Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

I got some photos from a commenter on your post MJF because when researching it I saw the amplification which seems evident that the comics of the 90s such as the powers rangers have parallels with the representations on the head of the possible hybrid Nephalim Bran the blessed and his relationship to the Grail I find it curious since the Cs have mentioned the influence of certain energies from within the earth that influence creative minds such as producers, etc. and why not comic artists!
Yes, I don't see why not. Comics have had a big cultural impact in the late 20th century and this has continued into the 21st century with Marvel and DC comic characters being brought to the movie screen and TV. What you are referring to is the army of psychic projectors who are mainly based in the underground bases within the Earth. They can project their thoughts directly into people's minds.

However, such comic book influences may go back much further. The man who really promoted NASA's the Face on Mars photograph was the science commentator Richard Hoagland. He subsequently discovered that a comic artist called Jack Kirby (who later did art work for Marvel comics) had produced a 1958 comic strip, which depicted astronauts encountering a huge sculpted face on Mars:
Hoagland also found a set of 1950's slides or transparencies that you could pull through a handheld slide viewer called a Viewmaster, which told the story of the mysterious extinct race that had lived on Mars thousands of years earlier. Curiously, it was the Face on Mars that originally led me to this website.

Hoagland thought Kirby's story suggested that there was already some foreknowledge of the Face on Mars and the other Martian monuments at Cydonia even before the NASA Viking I satellite photographed the Face in 1976. This could be the case but I would not rule out the involvement of the underworld psychic projectors either.

I attach a link to a website where Kirby's comic strip is discussed: The Face Of Mars In 1958 Comic Book!, page 2

I think the following poster's comments may be along the right lines:

"Because the art work is oriented wrong doesn't take away from the compelling idea the artists and writers had. If this idea of a face on Mars is embedded in the psychology or genetic memories of some persons then it's possible that the conscious mind misinterpreted some of the information. In 1958 a face on Mars would have been a radical idea, so whomever came up with the idea could have awakened from a dream up with a start and starting writing the story as quickly as possible. There was nothing to compare the idea with, so it's entirely plausible that an artist or writer would think that all it was was an idea and not a deep seated memory or archetype of the subconscious."
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I was watching a video but it is in Spanish. I suggest that Bluegazer translate it for MJF since there may be keys that can help decipher the mystery. Here they talk about the portals that opened in Renees Le Chateau, the type of rituals they used and the presence of the Grail. bright..

I can't speak for Bluegazer and why he should translate this for MJF, thus, is there a particular reason why you 'suggested' it and could not do the translation work yourself, since you posted it and you appear to be Spanish speaking?

Members do not necessarily have a great deal of time to review every video posted, so it would be considering to all readers if you could at least describe what is being said rather than push it off on someone else.
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I was watching a video but it is in Spanish. I suggest that Bluegazer translate it for MJF

There is no need to do it. The video already incorporates subtitles and English translation. Just go to the settings.

I can't speak for Bluegazer and why he should translate for this for MJF, thus, is there a particular reason why you 'suggested' it and could not do the translation work yourself, since you posted it and appear to be Spanish speaking?

Members do not necessarily have a great deal of time to review every video posted, so it would be considering to all readers if you could at least describe what is being said rather than push it off on someone else.

Thank you Voyageur. :-)
Yes, I don't see why not. Comics have had a big cultural impact in the late 20th century and this has continued into the 21st century with Marvel and DC comic characters being brought to the movie screen and TV. What you are referring to is the army of psychic projectors who are mainly based in the underground bases within the Earth. They can project their thoughts directly into people's minds.

However, such comic book influences may go back much further. The man who really promoted NASA's the Face on Mars photograph was the science commentator Richard Hoagland. He subsequently discovered that a comic artist called Jack Kirby (who later did art work for Marvel comics) had produced a 1958 comic strip, which depicted astronauts encountering a huge sculpted face on Mars:
Hoagland also found a set of 1950's slides or transparencies that you could pull through a handheld slide viewer called a Viewmaster, which told the story of the mysterious extinct race that had lived on Mars thousands of years earlier. Curiously, it was the Face on Mars that originally led me to this website.

Hoagland thought Kirby's story suggested that there was already some foreknowledge of the Face on Mars and the other Martian monuments at Cydonia even before the NASA Viking I satellite photographed the Face in 1976. This could be the case but I would not rule out the involvement of the underworld psychic projectors either.

I attach a link to a website where Kirby's comic strip is discussed: The Face Of Mars In 1958 Comic Book!, page 2

I think the following poster's comments may be along the right lines:

"Because the art work is oriented wrong doesn't take away from the compelling idea the artists and writers had. If this idea of a face on Mars is embedded in the psychology or genetic memories of some persons then it's possible that the conscious mind misinterpreted some of the information. In 1958 a face on Mars would have been a radical idea, so whomever came up with the idea could have awakened from a dream up with a start and starting writing the story as quickly as possible. There was nothing to compare the idea with, so it's entirely plausible that an artist or writer would think that all it was was an idea and not a deep seated memory or archetype of the subconscious."
Further to my last post on Jack Kirby, I came across this short videos on his Face on Mars comic strip, which I quite interesting, as the hero astronaut experiences a vision of the past where he saw the Martians under attack from a race that came from the exploded planet that became the asteroid belt - that we planet we know as Kantek. He depicted the Martians as tall Aryan looking giants and as a highly advance society. He gleans that the occupants of the exploded planet were so evil they brought around their planet's destruction. Hmmm ... where have we heard that before?

Perhaps the answer to where Kirby got his ideas for the story from lie here:

So we have three elements that we need to sort out here:
• First, is Kirby's overwhelming obsession with aliens, UFOs and ancient astronauts. Despite what a lot of people might think this is unusual for comic book artists and sci-fi writers, who tend to cleave to a materialist/reductionist worldview.

• Second, is what we can only call paranormal phenomena, a consistent and repeated tendency to predict future events in allegorical form. Kirby was also obsessed with paranormal phenomena himself, and wrote stories about Nostradamus, psychics prophetic dreams and all the rest of it.

Kirby wrote a semi-autobiographical story about a remote viewer (that we looked at here), that I thought was particularly remarkable since Kirby's methods were identical to the Stanford RVs; sit in an isolated room, reach deep into the unconscious mind and draw. Kirby repeatedly said that he simply traced what he visualized on the paper, a fact repeatedly confirmed by people who watched him draw (essentially like an inkjet printer, drawing from upper left to lower right, with very few construction lines).

It's worth noting here that rumours circulated that RVs had previously drawn the Mars Face before the Viking mission (which was why Cydonia was targeted for an overfly), and that SRI view Joe McMoneagle later sketched the Face ( I prefer Kirby's version, naturally)

For more see: Mindbomb: John Carter, PKD and "The Face on Mars"
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Continuing with Jack Kirby (I inadvertently posted the last post before I had time to finish it :-)), it does seem that he may have been influenced by the underworld's army of psychic projectors to produce these really "out there" stories, which were published at the dawn of the space age. The writer of the piece I posted the link to made an interesting comparison between Kirby and the famous sci-fi writer Philip K Dick, which suggests Dick may also have been influenced by them:​

• Lastly, Kirby has a lot in common with another Hollywood obsession who lived his life in relative obscurity (and poverty, in Dick's case) but changed the way science fiction stories were told: Philip K Dick.

Dick was 11 years younger than Kirby but they both immersed themselves in the same kind of pulp sci-fi from an early age. Like Kirby, Dick was frighteningly prolific. This can't be underestimated, although in both men's cases, economic pressures were as much a driving force as creative obsession.

I've long felt there's a transformative power in that kind of creative commitment, as if the harder you work the deeper you often go (Max Ernst and Alan Moore are other examples of this).

But the transformation is more subtle and elusive. It's as if the creator reaches a state in which creativity pierces a boundary most of us never realize exists. At the other side are entities which wait to communicate with those who've earned the right to do so. With Ernst and Moore, those entities are transformed into whimsical trickster figures, Loplop and Glycon. With Kirby and Dick there seemed to be an obsession with communication with alien entities, usually by means of telepathy.

Kirby kept this all in the realm of fiction, but Dick obviously did not. We have no way of gauging whether there was any objective truth to these entities, other than the results of this contact.

After Dick's contact experience in 1974, he became [
began?] to slowly recover from a lost decade of drugs and madness. Dick even claimed [sic] this entity with diagnosing a dangerous condition in his young son in time to have it treated before it killed him.

Kirby kept all his alien telepathy stories in the funny pages but concurrent with his high weirdness obsessions was a remarkable development in his draftsmanship and his creativity.

A "man possessed" would not be too strong a term to describe Kirby in the 1960s. He was as prolific in his page count as he was in character creation, designing heroes still topping the sales charts today. Stan Lee might have been the driver but Kirby was undoubtedly the engine behind The Fantastic Four, The Hulk, Thor, The X-Men, The Avengers and even had a hand in the development of Spider-Man, Iron Man and Doctor Strange.

Not bad for a "has-been" who no one would hire just a few years before. It seems there is something transformative at work, whether you want to chalk it up to psychological forces, or whether you see a deeper reality at work.

What can't be argued with are the results. Whatever forces were at work they are still very much alive in one of the last vestiges of pop culture that still manages to inspire and uplift.

Well one certainly has to admit that Marvel's Avengers and X-Men movies have been phenomenally successful in recent years. They may be pop corn culture but how much subtle conditioning of the masses has occurred in the same manner as the C's described in relation to the original Independence Day movie:

Session 21 September 1996:

Q: (T) Is there any significance to the ID4 movie?

A: Sure.

Q: (L) What was the primary intention of the makers of this movie? The primary message that they attempted to convey?

A: Infuse thinking patterns with [planchette swirled a few times here] concept of aliens.

Q: (L) They intended to infuse thinking patterns with concept of aliens... was there any particular slant on aliens, per se, that was seen as desirable in the making of this movie?

A: Slant?

Q: (L) Slant, in other words, did they wish to present them inaccurately to confuse people, to present them as something to be feared and fought against, or to make them appear so completely erroneous, so that when actual aliens do appear, that they will not be perceived as negative?

A: Infuse.

Q: (L) Infuse. Just the concept, the concept of aliens in general. OK...

A: Part of a larger project.

Q: (L) And what is this project?

A: Called "Project Awaken."

Q: (L) And who is behind, or in charge of, this project?

A: Many.

Q: (L) Who are the primary group, groups or individuals? I'm sure you're not going to give us individuals, but just the grouping.

A: Thor's Pantheum.

Q: (L) And what is Thor's Pantheum?

A: Subselect trainees for transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation.

Q: (L) What is enlightenment frequency graduation?

A: Think!

Q: (L) Enlightenment frequency graduation... so, subselect trainees...

A: Self explanatory.

Q: (L) Well, is this group STS or STO?

A: Both.

Q: (L) OK... (T) Are they working at cross purposes?

A: No.

Q: (T) They're working together? Bipartisan?

A: No.

Q: (J) Are they aware of each other? Working on this?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Are they screwing each other up? (L) No, that's going in the wrong direction...

A: There is more to all of this than you could dream.

Q: (T) There's more to all of this...were you referring to... Who are they? Thor's Pantheum. And they're subselect trainees...That's the group behind this movie; OK...

A: An army of Aryan psychic projectors.

Q: (T) Well, that explains a lot more than Thor's Pantheum of subselect trainees! An army of psychic projectors. (L) And what do they project?

A: Themselves... Right in to one's head.

Did they project themselves right into the heads of Jack Kirby and Philip K Dick?

It is curious that the C's should call this subterranean army of Aryan psychic projectors Thor's Pantheum, presumably after the fierce magic hammer wielding mythological Norse god of thunder, since Jack Kirby was responsible for drawing and Stan Lee for writing the Thor comic book series, which depicted the Norse god as the alter ego of mild mannered American Donald Blake (similar to how reporter Clark Kent is the human alias of Superman) but who was in reality the Norse god exiled to Earth by his father Odin as a punishment with his memory wiped. The comic book character of Thor, played amusingly in the Thor and Avengers movies by Australian actor Chris Hemsworth, can in some ways be viewed as a modern day equivalent of the Greek superman Heracles (the Roman Hercules) or the Sumerian strongman Gilgamesh both of whom could possibly have represented ancient Nephilim hybrids like the giant Goliath in the Bible.

