Abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea

I tend to agree, where it was such a taboo a few years ago, now it's hip to be into the Alien phenomenon, but the way that it has been disclosed does a lot more harm than good.
My take is a little different on these History Channel Ancient Aliens series videos.

I suppose it is the lack of awareness or interest in UFOs or life on other planets that is part of the drive to get the public attention. Many times even when they don't get it exactly "right" according to some of our standards there are on-site views that most of us would never even get to see otherwise.

Actually, many times they do question the motives these visitors past and present may have to visit earth. Questionable intentions for abductions or why they used advanced technology to build such megalithic structures does get asked along with the "how did they do this" questions.

I do get annoyed when they come up with what seems to be a possible answer without much support to a question with "Ancient astronaut theorists say yes".

As far as UFOs or the paranormal reports on MSM news reports you used to have to throw in the giggles at the end to avoid ridicule. The taboo (which is I think an intentional one) is still there. Once you try to hide or cover-up the sightings, abductions or missing people it is no easy task to then decide that now is the time to disclose information "gradually". Whatever the motive may be to do a gradual disclosure I think many will have a difficult time accepting life on other planets/dimensions/densities.

I cannot say what is "more harm than good" when it comes to disclosure. Truth vs lies seems to be best to me but how that is digested or accepted is yet to be seen I think. Life on other planets does not even have to be advanced civilizations to frighten some of the public. The reactions of more than one strata of the population makes it a complex situation.

Session 11 August 1996:
Q: (T) I have a question. They're going to display live organisms, like, how did they put that 'Living organisms'? How big are these living organisms going to be? How advanced?

A: Teeny-tiny.

Q: (T) So, we're still talking about microscopic organisms here?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) So, they won't wave at us!

A: But these will be alive. Can't you see the progression here? "Don't want to scare Grandma Sally Bible Thumper/Stockmarket Investor!"
I believe that it could be distilled down even further, because technically, NK abductions could be used, and probably are used, as a way to cover up 4D STS abductions, so the answer would be a simple yes, but that wouldn't mean that ALL alien abductions are covered up with NK, so perhaps getting a bit more detailed or digging through the question itself might help you formulate a better question, or one that would give you more detailed information.
You could also ask, "What percentage of the alleged abductions are really by North Korea and what percentage are actually by 4D-STS?"
My take is a little different on these History Channel Ancient Aliens series videos.

I suppose it is the lack of awareness or interest in UFOs or life on other planets that is part of the drive to get the public attention. Many times even when they don't get it exactly "right" according to some of our standards there are on-site views that most of us would never even get to see otherwise.

Actually, many times they do question the motives these visitors past and present may have to visit earth. Questionable intentions for abductions or why they used advanced technology to build such megalithic structures does get asked along with the "how did they do this" questions.

I do get annoyed when they come up with what seems to be a possible answer without much support to a question with "Ancient astronaut theorists say yes".
The thing that annoys me the most is that they view things in a very materialistic way and the fact that it is always aliens and not a bygone human civilization.

Regarding your question, I believe that it could be distilled down even further, because technically, NK abductions could be used, and probably are used, as a way to cover up 4D STS abductions, so the answer would be a simple yes, but that wouldn't mean that ALL alien abductions are covered up with NK, so perhaps getting a bit more detailed or digging through the question itself might help you formulate a better question, or one that would give you more detailed information.
That is my mistake. I wasn't fully aware that was also a purpose and I overlooked that part. It still takes a long time for me to gather my thoughts and write something coherently in English. I was thinking about how to get back on the question about possible alien abduction and North Korean abudctions though.

You could also ask, "What percentage of the alleged abductions are really by North Korea and what percentage are actually by 4D-STS?"
But you would also need to include a percentage for accidents/ crimes/ faked disappearances etc.; some percentage of disappearances will always have a ‘mundane’ explanation.
I agree. High suicide rate and people going underground also play a major factor in the missing people in Japan.

