Alex Jones - COINTELPRO? Fascist Tool?

Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Hello Lisa, after watching the top ten of shills, is there any plans to 'name & shame' the other 31 on the list?
Well, well, well, look at who has ALEX JONES as an honourary member!

Hello all,

For your viewing pleasure.

I just found this now throw a forum from a link on a bulletin on myspace. I had a cursory look at the site and it's obvious why this group would like to have Jones on board, the two have a virtually identical ideology (i.e. of the "Jesus-Christ-is-a-gun-loving-patriot" variety).

One thing that got my attention was the establishment of the site: Dec. 31, 2001, perhaps either a reaction by the Patriot movement to 9/11 or a possible COINTELPRO front put up because of 911.

Like I said I didn't really go through the site before posting this but I have a strange feeling that this bit a yarn will lead to something worthwhile...
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Not sure if this has been posted or not yet, but here's a video of Alex Jones on a "rant". His tone, what he says, and everything about this video just screams "manipulation" and "blatant lie" and "psychopath" all over it in so many ways, it's too many to even list. Anyway, it is pretty darn clear who and what Jones is after watching this video. Does it remind anyone else of a TV avengelist? Note especially the constant contradictions in what he says - one after another, it's amazing that they all exist within the same mind.

Ok it's actually much worse than TV avengelism, there's no words really - if he was around in Germany in 1930's doing this, the whole Nazi propaganda and hate-building efforts ain't got nothin on this guy.

http:(2 slash)www(dot)prisonplanet(dot)com/articles/june2006/140606Infowars(dot)htm
Well, well, well, look at who has ALEX JONES as an honourary member!

In short, ole Alex is a member of the same gang backing Duby and the Neocons. Gee, seems like I suggested that. After all, if they have the same "agenda" then how can they really be on opposite sides?

Strikes me that all of Alex Jones "patriot" and "anti-Bush" stuff is just designed to make sure that absolutely nothing is ever done about 9/11.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

This was on another thread and I thought it ought to be included here:

OPINMYND81 said:
Hello all,

For your viewing pleasure.

I just found this now throw a forum from a link on a bulletin on myspace. I had a cursory look at the site and it's obvious why this group would like to have Jones on board, the two have a virtually identical ideology (i.e. of the "Jesus-Christ-is-a-gun-loving-patriot" variety).

One thing that got my attention was the establishment of the site: Dec. 31, 2001, perhaps either a reaction by the Patriot movement to 9/11 or a possible COINTELPRO front put up because of 911.

Like I said I didn't really go through the site before posting this but I have a strange feeling that this bit a yarn will lead to something worthwhile...
Add the double slash to the link... we don't want to help their google rankings.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

How about a scale: 0 to 100, zero would be a total useful idiot and 100 would be an absolute willing minion. Where would these people fall on such, (and admittedly subjective), scale. I would guess few people are polarized one way or the other absolutely, or else they would be fouth density. At any rate,
someone said: "the solution for prey in this predatory world is not to become a predator". I remember Boris Mouravieff say something in Gnosis I about "ego" turning a man's head if he has not made certain preparations before starting on the WAY. The recent revalations about Jeff Rense and Alex Jones on this site have been a saddening and, later, enlightening experience for me, I suspected something, but the info here and elswhere has helped me see more deeply - a little perspicacity even, (hopefully).
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

I have emotional reactions with shouting persons. So I find these videos usefull (!) to watch my own reactions to this shouting and to not let me taken in :)
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Alex Jones could definitely be a government paid shill whose mission is to infiltrate and mislead truth movements by posing as a truth seeker himself. He could be trying to undermine and confuse truth movements in general. In addition, there is in fact evidence that Alex Jones (who is known to consistently avoid talking about Zionism) also happens to be an Honorary FOUNDING Member of a Zionist Movement called the RSICC (Remnant Sainst of the Inter-Continental Congress). This group proclaims itself to be the "Government of God on Earth" and the "Establishment of Zion". Here is the link to the RSICC listing Alex Jones as one of its Honorary FOUNDING Members:

If you look at the header of the page in that link I just gave it reads the following: "Remnant Saints Inter-Continental Congress: Toward the Establishment of the Government of God on Earth"

Furthermore, if you go to this link of that site it has a statement that reads: "As this network of leaders comes to know and trust one another, they can have dialogue among themselves that can form the basis of this congress designed to be instrumental in laying the foundations of the Zion to come. According to prophecy, the society that arises from the ashes will be the kingdom of God on earth."