Many of the modern comic book superheroes are mutants like the X-Men, the Famous Four or the characters in the TV series Heroes who gain their super powers through genetic mutations. Others gain their super powers by some sort of freak accident involving radioactivity like the Hulk, Peter Parker as Spiderman and Captain Marvel. If such comic book characters were inspired by these Aryan psychic projectors, who you will note are a mixture of STO and STS types, what were they hoping to gain by it? Could it be that when Aryan members of the subterranean civilisation emerge as would be saviours upon the surface world, people will have a point of reference from these movies and TV shows and view them as superheroes? On the STO side of things, could the mutant heroes like Wolverine or Peter Parker/Spiderman be depicting STO orientated people who will gain super powers after the upcoming transition to 4th density:
Session 4 July 2009:

Q: (L) Okay, enough on that. Next? (A**) I was gonna ask about Chaco Canyon. What was it built for?

A: Gathering place for those of unusual abilities.

Q: (A***) Did anybody actually live there?

A: More like a "conference centre."

Q: (A**) So what happened to the people that used it?

A: Change of cosmic environment followed by earthly difficulties such as famine, climate etc.

Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel".
[MJF: cf. the DC comics characters the Flash who can travel fast at amazing speeds and Superman who can levitate and fly through the air]

Q: (Allen) So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another?

A: Yes.

Q: (A*l) Could they teleport?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Teleport... These weren't your average human beings then. (laughter)

A: No not exactly, but it wasn't the same environment you currently enjoy either.

Q: (A**) Where did these people come from?

A: Remnant Atlanteans. Descendants for the word sticklers.

Q: (L) I think that's because once, somebody made a big deal out of them saying "remnants of Atlantis" and they meant descendants. (A*l) Do they mean that if our environment wasn't so polluted that we could have super powers? (L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such change soon.

Q: (A*l) Are we going to become super again?

A: Some will.

Anyway, much food for thought.
I am currently working on another article but in the meantime, I thought I would post something I came across when re-reading the session dated 27 April 2024 since it may well pertain to what we recently discussed on this thread about how the the Grail will be discovered only by someone of the special bloodline with the appropriate DNA allowing them to attune themselves to it, rather like the figure of King Arthur whose special DNA allowed him to "draw the sword from the stone":
irjO) Has the supposed chamber of the Atlantean records, buried underneath the Sphinx paw, already been opened in secret, or have they tried to open it?

(L) Has it already been opened in secret?

A: No.

Q: (L) Have they tried to open it?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why?

A: Obscured.

Q: (L) What do you mean obscured?

A: Hidden by energy shield.

Q: (L) So, is this one of those, like, sword-in-the-stone type things, that only special people could possibly get through the energy field and open?

A: Yes.

This reference by Laura to a "sword in the stone type thing" links with something the C's said about the Grail in the session dated 18 January 2002:​

Q: Why is it that we have attracted so much interest from the "spy vs. spy" types? After all, if there is something out there they are after, why do they need us?

A: They cannot "see" or "draw the sword from the stone."
[MJF: A clear reference here to the Holy Grail as per the link to the King Arthur legend who drew the sword from the stone and whose Knights of the Round Table went on a quest seeking the Grail.]

As to the Atlantean records being obscured behind an energy shield, this concept reminds me of what the C's said here about the Grail being hidden behind an "occlusion" generated by an "energy fence":​

Q: (A) Okay. Once it is tuned, it is tuned, right? (R) Yeah. And if it was similar to our simulation then tuning is done by exposing it to similar frequencies. (L) Or maybe assembling it by virtue of frequencies that are produced. But it still needs to be established whether or not they can see it. So we have theorized that the reason they can't find it, the only reason we can see for why they can't find it, is because for some reason it is protected by frequency or something and that they don't know where it is either. Is this correct?

A: Mostly. They have a general idea.

Q: What specifically prevents them from isolating the exact spot and getting it?

A: Occlusion.
[MJF: meaning a process whereby something is hidden or "obscured" from prominence or view]

Q: (A) What is occlusion? (R) I think that's similar to ...

A: Frequency fence.

Can we therefore take it that an "energy shield" and "frequency fence" may be one and the same thing?

You will note though that the C's confirmed Laura's point that only special people could penetrate the energy field and open it in the same way that only King Arthur could draw the sword from the stone (which was a part of his destiny). So, this brings us back to the idea of a special bloodline and the possibly unique DNA of the "Grail family" - the Perseids.
Can we therefore take it that an "energy shield" and "frequency fence" may be one and the same thing?

I cannot say if they are the same, but if we compare it with modern technology and concepts, it could be an effect similar to the one used for contraelectronic measurements.
An electronic countermeasure (ECM) is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar, or other detection systems, like infrared (IR) or lasers. It may be used both offensively and defensively to deny targeting information to an enemy. The system may make many separate targets appear to the enemy, or make the real target appear to disappear or move about randomly. It is used effectively to protect aircraft from guided missiles. Most air forces use ECM to protect their aircraft from attack. It has also been deployed by military ships and recently on some advanced tanks to fool laser/IR guided missiles. It is frequently coupled with stealth advances so that the ECM systems have an easier job. Offensive ECM often takes the form of jamming. Self-protecting (defensive) ECM includes using blip enhancement and jamming of missile terminal homers.​

Radar jamming and deception is a form of electronic countermeasures (ECMs) that intentionally sends out radio frequency signals to interfere with the operation of radar by saturating its receiver with noise or false information. Concepts that blanket the radar with signals so its display cannot be read are normally known as jamming, while systems that produce confusing or contradictory signals are known as deception, but it is also common for all such systems to be referred to as jamming.

There are two general classes of radar jamming, mechanical and electronic. Mechanical jamming entails reflecting enemy radio signals in various ways to provide false or misleading target signals to the radar operator. Electronic jamming works by transmitting additional radio signals towards enemy receivers, making it difficult to detect real target signals, or take advantage of known behaviors of automated systems like radar lock-on to confuse the system.​
The Martian Stonehenge

For those more familiar with my posts, they will appreciate that I have had a long-term interest in the planet Mars. Indeed, it was through a search I once did on the Monuments of Mars that I discovered Laura and the Cassiopaeans. The C’s confirmed my strong suspicions that the so called ‘Monuments of Mars’ had been built by an earlier pre-Flood Earth civilisation and this civilisation was that of the Atlanteans:​

Session 19 November 1994:

Q: (T) Is there such a thing as "alternative three" the plan to take all the brains off the planet?

A: No.

Q: (T) Is that more disinformation?

A: Yes. So is Mars landing but not Mars monuments.

Q: (TL) Who made the monuments on Mars?

A: Atlanteans.

Q: (T) So, the Atlanteans had inter-planetary ability?

A: Yes. With ease. Atlantean technology makes yours look like the Neanderthal era.

Q: (T) Who created
the structures on the moon that Richard Hoagland has discovered?

A: Atlanteans.

Q: (T) What did they use these structures for?

A: Energy transfer points for crystalline power/symbolism as in monuments or statuary.

Q: (T) What statuary are you referring to?

A: Example is face.
[MJF: the ‘Face on Mars’ – see image below]

Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?

A: Sun.

Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?

A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.

Over the years I have looked at a lot of photographs of the Martian surface in which there appears to be evidence of anomalies. Often these anomalies can still be seen even after there has been obvious tampering to obscure what is there. One can either take the view that these images of anomalies and strange artefacts on Mars are the product of clever ‘high tech’ computer aided imaging (sophisticated ‘photo shopping’) or, if they are real, that NASA, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) or the ESA when posting them on their websites are deliberately defying our credulity by putting them on public view without scientific comment or, when they do bother to comment, any explanation they provide is usually of an unconvincing nature. Perhaps the greatest example of this is the infamous Face on Mars photograph taken by the Viking I orbiter, which the C’s confirmed in the extract above as being a real man-made structure.
The original Face on Mars image taken by the Viking 1 orbiter and released by NASA/JPL on 25 July 1976
To this day NASA and mainstream scientific opinion still holds that the image showing what appears to be a face was just a trick of light and shadow. While accepting the "Face" as a subject for scientific study, famous American astronomer Carl Sagan criticised much of the speculation concerning it in the chapter "The Man in the Moon and the Face on Mars" in his 1995 book The Demon-Haunted World. However, Carl Sagan had history here since early on in his career he had opined on the possibility that certain structures seen on images taken by NASA probes could be evidence of artificiality. He was taken to task for these claims and, as a result, he quickly stepped back into line adopting the orthodox approach of “nothing to see here” thereafter. However, he sometimes left an enigmatic question mark hanging over certain images without openly suggesting they were depicting artificial structures. One such example was a field of pyramids on Mars photographed by NASA’s Mariner 9 probe, the first to successfully obtain orbit around the planet.

In his 1980 book Cosmos, Carl Sagan showed the picture above in the chapter Blues for a Red Planet with the image caption "The Pyramids of Elysium". In that paragraph he wrote about a large rover mission which would be of high public interest as live TV-picture would be sent to Earth when the rover visits these pyramids. In a footnote on that page, he wrote:

"The largest Mars Pyramids have a base width of 3km and a height of 1km, so they are much larger than the Pyramids of Sumer, Egypt and Mexico. With the ancient eroded shape, they could be small hills, sandblasted for centuries, but they need to be viewed from nearby."

The Elysium region was photographed again by the Viking orbiter in 1976, the results of which can be seen on the right-hand side of the composite image shown below.

I obtained this and other images taken by the Viking and the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter from an article by Holger Isenberg which can be viewed at The Sagan Pyramids - Mariner 9 #4205-78 & #4296-23 (


In the above picture, the square-based pyramid on the right side is really more interesting than the “Sagan” ones. The Mariner 9 image forms the lower left part of this image up to the dark crack observed through the whole image in the centre.
The final image above is one taken of the same region by the Mars Global Surveyor in April and May 2001. As you can see in the images above and below, one picture was taken directly over one of the pyramids but, unfortunately, a transmission error happened causing the image to be lost (MJF: Hmmm … was it really lost due to a transmission error?). The other one was taken about 50km east and hit another pyramid very well on the border. The edges of that pyramid are way too sharp and rectangular to be made by random erosion.
Another strange object nearby

In the very same region, as can be seen by the context image below, there is a 500-meter large representation of the Hebrew letter NUN! This is a really interesting connection, not only by the mythological meaning of the letter NUN, but also by the ancient Egyptian goddess Nun who was the first entity, the "infinite water of chaos" or as we call it today, space.

These images of pyramids on Mars are not the only examples of such structures for one can think of the famous five-sided D&M Pyramid located in the Cydonia region where the Face is found:

By way of comparison, I show below an aerial image of the pyramid complex at Giza in Egypt:
We should keep in mind here that the C’s said that the Great Pyramid at Giza that is now a ruin was constructed 10,673 years ago from granite blocks and limestone. In contrast, the pyramids on Mars are probably more than 50,000 years old and are most likely crystalline structures like the one that lies on the bed of the Atlantic Ocean 380 miles off the eastern coast of Florida, which is responsible for the strange phenomena associated with the infamous Bermuda Triangle:

Q: (L) And the third and final destruction was caused by what?

A: Crystals

Q: (T) Are the crystals still active?

A: Bermuda triangle.

Q: (L) I thought that was a myth?

A: No.


Q: (L) What were the physical dimensions of these crystals and were they cut or naturally grown?

A: Varied. Were synthetic.

Q: (L) Were they faceted?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) In their faceting, what was the general configuration?

A: Pyramid.

Q: (L) Was that an absolute pyramid with the same proportions as say, the Great Pyramid at Gizeh?

A: Close.