So it could be more like this: "How many of the missing people within Japan did not chose disappear by their own whishes. What percentage of those people have been abducted by the North Korean goverment and how much people in % are being abducted by aliens and is the goverment aware which people are being abducted by the last two groups?"
I cannot say what is "more harm than good" when it comes to disclosure. Truth vs lies seems to be best to me but how that is digested or accepted is yet to be seen I think. Life on other planets does not even have to be advanced civilizations to frighten some of the public. The reactions of more than one strata of the population makes it a complex situation.
well, what I meant was that they seem rather focused on the nuts and bolts aspects of it where it has to be a race of aliens in 3D that are simply super advanced in technology, which creates the notion that materialism is all that exists and it ignores the hyper dimensional... dimension of the entire phenomenon.

Not only that but, by presenting them in such a light, as infinitely more powerful and advanced, it can have the effect of creating the notion that "they" may have the solution to our troubles, because they obviously must have gone through the energy phase and the atomic age and the climate change problems and have solved it.

So, that's why I feel it does more harm than good, beyond the ridicule, it's that it tacitly depicts these beings as so powerful to create and destroy civilizations, and so.. a bit of a deification begins to form, which is truly an old trick really.

And while I agree that some gradual disclosure is better than no disclosure whatsoever, I do question the form of that disclosure. Not that I am condemning it either, but I just take it with a large grain of salt.

So it could be more like this: "How many of the missing people within Japan did not chose disappear by their own whishes. What percentage of those people have been abducted by the North Korean goverment and how much people in % are being abducted by aliens and is the goverment aware which people are being abducted by the last two groups?"
I think that throws a lot of questions into one, I think sticking with the original idea would probably work best, as it is specifically addressing abductions. Something like this perhaps?

"Have 4D STS alien abductions in Japan been covered up with the excuse of abductions by North Korea? and if so, what is the percentage?"

I think the keyword there is abductions, and not disappearances. Just a thought.

And while we're at it, since Laura has mentioned it, is this a "burning" question for you? and if so, what about it makes it so interesting for you?
well, what I meant was that they seem rather focused on the nuts and bolts aspects of it where it has to be a race of aliens in 3D that are simply super advanced in technology, which creates the notion that materialism is all that exists and it ignores the hyper dimensional... dimension of the entire phenomenon.

Not only that but, by presenting them in such a light, as infinitely more powerful and advanced, it can have the effect of creating the notion that "they" may have the solution to our troubles, because they obviously must have gone through the energy phase and the atomic age and the climate change problems and have solved it.

So, that's why I feel it does more harm than good, beyond the ridicule, it's that it tacitly depicts these beings as so powerful to create and destroy civilizations, and so.. a bit of a deification begins to form, which is truly an old trick really.

And while I agree that some gradual disclosure is better than no disclosure whatsoever, I do question the form of that disclosure. Not that I am condemning it either, but I just take it with a large grain of salt.
I agree with you @Alejo.

I am hoping that there are some 4D STO involved to give some a heads-up this time but I am not overly hopeful either.

When you see all those past civilizations that were impressed with the technology and worshiped those beings it is sobering.

Session 18 March 2000:
Q: Let me get this straight: how is this book by Strieber and Bell going to play into the plans of STS aliens?

A: Not the book, the events depicted.

Q: So, are you saying that Whitley and Art are doing a favor for all of us by publicizing this information, that it could be helpful?

A: Makes little difference.

Q: Is there anything that COULD make a difference? Or is it necessary to make a difference?

A: In the biggest picture, no.

Q: So, it's not necessary to make a difference?

A: The soul, she counteth. The body, she doth not!

Q: So, that's the biggest picture. Narrow the picture down: is there something that could make a difference? Clearly, in the biggest picture, nothing makes a difference...

A: Native Americans asked similar questions once!

