Actualités du jour en France

Berlin, 13 avril. /tass/.
Les juristes de la Commission européenne ont conclu que les actifs de la Banque centrale russe gelés dans l’UE devront être restitués à la Russie une fois le conflit en Ukraine terminé. C’est ce qu’a écrit jeudi le quotidien allemand Die Welt, se référant à un document non publié de la Commission européenne.
Selon le journal, les experts de cette dernière affirment que, d’un point de vue juridique, les actifs de la Banque centrale russe ne peuvent pas être simplement transférés à l’Ukraine. "La volonté politique est là, mais les obstacles juridiques sont importants. La Commission européenne arrive à la conclusion qui donne à réfléchir que les avoirs gelés ne peuvent pas être touchés parce qu’un jour, lorsque la guerre sera terminée, ils devront être restitués à la Russie", a noté le quotidien.
À cet égard, la Commission européenne propose d’investir les avoirs gelés de la Banque centrale russe dans des obligations d’État européennes pour verser les intérêts à Kiev. Elle évalue le rendement de ces obligations à 2,6% par an. Dans le même temps, le service juridique de l’UE n’a pas encore trouvé de réponse à la question de savoir ce qu’il faudrait faire si l’UE perdait les fonds investis. "Dans un scénario extrême, ces pertes pourraient s’élever à 4 milliards d’euros, même si, selon la Commission européenne, "les risques sont très faibles", précise le journal. La manière de procéder dans un tel cas reste à clarifier."
💬"Le plan de l’UE est délicat et, comme il s’avère, il pourrait être voué à l’échec", a écrit le journal. Plusieurs sources au courant des projets de la Commission européenne ont attiré l’attention du quotidien sur la difficulté de retrouver les avoirs russes à l’étranger, car ils se trouvent sur de nombreux comptes qu’il est parfois difficile de relier à la Banque centrale russe. Dans le cas des avoirs des grandes entreprises russes, la situation juridique est également compliquée. Pour les confisquer, les enquêteurs doivent d’abord prouver que les hommes d’affaires ont commis une infraction, faute de quoi ces derniers sont en droit de contester en justice toute saisie et les procédures judicaires nécessiteront plusieurs années pour aboutir.
Selon Die Welt, l’UE a gelé environ 300 milliards d’euros de réserves de changes russes et 29 milliards d’euros de grandes entreprises russes depuis le printemps 2022. Toutefois, la Commission européenne n’a pas confisqué ces fonds, car un tel mécanisme est en principe inexistant dans la pratique internationale et une telle mesure saperait davantage la confiance du reste du monde quant à la conservation d’actifs dans les banques occidentales.

Berlin, April 13. /tasse/.
European Commission lawyers have concluded that the assets of the Russian Central Bank frozen in the EU must be returned to Russia once the conflict in Ukraine is over. This is what the German daily Die Welt wrote on Thursday, referring to an unpublished document from the European Commission.
According to the newspaper, experts from the latter claim that, from a legal point of view, the assets of the Russian Central Bank cannot simply be transferred to Ukraine. "The political will is there, but the legal obstacles are significant. The European Commission comes to the sobering conclusion that the frozen assets cannot be touched because one day, when the war is over, they will have to be returned to Russia," the daily noted.
In this regard, the European Commission proposes to invest the frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank in European government bonds to pay interest to Kyiv. It estimates the return on these bonds at 2.6% per year. At the same time, the EU legal service has not yet found an answer to the question of what should be done if the EU loses the invested funds. "In an extreme scenario, these losses could amount to 4 billion euros, even if, according to the European Commission, "the risks are very low", specifies the newspaper. The way to proceed in such a case remains to be clarified. ."
💬"The EU plan is tricky and, as it turns out, it could be doomed," the newspaper wrote. Several sources familiar with the European Commission's plans drew the daily's attention to the difficulty of tracing Russian assets abroad, as they are in numerous accounts that are sometimes difficult to link to the Central Bank. Russian. In the case of the assets of large Russian companies, the legal situation is also complicated. To confiscate them, investigators must first prove that the businessmen have committed an offence, failing which they are entitled to challenge any seizure in court and the legal proceedings will take several years to complete.
According to Die Welt, the EU has frozen around 300 billion euros of Russian foreign exchange reserves and 29 billion euros of large Russian companies since the spring of 2022. However, the European Commission has not confiscated these funds, because a such a mechanism is in principle non-existent in international practice and such a measure would further undermine the rest of the world's confidence in the custody of assets in Western banks.

