A wish for Egypt: Hope


Jedi Master
There is a great quote that reminds me to keep working on myself and not get discouraged:

"HOPE inspires people and makes them achieve sometimes impossible victories. Dark Forces hate hope, and by all means they try to uproot hope from the hearts of people. When hope is cut off, man turns into a slave to chaos."

-Torkom Saraydarian
: Thanks for posting this, New Orleans.

:: Oh, you're welcome. It helps to remember that regardless of where each one of us are in our soul's progress, that Hope springs eternal. Glad you got something out of it.

: I noticed that you made a poster of that too (on your deleted website.)

:: Yeah, I was honored that it was included in the NYC School of Visual Arts Gallery Show along with some of the country's top designers in support of the Iranian Green Movement.

: What does that have to do with Egypt?

:: Only that it's the emergence of an unexpected mass movement in the Middle East yearning for self-rule. As an artist, I was expressing my love of Egypt and the art that it produced. My Mom was an Egyptologist , self-taught. I grew up on that art.

: Cool. Thanks for posting. Well, good talking to ya, Disturbance.....

:: Funny, but I don't get that label. Maybe the C's don't like me, I don't know...someone must know that I don't even LIKE Star Wars movies . Ironic since I was a science fiction reader as a kid....

: As Bob Dylan said: Even the Jedi Master must wipe his bottom sometime....LOL

:: I don't think Bob Dylan wrote that... you just did.

: Amazing psychic ability you have there.

:: Stop, you fool. You're making me laugh.
oh great you have just answered your question foryourself,
no networking necessary anymore, since you are your own one . ;D
I don't mean to be snarky, Pashalis. I really don't. It takes time to establish one's identity on a board. And that's OK. I DO believe in networking, only none seemed forthcoming. It's OK. ( patience ceased being my strongest virtue - I need to work on that.) Writing as two is not the sign of a psychopath - to those who don't know me - but a soul that is working twice as hard to catch up to "breaking even" and then going further into work, wisdom and compassion..... if I'm not sincere here, it'll be evident sooner or later. But I am.
To most outsiders the word "Katrina" is merely a feminine name, but to those from the city of New Orleans it means a hurricane, a massive failure of the levee system protecting us... and trauma, pain & loss. We witnessed what the end of civilization must feel like earlier than all the rest of the Americans. As Terrence McKenna said: the Apocalypse has already happened in so many other parts of the world, and it's only because we Americans live in such a bubble of priviledge that it hadn't quite reached us yet. Well, Katrina was our Apocalypse. It meant heartbreak to be looking early on for missing friends in the morgue directory. We were one of the luckier ones, we got out. I DO count my blessings every day. I merely lost my house, my business and my friends and then started over. My wife, the cats and I evacuated at the last moment before the bridge closed off. In the middle of a 24 mile stretch of bridge over a large lake (Ponchartrain) in a traffic jam as the hurricane reached us. A bit like a bad science fiction movie. Listening to the howling cats, watching the hard rain hit. It's been five years but it feels like five hours ago. I also would like to mention that we saw a huge shiny UFO in broad daylight , moving low over a busy intersection only 2 weeks before the disaster...we both looked at each other to make sure we weren't hallucinating..now it seems to make sense: They came for the disaster drama.
We survived. And live now in the soulless city of Atlanta and think of our Home which is now nowhere, except in the past, in memory. So I made a new beginning..."my "Grapes of Wrath" moment....a bit challenging in a Depression, but a lot have done it and so do I.
I have a beloved disabled wife and my very best friend, with Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And I watch her live in pain most of the time. She found a Syrian Moslem doctor here who is courageous about treatment and medications. ( yes, I've been to the helpful links here, thanks. It's one of the reasons I came here. I have only gratefulness for this information)
Loking back on what I just wrote, I'm wondering if I ought to even post. It's just not a cheerful tale.<<<laughing>>> I'm not begging for pity, just stating my current reality. Sorry to give the impression that I'm crazy or anything. I have WORK to do on myself, just like everyone else. We are ALL our own ONE. Yes?
And so if I talk to myself it's because I NEED TO every once in a while. It's me in the future/present cheerfully talking to me in the past/present. (That fool needs a good talking to anyway. ) Sooner or later all this inside will calm down. I'm patiently reading long threads and listening to wiser souls. Grateful to have, on my own, stumbled into reading about Laura, Ark and the C's.

thanks for your thoughts.
ps. My thanks, first, to Gandalf - I could almost hear the soothing voice of Ian McEllen to that - and others who offered first greetings. It helped more than I can say.
Hi NewOrleans,
Just because you have not gotten much response relating to the quote you posted does not mean anything in itself. In this forum people generally only respond when they have something useful to say. Lack of response does not mean lack of appreciation. It is pretty obvious to most here that you were looking for some sort of 'praise' for posting it - which is why you were 'patting yourself on the back' when none was forthcoming. Think about why you felt the need for this. That is what the Work is about.