If Alex Jones claims to be opposed to a New World Order and a One World Government, then why is a FOUNDING member of a Zionist Movement whose very mission is to establish a World Government on Earth which claims to be the "Government of God" and the "Establishment of Zion that is to come"? Who or what exactly is Alex Jones working for? That's the real question. And I seriously highly doubt that he is a "truthseeker" to be trusted. I also find it highly inappropriate that his websites call him the "Beacon of Truth" against the New World Order, and the "originator" of the 9/11 Truth Movement. It's completely inappropriate because truthseekers should never ever elevate themselves above the rest of the public.

I mean we are talking about very serious global issues here which are absolutely critical to humanity's state of affairs. Why does this so called "Beacon of Truth" feel the need to put himself in a special light as if to say he is more important than the rest of the public? Could it be that he is trying to condition the public into perceiving him as a credible hero against the New World Order? Why does he need to do this? It's totally inappropriate in my opinion. Real researchers who are sincere and dedicated to helping the public never crave for fame nor will they ever find it necessary to sell their image to the public. The most important thing for real informants (what is most valuable to them) is the researched material that they share, NOT their image and fame.

Furthermore, Alex has been known to spin away from Zionist issues. Why is this the case? The fact that he very rarely points the blame to Zionism when it comes to world problems is in itself highly suspicious. Surely his behavior on this matter is worthy of suspicion. Here's just one example of Alex Jones spinning away from a caller's question when asked to elaborate on Harvard University's report on Israel heavily influencing American Foreign Policy.

You can check out the interview here: (Alex Jones spins away from the issue)

Alex Jones has also repeatedly lied about the attacks on the U.S.S. Liberty by shifting blame away from Israel: (an event in Chicago held on June 2006 in which Alex Jones had once again explained that Israel is innocent in the attack on the USS liberty)

He is clearly lying because the REAL FACTS about the USS Liberty attack are documented by the BBC here: (BBC documentary reporting about the attacks on USS Liberty attack)

Well it also seems that Alex Jones has also been caught contradicting his own views. I mean we are aware that he likes to expose Arnold and Hillary as being part of the New World Order agenda. We have no problem with his views on this matter. However take a look at this video of a live talk in which Alex Jones openly admits that he would vote for them:
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

-Friends, peers, and fellow human beings-

Hello to Signs of the Times. First off, i basically wanted to sign up and make a few comments in this thread particularly.

Hearing of Alex Jones a couple of years back, I joined his long since defunct "Prison Planet" forum, basically just looking for a place which was willing, and open minded, in talking about "conspiracies", government corruption and the New World Order. Alex Jones was secondary in my search for good forums, and people, to communicate and share ideas with.

After watching a few of his videos, and listening to a couple of his shows, i was encouraged, I suppose, in the fact that there were others who were being vocal about political corruption and government sponsored terrorism. Especially in the days before it had become trendy and popular to openly criticize Bush..

I've seen most of his videos since then, and while they are decent, and fair tools for passing out to others, I've never really liked Jones style, his approach, his demeanor, his condescending attitude, or his over-the-top schizophrenic deliverence. It seemed like an act then, and it still seems like an act now. Not to mention his super (yet vague) Christian and Patriotic stance of founding father loving and constant flag waving. Slowly, he just started looking more and more like shady controlled opposition, constantly hocking off products that would be needed when the end of the world comes. We'll all need gold and water filters when the bombs drop..

In the past, I've handed out 100's of Alex Jones DVD's, not because I'm a blind follower and part of the "Jonestown" cult, but because despite all of his flaws, he still presents some useful information to newcomers in this research. At first, you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, picturing him as the boistorous and annoying uncle who crashes your birthday party, always a little drunk and forgetting to take his medication, but otherwise harmless. (Don't forget that nasty bump he took on his head when he fell out of that tree. He's never been the same since then!) He may be egomaniacle, and slyly misdirect people from Israel, Zionism, and even the Vatican, but his DVD's, along with many other pieces of evidence, can be used to "open people's eyes" concerning certain aspects of the New World Order agenda..