Q: (L) How large was the largest from base to apex?

A: 5000 feet.

Q: (L) What was the average size?

A: 500 feet.

Q: (L) And was the one that was 5,000 feet tall, is that one still in existence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Where is that one located?

A: 380 miles due East of you?

Q: (L) Some years ago a pilot reported seeing a pyramid near there in the water...

A: That is just the top sticking out of the ocean floor. It is 90 per cent buried.


Q: (T) Are the crystals on Mars why they want to get there so badly?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Because of the crystals or because of what is stored in the monuments?

A: Neither.

Q: (T) Why do they want to get to Mars?

A: Explore.

The C’s also told us that the Great Pyramid was built to capture cosmic energy:

Q: (L) Why was it built? What purpose was it used for?

A: Capture cosmic energy.

Q: (L) And what was this cosmic energy used for once it was captured?

A: Many things. Power, transport, healing, mind control, climate, et cetera.

In a similar way, the C’s said that the crystalline structures on Mars (e.g., the pyramids of Elysium) were built as energy transfer points for crystalline power.

Hence, it would seem that when building the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Atlantean descendants who built it were following the example of their ancestors who had built the huge Bermuda Triangle pyramid on Earth and the pyramids on Mars and the Moon (MJF: Yes, there are pyramid structures on the Moon too).

However, very early on Laura had noted that the survivors of the Flood or Deluge seemed to have split into two distinct camps, i.e., the pyramid builders and the circle builders. This split may in turn reflect the divide between the two main philosophical/religious groups that dominated Atlantis, the Sons of Belial and the Sons of the Law of One:​

Q: Cayce talks about the division in Atlantis between the "Sons of One" and the "Sons of Belial." Was this a racial division or a philosophical/religious division?

A: It was the latter two, and before that, the former one.

I have displayed evidence above for there being ancient Atlantean pyramids on Mars but is there any evidence of ancient stone (or crystal) circles on Mars like Stonehenge in England? Up to a few days ago, I would have said no but watching a program on UFO secrets, which featured the ufologist Richard Dolan, I learned there may well be a Stonehenge on Mars. In the program, Dolan displayed a photograph taken by Viking 1 in 1976 of an anomalous circular feature on Mars, which for some unknown reason had not been released by NASA until forty (40) years after its capture. Dolan could find no official reason why NASA had delayed its release for so long.
The more modern image shown below of the same site was apparently captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter after the site had been detected in the distance by the Mars Curiosity Rover as it trundled along the Martian surface.

For more images see: Marshenge – Stonehenge on Mars? - YouTube


The image above may not seem like much but when seen at a higher resolution, the comparison with Stonehenge becomes more readily apparent.
A close-up of the mysterious rock formation
The mysterious formation rests on a mound that rises from the ground and clearly seems to be surrounded by a ditch. I think readers can agree that it is very unlikely that what you are seeing is the result of Pareidolia (a trick of ‘light and shadow’ like they say of the Face on Mars). But could it be an ancient monument? The mysterious rock formation clearly has a passing resemblance to the ancient stone circle at Stonehenge in England (see image directly above) and is very unlikely to be the result of the work of mother nature. The rock formation is unique within the area it was photographed in since there is nothing nearby that resembles in any way the mysterious rocks formed into a circle.

Sceptics claim that stone circles like this can be formed as a result of natural processes that also take place on Earth. Thus, permafrost can cause sediments to rotate and separate which can make blocks of stone move and position themselves in circles or polygons resulting in formations like the one seen here.

Although I would not rule such an explanation out, NASA geologists also claimed that the Elysium Pyramids photographed by Mariner 9 (see above) were merely natural sand dunes formed by the Martian winds.​

For more see: Unraveling The Enigma Of Red Planet's Stonehenge | NASA's Unexpained Files | A peculiar rock formation on Mars echoes the symmetry of Earth's Stonehenge. Scientists grapple with theories ranging from seismic activity to... | By Love Space | Facebook

Researchers discover a 'Stonehenge' on Mars - The Ancient Code (

94.704 Aufrufe · 1.523 Reaktionen | Is that Stonehenge on Mars?! 😮 Unravel the Martian enigma on #NASAsUnexplainedFiles, Saturday at 9/8c on TRVL! | Travel Channel | Travel Channel · Original-Audio

Given that the Atlanteans built pyramids on Mars, should we really be so surprised that they may have built stone circles on Mars too. One Mars anomaly researcher claimed that there is evidence of other stone circles on Mars but that this was by far the largest he had seen to date. So, if the Martian henge is real, what purpose was it built to serve? It might help here to look at what the C’s said about the purposes Stonehenge in England served:​

Session 23 October 1994:

Q: (L) What was Stonehenge built to do or be used for?

A: Energy director.

Q: (L) What was this energy to be directed to do?

A: All things.

Q: (L) Was the energy to be directed outward or inward to the centre

A: Both.

Session 9 November 1994:

Q: (L) In many ancient ruins there are found certain symbols which interest me, specifically the coil or spiral which seems to be ubiquitous throughout the world. This is also very similar to one of the Reiki symbols. What is the origin and meaning of this symbol?

A: Energy collector translevel; Stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at Stonehenge.

In some ways Marshenge does look like a coil arrangement. You will also note that the C’s say that this energy collecting function was a trans-level operation, suggesting that it involved an application of hyperdimensional physics. This is something that Richard Hoagland (before he sold out to the dark side) picked up on when he investigated the enigmatic ruined structures at Cydonia, including the Face and the D&M Pyramid. He wrote extensively about it in his book The Monuments of Mars and on his website. The C’s confirmed that the Druid builders of Stonehenge were also aware of this hyperdimensional physics too:​

Session 29 March 1996:

Q: (L) Can you tell me anything else about it? The Clapham Wood incident back in the 70's?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, that is not helping me.

A: It is, but not as you think. Stonehenge power. Vortex. Magnetic principles understood by you when you occupied other bodies, ask Hilliard, ole boy. [MJF: Hilliard was the builder of Coral Castle for which he used anti-gravity, wave focusing techniques.]

Q: (L) There have been a number of hints that Hilliard has some knowledge that he may be withholding. Does he have knowledge that is important, and how can I persuade him to tell me?

A: Massive, and probe directly after promising absolute confidence... and don't break it!!!

But Stonehenge was not just built to be an energy collector and director judging from what the C’s said here:

Session 8 December 1996:

Q: (L) Well, we talked about Stonehenge before, that it was an energy transducer, so to speak. So, was Stonehenge put there because of the location, or did Stonehenge create... (T) Why don't you just ask what it is about Stonehenge? (L) Okay, what is it about Stonehenge?

A: Location attracted those spirit types on the proper frequency, who in turn, placed stones in proper location to receive the coded communications in code telepathically, in order not to have to chase around the countryside reading encoded pictographs.
MJF: the C’s subsequently described these “spirit types” in another session as being like Wiccans entubed on the information superhighway.]

Q: (L) What was the technique used within the circle to receive the information telepathically? [Planchette spiralled in and spiralled out.]

A: Transcendent focused thought wave separation.

Q: (L) OK, so that you're saying that moving in a spiral...

A: The spiral serves to translate message by slowing down the wave and focusing thought wave transference energy. Utilizes /transduces electromagnetic waves, the conduit, by breaking down signal from universal language of intent into language of phonetic profile. This is for multiple user necessity.

Q: (L) Multiple user necessity implies that a number of people must do the spiral. Is that correct?

A: No. Must hear and feel and understand precisely the same thing. The molecular structure of the rock, when properly sculpted sing to you.

The C’s would subsequently elaborate on this idea of the stones singing to you and the way in which this was used to impart wisdom from higher realms:​

Session 19 February 2000:

Q: Is it the case that some of them
[northern peoples or hyperboreans] communicated with higher density beings via Stonehenge, and that these communications they received...

Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the otherwise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system.

[Note: the word "rill" is new to me. Webster defines it as a small stream or a little brook; to flow in or like a rill.]

Can we assume here that the transmitters of such wisdom were 6th density beings such as the C’s?

It would appear that Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid at Giza were modern (and inferior) recreations of an older Atlantean technology, but according to the C’s these structures seemed to have worked in different ways:​

Session 22 August 1998:

Q: Then you talked about the pyramid as a focuser of energy to do ‘all things’ or many things. Later we asked about Stonehenge and you said that Stonehenge was built 6,000 BC by Druids, an early Aryan group, as an energy director to do ‘all things.’ This seems to be that both structures had similar design functions. Is that correct?

A: No. Stonehenge is a vector of energy derived from Solar and Cosmic rays.
Pyramids focus electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere ambiently. Stonehenge was built 8,000 BC, by the way.

Perhaps we can assume a similar difference in operation and function for the pyramids and stone circles of Mars.

Coming back to Laura’s distinction between the circle builders and the pyramid builders again, it is interesting to note that ancient pyramids were built mainly in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Central America and Peru. These were all lands where there was an alien (Orion) influence upon the peoples who lived there. This is certainly true of the Sumerians, the ancient Egyptians, the Mayans, the Azteks and the Inca all of whom the C’s said were Atlantean legacy cultures. It is also true of other pyramid cultures too such as China, Cambodia (Angkor Wat) and India but these cultures were not the creation of Atlantean survivors. In contrast, stone circles predominate more in Northern Europe (especially Britain, Spain and Portugal), the Urals in Russia and parts of the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia and modern Israel or Palestine where Celts, Aryans or Semites predominated. It is possible that the Aryans or Celts were affected less by alien influence than the other cultures created by Atlantean survivors that I mentioned above, and they may at times have actively resisted them. This may be especially true of the Hyperboreans. Is there any evidence to support this claim? Well yes there is. The first case concerns the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in what today is Israel but was formerly Canaan:
Q: (L) How were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed and the other cities of the plain? And by whom?

A: Nuclear; EM pulse. Who else?

Q: (L) The lizzies?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why?

A: To implant fear and obedience.

The second case is Stonehenge in England where the C’s said some of the missing stones were smashed by EM weapons:

Q: Was Stonehenge built in stages as this author suggests? Did it start out as a circular ditch, at the time of the so-called Aubrey holes?

A: No.

Q: Was it built all at once, complete?

A: Yes.


Q: I mean, there are stones just plain missing! Who could haul off such big pieces of rock?! . (A) You asked about these missing stones, and the answer was the multiple shocks registered. (L) Right. What about these multiple shocks. What, in particular?

A: Some were earthquakes; mini-cataclysmic in nature. Some
were EM generated smashes, when terran forces clashed with outside "forces".

Q: Are you suggesting that some of these rocks were vaporized, as it were, by some sort of particle beam weaponry?

A: EM activity.

Finally, a third possible case relates to Aryans who once occupied Isle Royale in North America who appeared to be mining copper to create weapons to use in 4th density or against 4th density beings:

Q: What group mined the copper in northern Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, like in Isle Royale?
A: Aryans.
Q: What did they want the copper for?
A: Weapons.
Q: Wouldn't iron make better weapons?
A: Not in 4th density.
Q: I'm getting the feeling that there have been bleed-in, bleed-out situations with 4th density on this planet a lot more often than we suspect.
A: Yes.

Now it is interesting to observe here that the C’s said that Stonehenge was built by Druids who the C’s described as being an early Aryan group:​

Q: (L) Who built Stonehenge?

A: Druids.

Q: (L) Who were the Druids?

A: Early Aryan group.

Since the C’s said that Stonehenge was built in 8,000 BC, this suggests that the Druid priesthood had a much older pedigree than mainstream historians believe. The C’s also told Laura that the terms "Celts, Druids, etc..." were merely latter-day designations for Atlanteans. Does this suggest that the Druids, who are inextricably associated with the Celts, may have had antecedents in Atlantis who may have been a scientific and philosophical priesthood such as the Sons of Belial? If so, did they have a presence on Mars as well?

