addiction to cocoa

Bummer about the chocolate, Oxajil. I haven't noticed any ill effects from it myself, but found that the canned coconut crème I sometimes use makes me feel weird. Nothing particular, just an odd sensation. I still have yet to make or try the fat bomb, so we'll see how it goes. I was planning to use the coconut crème I have on hand for it. And BTW, butter is taking huge leaps in price here in the USA, so if folks can do so, best to stock up! I'm going to get at least 10 pounds tomorrow.
Lilou said:
Bummer about the chocolate, Oxajil. I haven't noticed any ill effects from it myself, but found that the canned coconut crème I sometimes use makes me feel weird. Nothing particular, just an odd sensation. I still have yet to make or try the fat bomb, so we'll see how it goes. I was planning to use the coconut crème I have on hand for it. And BTW, butter is taking huge leaps in price here in the USA, so if folks can do so, best to stock up! I'm going to get at least 10 pounds tomorrow.

Two weeks ago I was at the store and bought butter, it was $10.49 for 4 pounds......just went today and it's now $12.99 for those same 4 pounds!
Another problem with Cocoa is Phytic acid. Phytic acid demineralization effects is known very well. Phytic acid my be one of the reasons for cavity, and many other problems as well . So its now so smart to get it inside your body.Phytic acid is an antinutrient. There was some post on this forum about this antinutrient( phytic acid ) but i cant find it now.
I remember a guy I met in Nicaragua who ran a yoga studio. He would go out to parities at night but instead of drinking alcohol he'd have a big block of dark chocolate that he'd chew throughout the night to drunk/high. I was wondering who he thought he was fooling. It might not be as bad as alcohol but whatever you eat that makes you high has got to be looked at with suspicion.

Since I gave up coffee a number of years ago I've started drinking a lot of hot cocoa with xylitol. It's quite tasty but as many of you have described I get quite jittery, which I believe is due to the caffeine. What I've also found is that if I eat too much cacao beans I get a lot of gas or even lose bowels. To me that's a symptom that the gut flora is working overtime to process something that's not good for my body at the moment. And if I have more then lose bowels is a way of just getting the damaging agent out of the system.

I'm glad that I just saw this thread. I've been having this small voice in the back of my mind telling me that the cocoa was not good for me but I've been pushing it away because I didn't want to give it up. Now that it can't escape conscious scrutiny, it's got to go :).
Yes, Cocao in fact contains too much phytic acid whether in raw beans or the powder form. According to Weston A. Price foundation the detrimental effects of phytic acid content will reduce minerals and other complications in the body. You are cautioned to stay away from these levels of phytates as the risks outweigh the benefits. Though, you could use it on special occasion like in a drink or fat food recipe.

High-phytate diets result in mineral deficiencies. Over the long term, when the diet lacks minerals or contains high levels of phytates or both, the metabolism goes down, and the body goes into mineral-starvation mode. The body then sets itself up to use as little of these minerals as possible. Adults may get by for decades on a high-phytate diet, but growing children run into severe problems. In a phytate-rich diet, their bodies will suffer from the lack of calcium and phosphorus with poor bone growth, short stature, rickets, narrow jaws and tooth decay; and for the lack of zinc and iron with anemia and mental retardation.

Here is the chart on which foods contain high phytic acid:

In milligrams per 100 grams of dry weight

Brazil nuts 1719
Cocoa powder 1684-1796
Brown rice 12509
Oat flakes 1174
Almond 1138 – 1400
Walnut 982
Peanut roasted 952
Peanut ungerminated 821
Lentils 779
Peanut germinated 610
Hazel nuts 648 – 1000
Wild rice flour 634 – 752.5
Yam meal 637
Refried beans 622
Corn tortillas 448
Coconut 357
Corn 367
Entire coconut meat 270
White flour 258
White flour tortillas 123
Polished rice 11.5 – 66
Strawberries 12

Always check the levels and know which ones will bind to the minerals or not, such as coconut phytates will not bind based on its make-up.
Oxajil said:
After some more experimentation, I'm certain that it is something in the cocoa that triggers a feeling of anxiety of the body. I have noticed that the higher the cocoa%, the worse the effects. It's a very strange feeling, and it just doesn't feel right! I guess that everyone has their specific sensitivities, mine is unfortunately chocolate. So I have given it up entirely. I hope to become a dedicate member of the no-chocolate club (i.e. with no cheating)!

*Hangs head*...

Well, guess it's time I cut out chocolate for a while as well, because I'm noticing something similar. It's not as extreme now that I've cut out butter, but I will see how I do without it.
Since i quit coffee for almost 2 years ago i decide to start drinking cocoa. I know about phytic acid , but i still want to try it. I`m making it without any sugar and i add some big peace of butter inside while its still hot and then it gets creamy and silky texture.
After a few months i notices that cavity have appeared on 2 of my teeths, and i have some big problems with other teeths. I was very surprised when i saw that. By the way i`m not eating gluten or any kind of sugar. The only thing that i have add to my diet was cocoa.
So i stopped drinking cocoa,and went to a dentist to fix the damage.
My conclusion is that cocoa ( phytic acid ) contributed for a very fast deterioration of the condition of my teeth. Since then i drink very seldom just a tiny cup of a very weak cocoa with lot of butter.
Phytic acid is bad for our health
Konstantin said:
Since i quit coffee for almost 2 years ago i decide to start drinking cocoa. I know about phytic acid , but i still want to try it. I`m making it without any sugar and i add some big peace of butter inside while its still hot and then it gets creamy and silky texture.
After a few months i notices that cavity have appeared on 2 of my teeths, and i have some big problems with other teeths. I was very surprised when i saw that. By the way i`m not eating gluten or any kind of sugar. The only thing that i have add to my diet was cocoa.
So i stopped drinking cocoa,and went to a dentist to fix the damage.
My conclusion is that cocoa ( phytic acid ) contributed for a very fast deterioration of the condition of my teeth. Since then i drink very seldom just a tiny cup of a very weak cocoa with lot of butter.
Phytic acid is bad for our health
Phytic acid not only catches or chelate important minerals but also inhibits (disables) the enzymes we need to digest food including pepsin required for the degradation of proteins in the stomach and amylase required for the breakdown of starch into sugars. Trypsin, needed for protein digestion in the small intestine, also blocking phytates. :(
I came across this from Maria Emmerich's Keto-Adapted book, chapter 2:

“FUN FACT: Do you suffer from chocolate cravings? This is a sign of a magnesium deficiency. Add in 600-1000 mg of magnesium a day (magnesium glycinate, not oxide) and your cravings will go away!”
Two week member of the no-chocolate club checking in. Recently I discovered that chocolate is pretty much the only thing that allows me to focus intensely on tasks and get productive things done. It gives me the happy stimulant boost without the anxiety that I get from tea/coffee, but the comedown on the other side is rather debilitating and my brain feels like a rock the next day.

I'm gradually getting a better, more energetic and focused baseline without any stimulants other than smoking, although progress is very slow and the days can be up or down, especially when we don't see a single patch of blue sky.
Carl said:
I'm gradually getting a better, more energetic and focused baseline without any stimulants other than smoking, although progress is very slow and the days can be up or down, especially when we don't see a single patch of blue sky.

The following might be useful: Serotonin Deficiency Syndrome
Along those lines a SAD lamp and/or a sun-rise alarm clock may be of help :)
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