Don't get me wrong, i think Jones is 85% shill, and 15% sincere (maybe he used to be more genuinely sincere). But let's face the facts, aside from Michael Moore, Alex Jones has reached a much more wide spread audience than the average person in this "Truth Movement".. This is partly because he had secretive corporate funding which helped to propel him into the spotlight as the "Father of the 911 Truth Movement" in the first place, all in the guise of independent and alternative radio. But the sad truth is, there are thousands and thousands of people who have some kind of false sense of loyalty to Alex Jones because they feel he "woke them up." His brash "underground" loudmouth conspiracy personality was packaged in just the right way to gain a considerable following and merit some carefully placed mainstream promotion for the man on CNN, C-Span, ABC, MTV, ect, ect... (You can tell that Jones tries pretty hard to be like a drill sergent, Bill Hicks, Sam Kinison and Jimmy Swaggart all rolled into one.. THAT'S the kind of guy we want as the "leader" of the 911 truth movement?? Jones and Charlie Sheen?!?)

The same can be said of David Icke, and any number of researchers out there making multiple books and "underground" DVD projects proclaiming "Truth". Look at how quickly 'Loose Change' became popular, yet now we find connections of corporate sponsorship and promotion of the Democratic party behind its funding.

We must make a stand against the FAKE NEWS, the corporate sponsored, continuous mainstream loop of slop and propaganda (slopaganda) which is presented to us in crisp packaging in a never ending cycle of redundance. At the same time, we can't become consumed by exposing people like Alex Jones, Rense, GCN, or WHOEVER, because ultimately that too will only serve the purpose of the Elite's fake news and oppression campaign. They're working multiple angles here, and we must be careful that we do not fall into any of their many psychological traps..

I see very little love in this "movement", very little forgiveness or understanding. All you see is an escelating war of words and information, researchers bashing researchers, with very little mutual respect coming in any direction. Lies and corruption should be exposed, whatever level it comes on, but it isn't healthy to become overly "obsessed" with exposing any one particular person, or one particular group of people.

I agree, one way or the other, however you look at it, Alex Jones is a celebrity lovin shill of a guy whos ego and self-deception is legendary in his own mind. We should feel pity for this guy, not hatred. We should seek to take the moral high-ground from those we oppose. There's nothing wrong with pointing out the bullshit of people like Jones (especially when there is so much of it), but at the same time maybe we should focus instead with completely expanding on the topics Alex Jones covers, and getting to the real truth of all these matters of world conspiracy and the historical push for the New World Order..

Instead of an all out onslaught of "war" with Alex Jones and GCN, and all the other shills, there is a more subtle way to go about exposing them, that in the longrun, might end up being the more beneficial route to take.. THINK OF ALL THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO CRAVE INFORMATION, AND STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHO ALEX JONES EVEN IS!!! We need to reach those people more than trying to convince people how much of a shill Alex Jones is, IMO....

I've written many articles, and made many posts, against Alex Jones myself over the last year. Mostly because of the opposition i faced any time i ever questioned the motives or intentions of Jones. I'd make a negative comment about AJ, and 2 or 3 people would come back responding "Alex Jones is a true Patriot!", "You're Jealous, what have you ever done that compares to Alex Jones!?".. It was almost like Neo-Nazi "Jonestown" followers who were immediately set to attack me whenever i raised questions about Alex Jones or GCN..

And, as far as I know, I'm the first person to post the Remnant Saints information in an article from a few months back..

The Ties That Bind:

I had originally posted this information about 9 months ago, but didn't yet feel the motivation to try and expose the Remnant Saints connection on a larger scale. I've also found many pieces of strange information regarding Alex Jones and Scientology, as well as various lies he's been caught in, not to mention his fake "infiltration" of the Bohemian Grove sponsored by the Zionist channel 4 news station in the UK.

But anyway, all I can keep thinking is that old saying that "Bad publicity is better than no publicity." If we were to go about "exposing" Jones and GCN in the wrong way, all it will ultimately do is serve their growing popularity and the misdirection of controlled information which they have been perpetuating all these years...

To all the people out there who read this and are genuinely trying to get to the TRUTH, than best wishes to you all and peace be with you on this voyage. And, as always we must remember that the real truths are within us, only mirrored in the externalized world. The most meaningful changes to be made must come from within us. These are not my words but the timeless truth that we all secretely know..

