anart said:
Why does this 'play a part in it' for you, tigersoap? I hazard to suggest that you are suggesting that a female is too 'fragile' to be criticized, thus, since she's a 'girl', as you put it, that people are hesitating? Hopefully I'm misunderstanding you.
Hello Anart,
I don't understand why you would think that because I did criticize her works regardless of her gender.
People who are working in the digital/art field have made some criticisms, people who aren't have made more positive comments, so I was wondering why there was such a difference between the comments.
I indeed was wondering if her gender was influencing some comments because I have seen this dynamic being played out in other forums or art sites so I was wondering if this wasn't going on in here as well.
I'll explain myself :
In the Deviant Art website, many people, women and men alike, are showing off their art and/or pictures of themselves, only to boost their self-image.
Everyone is eagerly waiting for comments praising their art or looks.
Nothing can be more narcississtic than that.
There is always a bit of flirting going on between the two genders.
Hence the comments are always biaised because of that. I was wondering if this was the case here too.
The artistic quality has been more and more put aside, thankfully there are still many people doing it for the art itself and who are not looking this constant need of approval.
So that's where it bothered me because it seemed to me that Redjade was not asking to appraise her art only but herself as well by linking up her deviant art gallery.
I was wondering if she wasn't posting here with the same dynamic than on Deviant art. Although in a less obvious way.
So yeah it does play a part but in the sense you mean it for me, there was a context in which I made the remark.
It's clear for me that any art discussion will trigger reactions in me because I am involved emotionally with it.
I hope my explanation cleared up my posts.