A powerful solar storm is headed toward us, bringing hazards and rare light show


FOTCM Member
On top of Irma, there is also this tonight:

A powerful solar storm is headed toward us, bringing hazards and rare light shows


The Space Weather Prediction Center has upgraded a geomagnetic storm watch for September 6 and 7 to a level only occasionally seen, but scientists say it’s nothing to be too alarmed about.

They do recommend looking for an unusual display of the aurora—the northern lights caused by a disturbance of the magnetosphere—in areas of the U.S. not used to seeing them.

“The big takeaway from this level of storming would be just increased chance of seeing the aurora, really in the upper tier of the United States,” says Robert Rutledge, lead of operations at the center, which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (Here’s an animation of the CME from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.)

The storm could pose an “elevated radiation risk to passengers & crew in high-flying aircraft at far north or south latitudes,” a NOAA warning says, and intermittently impact high-frequency RF communications, which may require some transpolar flight routes to divert to lower geomagnetic latitudes (a shift that would cost the airlines more). But currently, says Rutledge, the storm isn’t expected to interfere with flights or any other human activity here on earth or in space. There’s a slim chance of isolated interfere with high-precision GPS readings, but those issues usually only arise with stronger storms, he says.

The so-called G3 level storm is the result of what’s called a coronal mass ejection, where magnetic interactions on the sun launch part of its outer atmosphere of superheated plasma into space. When that burst of radiation gets near earth–barreling toward us at a million miles per hour, it takes about two days to make the journey–its magnetic field interacts with Earth’s, Rutledge says.
Keit said:
On top of Irma, there is also this tonight:

A powerful solar storm is headed toward us, bringing hazards and rare light shows


The Space Weather Prediction Center has upgraded a geomagnetic storm watch for September 6 and 7 to a level only occasionally seen, but scientists say it’s nothing to be too alarmed about.

They do recommend looking for an unusual display of the aurora—the northern lights caused by a disturbance of the magnetosphere—in areas of the U.S. not used to seeing them.

Sputnik is featuring an article stating, "Solar Storms may trigger sperm whale strandings" due to geomagnetic disruptions.

It is a mystery that left some of the best brains in the business totally baffled - why were healthy sperm whales suddenly finding themselves stranded on beaches all over Europe?

Aurora Borealis and Beaching: Astronomer Sheds Light on Mystery Whale Strandings

Biologists and oceangraphers talked and talked before offering up a variety of reasons after nearly 30 giant marine mammals were discovered trapped and unable to move on coastlines in Germany, Holland, France and, of course, Britain in 2016.

The puzzle continued after autopsies showed the animals were mainly well fed, young and disease-free. Regardless of all the talk, however, no obvious answer was forthcoming surrounding the mass strandings during January, 2016 — until now, that is.

Climate Realists ‎@ClimateRealists

Interesting: Solar Storms may trigger sperm whale strandings.. https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/C70B7A535EFA936C0449C1730B647A74/S147355041700026Xa.pdf/solar_storms_may_trigger_sperm_whale_strandings_explanation_approaches_for_multiple_strandings_in_the_north_sea_in_2016.pdf …

1:08 AM - Sep 6, 2017

Astronomers believe they can possibly shed valuable light as to the reason behind the riddle — solar storms.

Dr. Klaus Vanselow, of Kiel University, believes geomagnetic disruptions are the cause, having just published research in the International Journal of Astrobiology.

"Where the polar lights are seen, that's the region with the most geomagnetic disruptions on the Earth's surface. Sperm whales are very huge animals and swim in the free ocean so if they are disrupted by this affect, they can swim in the wrong direction for days and then correct it. But in the area between Scotland and Norway, if the whales swim in the wrong direction for one or two days, then it is too late for them to go back, they are trapped," says Dr. Vanselow.

The scientist believes that his theory makes perfect sense with the timeline of the discovery of the stranded whales up to six weeks after the solar storms.

He believes that because young males grow up around the Azores, an area that sees minimal impact from such storms, the creatures have little experience of the abrupt and powerful events that affect the poles.

Shift in Earth's Magnetic Field

Shortly before the whales were found dying on the beaches, a little further north, tourists and residents alike were enjoying one of nature's most illuminating events — the aurora borealis, or as they are more commonly known, the Northern Lights.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izYiDDt6d8s (4:25 min.)

Around this time, the sun was particularly active during the Christmas festive period, spewing out charged particles that interacted with the Earth's magnetic field to produce stunning displays.