There are thousands, millions of people all around us who have no idea who Alex Jones is, and are still "uneducated" about not only the events of 911, but of a much wider puzzle that has not yet been adaquately completed. We've all got something to learn... Take a few hundred dollars and make your own flyers, booklets, zines, stickers, CD's, and pass them out. Nothing wrong with throwing an Alex Jones DVD in the mix as well, so long as you present a clearer picture yourself. Jones should be used as but a supplementary to our own work in exposing the New World Order..

We become what we hate, constantly giving him negative publicity is a bit diversionary, IMO...

Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

He is being exposed as a Judas Goat in the Truth EFFORT.
There is no Truth "Movement".

You said: " i think Jones is 85% shill, and 15% sincere.."
Is this acceptable to you? Is this what you're willing to settle for? 85% shill?
How do you arrive at this percentage?
When people tell you a half-truth, they are still telling you a whole lie. Ever think about that at all?
Is there something inherently wrong with raising the bar?

You don't seem to grasp the fact that exposing Alex Jones and his cohorts IS exposing the New World Order.
Why do you seem to separate the two as if there is a difference?
Do you think there is no infiltration of this truth EFFORT? It has been clearly demonstrated that there is, by the SOTT group, by WING TV and a few others. Do you not see this?

What we are consumed with is not a "hatred" of Jones or his minions. It is a passion for the TRUTH.
And a passion to keep the evil existent in this truth EFFORT and the rest of society from poisoning our own psyches. Your assessment is too simplistic.
Look deeper and see it for what it is: EVIL.
You suggest that we should not focus on Jones because this is counterproductive to some non-existent movement and feeds the real enemy....JONES is part of the enemy.

It was you who said AJ is 85% shill, 15% sincere. Consider your own percentages.
Do you really believe that some kind of hit & run tactic somehow fends off evil?
How effective would that be against someone working against truth who has entrenched himself within this virtual "patriot community" and established himself as the 'grandfather of the 9-11 truth movement"?
To even begin to counter an entity so firmly in place for so long, truthtellers need to sustain their efforts.
One article is not going to touch evil or the people who perpetrate it.
One article is not going to do diddly.
Is an ongoing study of information about Alex Jones' tactics/inconsistencies somehow disturbing to you?
If so, why?
Studying and closely scrutinizing his words and actions or expressing criticisms translates into being "consumed with hatred"?
I absolutely disagree.
We may become what we hate, but we do not necessarily become what we study, what we examine, what we think about, what we learn from.
In order to study what alex Jones is doing and his effects upon the so-called 9-11 "truth movement". people need to discuss these issues.
Nobody said it was going to be a lovefest. It is a study, it is sharing of ideas, opinions, experiences and perspectives.
I don't think I've seen anyone expressing hatred toward alex Jones in this forum.
Plenty of people have appeared here expressing more of a hatred toward me than toward Alex.

Criticizing Alex Jones is a bit "diversionary"?
Who should be criticized? Who is allowed to be criticized?
Is there some list of individuals that is "approved" for criticism?

I'm sure Alex will appreciate that you assisted him in his marketing strategies by handing out free copies of his films. Many others have apparently done the same thing. This has likely garnered him lots of new customers, which is what he seeks. Customers.

If you take the time to really look through the various threads on this website, you can't help but notice that this is a place of study and analysis, not hatred. People like me trying to sort it all out and understand what is really going on in this truth EFFORT.
I respectfully urge you to take a look around.
If anything is despised here, it is evil itself.
Or so it seems to me.

Lisa Guliani
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

==He is being exposed as a Judas Goat in the Truth EFFORT.
There is no Truth "Movement"==

Well, we're getting into semantics here. Movement, Effort, dog and pony show, whatever you want to call it.. ;)

==You said: " i think Jones is 85% shill, and 15% sincere.."
Is this acceptable to you? Is this what you're willing to settle for? 85% truth?
How do you arrive at this percentage?
When people tell you a half-truth, they are still telling you a whole lie. Ever think about that at all?
Is there something inherently wrong with raising the bar?==

I'm not settling for anything. I haven't listened to the Alex Jones show, other than a couple times, in the past year. The majority of what i've had to say about Jones in the past year has been about questioning his stance, as well as his phony and fake personality. In fact Lisa, i think part of the reason that Jones closed his Prison Planet forums is because of questions that myself, and a couple others were bringing up about Alex Jones concerning Scientology connections.

