Your "opinion" is meaningless and, in fact, has no basis in reality.
ah, forums are the same everywhere. . . people so sure , so sure.you make it sound as if Lobaczewski's ponerology (which you HAVE NOT read)
I wonder if only those that agree on everything are welcome here? why the unfriendly tones?
as for "black shadows" from the flash, what can i say? anyone who's used photoshop to create collages , cutting figures out of backgrounds, can see the signs in the photo... i guess the original background was too bleak, whereas a nicely lit library adds to the image of scholarship.
Yeah, Harvey Cleckley, i had a look at "the Mask of Sanity". folks, if you are holding that up as one of your key texts, what can i say? Psychiatry rules James Joyce to be insane!!!! :D
Psychiatry, a truly respectable science---- groan!