Although spectacular to witness, it is widely thought this light show interfered with the whales' navigation, resulting in them becoming disorientated and hundreds of miles off track.

Scientists believe that on this occasion in 2016, the solar storms in the area shifted the magnetic shield, possibly by as much as several hundred of miles. This resulted in the whales swimming off course into the North Sea instead of skirting round to the west of Britain.

Adolescent male sperm whales migrate into the polar regions every year to take advantage of the large quantities of squid, part of their stable diet.

To help them find their way, it involves these sea giants to use an internal compass tuned to the Earth's magnetic field to navigate their journey.

Trapped and lost, the whales died after being diverted towards shallow waters before becoming stranded on the beaches.
This article was updated at 5:44 p.m. EDT to indicate that a coronal mass ejection was observed coming from the site of the solar flare.

Early this morning (Sept. 6), the sun released two powerful solar flares — the second was the most powerful in more than a decade.

Sun Unleashes Monster Solar Flare, Strongest in a Decade

At 5:10 a.m. EDT (0910 GMT), an X-class solar flare — the most powerful sun-storm category — blasted from a large sunspot on the sun's surface. That flare was the strongest since 2015, at X2.2, but it was dwarfed just 3 hours later, at 8:02 a.m. EDT (1202 GMT), by an X9.3 flare, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). The last X9 flare occurred in 2006 (coming in at X9.0).

According to SWPC, the flares resulted in radio blackouts: high-frequency radio experienced a "wide area of blackouts, loss of contact for up to an hour over [the] sunlit side of Earth," and low frequency communication, used in navigation, was degraded for an hour.

Solar flares occur when the sun's magnetic field — which creates the dark sunspots on the star's surface — twists up and reconnects, blasting energy outward and superheating the solar surface. X-class solar flares can cause radiation storms in Earth's upper atmosphere and trigger radio blackouts, as happened earlier this morning.

During large solar flares, the sun can also sling a cloud of energetic plasma from its body, an event called a coronal mass ejection (CME).

"It was accompanied by radio emissions that suggest there's a potential for a CME," SWPC space scientist Rob Steenburgh told Space.com. "However, we have to wait until we get some coronagraph imagery that would capture that event for a definitive answer."

The orbiting Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, a joint project between NASA and the European Space Agency, later provided that answer when it picked up the coronal mass ejection from the event, although according to SpaceWeather.com NOAA analysts are still modeling its trajectory to see whether it is directed toward Earth.

The sunspot responsible for this morning's flares, active region 2673, is the smaller of two massive spots on the sun's surface, at only seven Earths wide by nine Earths tall, according to astrophysicist Karl Battams.

Yesterday, that same sunspot emitted an M-class solar flare — one-tenth the size of an X-class flare — leading to a coronal mass ejection aimed toward Earth that could cause auroras tonight as far south as Ohio and Indiana.

If aimed toward Earth, the CME from these latest flares could lead to even more spectacular auroras, but could also damage satellites, communications and power systems. That cloud of charged plasma would arrive within 1 to 3 or 4 days, Steenburgh said, although CMEs triggered by energetic flares generally come quickly.

The surge of activity might seem surprising, as the sun is approaching its solar minimum, with the lowest levels of activity in its 11-year cycle.

"We are heading toward solar minimum, but the interesting thing about that is you can still have events, they're just not as frequent," Steenburgh said. "We're not having X-flares every day for a week, for instance — the activity is less frequent, but no less potentially strong."

"These kind of events are just part of living with a star," Steenburgh added.
Is it a pure coincidence that the sun unleashes a monster solar flare at the same time that the US is experiencing it's potentially worst hurricane ever, not to mention that there now are 3 hurricanes happening, Irma, Jose and Katie (and Harvey last week)?

There was a good article a couple of years ago, that argued how hurricanes are electrical events and how their intensity and energy could not be explained by just the thermal energy from the water alone. I found this article, which is not the one I had in mind, but it poses the question.


Electric Universe: Plasma storms

Stephen Smith
Tue, 09 Jul 2013 22:00 UTC

Why do planets farthest from the Sun have the fastest winds?

Earth's average wind speed is approximately 56 kilometers per hour, with a maximum of 372 kilometer per hour gust recorded on Mount Washington, New Hampshire in 1934. Some isolated wind phenomena, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, can sustain average velocities of 480 and 320 kilometers per hour for short periods. The maximum 24 hour speed record of 205 kilometers per hour from 1934 still remains, however.