Nothing wrong with raising the bar. I just personally wouldn't want to be one who dedicated their 'career' to exposing any one person or group as the focus of my creative energy. Exposing Alex Jones should be a side entree, not the main course, in my opinion. Nor would i openely endorse anyone who appeared to be putting all their focus into exposing Jones, or even Michael Moore or Bill O'Reilly for that matter.

Again, i have enjoyed various WingTV articles over the past year. Just saying perhaps we should reconsider the manner in which we expose Jones and GCN, that's all...

==You don't seem to grasp the fact that exposing Alex Jones and his cohorts IS exposing the New World Order.
Why do you seem to separate the two as if there is a difference?
Do you think there is no infiltration of this truth EFFORT? It has been clearly demonstrated that there is, by the SOTT group, by WING TV and a few others. Do you not see this?==

See, here's the thing Lisa. I perfectly understand that exposing Alex Jones, GCN, and shills in this movement IS a part of exposing the New World Order. The point of the matter is, and no offence, I HAD NEVER HEARD OF WINGTV until the people at the Revere Radio network were promoting you in a positive way for a few brief days last year before the shameful "Sonny Crack" affair began. And, get this.. After posting your recent expose of Revere Radio and Sonny Crack at a couple different forums, the response of a few people was this: "I've never even heard of Revere Radio network before now.."

See what I'm saying? Sometimes negative publicity is only going to serve to have positive benefits for those you might be trying to 'expose'. Wouldn't you hate to think that your negative articles on Alex Jones was only sending people (who have never heard of Alex Jones) to and Prison Planet to see for themselves what WingTv was talking about? What if they hear about Jones for the first time because of WingTV, go to Infowars, and decide that they LIKE Alex Jones, despite the negative publicity of WingTV..?

Hypothetical question of course..

==What we are consumed with is not a "hatred" of Jones or his minions. It is a passion for the TRUTH.
And a passion to keep the evil existent in this truth EFFORT and the rest of society from poisoning our own psyches. Your assessment is too simplistic.
Look deeper and see it for what it is: EVIL.
You suggest that we should not focus on Jones because this is counterproductive to some non-existent movement and feeds the real enemy....JONES is part of the enemy.==

Part two of my thoughts from the last response.. Yes, love and forgiveness is simplistic Lisa, that's part of the beauty of it. Though it's so often difficult to realize.. When i first heard of WINGTV last year and took a look around your site, there are some interesting things there for sure, but i was personally turned off by the fact that the majority of what's at WingTV could be construed as little more than articulately bashing every other researcher in this movement of whom you disagree with.

Ok, Jones, Rense, GCN and others are PART of who the enemy is. They should be exposed, and have been. I've played a part in it myself, losing "friends" and members of our forums along the way because of it.. But they are not the whole of the enemy, and as I stated in the last post, there are millions of people who still have no idea who Alex Jones is and need to be "awakened" to this information..

Why not try to speak to those still as yet unreached people out there instead of always trying to convince people how big a shill Alex Jones is? Just a simple question, if exposing GCN is what you most enjoy doing and fuels you, then more power to you.

==It was you who said AJ is 85% shill, 15% sincere. Consider your own percentages.
Do you really believe that some kind of hit & run tactic somehow fends off evil?
How effective would that be against someone working against truth who has entrenched himself within this virtual "patriot community" and established himself as the 'grandfather of the 9-11 truth movement"?
To even begin to counter an entity so firmly in place for so long, truthtellers need to sustain their efforts.
One article is not going to touch evil or the people who perpetrate it.
One article is not going to do diddly.
Is an ongoing study of information about Alex Jones' tactics/inconsistencies somehow disturbing to you?
If so, why?==

One article might not make a very big impact, but multiple people writing multiple articles on the same subject might.. And, at this point, there are dozens of anti-Alex Jones/GCN articles out there. A large majority of them coming from WingTV, and the Daryl Bradford Smith website. (Nwowatcher has a good handful of articles against Alex Jones, Clear Channel, and many others too.)

Here's an anti GCN/Blood/Jones episode of our last Revolution Radio program:
1 hour

But it comes to this Lisa, personally, I could look at WingTV, or at 'I Am the Witness', and say "This is some kind of controlled opposition campaign set up against Alex Jones." I COULD reason that the never ending barrage of anti GCN material from WINGTV was designed in such a way so as ultimately it will bring people in support of Alex Jones. Kinda a reverse psychology campaing in effect.. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed some of the articles you and Victor have posted at WingTv, but at the same time 90% of what you seem to have printed over there is an "attack" piece on GCN hosts and other shill researchers.

