Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

As a curiosity for this thread, today I have seen a reproduction of the statue "La dama de Elche".

Seeing it up close really looks like an Atlantean lady with a war helmet or similar.

The lateral "wheels" are notched on their surface and with inner blades that could be folded.

The back is or appears rigid, like a metal helmet or other strong material.

So I believe that the helmet has an open visor and the side wheels would fold down the rest of the helmet, completely covering the face.

The braids that end in metallic beads could be a power source for the helmet.

Just a curiosity.View attachment 79011View attachment 79012View attachment 79013View attachment 79015
Thank you for posting this. A quick bit of research reveals that the statue known as The Lady of Elche was discovered in 1897, at La Alcudia in Spain, and is believed to be an Iberian artifact from the 4th century BC. The statue is believed to have a direct association with the goddess Tanit who was worshiped by the Punic-Iberians. She was the chief deity of Carthage (modern day Tunisia) alongside her consort Baal-Harmon.

You were right to connect her to warfare as Tanit was equivalent to the war goddess Astarte, and was later worshipped in Roman Carthage in her Romanised form as Dea Caelestis when she was integrated with the Roman goddess Juno (along with elements from Diana and Minerva), aka Juno Caelistis, or simply Caelistis. Tanit was worshiped in Punic contexts in the Western Mediterranean, in Sicily, Malta North Africa and many other places into Hellenistic times. Tanit's worship might have originated in relation to the Phoenician deity Astarte (Ishtar), whose own worship is first dated in the Phoenician sites of Sidon and Tyre. In North Africa, where the inscriptions and material remains are more plentiful, she was, as well as being a consort of Baal Harmon, a heavenly goddess of war, a "virginal" (unmarried) mother goddess and nurse, and, less specifically, a symbol of fertility. Hence, in that last capacity of a fertility goddess, she can be viewed as a classic mother goddess figure such as the Egyptian goddess Isis, who like Tanit, was also a lunar goddess, or Astarte , Ishtar, Inanna and Danu etc.

Her symbol known as the sign of Tanit was depicted thus:

The anthropomorphic symbol has many variants, but the basic form consists of a disc on top of a triangle, separated by a horizontal line, like a schematic image of a person. The symbol appears to look very much like a woman raising her hands. The goddess was also represented by the crescent moon and the Venus symbol.

However, it is your reference to the statue being like an "Atlantean lady with a war helmet" that intrigues me here. Another female virginal goddess of war who famously wore a helmet was, of course, Athena - beloved of Sir Francis Bacon who adopted her as his patroness. Athena would help the demigod Perseus in his quest to kill the Gorgon, Medusa (a cypher really for the Grail). Indeed, he presented the Medusa's head to Athena who wore it on her belt or tunic afterwards. A statue of Athena was also said to have stood in her temple on the Trojan Acropolis. The statue supposedly had special talisman-like properties and it was thought that, as long as it was in the city, Troy could never fall. Well we know how that one worked out! However, this legend could well suggest that Athena may have originally been a Trojan goddess who was exported to Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean after the fall of Troy (as was Apollo) by Trojan refugees.

One thing that intrigues me is how post-Deluge Atlantean survivors came to worship a mother goddess. It strikes me that a scientifically and technologically advanced society like Atlantis would by the time of the Deluge have become, much like most of the western world is today, agnostic and therefore unlikely to be worshippers of a mother goddess. The only clue we have on this matter is Edgar Cayce and his statement that there was a philosophic division of Atlantis into two camps, the Sons of Belial and the Sons of the Law of One. But what exactly where these philosophic divisions?

"Belial" is a name that would appear to be linked to the later deity known as Baal to the Phoenicians or Bel/Belenus to the Celts (a solar deity whose symbols were the horse and the wheel - which may provide us with a curious link to the statue known as The Lady of Elche). However, as I have mentioned before, Robert Graves, the English poet and mythologist, argued in his seminal work The White Goddess that the worship of a single goddess under many names was the prototypical religion until it was displaced by a male supreme god. Indeed, for Graves the original mother goddess or the 'White Goddess' was the Sumerian Mother Goddess Belili and all the subsequent mother goddesses of the ancient world who were based upon her. Quoting Graves, "Beli [or Bel] was originally a Willow-God, a divinatory son of Belili, but became the God of Light". Hence, we see the male Bel, Baal, Zeus, Jupiter, Marduk, Apollo etc., replacing or usurping Belili, the original Mother or White Goddess, as the prominent or supreme deity in the ancient pantheons. Thus, we might ask whether Belial was originally Belili? Curiously, the goddess Tanit was given the epithet pene baal or the 'face of Baal', which may link us to the Grail - see below.

