A Short Film about Mass Mind Control via Movies

Skipling said:
HowToBe said:
One thing my mom made sure to do early on was to emphasize repeatedly that TV and movies are stories and not reality, and shouldn't be confused for reality. So maybe I've had a bit of protection there

My Dad always used to say that too, "It's just a film....", but strangely, I always used to wonder if there was more to them than that (I'm thinking about the horror and sci-fi genres now of course ;)). I also, having listened to myself a little just now, realised that this is mainly because of a great number of night terrors I had before I got into watching these types of movies, and I cannot stress this enough, before. Not to mention seeing transparent people "walking" through my bedroom window. Eeesh! So I was always, at least the inner child was, and maybe a little more of the i's too, just..... wondering.
Well, she didn't trivialize the effects of movies either; I wasn't really allowed to watch rated-R movies until I was maybe 10 or 11, and even before then, with movies like the Star Wars trilogy, she would comment on different aspects of the movie, to try and teach my brother and I to think critically and not just accept what the movies showed or told us as truth. For that service I am eternally grateful. Nevertheless, I do remember sneaking into the hallway and peeking at the screen during R-rated movies. I had a nightmare after seeing the skeletons and faces melting during the first Indiana Jones movie.

Skipling, I'm curious about the state of your diet, since that could have an affect on the things you are experiencing. Also, do you do Eiriu Eolas regularly, and if so, what are the results there? I hope that things improve for you. :flowers:
The results of the e/e so far have been dreadful. My right side tenses up, my arm feels like it's only the arm of a little boy, and in my mind I constantly get bombarded with crap. Same with the meditation. I dread going to sleep most nights. I'm lucky if I can get four hours of sleep. I cry pretty much every day at some point, out of despair. Yesterday I cried buckets while trying to give the Fellowship priciples a good read, but there is so much resistance from within.

At my worst states I think I am in danger of collapsing into psychopathy of some sort. I've been asked in my mind if I want to die but I'm scared. Scared of karma. Smoking anxiety too, but I just can't quit them. I need them, I'm addicted and when all else in my life fails they are always there.
I've got a question for the mods. Were any posts lost in the last two days on this thread? I responded to a member named Cassandra on this thread yesterday but the post is gone, and so is her second reply also. I thought I was goinginsane then for a minute. Ahh, deep breaths...... :-[
Skipling said:
I've got a question for the mods. Were any posts lost in the last two days on this thread? I responded to a member named Cassandra on this thread yesterday but the post is gone, and so is her second reply also. I thought I was goinginsane then for a minute. Ahh, deep breaths...... :-[
Hey Skipling,

No worries, your post wasn't lost, just moved to your own thread since they were quite personal. Check the swamp. :)
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