-I even wrote Victor a fairly long email last year making some similar comments to what I'm making to you right now Lisa. I brought up a few points that I believed should have garnered a response of some kind.. And do you know what the response was to my 2-3 page letter to Victor Thorn? Something to the effect of:

"I saw the information you posted at Indymedia about Alex Jones and Scientology. Please send me more information if you have it."
Victor Thorn

That was it.. I wrote Thorn a letter asking him multiple questions, concerns, and comments, and all i got back was a one or two sentence response..

To me, that seems a little "obsessive".. When the only connections you wish to have with other people is if they relay negative information on helping expose Alex Jones.

==Studying and closely scrutinizing his words and actions or expressing criticisms translates into being "consumed with hatred"?
I absolutely disagree.==

I said for some, including myself, to be careful in not being consumed by bitterness or hatred towards Jones or any other single person or group.

==We may become what we hate, but we do not necessarily become what we study, what we examine, what we think about, what we learn from.==


==In order to study what alex Jones is doing and his effects upon the so-called 9-11 "truth movement". people need to discuss these issues.
Nobody said it was going to be a lovefest. It is a study, it is sharing of ideas, opinions, experiences and perspectives.
I don't think I've seen anyone expressing hatred toward alex Jones in this forum.
Plenty of people have appeared here expressing more of a hatred toward me than toward Alex.==

I'm sure you've gotten a lot of opposition by exposing Alex Jones and GCN.. Part of my concern is that ultimately, WINGTV with it's unyeilding opposition to GCN, and "I Am the Witness" with it's semi-racist undertones, and it's denial that the Vatican plays any part in the New World Order, will only go to swing people to Jones side in the first place..(Smith's declarations that "Jones and Watson are Cryto-Jews!! His wife is a Jew!!!). I'm looking at all angles of potential psyops Lisa.. If Jones is to be questioned, and he SHOULD be, than the same should be said of WingTV, Bradford Smith, Revere Radio or even my own website...

I've also written Bradford Smith a letter sending him that REMNANT SAINTS information many months ago.. The guy didn't even have time to write back and say anything about it.

==Criticizing Alex Jones is a bit "diversionary"?
Who should be criticized? Who is allowed to be criticized?
Is there some list of individuals that is "approved" for criticism?==

Of course, you're free to critisize whoever you want. I critisize too, and that's part of what freedom of speech should be about.. But it also comes back to the fact that SOMETIMES negative publicity is better than no publicity..

How many people might have heard of WingTV or Revere Radio in the first place because of your opposition to each other? Discovered you through Revere's negative promotion of you, and discovered Revere because of your negative promotion of them?

==I'm sure Alex will appreciate that you assisted him in his marketing strategies by handing out free copies of his films. Many others have apparently done the same thing. This has likely garnered him lots of new customers, which is what he seeks. Customers.==

Yes, i understand that.. But, what i seek is helping to open people up to the events behind 911, not sell DVD's for Alex Jones.. And aside from his horrible personality, and his lack of exposing Zionism and The Vatican, Jones has decent 911 information for new-comers. Yes, it's controlled, but there is still truth in it.. I'm not in support of Jones in any way, shape or form, but that doesn't mean that his videos still don't serve, along with other things, as useful tools in making people open their eyes a bit. To those who know virtually nothing about the real events of 911 except what they heard from Michael Moore...

==If you take the time to really look through the various threads on this website, you can't help but notice that this is a place of study and analysis, not hatred. People like me trying to sort it all out and understand what is really going on in this truth EFFORT.
I respectfully urge you to take a look around.
If anything is despised here, it is evil itself.
Or so it seems to me.==

Understood Ms. Guliani, just stating some of my thoughts and opinions. We're all entitled to them, right..? I'm just making the statement that some people out there might question the approach WingTV and Bradford Smith are taking as well as Jones. Those who KNOW that the controlled opposition psyops are deep, deeper than just Alex Jones and GCN..