Given that the Druids of Stonehenge chose to build a stone circle for energy collection rather than a pyramid, does this suggest they had a different philosophical backcloth to the pyramid builders of Egypt for example? If so, was it their Atlantean ancestors who were responsible for building Marshenge and the other stone circles still visible on Mars? We also know from the C’s that the Celts were engaged in a nuclear war with the Paranthas (fellow Atlanteans) that took place on the Indian sub-continent around 50,000 years ago as recalled in Vedic literature. However, this time period also ties in with the Atlantean colonisation of Mars and the building of the Monuments of Mars. As I have mentioned before, Dr John Brandenberg, a former NASA scientist, has produced evidence to show that there was atomic warfare on Mars at one time. Could the war between the Atlantean Celts and the Paranthas on Earth have spread to Mars? If so, it might make sense of the cartoonist artist Jack Kirby’s imagining of a war on Mars in his comic strip story The Face on Mars (see my recent post: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians) that saw the former Martian civilisation which constructed the Face on Mars destroyed save that in reality it was not a fight between hostile aliens and giant-sized Martians as he depicted but a conflict between Atlantean Celts and Paranthas. It is interesting to note here that the C’s confirmed in the latest session (21 September 2024) that the Atlanteans stood on average 7ft tall, which by modern standards would make them virtually giants. Indeed, those born on Mars with its lower gravity may well have been taller still.

So, was Marshenge and other stone circles constructed on Mars the work of the Atlantean ancestors of the Celts? If so, were the people responsible for these structures the predecessors of the Druid priesthood? Whatever, the case may be, there is no doubt that there is a whole chapter of our history waiting to be discovered by the first humans who set foot on Mars, which hopefully is an event that will take place in the near future.

When I was a young boy, I well remember the excitement generated by the Americans landing on the Moon. Indeed, I recall looking up at the Moon one night and saying to my rocket engineer father how incredible it was to think that there were humans standing on the Moon at that same moment. Sadly, the exploration impetus that had taken mankind to the Moon fizzled out in the early 1970’s and the advent of near-Earth space stations and the American shuttle orbiter flights never really captured the imagination in the same way. If time permits, and World War III or cometary oblivion does not destroy us in the meantime, it would be wonderful to see Elon Musk succeed in sending the first manned mission to Mars. And if Musk’s first Martian explorers do make it, I hope they include an archaeologist among their ranks for they will have their work cut out for them.​

Here is a flavour of what they may find there:
In my earlier post on Paul LaVoilette's theory on Plato's description of the capitol city of Atlantis, I mentioned the Hyperboreans, the Sons of the God of the North Wind, who supposedly may have been the ancestors of the Ancient Britons.

Laura had mentioned the Hyperboreans in the Session dated 19 February 2000:​

Q: I didn't think so. Okay, in this book it says: Diodorus Siculus, writing in the 1st century B.C., said that "certain sacred offerings wrapped in wheat straw come from the Hyperboreans into Scythia, whence they are taken over by the neighboring peoples in succession until they get as far west as the Adriatic. From there they are sent south, and the first Greeks to receive them are the Dodonaeans. Then, continuing southward, they reach the Malian gulf, cross to Euboea, and are passed on from town to town as far as Carystus. Then they skp Andros, the Carystians take them to Tenos, and the Tenians to Delos. That is how these things are said to reach Delos at the present time." So, from very ancient times, there was this practice of the Hyperboreans sending sacred offerings to the Island of Delos. Now, the Island of Delos is supposedly the birthplace of Phoebus Apollo, whose mother was Leto. Supposedly he was born on Mt. Cynthus. This is a very curious thing. This is contrary to the old view that the cultural flow was from the Mediterranean to the North, that civilization began in the Near East. It implies a cultural flow from the North to the South. What were these ancient Hyperboreans sending to the Island of Delos?

A: Leaves bearing cryptic codes.

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Meditteranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Q: Is it the case that some of them communicated with higher density beings via Stonehenge, and that these communications they received...

A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the otherwise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system.

Hence, on the surface, the C's seem to be identifying the Hyperboreans with the northern peoples of Europe, who were Celts (per Iamn Wilkens)

However, I recently came across an excerpt in the session dated 5 August 1995, where she had discussed the Hyperboreans with the C's over 14 years earlier. This excerpt comes with a caveat or health warning though, as Laura explained that this was one of the sessions where Frank acted as a direct channel for the C's under hypnosis. This may have skewed some of the C's answers in the session but probably not this one:

Q: (L) Okay, I am really curious to discover something about the ancient legend of the Hyperboreans?

A: There is a masking there. It is an incorrect description.

Q: (L) What do you mean? There was a race supposedly called the Hyperboreans...

A: That is a masking.

Q: (L) What is a masking?

A: A masking is an incorrect description of an historical event or condition.

Q: (L) What was the true event or condition that is masked as the Hyperboreans?

A: There have been, in your third density environment, at various points in space-time, residing on the surface of your planet, and also within its atmosphere, which structure has changed repeatedly, and, in fact, underneath the surface of your physical environment in 3rd density, a great many types of races of humans, some of whom are currently existing in your environment, and some of whom are not. And, also alternate humans. In other words, human-like 3rd density beings who could not be accurately described as humans as you know them. And, also there has been interaction with 4th density beings who pose as 3rd density beings, and 3rd density beings who have, at times in your history, have been able to temporarily and at will interact with 4th density in such a way as to present themselves as 4th density beings. So, we are describing here a virtual potpourri of history involving intelligent life within some realm or condition of your environment. To zero in on any group and give them a name at this point is not really appropriate as names connote approval, but, in fact, may merely be a stamp.

{This was probably the best info of the entire session.}

This response may not be all that helpful at first sight, but if there was any truth in it, it does open up an interesting range of possibilities. It could, for example, allow for the Hyperboreans to have been a subterranean race of either 4D or 3D character such as those the C's have called the Nation of the Third Eye. The reference to human types who reside within our atmosphere also makes me think of the UFOs that frequently appear in our skies. Sightings of large motherships have been reported from all around the world over many years now and these can no doubt support themselves almost indefinitely in our atmosphere, morphing from 3D to 4D (where they disappear from our sight and radar screeens) at will. This could even be where our forefathers got the idea of sky gods from. Indeed, was it just such a mothership that the prophet Enoch was taken up to, as described in the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which he quite understandably mistook for heaven? Recall also how the three gypsy commentators who annotated the Varo Edition of Morris Jessup's book The Case for the UFO mentioned on several occasions the existence of giant ark spaceships.

Quoting from Wikipedia:
In Greek mythology, the Hyperboreans (Ancient Greek: Ὑπερβόρε(ι)οι, pronounced [hyperbóre(ː)oi̯]; Latin: Hyperborei) were a mythical people who lived in the far northern part of the Known world. Their name appears to derive from the Greek ὑπέρ Βορέᾱ, "beyond Boreas" (the God of the North Wind), although some scholars prefer a derivation from ὑπερφέρω ("to carry over").

Despite their location in an otherwise frigid part of the world, the Hyperboreans were believed to inhabit a sunny, temperate, and divinely-blessed land. In many versions of the story, they lived north of the Riphean Mountains, which shielded them from the effects of the cold North Wind. The oldest myths portray them as the favourites of Apollo, and some ancient Greek writers regarded the Hyperboreans as the mythical founders of Apollo's shrines at Delos and Delphi.

Later writers disagreed on the existence and location of the Hyperboreans, with some regarding them as purely mythological, and others connecting them to real-world peoples and places in northern Eurasia (e.g. Britain, Scandinavia, or Siberia). In medieval and Renaissance literature, the Hyperboreans came to signify remoteness and exoticism. Modern scholars consider the Hyperborean myth to be an amalgam of ideas from ancient utopianism, "edge of the earth" stories, the cult of Apollo, and exaggerated reports of phenomena in northern Europe (e.g. the Arctic "midnight sun").

These later writers would seem to be more in accord with what the the C's said as regards the nebulous identity of the Hyperboreans. However, it is the reference to the cult of Apollo that interests me here, since Robert Graves, the English poet, historian and mythologist argued that Apollo had been shoehorned, as a sun god, into the Greek pantheon and was most likely a Celtic god first before being adopted by the Greeks. Indeed, he may originally have been specifically a British god, given his putative links with Stonehenge. Laura would subsequently pick up on this point in a later session:
Session 23 March 2013:

Q: (L) Which reminds me... I was reading in this book about Greek religion by Walter Burkert that the term "paean" was used to describe to the type of songs that were sung in the worship of the god Apollo in the most ancient times. And Apollo was supposedly the Hyperborean god, and if my suppositions are correct, was also the god that was worshipped at Stonehenge. Any connection there?

A: Indeed.

Q: (L) Are you gonna say anything else?

A: Amazing things get discovered when you do your "homework".
Hence, the C's seem to be confirming that Apollo was a god of the Hyperboreans, or the northern peoples, who was worshipped at Stonehenge just as Diodorus Siculus had said, although he was in fact quoting from an earlier source, Hecateus of Abdera.

Quoting from Wikipedia again:

Hyperborea was identified with Britain first by Hecataeus of Abdera in the 4th century BC, as in a preserved fragment by Diodorus Siculus:

Hecateaus of Abdera also wrote that the Hyperboreans had on their island "a magnificent sacred precinct of Apollo and a notable temple which is adorned with many votive offerings and is spherical in shape". Some scholars have identified this temple with Stonehenge. Diodorus, however, does not identify Hyperborea with Britain, and his description of Britain (5.21–23) makes no mention of the Hyperboreans or their spherical temple.

This begs the question whether Apollo can be linked with the Scandinavian deity Thor, a sky god and the possessor of magic weapons such as his mighty hammer Mjölnir. As with Yahweh, Baal, Ptah and Quetzalcoatl, are we looking at a deified persona that was really masking or cloaking what we would today call an alien? Could that Apollo persona have been connected with the mythical Ambrius?

Session 19 February 2000:
Q: The legend was that the god, Phoebus Apollo, danced at Stonehenge every nineteen years. What does this relate to?

A: Symbolic. Tides, moon eclipses, that sort of thing. Think of Wiccans entubed on the information superhighway!

Q: I mean, there are stones just plain missing! Who could haul off such big pieces of rock?!

(A) You asked about these missing stones, and the answer was the multiple shocks registered. (L) Right. What about these multiple shocks. What, in particular?

A: Some were earthquakes; mini-cataclysmic in nature. Some were EM generated smashes, when terran forces clashed with outside "forces."

Q: Are you suggesting that some of these rocks were vaporized, as it were, by some sort of particle beam weaponry?

A: EM activity.

Q: What was the purpose of the 56 Aubrey holes?

A: Ground.

Q: Why did they bury ashes of dead bodies in them?

A: That was later... fragmented suspicions.

Q: Was Stonehenge once known as the Cloister of Ambrius?

A: Yes.

Q: Who was Ambrius?

A: Druid tradition/cloak.

Q: What was it a cloak for? Who was Ambrius?

A: Not who. What.

Q: What was Ambrius?

A: They would label as a god. You might say otherwise.

Q: What was the meaning of the Sword thrust into the ground that was worshipped by the Scythians; the Scythians being connected with the Hyperboreans and Celts of Britain.

A: Scithe.

Q: Who was that?

A: Scythe.

Q: That was the Sword God? Saturn?

A: No.

Q: That was the meaning of the sword thrust into the ground; it was a scythe?

A: Empowerer, or so they thought.

Q: Which god did this sword in the ground represent?

A: Maybe Zeus.