Tornadoes continue to be a mystery to consensus science, as well as Electric Universe advocates, although it seems that they are more like rotating electric discharges than anything else. The electric charges in a tornado are whirling at many meters per second, so they probably form an electromagnetic field called a "charge sheath vortex."

It is commonly believed that weather is driven on Earth primarily by the Sun's thermal influence on the atmosphere. As we rotate beneath our primary, gases and dust absorb solar radiation at varying rates and in varying degrees. When any particular region heats up, the air expands and loses density, creating a relative low pressure area. Cooler air, being denser, will naturally flow into the bottom of the warm, low pressure region, causing an upwardly rotating convection cell to form.

Most weather systems on Earth are thought to be based on that simple kinetic explanation: winds blow when the cooler, denser air flows into the warmer, buoyant air.

The kinetic model of weather does not take into account the fact that planets much farther out in the Solar System have sustained winds that make those on our planet seem like gentle breezes.
The average wind speeds on the gas giant planets are fantastic.

Jupiter's winds clock at 635 kilometers per hour around the Great Red Spot; Saturn's average wind speed is up to 1800 kilometers per hour; Uranus 900 kilometers per hour; and Neptune comes in at 1138 kilometers per hour. On Neptune the winds are blowing through an atmosphere that measures minus 220 degrees Celsius. Why is it that the most remote planets, receiving small fractions of the solar energy bathing Earth, are able to convert that small fraction into much larger effects?

As mentioned in previous Pictures of the Day, Earth is a small charged body moving in a large cell of plasma, so physical phenomena on or near the planet must take the electrical nature of plasma into account. Contemplating the larger picture will help to add new details to the study of everyday phenomena, such as the weather.

Lightning could be the force that powers the wind. Neptune has some of the strongest winds of any planet in the Solar System, yet it is farthest from the Sun. Perhaps hurricanes, tornadoes, and even prevailing winds are due to the electric currents endemic to planetary atmospheres?

The Electric Universe hypothesis agrees with conventional theory that wind is movement of air molecules, but that there are other explanations. What are those other agents of movement?

If conventional theory explains wind solely as the result of convection and gas kinetics, Electric Universe proponents insist that electric discharges must also be considered. Electromagnetic forces in plasma move and accelerate charged particles, so collisions between charged and neutral particles drag the neutral air molecules along with them. Close observation of laboratory arc discharges reveals that an electric "wind" surrounds and often precedes an electric arc.

The plasma discharge sweeps up the surrounding air along with the charge carriers, or ions. The wind appears as inflows and updrafts as well as outflows and downdrafts. It can lift dust particles and erode surfaces. By analogy, we must then question the accepted explanation of thunderstorms as being caused solely by convection of hot air and the climatological movement of winds by the Sun's heat alone.
I found the article I was looking for, explaining the electrical component and hurricanes. It was a SOTT FOCUS article from 2011 :cool2:

I include just the opening paragraph and the section relating to hurricanes as it is topical, but the article is worth reading in full.


Cyclones, Earthquakes, Volcanoes And Other Electrical Phenomena

Ryan X
Mon, 07 Feb 2011 21:19 UTC

© Unknown
Recent events provide us with a great case study of the cosmic forces that may lie behind large storms such as cyclones, hurricanes, blizzards and much more. The recent events I speak of include the major blizzard that swept across the Midwestern and Eastern US as well as the punishment Cyclone Yasi inflicted on eastern Australia earlier last week. Both of these storms grew to enormous sizes during a time period that coincided with the Earth being lashed by a solar storm just following a New Moon. As strange as this may sound, this isn't the first time that celestial alignments along side of solar activity have spurred such events. If a correlation between these factors exists, as we suspect, then this overturns much of what is commonly believed about Earth weather and, as we'll see, even geology.