Les avoirs gelés de la Russie devront être restitués après la fin du conflit en Ukraine. Cette conclusion a été tirée par la Commission européenne, selon Die Welt.
Cependant, les responsables européens notent que ces réserves gelées de la Banque centrale de Russie pourraient être investies dans des obligations d'État européennes - un rendement annuel de 2,6 %.
Cette "mesure d'urgence" est probablement légalement possible, surtout compte tenu des "violations flagrantes" du droit international par la Russie, écrit Die Welt.
Doit-on vraiment faire la liste des guerres de Yankeeland et de l'Axe américaco-occidental ... en "violations flagrantes" du droit international ?

Russia's frozen assets must be returned after the end of the conflict in Ukraine. This conclusion was drawn by the European Commission, according to Die Welt.
However, European officials note that these frozen reserves of the Central Bank of Russia could be invested in European government bonds - an annual return of 2.6%.
This "emergency measure" is probably legally possible, especially given Russia's "flagrant violations" of international law, writes Die Welt.
Do we really have to list the Yankeeland and US-Western Axis wars... as "flagrant violations" of international law?
"By rewriting history on the Minsk agreements, we are completely distorting international law", Yves Pozzo di Borgo
At the risk of being attacked on social networks, former senator Yves Pozzo di Borgo, declares that "even if there is only a 1% chance that Emmanuel Macron will be aligned with his declaration, it must be supported".

Rist law: the cap on the remuneration of temporary workers aggravates the shortage of care
Since Monday April 3, the remuneration of interim medical practitioners for 24-hour call duty has been capped at €1,390 gross. Previously, the rates for a penalty payment could reach nearly €4,000.

The Social Affairs Commission opposes the repeal of the law on the obligation to vaccinate caregivers
The presidential majority rejected the proposal as a whole, wishing instead to proceed by decree while “keeping the possibility of reintroducing the obligation”, if the circumstances required it.

Journalist Frédéric Aigouy evokes the liquidation of RT France: a hundred employees left on the floor
"The situation had been going on for a year," he recalls, referring to "a sword of Damocles" which threatened a channel and its editorial staff, which were never warned, sanctioned or condemned for the slightest breach of ethics by the supervisory regulator

Violence during the demonstrations: a political choice of the government?
It is an implacable indictment against a “very authoritarian drift in the use of the police” by the government that he comes to deliver to us. He accuses neither more nor less the government, not only of encouraging violence, but also of being voluntarily at the origin of it and of assuming it.
Early treatments: when randomization rhymes with intellectual fraud
The Covid crisis will have shown studies and other medical publications in a worrying light. We thought these were serious, checked, re-read, published in prestigious journals of indisputable seriousness: this is not the case.

A look back at the atomic bombings in Japan (1/3): Nagasaki
According to many observers, with the Russian intervention in Ukraine, and the quasi-cobelligerent status of NATO against Russia, we would be even closer to a nuclear conflict than we had been with the missile crisis. of Cuba in 1962. ..

How Ukraine Became an American Pawn
The following article aims to better understand the underside of the maps of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the crucial role of the United States in the rise of tensions, via its effective takeover of Ukraine, in order to be able to carry out a proxy war against russia

The ECHR considers that refusing to grant the status of mother to a man who has changed sex is not contrary to human rights
The Strasbourg Court has just admitted, unanimously, that refusing to recognize a man who has become a woman as a mother or vice versa does not violate the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
From China, Macron invites the EU to distance itself from the United States and provokes an outcry in Europe
It was from China, a rival of Washington, that President Macron called on the European Union (EU) not to be “follower” of the United States, in particular on the question of Taiwan.

The Law Commission opposes the petition on the Citizens' Initiative Referendum (RIC)
While the majority of parliamentarians support the idea that this device represents "a tool for contesting national representation", only a few parliamentarians supported the idea that the voice of the citizen must weigh more heavily in the institutions of the Fifth Republic.