Respectfully, hope you take no offense in these posts. Just stating some facts as i see them...
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Well, if you have looked on our site, then you would know that most of what we've written and discussed is NOT about alex Jones or other phonies in the containment press.
Mostly, we've focused on 9-11.
We've paid so much attention to that single issue, people have at times told us to knock it off and talk about something else.
We've had more 9-11 guests than maybe anybody else on our show.
We are ON it.
The expose articles were necessary in my view, and if somebody is going to LIE about me to the public for over a year unrelentingly, unceasingly, and with a vengeance, then at some point, it is time to step up and say enough is enough.
So, I think in certain instances you would have a point, but in this instance, what Revere is doing will have a negative blowback on them, not us.

And I will tell you what I have told every single other person:
We believe nobody is above questioning, including us. We have tried to answer all the questions people ask of us. You are free to ask people who know us personally, like Michael Langston, about us. He knows us personally, has stayed at our home more than once and would be someone who is a credible source, in my view.
We don't expect people to just "believe" us and have never once intimated that they should. We tell people to do their own thinking and their own research and to always ask questions.
The problem is, not everyone wants to answer questions, which is why the Jones articles even came about.
Because Alex Jones refuses to answer questions we asked of him. Same for Rense.
And I don't know about you, but I want to know where information is coming from and who is giving it to me and why. And I want to know why they give false information when they do.

I do not regret writing the Revere article. I do not regret calling these liars out and shining a light on their filthy lies. if it means more people know just what they represent and who they are and what they do, then so be it.
I wouldn't want anyone to misconstrue what it is they actually "do" and "say" and "stand for".
Their own words speak to that very nicely.
But if you think for even one second i was going to let another year go by and let this escalate even further, and do NOTHING, well, umm, that's not the way I am.

If you can get past the exposes about alternative media for just a little while, you might see that we have focused very intently on other matters - USS LIBERTY attack, OKC bombing, Israel's crimes against the people of Palestine, the taxation issue, and on and on.
We've talked about Freemasonry, the banking system, the Fed, the war, depleted uranium, and so on.
LOTS of issues, not just "Alex Jones" and the other phonies.
But they are indeed, a part of the whole headgame.
And since they run right in our midst, they are something to be concerned about.
I don't see it as a misuse or waste of time at all.
The truth about all of it will resonate in people of conscience.

As for Thorn, he has so much to do, he rarely gives anybody more than a sentence or two in response. He is very crunched for time and does not have the luxury of long, detailed responses and cannot be tied to his inbox. There is an entire website to run and update every day, plus he works 45-50 hours per week. he does the best he can and he does an enormous amount of work every day. He really was not trying to give you a brush off or anything.
So, please don't be put off by his short reply. He just doesn't ever spend much time on his email, because he is swamped and there is no time. There are only two of us running WING TV. There is no "staff".

With all due respect, are you stating facts - or are you stating mostly opinions and concerns as you see them?

Why don't you try asking Alex Jones some questions and see if you ever get this lengthy a response from him.
Or any at all, for that matter...:-)

Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Watchman - just to save us all a lot of trouble and repeating ourselves, could you please read this entire thread - try to digest it - and understand that leaving these manipulators and liars alone to do what they do best is a tactic that will ensure disaster. I realize that you think you are being 'even-handed' and you appear to think that you are looking at the big picture, but if you had read this entire thread, and then still posted what you've posted here in the past 24 hours, then you are here with an agenda, and that agenda has nothing to do with the truth.
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Basically what I'm doing, since i've never spoken with a WingTV 'representative' before, is try and get to the bottom of all of this for the sake of my own mind. I've watched for the past year as the Revere network first supported you, than turned on you, with Sonny Crack doing his vulgar "comedy" routine. Listened to the calls as a supposed "FBI Agent" phones Revere on your behalf, telling him to keep Sonny Crack in line..(Sorry, it all sounded rather staged in some way..) And your recent articles on Sonny Crack, showing pictures of Robb Revere with Jack Blood, and a complete transcript of the Sonny Crack episode where he slanders you. (An episode that the majority of people would have never even heard had you not posted it.)

I'll admit to having once been "friends", or at least associates with a few of the hosts at Revere Radio.. Knowing from the start they they were core posters at the Jack Blood forum, of which i've barely ever visited, and never contributed in..

With sincere due respect, and i understand your desire to speak out on it, but why did you wait a year to post an anti Sonny Crack article? You have to know that all this will probably end up doing is escelating what some of the Revere hosts are going to start throwing back after all this time? I'm not taking sides here, and it's really none of my business.. But actually, since our program Revolution Radio has been playing on Revere for the past year, midnight Saturday nights, then i guess it is a little bit of my business. The fact that our program began nearly 6 months before the Revere network aired, i guess it makes it a little bit my business to feel free to ask a few questions here and there and probe the depths of this "conspiracy community" as i see fit.....