Cyclones: Another Electromagnetic Wonder

In addition to lightning, cyclone storms are another suspected means of discharging electrical charge brought in from space. By cyclone storms, I mean anything from hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, tornadoes, or anything that forms a funnel shaped cloud over land or water. According to McCanney and others such as Walter Thornhill, these cyclones may be attempts to move charge quickly from the lower atmosphere to the ground. As Thornhill writes on the topic of tornadoes:

Meteorologists are not sure how tornadoes form but they do know that they are often associated with severe electrical storms. The key to understanding tornadoes is that they are the result of rapidly rotating electric charge. Just as electrons are the current carriers in the copper wires we use for power transmission, so they are in the tornado. The BIG difference is that the electrons are moving at many metres per second in the tornado while they take several hours to move one metre in copper wire! The result is that enormously powerful electromagnetic forces are in control of the tornado.
This means that instead of counter-rotating wind currents holding the tornado together, the wind is actually an effect of rotating electric charge sheets. The scientists studying tornadoes might have everything backwards. Seeing as tornadoes may be electrical in nature, we might expect to see electrical anomalies in and around the tornadoes themselves. In a paper by A.N. Dmitriev titled Electrogravidynamic Concept of Tornadoes, he expounds a litany of strange anomalies associated with tornadoes:
In 1951 in Texas a funnel passed over an observer at 6 meter height, the interior having diameter about 130m with walls of 3 meter width. Inside the hollow there was a brilliant cloud. There was no vacuum inside, because it was easy to breath . The walls were rotating with a very high speed, and the rotation might be seen up to the top of the column. A bit later the funnel touched the neighbor's house and immediately took it off. This description is similar to many others [Fl, Jus, Ho] and require the explanation of the fact that rotation of the air necessarily leads to decrease of pressure. Why, being 6m above the ground, the funnel end causes neither damage nor intense air motion, while, upon touching the ground, destroys and moves off a house?


A funnel uprooted the apple tree, tearing it to pieces. A beehive standing a couple of meters from it was left safe.[Hay] A two-story timber house was taken off with its inhabitants and torn to pieces. A staircase of three stairs led to the door with a bench leaning against it. Both, bench and staircase were not moved. The funnel also torn off two wheels of a car standing by, not moving the car itself, while an oil lamp which stood near on a table under a tree, still kept burning. [Fin].


The ability of objects to penetrate the other ones is also being referred to high rotation speeds. A small pebble punctures a glass like a bullet without forming fractures. One board penetrates the other without shattering it. A timber house wall is found punctured by an old charred plank, with it's porous tip staying undamaged. A clover leaf was found pressed into a hard stucco wall. A 1.5 inches gate frame was found punctured by a piece of wood. [La, Graz].

Crossing a river, a funnel pulls up such a quantity of water that it uncovers the river bed, forming a trench in the water. Such phenomena were seen on the Mississippi and Moscow rivers. On the Rhine river, where the depth was 25m, the trench was 7 meters deep. [Nal]

Tornadoes may lift and transport people and animals at 4-10 km distances, sometimes keeping them alive. One inch mollusks were moved 160 km [ La], but fell upon the ground one hour before the cloud's coming. On June 17,1940 in Meschery village of the Gorky region in Russia, a tornado poured out about a thousand XIV century silver coins. The coins were falling from the cloud, but not from the funnel itself. The treasure was transported for several kilometers and was then poured out over a compact area. [Nal]


A large timber church with 50 people in it was moved 6 meters; no one was killed. In 1963 a funnel transported a house with 10 inhabitants at 400 m distance; all stayed alive. [Nal]

The funnel, when it's not touching the ground, emits a buzzing or hissing noise. Faye [Fa] describes several cases when the tornado was accompanied by ball lightning. Sometimes short and wide sheet lightning surround a funnel. Sometime all the surface of a funnel shines a strange yellow glow. Sometimes observers describe a bluish ball-like formation like ball lightning, but much larger, visible in a cloud. Sometimes slowly moving fire columns are seen. [VoM, Vo60,Fr ] Jones describes a pulse generator - some center of electric activity looking as a round, bright, blue spot in a parent cloud, appearing 30-90 minutes before a funnel. [Jo]
While one would be hard pressed to explain all of these strange happenings in terms of a new electric theory of tornadoes (unless that theory included new facets of electromagnetism itself), there is certainly an element of electrical activity in some of these anomalies. Light effects, ball lightning, buzzing and hissing sounds are all properties of electricity in some form.