And, of course, Apollo is viewed in Greek mythology as being a son of Zeus, the chief god of the Olympian pantheon, just as Thor is the son of Odin, the chief god of the Norse pantheon.
There is a link now between Stonehenge and the Orkney Islands. The altar stone at Stonehenge comes from the Orkneys. Archaeological digs at the Ness of Brodgar, in Orkney, are opening up questions about certain technologies and cultural signatures found at Stonehenge that most likely started further North, in the Orkneys and surrounding terrain that is now underwater. Significant findings (underwater) around the Orkneys are pointing to an origin point of all the stone circles (Avebury & Stonehenge) and sacred hills/mounds (Silbury). They are finding structures under the water in the Bay of Firth that are bigger than Avebury. This goes against the story of advanced technology moving from the South to the North. Hyperborea comes to mind. Islands like Hi Brasil and Thule come to mind. The Gulf Stream warms the ocean currents passing by the British Isles. Thousands of years ago it was even warmer. There are no signs of ancient glaciation but of coral reefs in the oceans around the British isles. If there was an advanced civilization somewhere in the North, it's most likely in the waters around the British isles. The people of the circle.
There is a link now between Stonehenge and the Orkney Islands. The altar stone at Stonehenge comes from the Orkneys. Archaeological digs at the Ness of Brodgar, in Orkney, are opening up questions about certain technologies and cultural signatures found at Stonehenge that most likely started further North, in the Orkneys and surrounding terrain that is now underwater. Significant findings (underwater) around the Orkneys are pointing to an origin point of all the stone circles (Avebury & Stonehenge) and sacred hills/mounds (Silbury). They are finding structures under the water in the Bay of Firth that are bigger than Avebury. This goes against the story of advanced technology moving from the South to the North. Hyperborea comes to mind. Islands like Hi Brasil and Thule come to mind. The Gulf Stream warms the ocean currents passing by the British Isles. Thousands of years ago it was even warmer. There are no signs of ancient glaciation but of coral reefs in the oceans around the British isles. If there was an advanced civilization somewhere in the North, it's most likely in the waters around the British isles. The people of the circle.
Thank you for you comments. What you state is quite true save that Britain was under an ice sheet during the last ice age (when it was still attached to mainland Europe) and only emerged as habitable land at the end of the ice age. The C's themselves appeared to suggest that the British Isles were under a large ice sheet prior to the destruction of Atlantis:
Q: [...] We have taken care of a couple of points; we have 3 races on Atlantis, Celts all over the place... did the Celts conquer the Atlanteans?
A: No.
Q: Did they just move in and hang out?
A: They took over the Northern section.
Q: At the same time, there were Celts in the Caucasus, along the Baltic, in Ireland, England and Europe...
A: Ireland, England, etc. was later.
Q: But there were in the Norse lands, as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, they were along the Baltic, and they were in the Caucasus?

A: Some above mentioned areas were ice covered.

There is also plenty of evidence for glaciation in Britain during that period. Indeed, the hills opposite my house in Surrey, England formed the termination point of the glacier that ran the whole length of the country and is where the meltwater drained off into a giant lake (where I am writing this post from now would have been under many feet of water at that time :-D). It may also interest you to know that I live in a horseshoe valley at the end of which once stood a Neolithic stone circle, now almost completely vanished as the stones got in the way of the farmers and were thus removed or repositioned over time.

I think the reason why the British Isles and north-western Europe were under an ice sheet during the last ice age was because the disappearance of the mid-Atlantic islands that had formed the Atlantean archipelago at the time of the biblical Deluge, which may have been caused by a combination of the close passage of the planet Mars and the cometary impact or airburst known as the Younger Dryas Event (which scientists think occurred 12,900 years ago, a date that closely approximates the date the C's gave for the final destruction of Atlantis of 12,800 plus years ago), allowed the warm Gulf Stream or Conveyor to flow up to the British Isles and north-western Europe where before it had been obstructed by the mid-Atlantic island group that formed Atlantis. The remnants of what was once the huge Atlantean archipelago probably included the Canary Islands, the Azores, Cuba, Puerto Rica and Bermuda. These islands are all close to the Equator and would thus have been largely ice free during the last ice age, as no doubt would many of the former islands that formed the Atlantean group:
A: It is "time for you" to know that Atlantis was not a nation, land, Island, or continent, but rather, a civilization!

Q: All I wanted was to have an idea of a land mass in the Atlantic Ocean that people talk about - where did it sit?

A: Where do you think?

Q: Well, I sort of think that the Azores and the Canary Islands are sort of...

A: Yes, but many other places too. Remember, the sea level was several hundred feet lower then...

Q: Why was the sea level several hundred feet lower? Because there was ice somewhere or because there was not as much water on the earth at that time?

A: Ice.

Q: Was the ice piled up at the poles? The ice sheet of the ice age?

A: Yes.

Q: So, Atlantis existed during the ice age?

A: Largely, yes. And the world's climate was scarcely any colder away from the ice sheets than it is today.

I see you are new to this Forum. If you haven't already done so, the normal form is to write a short introductory resume about yourself and how you found the Forum.

I do not know how much of this thread you have read up to now but I did a post a while back where I discussed the recent findings you mention on the Orkney Islands. I also mentioned that the English author and researcher Andrew Collins had in his book The Seventh Sword described how his fellow author and colleague Graham Phillips had in psychic visions seen a golden race emerge in the northern Scottish Isles (the Orkneys and the Hebrides) who were responsible for the construction of the stone circles and other Neolithic monuments both in Scotland and mainland Britain. He named them the Megalithic "Builder Race" and described how they spread their culture in time to the Continent and even further afield, with a group of them eventually ending up in pharaonic Egypt. You can find the article concerned here Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians.

I also did a post on the recent discovery of the Orkneys origins of the altar stone at Stonehenge, which you can find here: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians.

I am very interested in your reference to the recent underwater findings in the Bay of Firth (is that the Firth of Forth?). Do you have any information on these discoveries which you can share with us here.

As to the discovery of underwater stone circles there was also one made off the coast of Israel some years ago. I may have posted this article previously but it does not harm to post it again:
Stonehenge breakthrough after 'amazing discovery' could 'finally reveal' Site's Mystery

Story by Joel Day

The British Isles and Brittany are best known for stone circle structures which hail from the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age.

There are more than 1,000 examples of stone circles in Britain alone, with Scotland taking up the bulk of this share at 508 sites.

They are, however, also found all over the world, similarly built thousands of years ago.

The reasons for their existence vary, with ancient civilisations having built them for purposes of ritual, sacrifice, or religion.

While many of them remain mysteries to researchers, including the most famous of them all, Stonehenge, one previous discovery off the coast of Israel could go some way in explaining the key details about the rocks found on the Salisbury plain.


The find, which came just off the small Israeli town of Atlit, was explored during the Smithsonian Channel's short documentary, 'Stonehenge-like Structures Have Been Found All Over the World'.​

In 1984, maritime archaeologist Ehud Galili made a routine dive around 400 metres offshore searching for shipwrecks revealed by shifting sands after a heavy storm.

It was on the trip that he came across an ancient sunken settlement.

"Usually we find remnants from shipwrecks like anchors, metal, nails, all kinds of artefacts," he said. "But while we were diving here we found a wall."

The wall was once part of a house, and within days, more foundations were found nearby.

Part of a wall found within the lost ancient city

Researchers discovered an almost perfectly preserved stone circle
at the heart of the former town​

Skeletons of the people who once called the site home were also found, with Mr Galili noting that his team found around 15 family homes.

"We estimated that the population was between 70 to 150 people at one time," he said. "We found walls, dwellings, structure in situ as they were left. Little by little, we came to realise that it is a huge site, 40,000 square metres."

Radiocarbon dating revealed that the site was almost 9,000 years old, making it one of the oldest human settlements on Earth.

At the centre of the former village stood a mysterious stone circle structure in near-perfect condition.

But what does this have anything to do with Stonehenge? Well, researchers say it offers a unique insight into understanding why the stone circle structure was made in the first place.

The settlement is one of the world's oldest, and the stones part of the structure had cup marks carved into them.

Researchers believe they would have once acted as holders for cups, suggesting that the stone circle may have been used for some sort of water ritual [MJF: I doubt this].

Another installation found within the stones saw grooves carved into three oval stones that form anthropomorphic figures - potentially figurines of little gods.

Mary-Ann Ochota, an anthropologist and archaeologist, said: "When you're looking at Stonehenge you're seeing a culmination of the labour of people, extraordinary use of resources, and an astonishingly complex, perfectly executed idea.

"Every time we find a new stone monument, it gives us another piece of evidence on that detective hunt to try and work out 'what were the ancestors thinking?’; why did they build this? And what did it all mean?'"

I will follow up this post with another recent finding about Stonehenge that casts light on the special acoustic qualities that were originally to be found there. I also will post an article on findings of Neolithic stone circles and other stone monuments in of all places the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil.​
Thank you for you comments. What you state is quite true save that Britain was under an ice sheet during the last ice age (when it was still attached to mainland Europe) and only emerged as habitable land at the end of the ice age. The C's themselves appeared to suggest that the British Isles were under a large ice sheet prior to the destruction of Atlantis:
Q: [...] We have taken care of a couple of points; we have 3 races on Atlantis, Celts all over the place... did the Celts conquer the Atlanteans?
A: No.
Q: Did they just move in and hang out?
A: They took over the Northern section.
Q: At the same time, there were Celts in the Caucasus, along the Baltic, in Ireland, England and Europe...
A: Ireland, England, etc. was later.
Q: But there were in the Norse lands, as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, they were along the Baltic, and they were in the Caucasus?

A: Some above mentioned areas were ice covered.

There is also plenty of evidence for glaciation in Britain during that period. Indeed, the hills opposite my house in Surrey, England formed the termination point of the glacier that ran the whole length of the country and is where the meltwater drained off into a giant lake (where I am writing this post from now would have been under many feet of water at that time :-D). It may also interest you to know that I live in a horseshoe valley at the end of which once stood a Neolithic stone circle, now almost completely vanished as the stones got in the way of the farmers and were thus removed or repositioned over time.

I think the reason why the British Isles and north-western Europe were under an ice sheet during the last ice age was because the disappearance of the mid-Atlantic islands that had formed the Atlantean archipelago at the time of the biblical Deluge, which may have been caused by a combination of the close passage of the planet Mars and the cometary impact or airburst known as the Younger Dryas Event (which scientists think occurred 12,900 years ago, a date that closely approximates the date the C's gave for the final destruction of Atlantis of 12,800 plus years ago), allowed the warm Gulf Stream or Conveyor to flow up to the British Isles and north-western Europe where before it had been obstructed by the mid-Atlantic island group that formed Atlantis. The remnants of what was once the huge Atlantean archipelago probably included the Canary Islands, the Azores, Cuba, Puerto Rica and Bermuda. These islands are all close to the Equator and would thus have been largely ice free during the last ice age, as no doubt would many of the former islands that formed the Atlantean group:
A: It is "time for you" to know that Atlantis was not a nation, land, Island, or continent, but rather, a civilization!

Q: All I wanted was to have an idea of a land mass in the Atlantic Ocean that people talk about - where did it sit?

A: Where do you think?

Q: Well, I sort of think that the Azores and the Canary Islands are sort of...

A: Yes, but many other places too. Remember, the sea level was several hundred feet lower then...

Q: Why was the sea level several hundred feet lower? Because there was ice somewhere or because there was not as much water on the earth at that time?

A: Ice.

Q: Was the ice piled up at the poles? The ice sheet of the ice age?

A: Yes.

Q: So, Atlantis existed during the ice age?

A: Largely, yes. And the world's climate was scarcely any colder away from the ice sheets than it is today.

I see you are new to this Forum. If you haven't already done so, the normal form is to write a short introductory resume about yourself and how you found the Forum.

I do not know how much of this thread you have read up to now but I did a post a while back where I discussed the recent findings you mention on the Orkney Islands. I also mentioned that the English author and researcher Andrew Collins had in his book The Seventh Sword described how his fellow author and colleague Graham Phillips had in psychic visions seen a golden race emerge in the northern Scottish Isles (the Orkneys and the Hebrides) who were responsible for the construction of the stone circles and other Neolithic monuments both in Scotland and mainland Britain. He named them the Megalithic "Builder Race" and described how they spread their culture in time to the Continent and even further afield, with a group of them eventually ending up in pharaonic Egypt. You can find the article concerned here Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians.

I also did a post on the recent discovery of the Orkneys origins of the altar stone at Stonehenge, which you can find here: Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians.