The Mother Goddess in antiquity generally had a divine son or consort who would be offered up in sacrifice (literally in some rites) - think of Isis and Osiris or Inanna and her husband Dumuzid (later known as Tammuz). These were usually end of year/spring rituals reflecting the way in which the sun is seen to die and nature with it during the onset of winter and then nature is seen to spring back to life, as marked by our ancestors on the Spring or Vernal Equinox, when the sun's strength is renewed. And, as we saw above, Beli or Bel was originally a divinatory son of Belili - who was the Sumerian moon goddess and also the goddess of trees, love, and the underworld, as well as being the sister and wife of Tammuz. As to her role as the goddess of trees, this makes me think of the cryptic comment the C's once made to Laura when they said in respect of the Sorcerer’s Coven that lay behind the Arthurian legend that "trees will lead you to it". I hope to have more to say about this particular subject in a follow-up post.

The Mother Goddess was clearly viewed as the ancient provider of all things beneficial for existence. But was the basis of this belief rooted in the Grail or Merkabah Stone, an incredible artefact, that had, according to the C's, saved a group of the Celts Kantekkian ancestors, and possibly some Atlantean survivors too, and had provided for their needs much like a Star Trek replicator device? Did the Grail over time become deified in the form of a female mother goddess figure, as represented by Belili/Belial, by the less sophisticated and increasingly more primitive descendants of those Atlantean survivors? When the Grail fell into the hands of Abraham/Moses and Nefertiti/Sarah, was this the means by which the Israelites were able to survive in the desert through the Grail generated production of "manna from heaven"? Given the fact that Egypt had been ravaged by the effects of the eruption of Thera, was this another reason why Pharaoh Akhenaten had set off in desperate pursuit of the fleeing Israelites, his failure to regain the Grail (as well as the Ark of the Covenant) subsequently leading to his murder in the Nile?

If, as I suspect, there is a link between the Grail and the Mother Goddess, did the Grail come to be viewed as a feminine deity because of the manifestation of the phenomenon that has become known as the "Lady of the Light" and thus a White Goddess? One can clearly see this imagery at work within the Arthurian legends, for example the 'Lady in the Lake' holding the sword Excalibur. It also seems to have manifested itself in the experiences of both Andrew Collins and Graham Phillips and their psychic companions (if their accounts are to be believed) during the quests described in their books The Green Stone, The Seventh Sword and Strange Fate, as referred to in my last article on The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia, where she apparently put in appearance as the Celtic goddess Elen who I linked with the goddesses Car and Danu (hence the C's little joke in respect of the 'Philosophers of Dancar' about them "riding around in Dan's Car"). However, such appearances are not just linked to Arthurian legends and 1980's Britain since an apparition of a "Lady of Light" was also witnessed by a large number of people in Girona in northern Spain in modern times, an appearance that would seem to have been manifested by an operation of the Grail, the same Grail that Abbe Berenger Sauniere had been seeking in the early 20th Century during his frequent visits to Girona from Rennes-le-Chateau on the other side of the Pyrenees. More on this in a later post.

As a follow up to my article on the Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia, I am attaching a YouTube video of a talk the author Andrew Collins gave in 2019 on the 40th anniversary of the finding of the Green Stone and the Sword of Meonia. See:

In it he provides some further details on the background to the figures who in the past were involved with the Green Stone, facts which he and Graham Phillips were not aware of at the time of their quest. For example, he and Phillips only became aware of the link between Meonia and the ancient kingdom of that name, which existed in modern south-west Turkey, in recent years. What is important to note is that this kingdom was connected to the Nine Muses of classical antiquity, which were viewed or depicted as nine swans. The Nine Muses are, as I mentioned in an earlier post, another variation on the famous Ennead or group of nine advanced beings who have played a part in the development of many civilisations worldwide.