Covid-19: The Parisian keeps his eyes wide shut
On March 18, 2023, the newspaper Le Parisien published two very critical articles about the books "Les apprentices sorciers" by Alexandra Henrion-Caude published by Seuil and mine "Covid 19: what the official figures reveal" published by the Gunner

Seven criteria for choosing the right naturopath
You wish to consult a naturopath. This is an excellent initiative! But disappointment should not be at the rendezvous. Based on seven key points that we have selected, you will be able to judge whether the practitioner you have chosen is right for you... or not.
Macron can be happy: the Constitutional Council has said yes
By Georges Michel - How, now, will “the street” react?

François Ruffin: Jean-Luc Mélenchon's lethal weapon?
By Nicolas Gauthier - Mélenchon is of course not a paragon of "kindness", but at least he has some political sense.

Where did the two million euros in grants to the Marianne fund go?
By Clémence de Longraye - The controversy escalates over the fund created in the spring of 2021 by Marlène Schiappa to fight against Islamism.

Better to laugh (or not): Gims king of Wakanda!
By Boulevard Voltaire - This week, Gims and Netflix revise history, France Télévisions denounces street stalkers and other nuggets..

Palais de Tokyo: Miriam Cahn's painting will remain on display
By Boulevard Voltaire - Last month, the painting sparked controversy.
ChatGPT's very very woke strabismus caught red-handed
By Richard Hanlet - To think that ChatGPT risks being for our children what the Grand Larousse was for our ancestors is quite worrying.

[Cinema] The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan: a well-packaged adventure film
By Pierre Marcellesi - It is so rare to see a film in the cinema praising vertical values, dedication, patriotism.

[Satire on sight] Ramadan Story: when the young fast and steal a scooter
By Jany Leroy - On the list of the worst excuse heard in court, the characters compete in the scooter theft category.
Tomorrow, will we still be able to write by hand?
By Iris Bridier - Writing a note on a Post-it or filling out a cheque, activities relegated to the past?

Florida: a law practically prohibits abortion after six weeks of pregnancy
By Boulevard Voltaire - The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has announced that he wants to quickly enact this new law

Notre-Dame, four years later: what will we do with the other churches in France?
By Arnaud Florac - If Notre-Dame can only be rebuilt, what will happen to other French churches?
Pierre Lescaudron
14 avr.

Sergueï Lavrov : Les objectifs de l'opération spéciale en Ukraine sont de se protéger contre l'extermination des Russes et des personnes qui parlent la langue russe, ainsi que d'éliminer les menaces militaires à la sécurité de la Russie à nos frontières occidentales.

14 avr.
Sergey Lavrov: The goals of the special operation in Ukraine are to protect against the extermination of Russians and people who speak the Russian language, as well as to eliminate military threats to Russia's security on our western borders .

Pierre Lescaudron
14 avr.

Tu me dis que je ne peux choisir l'heure à laquelle je me couche, mais je peux choisir mon genre ?

Pierre Lescaudron
14 avr.
Le premier ministre hongrois Orbán :
L'Ukraine est un pays inexistant financièrement, dès que les USA et l'UE cesseront de la soutenir, la guerre prendra fin. L'Europe dépense des dizaines de milliards de $ pour soutenir l'Ukraine, mais cela ne peut pas « durer éternellement ».
Citer le Tweet
14 avr.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: Ukraine is a non-existent country financially, as soon as the USA and Europe stop supporting it, the war will end.
He added that Europe spends tens of billions of dollars on supporting Ukraine, but this cannot "last forever".
Pierre Lescaudron
Grand incendie à l'usine de traitement chimique Brunswick, Géorgie. Ces endroits sont tenus d'avoir les normes de sécurité les ÉLEVÉES - pourtant nous les voyons BRÛLER tous les deux jours en USA. Ce ne sont pas des coïncidences, les États-Unis sont attaqués de l'intérieur.
Concerned Citizen
Large Fire at Chemical Processing Plant Brunswick, Georgia These places are required to have the HIGHEST safety standards - yet we are seeing them BURN & EXPLODE every other day in America. These aren’t coincidences USA is under attack from within.