I am very interested in your reference to the recent underwater findings in the Bay of Firth (is that the Firth of Forth?). Do you have any information on these discoveries which you can share with us here.

As to the discovery of underwater stone circles there was also one made off the coast of Israel some years ago. I may have posted this article previously but it does not harm to post it again:
Stonehenge breakthrough after 'amazing discovery' could 'finally reveal' Site's Mystery

Story by Joel Day

The British Isles and Brittany are best known for stone circle structures which hail from the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age.

There are more than 1,000 examples of stone circles in Britain alone, with Scotland taking up the bulk of this share at 508 sites.

They are, however, also found all over the world, similarly built thousands of years ago.

The reasons for their existence vary, with ancient civilisations having built them for purposes of ritual, sacrifice, or religion.

While many of them remain mysteries to researchers, including the most famous of them all, Stonehenge, one previous discovery off the coast of Israel could go some way in explaining the key details about the rocks found on the Salisbury plain.

View attachment 102542

The find, which came just off the small Israeli town of Atlit, was explored during the Smithsonian Channel's short documentary, 'Stonehenge-like Structures Have Been Found All Over the World'.​

In 1984, maritime archaeologist Ehud Galili made a routine dive around 400 metres offshore searching for shipwrecks revealed by shifting sands after a heavy storm.

It was on the trip that he came across an ancient sunken settlement.

"Usually we find remnants from shipwrecks like anchors, metal, nails, all kinds of artefacts," he said. "But while we were diving here we found a wall."

The wall was once part of a house, and within days, more foundations were found nearby.

View attachment 102543
Part of a wall found within the lost ancient city

View attachment 102544
Researchers discovered an almost perfectly preserved stone circle
at the heart of the former town​

Skeletons of the people who once called the site home were also found, with Mr Galili noting that his team found around 15 family homes.

"We estimated that the population was between 70 to 150 people at one time," he said. "We found walls, dwellings, structure in situ as they were left. Little by little, we came to realise that it is a huge site, 40,000 square metres."

Radiocarbon dating revealed that the site was almost 9,000 years old, making it one of the oldest human settlements on Earth.

At the centre of the former village stood a mysterious stone circle structure in near-perfect condition.

But what does this have anything to do with Stonehenge? Well, researchers say it offers a unique insight into understanding why the stone circle structure was made in the first place.

The settlement is one of the world's oldest, and the stones part of the structure had cup marks carved into them.

Researchers believe they would have once acted as holders for cups, suggesting that the stone circle may have been used for some sort of water ritual [MJF: I doubt this].

Another installation found within the stones saw grooves carved into three oval stones that form anthropomorphic figures - potentially figurines of little gods.

Mary-Ann Ochota, an anthropologist and archaeologist, said: "When you're looking at Stonehenge you're seeing a culmination of the labour of people, extraordinary use of resources, and an astonishingly complex, perfectly executed idea.

"Every time we find a new stone monument, it gives us another piece of evidence on that detective hunt to try and work out 'what were the ancestors thinking?’; why did they build this? And what did it all mean?'"

I will follow up this post with another recent finding about Stonehenge that casts light on the special acoustic qualities that were originally to be found there. I also will post an article on findings of Neolithic stone circles and other stone monuments in of all places the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil.​
URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

his bit of research done by Stewart L. Harris in 2018 caught my attention, making it seem plausible that there were warm, maybe even tropical like, Islands above water to the north of the British isles and to the west of Scandinavia.

And yes, it is the Bay of Firth, Orkney Islands. I believe they found these structures under the water a while ago, maybe 10 years ago.

Here is a link to Howard Crowhurst, a man that talks about numbers and measurements as a language, a language the ancients used and seemed to understand as a collective. He lives in France, very close to Carnac, and studies at regularly. He believes that the stone circles, certain burial tombs and artificial mounds and hills of the British isles are distinctly different from many of the other megalithic structures found around the world. This guy's work is fascinating.

As a newbie, I did leave a message to introduce myself. I'm really excited about all the conversations happening! It's really hard to find people that want to talk about these things
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Mystery of Stonehenge deepens after ‘jaw-dropping’ discovery Part 2​

The Altar Stone

However, I want to return now to Scotland/the Orkneys where the Stonehenge altar stone apparently emanates from. According to Graham Phillips, the Megalithic Race or Builder Race may have originated on the Shetland Islands off the east Coast of Scotland:

Phillips, interpreting his dreams and psychic messages had come to believe that sometime between 5,000 and 4,000 BC, the genesis of a new race had taken place in the Shetland Isles off the east coast of Scotland. This race was fairly tall in stature, and they were mainly fish eaters. Over a period of hundreds of years, they gradually developed an understanding of the landscape around them that no other culture in Britain had achieved. Their religious beliefs centred upon their communication with their ancestors, who appeared to them as shining white figures [MJF: 6th density beings like the C's?] and whose abode was the sea, the element which dominated their entire lifestyle. To them everything came from the sea, and everything would return to the sea. It was a simple philosophy.

I am left wondering whether their genesis could have been much earlier than 5,000 BC since Stonehenge was built in 8,000 BC according to the C's. The C's also told us that a group of Aryan Atlantean survivors had moved into the British Isles after the Deluge, which occurred around 10,800 BC:
Q: (L) Well, my opinion to this whole thing is that the Sumerians and the Armonans were Atlanteans who set up shop in their respective places when Atlantis went under.

A: Good, now go with that.

Q: (L) I would say that the same answer holds for the White Horse at Uffington, in England?

A: Yup.

Phillips proceeded with his account of these Megalithic people by saying that their psychic communications with these spirit forms through dreams and visions resulted in them erecting stone and earthen structures, which were used for shamanic practices such as altered states, astral projection and healing [MJF: which reminds me somewhat of the practices the C’s had said were carried out by the people at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico]. They also used them to focus the natural energies which existed in the landscape and which they knew to be affected by the movements of celestial bodies such as the Sun, the Moon and the stars [MJF: Again, this reminds me of what the C’s said about who or what was worshipped by the people who built Stonehenge when they responded that it was complicated but gave Laura the following key words: “Spirits, stars, energy]. Creating these monuments in accordance with divine instruction allowed them to gain a state of absolute harmony with those energy patterns which governed the life cycles of nature.

Phillips explained that soon the Megalithic people spread their culture, first to the Orkney Islands (the original Arcadia perhaps given that Orkneymen are to this day known as “Orcadians”?) and then to the Scottish Western Isles. They expanded quickly, setting up new colonies and monuments on the Scottish mainland and in Ireland. Only then did they begin to move into England and Wales. All the time they integrated with the existing Mesolithic communities and continued to construct stone and earthen monuments. These included barrow, passages graves, stone circles, and standing stones, which they built at locations indicated by the divination of the land – geomancy as it was known.

To these Megalithic people the Earth was alive, possessing a network of points of natural energy, the regular pattern of which was determined by many factors, including fault lines, rock and mineral seams and the Earth’s overall magnetic field. As a result, the sites chosen for their monuments formed straight lines and geometric patterns such as circles and spirals. These were, in fact, a small part of a much greater energy matrix that covered the whole of the British Isles.

This, of course, mirrors what the C’s have said about the “World Electromagnetic Grid” in the transcripts – “A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.” Collins published his book in 1991 and he and Phillips might well have known by this time about former New Zealander airline pilot Bruce Cathie's world gridline theory, since Collins maintains a great interest in UFO’s and still does presentations to his local UFO club in Essex where he lives. Cathie wrote seven books related to flying saucers and a "World energy grid". His central thesis was that he could use mathematics to describe a grid-like pattern on Earth (i.e., the Electro-dynamic field on Earth) that powers flying saucers. The C’s seemed to provide some support for Cathie’s theory when in response to a question about Rennes-le-Chateau being built on one of six peaks that form a very regular pentagon they said: “Best to refer to the 1954 UFO study done over the French countryside.

Collins continues by telling us that their interaction with these sites not only created a harmony between them and their rhythmic cycles of nature, but it also taught them the nature of the ultimate source of creation. They learned in the end that nothing mattered but an understanding of the One, the omnipotent, omnipresent source of all creation that was the universe, the light of illumination, the giver of all life, and the point to which all life returned [
MJF: which sounds like the philosophy of the ‘Law of One’, which was one of the two competing philosophies that had prevailed in Atlantis before the Deluge]. It was only visible to them in a physical sense in the light of the Sun, which they referred to as the “Arran” or “Arn” [MJF: which would be commensurate with the Egyptian deity of the Aten. Note also that there is an Isle of Arran off the west coast of Scotland, which may mean in the Brythonic Celtic language "high place", where there are numerous standing stones dating from prehistoric times, including six stone circles].

The culture reached its peak of success in the third millennium BC and by 2000 BC the race was on the decline, due to infection of Bronze Age cultures, which had begun trickling into the country from the Mediterranean around 1800 BC [
MJF: Was this post the demise of Troy?]. According to Graham Phillips, something then happened between 1600 BC and 1450 BC, which made almost the entire Megalithic culture all but disappear in a matter of a couple of generations. From a warm temperate climate, Northern Europe was plunged into a virtual Arctic winter which led to starvation, anarchy, and tribal wars that severely reduced the number of individual tribes. They died out leaving the Megalithic sites unattended.

1600 BC takes us back 3,600 years ago, which would coincide with the last visitation of the cometary cluster, as borne out by the C’s in the session dated 23 August 2001:

Q: (L) Now, I have a little problem with my writing. First of all, did the eruption of Thera occur in 1627 BC or thereabouts?
A: Close.
Q: (L) What stimulated the eruption of Thera?
A: Venus.
{Here I think that "Venus" is a code for the giant comet described by Victor Clube}
Q: (L) Well, about 40 years after that there was the comet cluster, in 1588 BC, correct?
A: Yes.

The passage of the comet cluster and/or Venus, which triggered the eruption of the Thera volcano, could have caused the kind of nuclear winter that may have led to the virtual Arctic winter Collins speaks of above and the resulting starvation which would have ensued from crop failures, as well as plagues no doubt from comet borne viruses. What Phillips and Collins don’t take account of is that the ruling tribe in Britain circa 2,000 BC were most likely the Trojans. At some stage the disastrous Trojan War occurred in Britain that may have precipitated the rapid decline of what was left of the Megalithic Race. One cannot rule out, however, that the Trojans may have been one group among many tribes of immigrants from mainland Europe who settled in Britain during the Bronze Age.

Collins tells us that some of the Megalithic people integrated with the Bronze Age tribes, whose culture and religion were entirely different to their own, whilst those who remained true to their heritage stayed in small, isolated communities at key points on the energy matrix of Britain. He then tells us that others became purely nomadic and travelled abroad. By 1400 BC [
MJF: remember that the conventional dating here may be off by a couple of centuries, as Immanuel Velikovsky had proposed in his 1950 books Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos] some had ended up in flourishing Mediterranean civilisations such as the Egyptian empire. These refugees included important families of priest magicians (Druids/Sabian Stargazers/Levites?) who understood the British energy matrix and its principal sites.

Apparently, the Megalithic people adopted the Egyptian lifestyle, moved among their sacred temples and intermarried with Egyptians. Many ideas and philosophies were exchanged. They told the Egyptians about their concept of the Arran, the One and the process of illumination [
MJF: is this what Akhenaten and his followers were attempting?]. They also told them about their great Land in the West, which had once been sacred but had now been lost to them through war [the Trojan War?] and famine.

According to Phillips, within a couple of generations of their integration into Egyptian culture, one of their bloodline had become Pharaoh and this was Akhenaten. He had listened to the holy men from the Land in the West, the land of the souls of their ancestors beyond the western horizon. He adopted their principle of the Arran, which he equated with the Egyptian sun-god Re (Ra) in his forms as the hawk-headed deity, Re-Harakhti and Atum-Re, the setting sun of the western horizon. Akhenaten updated the concept to form his own understanding of the Aten, whose physical manifestation was light (Shu) and whose sole image was the Sun, the giver of light. Henceforward, the only representation of the One would be the setting sun, which had given light and thus life, and which fell upon the horizon each day in the direction of Amenta (Britain), the Land in the West, the home of his own ancestors.