The talk also goes into the subject of psychic questing where Collins discusses his theory of quantum entanglement (non-locality) to explain it. In many ways this mirrors what the C's have said to Laura that "we are you in the future". He also speaks of the importance of psychics using the faculty of their imagination. This again is something the C's have spoken about as well. The following are a few instances where the C's have referred to the use of the imagination:​

Session 4 April 4th 2015:

A: We ride the Wave and thus are much "closer" than you can imagine. At the same time, imagination is the most direct way to comprehend that we are only a thought away.

Q: (L) So, you're saying that distance is not a viable concept. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Thought transcends distance.

(L) Thought transcends distance, and we are quantumly entangled or something...

A: Yes.

Session 14 October 1995:

Q: (TK) Wars all through the ages. How many are we talking about? (L) What kind of a number are we talking about here?

A: Since your imagination centre is on low frequency tonight, suppose we have to spell it all out for you, but at least it is fun to watch the impact, like "A ton of bricks" falling on your heads!!

Session 3 February 1996:

A: First of all, confusion abounds here due to incorrect interpretations of the last subject discussed. Dimensions are not densities!!!! Dimensions are strictly the result of the universal consciousness as manifested in the imagination sector of thought. Density means level of development as measured in terms of closeness to union with The One... Cycle.

Session 31 October 1998:

Q: Well, obviously, we would have to have a LOT of bucks to do any of this so it is out of the question at present. Now, Mike wanted me to ask about this time when remote viewing was effective. Is this in fact true, and if so, why?

A: Remote viewing requires the accessing of the imagination situation.

As to this theme of the importance of imagination, I set out below a few comments on this subject by a gnostic writer (whose name I have misplaced unfortunately) which develops the imagination theme in conjunction with the Philosopher's Stone of the alchemists:

"Sometimes the alchemical philosopher’s stone is said to have fallen from the sky or seen as a cube. In Hebrew Kabbalistic texts the Sephira Yesod is sometimes referred to as a cubic stone. Alchemists begin looking for the Stone of the Wise by finding the prima materia and transform it into the lapis philosophorum. Alchemists try to find the single root substance from which the entire universe is made. The prima materia is, in fact, imagination. The world is composed of living imaginations like the living nature of the grail.

Some philosophical alchemists believe that the holy stone is a metaphor for the process of enlightenment. When we obtain the Philosopher’s Stone, we achieve the tools of spiritual enlightenment and find what was lost when we fell from our original state of being. We regain who and what we truly are. Sometimes this state is symbolized by a stone, or crystal, pure water, blood, fire, or spiritual light. Restore the emerald to its crown and you restore humankind’s ability to see wisdom, love and beauty. Our fall from paradise was a darkening of our inherent imagination and the stone reopens our capacity for living imagination – living thoughts.

Imagination is omnipresent thought – a realm of imagistic mental images that is beyond time and space. Oscar Wilde describes it in these words: “…the imagination is itself the world of light. The world is made by it, and yet the world cannot understand it. That is because the imagination is a manifestation of love, and it is love and the capacity for it that distinguishes one human being from another.

The prima materia is the same thing as the philosopher’s stone, but through the results of the expulsion from paradise we have lost the ability to see the innate substance of that “stone.” Polish the stone and restore it to its original, pristine condition and miraculously you can see the thoughts and imaginations that hold the world together."

And let us remember what that the C' said about the Philosopher's Stone:

Q: (L) What is the "philosophers stone?"

A: Idea centre.

As to Collins' psychic friend Debbie's "N-beings", these would appear to be hyperdimensional entities, either 4th or 6th density. As we know, the C's confirmed that John Dee's "angels" were in fact STS and STO 4th density beings. Hence, given the ability of STS 4th density to manipulate and mislead even well meaning and intentioned people at 3rd density level, it strikes me as vitally important to determine whether such N-beings are STS or STO in orientation. I also have a concern about Collins' use of rituals (as opposed to pure meditation sessions) prior to making contact with such beings, although I appreciate the people who participated in the Law of One channellings used purifying rituals before making contact with the Ra entity through their trance medium, Carla Rueckert.