I would also like to add my welcome to you to the forum!
Richard S.,

Very true and thank you. Improvement by compassionate criticism - and even hard criticism - is appreciated.
NewOrleans said:
I don't mean to be snarky, Pashalis. I really don't. It takes time to establish one's identity on a board. And that's OK. I DO believe in networking, only none seemed forthcoming. It's OK. ( patience ceased being my strongest virtue - I need to work on that.) Writing as two is not the sign of a psychopath - to those who don't know me - but a soul that is working twice as hard to catch up to "breaking even" and then going further into work, wisdom and compassion..... if I'm not sincere here, it'll be evident sooner or later. But I am.
To most outsiders the word "Katrina" is merely a feminine name, but to those from the city of New Orleans it means a hurricane, a massive failure of the levee system protecting us... and trauma, pain & loss. We witnessed what the end of civilization must feel like earlier than all the rest of the Americans. As Terrence McKenna said: the Apocalypse has already happened in so many other parts of the world, and it's only because we Americans live in such a bubble of priviledge that it hadn't quite reached us yet. Well, Katrina was our Apocalypse. It meant heartbreak to be looking early on for missing friends in the morgue directory. We were one of the luckier ones, we got out. I DO count my blessings every day. I merely lost my house, my business and my friends and then started over. My wife, the cats and I evacuated at the last moment before the bridge closed off. In the middle of a 24 mile stretch of bridge over a large lake (Ponchartrain) in a traffic jam as the hurricane reached us. A bit like a bad science fiction movie. Listening to the howling cats, watching the hard rain hit. It's been five years but it feels like five hours ago. I also would like to mention that we saw a huge shiny UFO in broad daylight , moving low over a busy intersection only 2 weeks before the disaster...we both looked at each other to make sure we weren't hallucinating..now it seems to make sense: They came for the disaster drama.
We survived. And live now in the soulless city of Atlanta and think of our Home which is now nowhere, except in the past, in memory. So I made a new beginning..."my "Grapes of Wrath" moment....a bit challenging in a Depression, but a lot have done it and so do I.
I have a beloved disabled wife and my very best friend, with Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And I watch her live in pain most of the time. She found a Syrian Moslem doctor here who is courageous about treatment and medications. ( yes, I've been to the helpful links here, thanks. It's one of the reasons I came here. I have only gratefulness for this information)
Loking back on what I just wrote, I'm wondering if I ought to even post. It's just not a cheerful tale.<<<laughing>>> I'm not begging for pity, just stating my current reality. Sorry to give the impression that I'm crazy or anything. I have WORK to do on myself, just like everyone else. We are ALL our own ONE. Yes?
And so if I talk to myself it's because I NEED TO every once in a while. It's me in the future/present cheerfully talking to me in the past/present. (That fool needs a good talking to anyway. ) Sooner or later all this inside will calm down. I'm patiently reading long threads and listening to wiser souls. Grateful to have, on my own, stumbled into reading about Laura, Ark and the C's.

thanks for your thoughts.

Welcome. I'm very sorry of what you went through. (Not offering pity, just simpathy).

I don't know really what to say to you from your remarks. It seems that anything anyone says might be quoted and then followed by a sarcastic comment by yourself. I would share more, about myself to give you an idea of my experience in the South with the oil spill, but it seems you have everything already figured out. To give suggestions would be silly, because you have already 'thanked' everyone for the links about health (or suggested such.) In other words, you don't leave much 'wiggle room' in which to 'be of assistance.'

You don't have to be alone. But you might want to read (or re-read) some things.
It probably would have made more sense, and increased the chances of a reply, if you had made your post to the existing thread on Egypt

Hey NewOrleans.

Maybe you use your wit as a form of barrier? I personally liked reading your reply to yourself. I thought it was funny, in a good way.

Have you seen the movie spiderman? The part where his dad tells him, with great power comes great responsibilty?

It appears to me you might be gifted in the area of being rather creative artistically or funny(?), dont use this against yourself. Part of the work involves exposing those parts of yourself that need healing to the light of day. Otherwise you will be forever wounded and cursed to live in misery. OSIT.

Also, it might be worthwhile to start working on letting go off New Orleans and moving on - I dont mean forgetting it, but rather freeing up your emotions and the burden you seem to be carrying. It comes across as holding onto the past, a past that no longer exists. The future and present arent that bad, If you attack it in the right way, they hold untold promises...
Actually I was being very direct answering Richard S. He nailed it as both attention seeking and self- appreciation and he said it in a way that was considerate. My reply was sincerely a thanks , Dawn, not sarcastic.The health pages I had found to be very helpful. And I've asked my wife to look up some links of CFS , etc.
Regarding the New Orleans experience, I felt it necessary to share more of my circumstances to explain where I was and how I came to be here on this site. If it was misunderstood, there is much for me to learn in expressing myself. My humor was to poke fun at myself not others. Being a visual artist is sometimes a bit prickly about subjectivity. Too much drama, not enough analytical thinking. I see criticism as a gift to self-examine always. I am hopeful that I can make a go of it here in another city but it has made me very insecure. It's true I haven't let go of the past. I'll stop thanking people in advance, Luke. Noted. (nodding) Yes.
:: you know you ARE acting like a disturbance in the Force...