Moscou de nuit... Moscow by night

Pierre Lescaudron
Tentative de putsch au Soudan, action de MiG-29 SE de l'armée contre les putschistes dans la ville de Khartoum. Soit dit en passant, il y a quelques mois, le Soudan a autorisé la Russie à construire une base en mer Rouge. Est-ce la réponse de l'Ouest ?
Coup attempt in Sudan, action of MiG-29 SE of the regular army against the coup plotters (rapid reaction force) in the city of Khartoum. By the way, a few months ago, Sudan gave permission to the Russian Federation to build a base in the Red Sea. Is this the West's answer?

Pierre Lescaudron
Les choses que je déteste: 1/ La vandalisme 2/ L'ironie 3/ Les listes

Pierre Lescaudron
Un sondage révèle le niveau de confiance du public russe envers Poutine. 79,7% des personnes interrogées ont répondu positivement
The survey reveals the level of Russian public trust in Putin When asked about trust in Putin, 79.7% of respondents answered positively

Pierre Lescaudron
Les nazis ukrainiens ont expulsé Dieu d'Ukraine et ont même souillé Pâques avec leurs symboles fascistes. Rien d'inhabituel, juste une fête de Pâques à Poltava, en Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Nazis expelled God from Ukraine and even defiled Easter with their fascist symbols. Nothing unusual, just an Easter set in Poltava, Ukraine. Victor vicktop55
[THE GUEST] Patrick Buisson: “The patriarchy protected women”
By Gabrielle Cluzel - Patrick Buisson is an essayist, journalist, political scientist, political adviser, sociologist and even anthropologist: he is a great observer of social changes in our country. His latest book is called Décadanse, like the title of a song by Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg, an emblematic couple of the time. After La Fin d'un monde, he continues his deconstruction of the deconstructors. ...

Macron the Insomniac
By Georges Michel - When you are at the head of a country like France, there is no day, there is no night.

[Satire on sight] Scottish drama: he refuses to say if he is pregnant
By Jany Leroy - Woke madness prevailed over the health of suffering people.

Quotas in private schools: more diversity for more nullity?
By Arnaud Florac - National Education mutilates everyone so that blessed equality can come about.

The pension reform… to COR lost!
By Éric Letty - The working assumptions on which COR actuaries develop their projections are questionable...
[Poll] Should we turn the page on pensions?
By Boulevard Voltaire - After weeks of political, social and media battle, and the validation of the Constitutional Council announced on Friday April 14, the pension reform law was promulgated overnight from Friday to Saturday by Emmanuel Macron. However, on May 3, the "wise men" will make their decision on the initiative referendum project ...

[Cinema] Captain Volkonogov has escaped: Stalinist horror
By Pierre Marcellesi - Honest in its approach and beautifully photographed, the feature film tackles the horror of this period.

The real story is not that of Gims
By Eric de Mascureau - The true European, Neanderthal Man, was on the contrary the victim of Homo sapiens who came from Africa.

Hugo Clément dares to debate with Jordan Bardella: the left screams, he assumes!
By Frédéric Sirgant - Aurélien Taché could not let this intolerable gap towards freedom pass.
Could World War III start in Taiwan?
By Hamilcar - Chinese President Xi Jinping's political plan is to make his country the world's leading power by 2049.

Pension reform: the law is officially promulgated
By Boulevard Voltaire - Emmanuel Macron had a period of 15 days to affix his signature.
Pierre Lescaudron
3 min

USA : L'ancien directeur du planning familial se suicide après que la police a perquisitionné son domicile dans une affaire de pédopornographie.
Former Planned Parenthood Director Commits Suicide After Police Raid His Home in Child Porn Case -...
A former Planned Parenthood director suspected of child pornography crimes was found dead by suicide Tuesday in New Haven, Connecticut, according to local authorities. The Blaze

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Pendant le temps-là en Ukraine...
Meanwhile in Ukraine...


Pierre Lescaudron
24 min
Les forces armées ukrainiennes ont délibérément visé la cathédrale de Donetsk pendant le service de Pâques. Une femme est morte à la suite d'un bombardement ukrainien dans le centre de Donetsk la nuit de Pâques, rapporte le correspondant de RIA Novosti.
Victor vicktop55
The Armed Forces of Ukraine deliberately aimed at the Donetsk Cathedral during the Easter service. A woman died as a result of Ukrainian shelling in the center of Donetsk on Easter night, RIA Novosti correspondent reports. Victor vicktop55
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