All in all though, the video presentation makes for interesting viewing.​
It's Official: Time Crystals Are a New State of Matter, And Now We Can Create Them

It may be useful for research, but are we seeing a resurgence of Atlantis crystalline technology? I am making the connection also where some people point to it being part of the whole movement caused by alien disclosure:

I found this today, during my late night, at first it doesn't seem to be related but I was curious about the comments of some users.

The article cited in the tweet:

Well, what's the connection here? The comments in that thread:

View attachment 79131View attachment 79132

Humanity may be in the throes of another breakthrough that's every bit as impactful as the invention of the transistor and the advent (and eventual vindication) of quantum computing. LK-99, as it's been named, is a new compound that researchers believe will enable the fabrication of room-temperature, ambient-pressure superconductors. [...] The reason is simple: Few things come close to the potential of an actual superconductor discovery in terms of what it can do for humanity's current and future technology. Imagine if your 16-core mainstream CPU (which likely requires a competent watercooling solution to avoid incinerating itself) operated without power losses — no current leakage, no electricity waste in the form of heat. Superconductors mean almost perfectly efficient computing. [...] There might be more to LK-99 than skeptics expected, as two research teams have already confirmed the superconductivity claims — albeit in preliminary testing. Researcher Sinéad Griffin from the U.S.'s Lawrence Berkeley National Lab pored over the original paper, taking advantage of the supercomputing capabilities within the Department of Energy to simulate the LK-99 material. This complex-yet-simple concoction results from combining the minerals lanarkite (Pb₂SO₅) and copper phosphide (Cu₃P), which are then baked within a 4-day, multi-step, small batch, solid-state synthesis process. [...] As a result of the simulations, the researcher published an analysis letter in pre-print form to Arxiv, where she confirmed that the resulting material should manifest the superconduction pathways for electrons to travel through unimpeded and without any resistance. Interestingly, she noticed that these superconducting pathways only form in very specific areas of the compound, namely the highest-energy areas of the resulting crystal lattice.
It may be useful for research, but are we seeing a resurgence of Atlantis crystalline technology? I am making the connection also where some people point to it being part of the whole movement caused by alien disclosure:

Glad to hear from you again, as it has been a while (I was getting a bit worried). I think you are correct in your assumption about a resurgence of Atlantis crystalline technology at this time? I wonder how much of this is being driven by the denizens of the underground civilisation(s), which formed the major part of the latest session with the C's. How informative was that session! If you haven't read it yet, you should do so.

I made a link between Joseph Farrell's two articles and Graham Phillips/Andrew Collins's Green Stone because of the immense psychic powers that seemed to be locked up in the Green Stone, a crystal, which appeared to be worn on a headband around Akhenaten's corpse's head. However, Phillips learned this stone was originally sourced from a larger artefact, which I have assumed here was the Grail - hence my query whether, as a fractal, it could retain the powers inherent in the original (the Grail) from which it was cut. Now you mention superconductor properties that form in very specific areas of the compound, namely the highest-energy areas of the resulting crystal lattice and this makes me think of the amazing attributes of the Grail, which make possible travel through time and space (the escaping Kantekkians), manifestations and, if Graham Phillips (who seems to have been possessed at one stage by the spirit of an evil female pharaoh) is being honest, even bodily resurrections - i.e., the Stone acting in the capacity of a TDARM. If, as I have proposed, the Grail is the head called Baphomet that the Knights Templar venerated, which the C's said was made of "pure" crystal (which is unusual in nature), then we might ask if this crystal artefact had the superconducting lattice structure you mention and whether it was a time crystal of the type Farrell's articles dealt with.

However, what is clear to me reading Phillips and Collins' books is that the Green Stone required a gifted psychic to use its powers, that is, someone with the right DNA and STO mind set - rather like, for example, the biblical Levite priests who operated the Ark of the Covenant power cell. In the main, that person was a young Gaynor Sunderland (who played the role of the archetypal maiden in Arthurian lore where grail quests are concerned). And this brings us back to the link between human DNA and superconductors previously discussed on this thread:

Session 21 December 1996:
(A) What is the function of DNA, other than coding protein production?

A: Conductor of electricity.


Q: (A) Is DNA acting as a superconductor?

A: Yes!!!


(A) Is DNA superconducting?

A: Variably.

