A question or two

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Vulcan59 said:
it seems perhaps that there is a person standing next to Lobaczewski's left shoulder but his image been cut off at the waist line.
Behind his left shoulder?
Looks to me his jacket is hanging on the back of the chair he is sitting in.
Interesting anatomy that half person has too. Looks like part of a soft cushion from a sofa with button in the middle. She what happens when conspiracy mongers get started! I reckon Lobaczewski would have something to say about it! ;-)

Al Today said:
Behind his left shoulder?
Looks to me his jacket is hanging on the back of the chair he is sitting in.
Oh yeah! You win the observation prize Al! I think it was the suggestion that this was a "half person" that immediately threw me! Hmm....there's a lesson in there somewhere for me.

What throws me off in this picture is this solid black line completely
around him on the right hand side. What's up with that? Also, the
the black "box" area starting from upper left elbow to past his hip.
It appears that this photo has been altered. It looks as if his personal
image is inserted into a different background, somehow.
dant said:
What throws me off in this picture is this solid black line completely
around him on the right hand side. What's up with that? Also, the
the black "box" area starting from upper left elbow to past his hip.
It appears that this photo has been altered. It looks as if his personal
image is inserted into a different background, somehow.
Looks like a shadow behind him on the bookcase from the flash of the camera and that he is sitting in a small black armchair with his coat laying on the back of it. It doesn't look photoshopped to me - fwiw. I can't even imagine any reason it would be photoshopped - it's not like he doesn't exist or his surroundings look especially exotic or anything. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
dant said:
What throws me off in this picture is this solid black line completely
around him on the right hand side. What's up with that? Also, the
the black "box" area starting from upper left elbow to past his hip.
It appears that this photo has been altered. It looks as if his personal
image is inserted into a different background, somehow.
It's a shadow! There's even a black line on his left leg - projected onto his right - because it's just a shadow from the flash. The "black box" - if you'd brighten your monitor - is a wooden or leather chair because you can see the wear and tear. Case closed.
alhm said:
I'm a bit unsure of what to make of "Ponerology". (I admit to not having read everything on the subject). It seems to me not easy to draw a line between "normal" people and "psychopaths". It seems to me most people oscillate between the two. Certainly many are heavily on the "psychopath" side, at least as regards the lack of empathy. But i find it hard to think of the state of the world as being the result of the conscious acts of psychopaths, with "normal" people the innocent vitims.
The distinction is very simple. Normal people are all those who are not psychopaths and who do not have permanent brain damage. Normal simply means having a functioning brain.

And you are wrong about some people being "heavy on the psychopath side". Psychopathy is a biologically/genetically determined disorder. Read something on the subject before making ignorant and unsubstantiated statements.

Perhaps it is possible to learn how to help these people instead of writing them off as incurable?
They are incurable. If you would read anything on the subject you would know this. Your "opinion" is meaningless and, in fact, has no basis in reality.
dant said:
What throws me off in this picture is this solid black line completely
around him on the right hand side. What's up with that? Also, the
the black "box" area starting from upper left elbow to past his hip.
It appears that this photo has been altered. It looks as if his personal
image is inserted into a different background, somehow.
Joe said:
Maybe you are referring to the black line that goes from the top of his head down his left hand side to his stomach area? That's a shadow from the flash of the camera.
Well, let me settle the photo issue. The photo was taken by a group member in Poland in Lobaczewski's small apartment with a flash. I personally received the photo from the camera of this individual and cropped it and reduced the resolution so that it would load faster on the page. I cropped the photo a bit to cut out some of the background stuff and center Lobaczewski. Other than those efforts, there is NO "photo-shopping."

Lobaczewski was sitting in a low black chair with his jacket draped over the back of the chair. The "shadow" around him is an artifact of the flash.

I have to really ask why anyone would even think the photo is "altered" in any significant way? What would be the point? It is a photo of a very old man who, by the way, is VERY tall - a really BIG guy - in his little retirement home in front of his bookshelves taken with a flash digital camera. Period.
I thought it was very peculiar because I have never seen
a photo-flash shadow before! I guess I should have known
better because after all having Peter Pan as my avatar, I
should have remembered that Peter did lose his shadow...
guess I need to have my shadow sown back on! :)
I never saw anything in that picture prior to alhm suggesting that it was tampered with. All I saw was an decent old man sitting in a chair posing for a shot and nothing else. And I judged the man after acquiring his book and reading thru it. By their fruits.. It doesn't make an iota of difference of what I think of the man whether his pictured is altered or not, and in any case, as Laura mentions, what would be the point?

But perhaps there is a lesson in it for me since I didn't notice anything in that picture (I wasn't expecting any)until a suggestion was made. hmmm
Hi alhm,

you make it sound as if Lobaczewski's ponerology (which you HAVE NOT read) is the only source of information regarding psychopaths and the vital need for non-psychopaths to be able to recognize them and neutralize their actions. The truth is that Harvey Cleckley, Martha Stout, Robert Hare are only few of the people who also realized through their work as psychologists how psychopaths are different kind of beings, unlike humans, and they also warn in their books about the dire consequences of nor recognizing the psychopath early, not only in individual cases but for a community, a country, the world.

I suggest you read Laura's editorial Amir Perez and the Faith Based School of Politics where Amos M. Gunsberg, "a psychotherapist and trainer of psychotherapists in New York City" is quoted:

They are a different species . . . dedicated to the murder of human values . . . as a prelude to the murder of human beings . . . e.g., the tactics used by Nazis, past and present.
It is all lessons, like you say, but perhaps all lessons need to be learned and applied, unless there's no point in learning them is it?
Irini said:
Hi alhm,
I suggest you read Laura's editorial Amir Perez and the Faith Based School of Politics where Amos M. Gunsberg, "a psychotherapist and trainer of psychotherapists in New York City" is quoted:

They are a different species . . . dedicated to the murder of human values . . . as a prelude to the murder of human beings . . . e.g., the tactics used by Nazis, past and present.
It is all lessons, like you say, but perhaps all lessons need to be learned and applied, unless there's no point in learning them is it?
Oh goody. I hadn't noticed that one before.
For all of you, photo-examinators:
Here is the "black shadow" coming from the flash


And here is the mysterious "black box"


All in original resolution. Filter was used only to brighten the image, originally very dark.

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