I don't hold it against Vic Thorn that he sent me back such a short response.. I've written Alex Jones a few times in the distant past and never recieved any responses either.. But the point is, I HAVE recieved responses from many other people who are just as busy and "important" as WingTV, Jones, or anybody else in this world, and they HAVE written me back long and detailed responses from time to time.. Actors, writers, musicians, artists, some of which who are a hell of a lot more "famous" than Alex Jones.. I'm just saying, you begin to question who you should actually trust when I write both Vic Thorn and Bradford Smith detailed emails, and recieve back a couple sentences off the topic of my queries, or no response at all....

But, best wishes to you and Wingtv. Nobody should have to go through the negative sexist slander which Revere radio allowed, and Jack Blood endorsed.. Just wanted to state a couple facts and opinions as i see them and a few concerns regarding a continued escelation of "negative publicity" going back and forth between some of these "camps".. I guess you all are just doing your thing, and I'm doing mine, and good luck to TRUTH in this battle....

That's what it should all be about.. Getting to the truth..

==Watchman - just to save us all a lot of trouble and repeating ourselves, could you please read this entire thread - try to digest it - and understand that leaving these manipulators and liars alone to do what they do best is a tactic that will ensure disaster. I realize that you think you are being 'even-handed' and you appear to think that you are looking at the big picture, but if you had read this entire thread, and then still posted what you've posted here in the past 24 hours, then you are here with an agenda, and that agenda has nothing to do with the truth.==

Thank you, i have read this entire thread.

I'm not here with an agenda.. I'm here by "accident" really. As i simply follwed a few links to a topic someone had posted from Ms. Guliani regarding Revere Radio at another forum. I had planned on writing Ms. Guliani an email, but since i found the postings here, i decided to join up and make a few comments.. The "Remnant Saints" information from member 'Ray' in the thread above was another reason i felt i should make a few comments, since i'm the one who began promoting this fact in the first place..

Personally, i could wonder why Lisa and Victor haven't gone into more detail about the celebrity connections of Charlie Sheen, with Martin Sheen showing firm support of Janet Reno in the past. (Waco Queen) The Zionist connections of Ed Asner, who was also in support of Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen. The corporate connections with Viacom and AOL to Alex Jones with his recent appearances on CNN, and MTV, and his AOL funded cameo in "A Scanner Darkly".. Or the possibility that the recent promotion of Morgellons is part of a "Viral Marketing Campaign" in promotion of the film Scanner Darkly.....

You see, I do my homework too.. And i could question why WingTV has avoided these subjects in relation to Alex Jones. As well as the Remnant Saints and potential Scientology connections...

I'm not trying to minimilize Lisa's efforts, nor this forum, but I will not have my voice minimilized and brushed aside either.. Just stating some thoughts, and stirring a few questions...

So now if i were to question WingTV or Bradford Smith's tactics, i would have an agenda that was opposite of truth?? How is that any different than what i'm saying about Wing and Smith's methods of questioning Jones and GCN..?

Hehe, don't mind me, i didn't mean to get caught up in a long drawn out forum "debate" here... It no doubt doesn't suprise me that Jones was voted number 1 shill in a recent poll..
Viewer's Poll: Alex Jones Voted # 1 Shill

Watchman said:
Personally, i could wonder why Lisa and Victor haven't gone into more detail about the celebrity connections of Charlie Sheen, with Martin Sheen showing firm support of Janet Reno in the past. (Waco Queen) The Zionist connections of Ed Asner, who was also in support of Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen. The corporate connections with Viacom and AOL to Alex Jones with his recent appearances on CNN, and MTV, and his AOL funded cameo in "A Scanner Darkly".. Or the possibility that the recent promotion of Morgellons is part of a "Viral Marketing Campaign" in promotion of the film Scanner Darkly.....

You see, I do my homework too.. And i could question why WingTV has avoided these subjects in relation to Alex Jones. As well as the Remnant Saints and potential Scientology connections...
This is very interesting since we discovered similar connections "behind the scenes" of the Project SERPO hoax.

Could you share some of the background on these subjects, article links, significant excerpts, and so forth?
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