From my observations, Gaynor Sunderland certainly appeared to have the right DNA to connect with the Stone and use its powers. If Phillips and Collins are correct this even involved "dragon slaying" in the sense of quelling powerful natural energies that had become out of balance at certain Megalithic sites in Britain, which they did using the Stone. This topic connects strongly with things the C's said about energies connected with such sites in the recent session dated 24 June 2023. It may even shed light on the reason why the Tuatha de Danann were considered as "Dragon Masters" or slayers given what Phillips described about the remnants of the Megalithic builder race returning to Britain, their ancient homeland, where they conducted ceremonies (using the Green Stone) at many of these ancient Megalithic sites, which were places of power upon which later Christian abbeys, churches and shrines were built (to keep these energies in check?). This makes me think the Megalithic builder race were the origin of the Tuatha de Danann. It also makes me wonder whether the Grail had been located in Britain before it ended up in Pharaonic Egypt after it was seized during the Siege of Troy and its capture and relocation led to a desolation of Britain as these natural energies went out of balance, since Britain was, and is, a window area according to the C's:
Session 7 November 1994:

Q: (L) Why are there so many crop circles in Britain?
A: Window*. Why Stonehenge was built there.

*The C’s have commented on the importance of these Windows (to be contrasted with Portals) elsewhere in the transcripts:

Q: Could you define for us a 'window?

A: Convergence; opening to alternative states via energy grid points.

Did the remnants of the Megalithic builder race who returned to Britain (settling in Staffordshire) rebalance these energies by using the Green Stone by means of its inherent powers as part of, or a fractal, of the Grail?

I hope to write a number of spin-off articles based on the wealth of material covered in those books insofar as such material connects with things the C's have told us. This will include what may be the true basis for the veneration of the Black Madonna statues and icons, which occurs throughout Catholic Europe, a subject which we have touched on in this thread before. The origins of this veneration may surprisingly lie with the Gypsies - whose name derives from "Egypt", bearing in mind here what the C's have said about the Gypsies being an STS slave controlled people. Although many theorists believe the Black Madonna may be covert St Mary Magdalene (holding Christ's purported secret child) worship or disguised, ongoing Isis/Horus worship, there may be another possibility that I hope to discuss.

I appreciate that Graham Phillips and Andrew Collins are not everyone's cup of tea. However, they are useful researchers within the alternative history field and they are prepared to step outside of the normal or approved historical/archaeological framework where necessary. Hence, my approach is to take the good and leave the bad where they are concerned.​
Glad to hear from you again, as it has been a while (I was getting a bit worried).

Thank you. I have been quite distracted with the aches and pains in my body. And I think something is going on because....

This could explain some personal occurrences. (like dreaming that you see the chemical formulas of dna and suddenly new fragments come out of nowhere and join the chain) Or you suddenly develop intense pains in your body when you see another person get hurt or have an accident. I swear, I have been experiencing intense physical pain since the beginning of the year. Especially in my shoulders... and I can't sleep like I used to. But I don't feel like it's going to break me down.

And here I add, a few months ago I went through a common flu and since then (I no longer have the symptoms) I'm having hot flashes where I sweat like I'm in a sauna leaving everything literally soaking wet... and I don't have a fever at all. It's happening to me when I sleep or sometimes walking down the street (it's winter here, now).

I don't know, I don't want to assume or have the typical wishful thinking, but I'm guessing that I'm upgrading my hardware...
Thank you. I have been quite distracted with the aches and pains in my body. And I think something is going on because....

And here I add, a few months ago I went through a common flu and since then (I no longer have the symptoms) I'm having hot flashes where I sweat like I'm in a sauna leaving everything literally soaking wet... and I don't have a fever at all. It's happening to me when I sleep or sometimes walking down the street (it's winter here, now).

I don't know, I don't want to assume or have the typical wishful thinking, but I'm guessing that I'm upgrading my hardware...
I think you could be right about that. However, winter is always harder on the body as a rule, so that may be a factor too. Here in Britain it might as well be winter since, although continental Europe is basking in an unprecedented heatwave, the weather here is wet and dreary, as the Jet Stream remains parked directly over the country. Indeed it was the wettest July on records in the UK since 1836. Perhaps we are seeing a harbinger of the ice age, as increased precipitation moves northwards as the C's once said it would.

