have pictures !!;)) might play a part in it.
Maybe the point is not to like what Redjade is doing or not but to see the underlying reasons behind her post and her digtal art. And the constant posting of her DA account ?

I thought this forum is the place where everything would be considered through a 4th way approach.

There are thousand of places on the net where you can just wait to be "loved" by people for what you're projecting.

Russ and I might have be too blunt, but for my part I would not say it's great when it shows obvious flaws.
I can tell because I have the experience (while doing something totally different) and I can make comparaison with other artists in the same field.

In any other topic, someone who would have posted about his knowledge on a subject would have been shown by other members more knowledgeable on the subject his/her mistake.
I don't see why it should be any different with digital art.
redjade said:
Let me know what you think.
redjade said:
I want to know my weakness and ideas from other artists.
It would be much easier, redjade, if you had expressed precisely what you wanted from the beginning :) Not that lack of precision didn't result in interesting discussion, but since this thread is about your work, let's get back to it.

For what it's worth, I think you have some better works in your deviant art gallery, than these two pictures you have submitted here. Some of them are really nice pieces, with interesting textures and lighting. From what I've seen I wouldn't agree you are a novice, though you are not a craftsman either. I'd say your works show that you are in this specific period where you have some skills and experience, but now it's time to polish the skills you have already and more importantly gain some theoretical knowledge - namely you are an apprentice :D

Photoshop, although powerfull, is only a tool. Since you are comfortable with some of it's functions, you might want to learn more art theory now. Having proper knowledge will enable you to create much better pictures right away, even without mastering nuances of Photoshop techniques.

Speaking of theory, first and foremost, composition has dramatic impact on quality of any artwork, be it painting, drawing, sculpture, architecture and what not. If you'd like to study some art theory, this is in my opinion a place to start, since most of your works are lacking in this area.

Here is one of the best tutorials on this subject I have found so far. Although it's about landscape composition, rules described therein apply in other types of art as well.

"Landscape Composition Rules" by Johannes Vloothuis

Should you become familiar with compostition rules, here's some more excellent stuff to study and exercise.

What else can I say, redjade? Have fun and good luck!!
There isn't really a problem at all in critiquing a person's creation, no matter what it be or who they be, imo. It matters more from where that critiquing is coming from, no? If it's an opportunity to boost self-importance and is pointed out as such, that, to me anyway, is the "mirror" effect and very much reflects what the Fourth Way IS about.

I am not sure that gender plays a role, at least not for me. It's just hard to critique someone's creation, other than saying what it does or doesn't "do" for us. Definitely "eye of the beholder" material. Does NOT mean that constructive critisism wouldn't be appreciated by Redjade. But where is it coming from? I've definitely had lots of it deposited towards my "art", but when it obviously has self-importance behind it, I just blow it off. Nothing personal, just something to attempt to recognize in ourselves, again a very important part of the work, no?

No reason to feel "disturbed" about this is there?

Mucho respecto for you all. I for one don't get a daily dose of this type of opportunity to learn. Thankyou.
cholas said:
There isn't really a problem at all in critiquing a person's creation, no matter what it be or who they be, imo. It matters more from where that critiquing is coming from, no? If it's an opportunity to boost self-importance and is pointed out as such, that, to me anyway, is the "mirror" effect and very much reflects what the Fourth Way IS about.
I think that's certainly a good point - is the critique coming from a place of generosity, or is it coming from a place of "I know better".

cholas said:
I am not sure that gender plays a role, at least not for me. It's just hard to critique someone's creation, other than saying what it does or doesn't "do" for us. Definitely "eye of the beholder" material. Does NOT mean that constructive critisism wouldn't be appreciated by Redjade. But where is it coming from? I've definitely had lots of it deposited towards my "art", but when it obviously has self-importance behind it, I just blow it off. Nothing personal, just something to attempt to recognize in ourselves, again a very important part of the work, no?

No reason to feel "disturbed" about this is there?

Mucho respecto for you all. I for one don't get a daily dose of this type of opportunity to learn. Thankyou.
Yes, I'm not sure why gender came into the discussion.

tigersoap said:
I think some of you might fear to be criticized themselves regarding what they are doing.
The fact that Redjade is a girl (we have pictures !!wink) might play a part in it.
Why does this 'play a part in it' for you, tigersoap? I hazard to suggest that you are suggesting that a female is too 'fragile' to be criticized, thus, since she's a 'girl', as you put it, that people are hesitating? Hopefully I'm misunderstanding you.
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