As I explained in my article, The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia, Andrew Collins set out to research Phillips' claims that were made whilst in a trance state to see if there was anything in the historic record to back them up. Quoting from my article:

Andrew Collins started his analysis of Graham Phillip’s channelled ‘Heritage account’ by pointing out that the Megalithic builders were supposed to have established themselves in the Scottish Northern Isles during the 5th to 6th Millenium BC and gradually spread their influence through the Western Isles into mainland Scotland, Ireland and finally England and Wales.

He notes, however, that this contradicts the commonly held Diffusionist theory, whereby archaeologists assert that the Megalithic builders spread from the Mediterranean during the 5th Millenium BC, first colonising Western Europe before eventually entering the British Isles. Collins points to the grandeur of the Megalithic temple complexes in Corsica, Crete, Malta, Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, which demonstrate the sophistication of the Megalithic culture in contrast to comparative sites in the British Isles, which seem to be no aesthetic match for their design. However, as Collins points out, recent archaeological discoveries in the British Isles have brought the traditional Diffusionist model into question. Radiocarbon dating techniques employed at prehistoric sites across the country have conclusively shown an even distribution of early Neolithic settlements and stone monuments. Intriguingly, Collins tells us that the oldest dates to have been established anywhere in the British Isles have come from sites in the Western Isles of Scotland and in particular the Isle of Arran (see my earlier comments).

It had generally been accepted by archaeologists that the Western Isles of Scotland were unoccupied until Neolithic times, but exhaustive excavations on the Western Isle of Rhum by archaeologist Caroline Wickham-Jones confirmed the existence of Mesolithic settlements as early as the 7th Millennium BC. Her belief is that Mesolithic man may have migrated across the land belt which existed between Norway and the Northern Isles of the Shetland and the Orkneys until its final submergence in the 7th Millennium. This was at the time when there was still a large landmass in the North Sea called Dogger Land.

Skara Brae

On the Orkneys we find today the sunken stone village of Skara Brae and the stone chamber tomb of Maeshowe. Wickham-Jones proposed that the village evolved from indigenous Mesolithic settlements during the 4th Millennium BC. I would point out that archaeological digs are still on going at Skara Brae in the Orkneys and I have recently watched some fascinating documentaries on the site presented by the likes of the excellent Scottish television presenter, archaeologist, historian and author Neil Oliver
*, which includes his programme Britain's Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney. Indeed, archaeologists are still making amazing discoveries at the site, which are changing archaeological perceptions about the people who lived there. For a 3D presentation of Skara Brae see: New digital model of Skara Brae | Historic Environment Scotland.​

See also: Visitor's Guide To Skara Brae: The Scottish Pompeii - The Geographical Cure

*Neal Oliver now has his own show on GB News, which is well worth watching on Sundays or catching up with on YouTube.

Euan Mackie in his 1977 book The Megalithic Builders also points out that archaeologists have discovered at Skara Brae flat-based, groove-decorated pottery with very distinctive reliefs. Similar pottery was also found on the submerged land surface at Clacton on the Essex coast in 1936, which was essentially the same as pottery found at Woodhenge and Durrington Walls in Wiltshire (which form part of the huge Megalithic complex of sites centred on Stonehenge). Moreover, Professor Gordon Childe in 1930 had suggested there were links between the pottery found at Skara Brae and pottery ware found in Iberia. He noticed that late Chalcolithic potsherds found at the cave at St. Joan d’Os in Cataluña were remarkably similar to the decorative patterns on the Skara Brae sherds and the techniques of making them seemed to be the same. It is now known that the primary occupation of Skara Brae was before 3000 BC (Radiocarbon dating puts it at 3180 BC) and grooved pottery ware was used in the first occupation at the village. Pottery found at the nearby Stennes Stone Circle on Orkney has also been carbon dated to 3000 BC. But the fact that similar grooved pottery ware found at Vila Nova de Sao Pedro in Portugal has also been dated to around 3000 BC suggests this was one and the same culture.

Collins finds further support for Phillips’ Heritage account when he notes that in the early 1980’s two adjoining pieces of a Megalithic stone were unearthed in the Orkney Islands, each one being engraved with ornate and complex spiral patterns of a type only found in abundance in the passage graves of the Boyne Valley culture in Ireland, which is thought to date to the last quarter of the 4th Millenium BC. In particular, the designs closely resemble the kerbstone patterns of the Valley’s huge stone and earthen mound known as Newgrange. Due to the immense spread and technology of the Boyne Valley culture in Ireland, it had been presupposed by archaeologists that the Orkney spiral stones were carved by incoming Neolithic settlers from Ireland. However, if Caroline Wickham-Jones’s theories are correct, it implies that the Orkneys’ indigenous culture may have exported its art via the Western Isles of Scotland into Ireland.

Collins also tells us that in 1990, a dig under the direction of Edinburgh University archaeologist John Barber discovered a stone coffin or cist about a mile from Skara Brae. Within it they found the undisturbed remains of a teenager and a child in an urn but also woven reed, something not previously associated with the Orkney’s Neolithic culture of the first quarter of the 4th Millennium BC. The reed fibres were taken away for radiocarbon dating. At the date of Collins book, the results of the preliminary tests had not yet been released pending further tests. However, Collins alleges that the preliminary results had dumbfounded the Scottish archaeological community with a rumoured date for the woven reed being as early as 4,500 BC. I have looked for subsequent verification of this particular date but without success. If this date should be proven correct, it means that the Orkney Isles may have possessed the earliest and most advanced Megalithic culture in the British Isles. As Collins points out this would substantiate Phillips’s psychic information that suggested the Orcadian (Arcadian?) culture spread both its religious and pastoral knowledge southwards into the Western Isles before it fanned out to encompass the rest of Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales.

What the C’s have said in support of Graham Phillips Heritage Account

Let us recall when considering the evidence adduced above that the C’s have in fact given support to aspects of Graham Phillips’ Heritage Account when they confirmed that civilisation had indeed been transmitted from Northern Europe (including the British Isles) to Southern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean in the following extracts:​

Session dated 19 February 2000:

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Meditteranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Session dated 8 April 2000:

Q: Now, I have this book entitled "Arktos." He says something here that echoes a remark you once made. He says:

"It is a very remarkable thing that enlightenment seems to have come from the North against the common prejudice that the Earth was enlightened as it was populated from South to North. The Scythians are one of the most ancient nations; the Chinese descend from them. The Atlanteans themselves, more ancient than the Egyptians, descend from them."

You said that the civilizing influence came from the North to the South. Of course, all the standard texts claim that civilization came from South to North, starting in Mesopotamia. Now, getting...

A: Okay, just a minute here. Thinking Mesopotamia is the beginning is like thinking that the beginning starts at the 12th chapter.

However, as I mentioned in my earlier article, Graham Phillips was not the first person to make this connection between the British Isles and this Megalithic Builder Race for a maverick English historian William Comyns Beaumont in his book Britain the Key to World History, which was a companion work to his ‘The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain, endeavoured to prove by evidence, gathered over a wide field from ancient and modern sources, that the British Isles were highly civilised from the earliest times, and that Britain was the original mother civilisation. Beaumont’s theories seem to have been the inspiration for Immanuel Velikovsky's works Worlds in Collision and Ages in Chaos, which may have been inspired by Beaumont’s astronomical theories, as discussed in another of his works `The Mysterious Comet'. Beaumont can thus be viewed as a precursor to Velikovsky.

So, what did Beaumont have to say about Britain? Here is what he said in the forward to his book (N.B. I have highlighted the main points of interest):

These islands, I showed, were the true Hesperides or Happy Islands of yore, and are known to have been inhabited from the earliest Palaeolithic (or Old Stone) Age onwards and were the original domicile of the sons of Adam, who were the Titans or Giants of classic fame, as well as being the Atlanteans of Plato [MJF: Notice they are giants like the Nephilim, Anunnaki and the biblical Sons of Anak whilst English Folklore has always associated the building of Stonehenge with giants].

If I prove correct in determining that such roads lead originally to that very ancient group of islands, the Shetland-Orkneys, which straddle both Scandinavia and Britain, and that these were largely shattered by a violent natural catastrophe, we begin to perceive that the Gnostics and Curetes of Crete [
MJF: see my earlier references to Car, Cer and the Ceretes], close kindred to the Chaldeans, were the sons of Seth or Sheth, the son of Adam from whom apparently Shet-land or Seth-land acquired its name, in the regions of Caledonia, again only a variation of Chaldea, whose sons are probably the most ancient existing race of civilised man.

The true arena of this veiled yet historic event, as I endeavour to show, was the clash between nations known in the Scriptures, including Gog and Magog, in which the invasion and slavery of other Bible peoples in the British Isles was the aim of the invaders [
MJF: which Iman Wilkens in his book Where Once Stood Troy viewed as the Trojan War fought at today’s Cambridge in eastern England]. It culminated in extraordinary events both in the celestial spaces and on this unhappy earth. The final celestial disaster itself, as I described fully in my previous work, was on such an immense and concentrated scale, and at the same time so irregular in its distribution, that certain parts were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable for a long period, while yet others escaped with only comparative sufferings. Among its permanent effects were a variation in the earth’s axis, a lengthening of the solar year and a consequent change in climate whereby many nations in the north were forced to emigrate to obtain the means of subsistence [MJF: you will note that this accords with the diffusion of the Northern European Celts in the Balkans, Turkey/Anatolia and the Middle East and also with Graham Phillips’ Heritage account of the Megalithic Builder Race’s diaspora and eventual settlement in Egypt. Was it the intervention of the planet Venus that changed Earth’s previous orbit and length of solar year and with it Northern Europe’s climate?].

The myth of Phaeton describes how the ill-fated son of Helios, having stolen his father’s steeds, tried to drive the chariot of the sun, but they bolted, whereby they threatened the earth’s extinction, and Zeus, seeing the whole world was thus in imminent danger of destruction, hurled Phaeton into the river Eridanus in the country of the Cimmerians. The explanation of the myth, as Plato himself records it, was the declination of celestial bodies, actually, it would seem, a twin or tandem comet, which struck the earth in the Cimmerian lands. This disastrous event is recorded on certain prehistoric Scottish zodiacs as I showed in my previous work, in which the “chariot” of Phaeton is represented symbolically as wheels with a connecting axle, described by Scottish archaeologists as “spectacles”, they being naturally innocent of the intention of these stones probably erected by the sons of Seth, or, say, Chaldeans, in the Caledonian lands.

The Cimmerians, in whose country this disaster happened, and where flowed the river Eridanus, converts the mythological into reality. They agree with the Cymry of Britain [
MJF: today the people of Wales], the Cimbri of Scandinavian lands, the people known to classic poets as the Hyperboreans, dwellers beyond the north wind, the Galatai of Pausanias, the Gauls or Gaels, or Celts, always the tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed Men of the north. So, Phaeton must compel us to understand the myth by making us look to the north of Europe, where he was thrown to earth. In a true revision of the prehistoric past the Mediterranean becomes only a very secondary settlement of the ruling races of mankind from the beginning [MJF: which seems to accord with what the C’s have said].

In the great migration, induced largely by pre-knowledge of what was about to happen owing to celestial phenomena, judging from certain passages of Jeremiah, the Israelites in their Exodus [
MJF: Not the Mosaic Exodus but that of the Aryans – Phillips and Collins’ Megalithic Builder Race] were led through dark, arctic wastes, “where no man dwelt,” the Siberian lands. Many emigrants found their way to the shores of the Mediterranean, others went by the rivers Volga, Vistula, Dneiper and Dneister to the Crimea, onwards into Asia Minor and thence to the Middle East where we find in Irak [MJF: i.e., Mesopotamia – which therefore accords with Phillips’ Heritage Account relating to the Megalithic Builder Race] what appear to be prehistoric Gothic inscriptions and occult designs as to which much might be said. In a totally different direction, across the North Atlantic, others made hazardous voyages and endured terrible privations in search of the sun, and settled finally in America, mostly in Mexico, ages before Columbus discovered that continent. Many again went south-west into France, Spain and Portugal, hugging the Atlantic, or migrating into North Africa.