When it comes to hurricanes or other cyclone storms that form over water, mainstream science hypothesizes a completely different set of principles governing their formation than the ones used for tornado formation. In fact, when it comes to cyclones, there are even different formation theories depending on where on Earth the cyclone forms! I'm not going to go into the details of these theories because they are well known and can be found elsewhere. However, doesn't it seem odd that such similar storm systems found in nature could have entirely different causes? From a phenomenological standpoint both cyclones and tornadoes form funnel shaped clouds, but the main difference between tornadoes and cyclones is the duration in which they persist and, of course, where they form (over land or water). Hurricanes or cyclones also tend to lose strength after making landfall. According to McCanney:
... [T]he reason hurricanes lost power when they approached land was that the powering electrical current from the ionosphere to the cloud tops and to the Earth's surface had no connection (anode) while over the ocean ... so it drew up vast surface areas of ionized air from the ocean surface and sucked them up a central column (the spinning vortex was caused by the moist air rising "up the drain")... whereas the land provided a "ground" for the current and therefore it shunted out the storm's power source.

[McCanney 2002 p 71]

So the hypothetical reason why cyclones get so large and last for so long is because the ocean acts as an electrical insulator, preventing charge from reaching the more conductive terra firma on the ocean floor beneath. This explains why tornadoes don't last nearly as long: they are already over land which allows them to discharge faster. In other words, the phenomena of cyclones and tornadoes are really of the same electromagnetic origin, but the surface conditions over where they form give them their unique properties.

As we've seen from recent events, by monitoring the conditions on the sun, and noting the alignments of planetary objects (including moons and even comets), we can predict when the Earth may receive a sudden electric jolt that could result in more cyclone storm activity. On his website, McCanney lists a number of correlations where solar activity and cosmic alignments precipitated into massive storms on Earth. One such instance occurred in September of 2004 when two hurricanes formed out of the Atlantic Ocean and several others formed in the Pacific Ocean (see image below). According to McCanney this explosion of cyclone storms was preceded by solar storms and happened the day after a New Moon. Does any of this sound familiar?

Taken the day after the New Moon on September 15, 2004. Shows five tropical storms in various stages. Hurricane Ivan pictured just about to make landfall in the Gulf of Mexico.
Actually, as far as predicting cyclone storms, specifically tornadoes, scientists are already using techniques that measure "upper atmosphere lightning" - or lightning between the clouds and ionosphere - to determine where tornadoes are more likely to form. According to this website describing the methods of tornado prediction:
In the 1990s NASA developed a satellite known as a Lightning Imaging Sensor in order to calculate the number of upper atmosphere lightning strikes in a storm. These lightning strikes, invisible to the naked eye because of dense cloud cover, are thought to be early predictors of tornadic activity. As the lightening increases, the likelihood of a tornado increases.
This implies that even those predicting tornadoes now are using signposts of electrical activity to make their predictions. Even with this new technique of detection, they still haven't put two and two together when it comes to the electrical nature of the tornadoes themselves.
Aeneas said:
Is it a pure coincidence that the sun unleashes a monster solar flare at the same time that the US is experiencing it's potentially worst hurricane ever, not to mention that there now are 3 hurricanes happening, Irma, Jose and Katie (and Harvey last week)?

There was a good article a couple of years ago, that argued how hurricanes are electrical events and how their intensity and energy could not be explained by just the thermal energy from the water alone. I found this article, which is not the one I had in mind, but it poses the question.


That's what I thought too when I read the news.

Yesterday was also a full moon where the Earth was in between the Sun and the Moon. According to Electric Universe theory, that means the Earth got the full electric current from the Sun to the Moon in addition to the current from the Sun that it normally gets.

All that (and more) is explained in the book "Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection". An excellent book by the way!
The sun released a pair of powerful solar flares on Wednesday morning, one of which was the most powerful event since 2006. Despite mostly passing by Earth without incident, the flares still knocked out radio communications over about half the planet for an hour.

Largest Solar Flare in Decades Blacks Out Communications Across Planet (PHOTOS)

Solar flares are classified as A, B, C, M or X, with X being the most powerful. Both flares were X-class: the first was an X2.2, the largest solar flare since 2015; it was quickly dwarfed by a whopping X9.3, quadruple the power of the flare from just three hours prior. The last time the sun produced an X9 flare was 11 years ago, in 2006.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) reported that the flares resulted in blackouts of both high-frequency and low-frequency radio channels. (Article continues.)
* NOAA warns 'severe storm conditions' are still in effect for the flares
* Aurora has been seen as low as Alabama and northern California
* The second of these flares was the most powerful recorded since 2005
* Eruptions have knocked out high-frequency radio communications for one hour
* They also disrupted low-frequency communications used in navigation

Now there's a SOLAR storm warning too: Sixth massive flare in just four days heads for Earth and could cause blackouts (Videos)

The biggest solar flare seen for 12 years erupted from the sun earlier this week, causing radio blackouts on Earth.