: I had to look that up on Wookipedia. I'm not familiar with Star Wars movies... I wonder if I can ever get an upgrade, I read the Transcripts, the Wave and The Adventures in their entirety. Also Gurdjieff. I read all three of the books 2 1/2 times.

:: Why not 3 times like he said?

: I lent two of the books to a stripper with a PHD and she never returned them.

:: Good Lord....And what did you learn from Gurdjieff?

: That humans are basically faulty machines and not immediate bearers of immortal souls just yet. Individuality takes work. A truthful reconsideration of oneself. He suggests that most people are liars even to themselves with self-satisfied self-appraisal...sleepwalking through life.

:: And where do you think you stand in all that?

: Not all that great. I make mistakes...all the time - like writing to myself like this......Last week I asked myself if I was a psychopath, but Spirit said don't be ridiculous. But I'm not a sleepwalker. If I was I'd be watching television. I certainly don't have that high a self-appraisal. But I do have a STO dedication. Chaos woke me up. Maybe all this is a ripple effect after Katrina, but more likely it's my nature is scatterbrained and needs improvement And maybe I'm grateful that I'm NOT satisfied. A disturbance? Well, if that's the tag from the C's then they were being kind.

:: So, being a disturbance, well, it's like a goldfish without a bowl of water....maybe you're in the wrong place.

: I don't think so. I come here daily to read. It's soul nourishment. Maybe I'll get an upgrade in 5000 posts.

:: Care to just shut up for a few seconds?

: Well, if you think I should. Couldn't be any wore than having 209 people silently read this....

:: Fine, Go find your Gurdjieff book and read it and stop annoying the Force.


Sincerely request deletion of this account and comments. It's not about looking for attention, but communication. I respectfully admire this community but cannot continue talking only to myself...
NewOrleans said:

Sincerely request deletion of this account and comments. It's not about looking for attention, but communication. I respectfully admire this community but cannot continue talking only to myself...

You know, NewOrleans, your previous post (or a dialog actually) looks very similar to conversation with your inner negative introject. It's really not that unusual and outstanding because more often than not I also go through the same inner conversations, it just with time my voice that chooses to align with more beneficial and loving to self aspects is becoming more stronger and more confidant. And just to add, I also have an aspect that craves attention and appreciation and shivers if there is no reply as if it a proof that I am rejected and unloved. The truth is that it is very sad, in a non judgmental way, because if we identify and listen to the inner introject (born out of wounds and faulty upbringing) we end up facing our worst fears (being rejected) because we sabotage our chances of happiness with our own hands. This is the nature of the wounded self that finds perverse pleasure in reenacting past hurts.

And one of the things that I found as working best with modifying my reactions and slowly rewiring this faulty thinking that makes me so miserable and isolated, is to dare and face the fear, but most importantly to first give to others what my own heart greatly desires to receive. Healthy communications are organic, and sometimes you get a reply and sometimes you don't. After all, you don't go and reply to every person who posted on the forum, right?

Like Percival said, you could post your thoughts in an appropriate thread and increase your chances of communication, but instead your wounded part that knows nothing than pain sabotaged your chances of getting what you really want by creating a separate thread. For example, your first post here was a quote. It was really inspirational and I liked it, but perhaps you are not aware that there is already a thread for inspirational quotes. The second post was your dialog with the self that didn't have any question or explicit asking for something, help, advice, even attention. That's, by the way, another sign of narcissistic wounding - you expect others to read your mind. Again, nothing unusual, been there, done that, etc. Please understand that what ever replies are given to you are given with the spirit of people who viscerally know how hard it is to go beyond this inner destructive force and change for something more beneficial for self and others. Look how much inner anguish and wasted energy your inner spirit of trauma have you going through where you could have what you want if you would stop obsessing about what you are not getting but what you already can offer to someone else. And I am sure you have a lot to offer! Just some thoughts.

Oh, and in case my reply will be perceived by you as another justification that perhaps this forum is not for you and better get the hell out of here, including demanding to delete your posts because your negative introject just can't face the shame of being "exposed" like this, please understand that it's never too late to begin anew, starting with realizing that unless you'll make an effort of changing how you react to things, everything will remain the same, including feeling isolated, rejected and unloved. It's not shameful to make mistakes, on a contrary, it is courageous if you admit them, and then choose to make something different and better. Be sure that everyone here is rooting for you, for the higher aspects of you, that is, that can be of great help to yourself and others.
NewOrleans said:

Sincerely request deletion of this account and comments. It's not about looking for attention, but communication. I respectfully admire this community but cannot continue talking only to myself...

Hi NewOrleans,
It may be your wounded self speaking and making the request. I'm not saying that's what it is, I'm saying it's possible. Communication is one of many domains affected by our poor upbringing and ponerized social interactions. We think we know what real communication is only to find out by active participation in the forum that what we know as communication is in fact anything but communication.

There are tons of posts in this forum with no replies - for various reasons. But if one feels ignored or offended by getting no visible attention to what they post, that's something to look into - IF that person have come here to learn about themselves and the world around. But if they come here hoping the forum will work on their terms, they usually get disappointed - some with the forum, others with themselves.

In short, the question comes down to: What's your AIM NewOrleans?

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