The land we now call Egypt was colonised then or not much earlier as shown by astronomical evidence and was originally peopled by fair Celts from the shores of Britain. This was the Exodus of the Aryans, some of whom returned later to their primeval homes
*, and about a century after, perhaps in some cases in less time, when earlier fears had been dissipated — for humanity rarely learns from the past — and the fertile British lands invited newcomers, these islands were again occupied by nations crossing the narrow seas, including especially those whom Geoffrey of Monmouth names the Trojans, and, our modern anthropologists, the Goidels [MJF: The Gaels, Milesians or Hibernians].

*This would seem to have included the group Phillips referred to in his Heritage Account who were sent by Akhenaten and may even have been the same group who were led by his daughter Princess Meritaten, which included the giant fair and red-haired Tuatha de Danaan. Were they returning to their original homeland as Beaumont suggests?

Panic and a change of climate in the northern lands were the main inspiration which sent these peoples on their long and sad treks in search of new domiciles. The edifices and religion of Egypt speak eloquently of the instinct of terror as their guiding motive, as I also showed in my previous work. The famous Egyptian Book of the Dead, influenced completely by the epic of the Flood and composed in the name of Thoth (Hermes), in its ritual caused the souls of the dead to undergo a fanciful, final, gloomy pilgrimage to the sacred west, indeed, I contend, to the very scene of the former shambles in Western Scotland, to the legendary Amenta, identified as the tiny island of Staffa, near Iona, in the Hebrides [MJF: the Joanna entity had also identified Britain with Amenta but could the Isle of the Dead have been Arran, not Staffa – which you will note bears a name very similar to Stafford or Staffordshire in the English Midlands], where the wandering spirits were supposed to be judged by Osiris, and were rewarded or consumed according to their lives on earth. Staffa lay in the very vortex of the greatest area of destruction at the time of the Floodwater being but one element concerned— and later became the Underworld of the Celts as it was of the Hellenes.

As I concluded, Beaumont may have been wrong about many things but some of his ideas do seem to have been right on the money.


Returning to the beginning of this post, I hope you can now see why the discovery that the sacred altar stone at Stonehenge came from Scotland, and more particularly the Orkneys (who may have possessed the earliest and most advanced Megalithic culture in the British Isles), is so important. This discovery would seem to support what Graham Phillips claimed about his Megalithic Builder Race (a race referred to by Laura in her recent podcast) and William Comyns Beaumont's claims about civilisation spreading to the Mediterranean through the exodus or diaspora of the Aryans, his tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed men from the north, otherwise known as the Hyperboreans.
I tried posting this article on another thread. I'll put the link here, seems like it fits better here.

URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

his bit of research done by Stewart L. Harris in 2018 caught my attention, making it seem plausible that there were warm, maybe even tropical like, Islands above water to the north of the British isles and to the west of Scandinavia.

And yes, it is the Bay of Firth, Orkney Islands. I believe they found these structures under the water a while ago, maybe 10 years ago.

Here is a link to Howard Crowhurst, a man that talks about numbers and measurements as a language, a language the ancients used and seemed to understand as a collective. He lives in France, very close to Carnac, and studies at regularly. He believes that the stone circles, certain burial tombs and artificial mounds and hills of the British isles are distinctly different from many of the other megalithic structures found around the world. This guy's work is fascinating.

As a newbie, I did leave a message to introduce myself. I'm really excited about all the conversations happening! It's really hard to find people that want to talk about these things
I recall reading that the Hebrides Islands (perhaps named after the British goddess Bride or Brigid) off the west coast of Scotland enjoy a sub-tropical climate despite the fact that they are so far north. This would no doubt be because they benefit from the Gulf Stream. However, the same may have been equally true of Atland and Frisland. Somewhere back in the early part of this thread, there was a post that dealt with the mythical Thule as well - a place the Nazis believed was the home of the Aryan race.

I will also take a look at Crowhurst's work, which I have not come across before - for which thanks. As to ongoing archaeological excavations on the Orkney Islands, I would recommend Scottish archaeologist Neil Oliver's recent documentary series on the digs, if you have not seen them, which I think were a BBC production.​

Stonehenge's purpose finally cracked with 'breathtaking' 3D model​

Story by Holly Kintuka originally published in the Daily Express Newspaper.

Thousands of years ago, ancient Britons built Stonehenge, but its true purpose has puzzled researchers for centuries.

Could it have been a burial ground? A way to observe the night sky? Or maybe used as a place of worship or even sacrifice.

The stones which are set up in a circle like some sort of formation as well as the way they line up with certain things such as the summer and winter solstices, have left scientists with many questions.

Many attempts have been made to better understand Stonehenge, with numerous fieldwork efforts uncovering a variety of artefacts and objects.

One more recent effort saw researchers recreate the famous megalith through a 3D printer in order to answer the big question - and what they found was quite amazing.

A team from the University of Salford constructed the model to explore the effects Stonehenge's unique structure would have had on sounds such as conversations, rituals and music.

The way in which the stones were placed meant that speech and music would have not been projected beyond the structure itself, nor would people standing close by have heard what was going on inside.

To replicate this, acoustical engineer Trevor Cox and his team used laser scans of the site to print a 3D model of the monument and built something that was around one-twelfth the size of the real thing.

Based on an estimated total of 157 stones erected at the site some 5,000 years ago, the researchers printed 27 stones of various shapes and sizes.

They then used silicone moulds of those stones and mixed plaster and other materials to recreate the 130 items left over. Each stone was created in a way to minimise sound absorption, similar to the stones found at Stonehenge.

The team, in 2020, then placed speakers and microphones at different points around the construction and beamed sounds into it, from low to high frequencies.


Despite the many gaps that make up Stonehenge, the sounds sent into the scale model stayed inside it for a short while.

Reverberation time, a measure of the time it takes sound to decay by 60 decibels, averaged about 0.6 seconds inside the model for mid-frequency sounds.

The effect would have increased the ability to hear voices and massively enhanced the sounds of instruments like drums.

Sounds didn't echo inside the replica, and inner groups of the simulated stones actually obscured and scattered the sounds reflected off the outer sarsen circle.

It showed that Stonehenge could have been used for something similar to an acoustic chamber, a way to boost sounds and music in some sort of dramatic setting.

This seems to have been an interesting experiment into the acoustics of Stonehenge, a site that was built using extremely advanced geometric knowledge (see attached article). It is interesting that the scientists believe that speech and music would have not been projected beyond the structure itself and those outside would not have been able to hear anything from the inside. In this last regard, I recall an Ancient Aliens episode focusing on Stonehenge in which the researchers found that there was a dead zone within Stonehenge where there was no sound at all due to interference patterns cancelling out all noise. The scientists observation that Stonehenge was akin to an acoustics chamber where voices and musical sounds could be boosted and massively enhanced makes me think of the similar round chamber called the 'Oracle Room' at the The Hypogeum of Ħal Saflieni in Malta, which seems to have been designed to project chanting or drumming throughout the rest of the Hypogeum. Although the C's suggested Stonehenge had been built for multiple purposes, they also seemed to draw attention to its special sound qualities in the following extract from the transcripts:

Session dated 19 February 2000:
Q: Is it the case that some of them communicated with higher density beings via Stonehenge, and that these communications they received...

A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the otherwise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system.

[Laura's Note: the word "rill" is new to me. Webster defines it as a small stream or a little brook; to flow in or like a rill.]

The C's made a connection between geometry and sound, especially music, in the session dated 7 November 1998:​

A) You mentioned the term ‘pyramidal’ and I thought about putting prime numbers along a pyramid, around, higher and higher, but then, today, we discovered that Ulam was putting prime numbers along a spiral and there were funny patterns arising. So, I thought that maybe we should do something similar, but three dimensional rather than two. Is this the right track?

A: In prime numbers, you will find resonance.

Q: Resonance in prime numbers? Can you please elaborate a little bit on that?

A: Elaboration is not needed because the answers are there for you already in the texts, as with so much else. One needs only listen to the “music to your ears.”

Q: Why didn’t you answer my question about putting prime numbers around a pyramid?

A: Mathematics converts to sound in geometric measurements. Why do you think the pyramid became a pyramid?

Q: (A) It became a pyramid because it is a simple shape to build. (L) Did it become a pyramid because a sound shaped it? Determined its shape?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) And, what was the origin of this sound?

A: Those who heard it knew.

Q: (L) Who were those who heard it?

A: Those who knew how to convert math to sound. Why would the mystics reside there? Yahoo!
MJF: Consider the special acoustics of Stonehenge and Newgrange derived from their geometry, where both monuments seem to have been designed so that musical tones and chants could be enhanced so as to induce an alpha state in humans, allowing one to be more receptive to hyperdimensional communications.]


Q: (A) Well, I agree that I am impatient. But, the point is that I feel that if I would have a little bit more of a clue, I could do much more, and for now...

A: Our words sing to you. Let them ring. [
MJF: In the session dated 19 February 2000 the C’s said that Stonehenge used to resonate with a tonal rill]

Q: (A) What is the difference between singing and ringing? (L) I don’t think that’s the point.
(A) Ring is to awake? Probably. You mean I am not taking your words seriously enough?

A: No. We meant to let it sink in rejoice. Exult!

The C's also told us that Stonehenge was built by using sound wave focusing techniques, which meant that the Druids had retained a lot of the Atlantean scientific know how, especially about sound, which evidently was passed down from generation to generation post the Deluge:
Q: (L) Who built Stonehenge?

A: Druids.

Q: (L) Who were the Druids?

A: Early Aryan group.

Q: (L) How did they move the stones and set them up?

A: Sound wave focusing; try it yourself; coral castle.

Q: (L) Who taught the Druids to use the sound waves?

A: They knew; handed down.

This would seem to be true of other ancient megalithic and neolithic monuments around the world too. I attach a link to a short video in which various researchers discuss how the ancients carefully chose the locations for these monuments, which seem to have been based on nodal sites where the world wide electromagnetic grid that covers the Earth was concerned - see:

I find it interesting that some of the presenters in the video should have referred to the grid as a "net" since this is also a term the C's used when first introducing Laura and co to the concept of the worldwide electromagnetic grid:

(T) I think there is more to this HAARP. UFT is a major step …

(A): Grids

Q: (L) What kind of grids … (T) They keep jumping off … wait a minute …

A: We are not “keep jumping off.”

Q: (L) What kind of grids?

A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.

Q: (T) Are these ley lines?

(A): No.

Q: (L) Are they artificially generated?

A: Contoured.

Q: (L) They are artificially contoured. What is the result of this shrouding?

A: Manipulated for use by 3rd/4th Consortium.

Q: (A) What kind of EM grid? (L) The natural EM gird is being contoured …

(A): Like a gently waving geometric “blanket”.

Q: (T) Is it on the surface of the planet, through the planet, or where?

A: Above.

Q: (J) Do microwave towers factor into this?

A: Indirectly discovered by the same principal. [person?] [If an individual, then it is most likely Nicolas Tesla through his work on the Warden Point Tower and radio waves.]


Q: (A) Some power is used to sustain this grid? What is it?

A: Land and space-based generators.

Q: (T) What can it be used for?

A: Multiple uses.

Q: Well, what are the top three, for example?

A: No “top three”.

Q: (T) Just an example, give us an idea? How does this affect us?

A: Broaden concept.

Q: (T) Can this grid be used by other objects as a power source? (J) Can it be tapped into?

A: Net.

Q: (L) It is a net that traps things?

A: Broaden

Q: (J) It is a net that ….

A: Calculates.

Q: (A) Now, how did we come to this grid from UFT?

A: Grid construction represents application of ... [UFT]



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