Q: Which brings up the subject of Native Americans. A big part of what is being taught by them at the present time is that the aliens, the Grays, and assorted others, are good guys - the "star people" coming here to teach us and to help us advance! They claim that it is a "good" thing to have contacts, abductions, and so on and on.

A: No. Corrupted message. Some early contacts were with benevolent STO beings.

Q: And now they are confused because they think that the present contacts are with the same beings of the past contacts?

A: Close.

Sometimes even when we "see" it makes little difference in the big picture. I do see the carefully arranged presentation of the disclosed information and it does not give me a great deal of hope either. "early contacts...with benevolent STO beings" would be nice.

I suppose it may be like what happened to our Native Americans when they encountered the Europeans.

94% – Dave McGowan, Hurricane Katrina, Peak Oil and the Cassiopaeans

July 25, 1998:
A: We have told you before: the Nazi experience was a “trial run,” and by now you see the similarities, do you not?
Q: (L) Yes, I do see…
A: Now, we have also told you that the experience of the “Native Americans” vis a vis the Europeans may be a precursor in microcosm. Also, what Earthian 3rd density does to Terran 2nd density should offer “food for thought.” In other words, thou are not so special, despite thy perspective, eh? And we have also warned that after conversion of Earth humans to 4th density, the Orion 4th density and their allies hope to control you “there.” Now put this all together and what have you? At least you should by now know that it is the soul that matters, not the body. Others have genetically, spiritually and psychically manipulated/engineered you to be bodycentric. Interesting, as despite all efforts by 4th through 6th density STO, this “veil remains unbroken.”
Another related question: Shinzo Abe, who was reportedly assassinated recently, is also might be one of the prime ministers who pretended to be trying to solve the abduction problem, but there is a view that he was a double who was shot dead because the shape of his ears and other parts are different before he died. Is this correct?
Another related question: Shinzo Abe, who was reportedly assassinated recently, is also might be one of the prime ministers who pretended to be trying to solve the abduction problem, but there is a view that he was a double who was shot dead because the shape of his ears and other parts are different before he died. Is this correct?
I do not have any inside information on that but from those pictures but I can see why people are talking. They look like two different men. Even the size of the ear, the small indent at the top of the nose in the before picture, and the slightly weaker chin in the before picture stand out to me. They are very close though. The angles at which the pictures are taken can make a difference. The before picture looks like a younger Abe and that may be a part of the difference.

The question might be if this is a "double" case then why and where is the real Shinzo Abe?
The question might be if this is a "double" case then why and where is the real Shinzo Abe?
Why: Because he has been get fired by DS or wants to change face and live out the rest of his life escaping the scrutiny of those who hold grudges against him.

Where: He probably fled first to the U.S. on a private plane belonging to a high-ranking U.S. official like Antony John Blinken. After that, it is unknown.
Why: Because he has been get fired by DS or wants to change face and live out the rest of his life escaping the scrutiny of those who hold grudges against him.

Where: He probably fled first to the U.S. on a private plane belonging to a high-ranking U.S. official like Antony John Blinken. After that, it is unknown.
I suppose that is a possibility. You have answered your own question perhaps. At least you are looking at it closely. Sometimes we just have to "Wait and see".
One more related question: Shinzo Abe called himself "the 44th generation with Abe no Munetō as his ancestor" (ja.Wikipedia), but his grandfather was Nobusuke Kishi, who was installed as prime minister by the CIA. Is it true that they are descendants of the proud Abe clan that once fought against the Japanese Imperial Court and the Minamoto clan?

During his visit to China in October 2006, Shinzo Abe had a strange handshake. What rank of Freemason was he? What about his opponent, Hu Jintao?




Exemplary Triangular Sign
Codex Magica 351p
Junichiro Koizumi, the first successive prime minister to visit the DPRK and hold a summit meeting with Kim Jong Il, is hailed as a man of merit.
However, he is also said to be a traitor and a psychopath.
What is the percentage of psychopaths among the successive prime ministers of Japan, starting with Hirobumi Ito?
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