Two high-intensity solar flares were emitted, the second of which was the most intense recorded since 2005, the Space Weather Prediction Centre (SWPC) said.

Now, NASA has revealed the storms are continuing, with what the space agency says is a 'mid-level solar flare' that peaked at 3:49 a.m. EDT today.

This is the sixth sizable flare from the same active region since Sept. 4, NASA said.

It is expected to cause auroras to be visible over northeast America, and aurora has been seen as low as Alabama and northern California

The earlier flares knocked out radio communications for one hour on the Earth's side facing the sun, as well as low-frequency communications used in navigation.

According to the NOAA's space weather prediction center, 'G4 (Severe) geomagnetic storm levels were observed at 2350 UTC (19:50 Eastern) on 07 September, again at 0151 UTC (21:51 Eastern) on 08 September and 1304 UTC (09:04 Eastern) due to effects from a coronal mass ejection.

'A G3 (Strong) or greater warning continues to be in effect until 1500 UTC (11:00 Eastern) on 08 September. '

Experts say that a coronal mass ejection (CME) triggered by the flares will likely arrive in the next 1-2 days, and that this could damage satellites, communications and power systems on Earth.

The CME could also trigger a series of stunning Northern Lights appearances across Earth's northern hemisphere.

At 10:10 am BST (5:10 am ET) on Wednesday an X-class solar flare - the most-powerful sun flare category - erupted from a large sunspot on the solar surface.


The latest flare is classified as an M8.1 flare, and is a 'mid-level solar flare' that peaked at 3:49 a.m. EDT today.

At 10:10 am BST (5:10 am ET) on Wednesday an X-class solar flare - the most-powerful sun flare category - erupted from a large sunspot on the solar surface.

The flare, an X2.2, was the strongest since 2015, but just three hours later it was dwarfed by an X9.3 flare, the last of which occurred in 2006, at X9.0.

The second of the two flares is the largest in 12 years, after an X17 that erupted from the solar surface in 2005.

The flares knocked out radio communications for one hour on the Earth's side facing the sun, as well as low-frequency communications used in navigation.

The sun also emitted two mid-level solar flares on Sept. 7, 2017.

The first peaked at 6:15 a.m. EDT. The second, larger flare, peaked at 10:36 a.m. EDT.

These are the fourth and fifth sizable flares from the same active region since Sept. 4.

The sun also emitted two significant solar flares on the morning of Sept. 6, 2017. The first peaked at 5:10 a.m. EDT and the second, larger flare, peaked at 8:02 a.m. EDT.

The flare, an X2.2, was the strongest since 2015, but just three hours later it was dwarfed by an X9.3 flare, the largest since 2006, at X9.0.

The second of the two flares is the largest in 12 years, after an X17 that erupted from the solar surface in 2005.

These radiation flares, which can disrupt communications satellites, GPS and power grids, were detected and captured by Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite.

The two eruptions occurred in an active region of the sun where an eruption of mid-level intensity occurred on September 4.

The current cycle of the sun, which began in December 2008, saw the intensity of solar activity decline sharply, opening the way to a 'solar minimum.'
Seems like it's not unthinkable that the solar flares may strengthen these hurricanes even more, and who knows at this rate we may get more than six. As beautiful as the Auroras are, I'd not see them this far south in Canada.
Andre' said:
Just yesterday another Solar eruption occurred, an X 8.2 CME that it missed the planet luckily, below i've posted the video of suspicious0bservers where it is shown the spectacular solar eruption. So in a week we had at least 3 - 4 solar eruptions, 2 of which being pretty powerful, i'm just wondering what is the cause of the Sun's sudden "awakening"?

What triggered the activity could perhaps have been the 5km wide asteroid Florence which passed on the 1st of September. It was only two days later that this sudden resurgence of Solar activity started.
Aeneas said:
Andre' said:
Just yesterday another Solar eruption occurred, an X 8.2 CME that it missed the planet luckily, below i've posted the video of suspicious0bservers where it is shown the spectacular solar eruption. So in a week we had at least 3 - 4 solar eruptions, 2 of which being pretty powerful, i'm just wondering what is the cause of the Sun's sudden "awakening"?

What triggered the activity could perhaps have been the 5km wide asteroid Florence which passed on the 1st of September. It was only two days later that this sudden resurgence of Solar activity started.

Thank you Aeneas, i've forgot reading about it on Sott.

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