Do take good care of yourself. The C's recommended using vitamin C recently. I always take a supplement of it in winter time, as I find it helps.

I am carrying on my research and have found some very intriguing evidence that links the Baphomet skull (the Grail?) with the Knights Templar in England. When it comes to the Templars, people naturally tend to focus on their main strongholds in southern France and Iberia (Spain/Portugal) but they also a had a widespread presence in Britain, particularly England where some of their relics were stored. I have previously mentioned on this thread the Templar preceptory at Temple-Herdewyke in Warwickshire, founded by the Templar knight Sir Ralph de Sudeley. The Oak Island researcher Zena Halpern even theorised that de Sudeley was the person responsible for burying Templar treasure on Oak Island, which, with the discoveries the Lagina brothers have been making recently, may not be so far fetched. It is a matter of record though that the Herdewyke Templars possessed sacred relics from the Holy Land - possibly some of the 'Stones of Fire' (crystals) that had been set into the Jewish High Priest's breastplate called the Breastplate of Judgment., some of which Graham Phillips and his American friends, the Russells may have found on their strange treasure hunt in Warwickshire (see my earlier post The Knights Templar, Jeremiah and the Ark of the Covenant for the full story). We have now also learned the the oldest Templar preceptory in England was that founded by Ormus le Guidon, a crusader and early Templar who had been present at the capture of Jerusalem, at Biddulph in Staffordshire. The remains of this preceptory were absorbed into what became Spring Wood Priory when the preceptory was taken over by Cistercian monks (the monastic sister order of the Templars) after the Templars' suppression. It is possible that the Templars hid some of the documents they found in Jerusalem in the chapel's vault at Spring Wood Priory. However, this was by no means the only Templar establishment in England where they may have hidden away some of their sacred relics including even Baphomet, perhaps their most preciuous relic. I hope to have more to say on this matter in an upcoming post.
I apologise for not posting recently but I have been visiting my two youngest sons who now live on the Isle of Wight (opposite the naval city of Portsmouth in Hampshire) with their mother. As they are older teenagers, it is nice to get up-to-date with the current zeitgeist. However, they both have their problems, as most young people do these days, so I was there to advise and help them as best I can, particularly as they have not settled well in their new town. Although the Isle of Wight is a beautiful place to visit with a collection of fine beaches and a wonderful coastline, it is another thing to live there as they are finding out. In truth, it is a bit of a backwater, especially where teenagers are concerned.

However, even though I was not posting, I was still researching and have just finished another book by Andrew Collins called Twenty-First Century Grail the Quest for a Legend first published in 2004. I appreciate that Collins is not everybody's cup of tea but he does do some very interesting research, even if his psychic questing methods leave a lot to be desired and exposes him, in my view, to manipulation by those forces we might call the cosmic tricksters. Nevertheless, he had a lot of interesting things to say in his book on the activities of the Knights Templar in medieval England, which in some ways builds on what I said in respect of Ormus le Guidon, a proto-Templar, in my earlier posts on Collins and Graham Phillips' quest for the Green Stone but here he goes much further since it would appear that the crystal skull called Baphomet was for a time based in England (more on this below and in a future post). His research also reinforces my theory that Baphomet is the Grail or the Merkabah/Mother Stone and this also creates a link with one of the mirror image versions of the Nicolas Poussin painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, as posted earlier on this thread, even if Collins does not realise this himself. In fairness, he is not aware that the C's told Laura that the skull was made of pure crystal. If he knew this, the penny might drop. Instead, he associates Baphomet with a Templar reliquary, which he calls the 'Head of God', and links this with the skull (or parts of the skull) of St John the Baptist who the Templars adopted as their patron along with St John the Evangelist, the two Johns together forming a kind of Janus-like association.

Before continuing with the Templar theme though, I would like to post here something I originally posted on the 24 June 2023 thread concerning the author Lewis Carroll, since I said I would reveal his mysterious connection to the real Alice in Wonderland who was not it seems Alice Liddell as everyone thinks. Hence, for those who may not have read it, I am setting the post out in full below.
See: Session 24 June 2023

Posted on July 15, 2023

I have been reviewing the old transcripts recently and found an interesting exchange with the C's that touches upon the subject of hauntings. Some would appear to be psychic imprints whilst others are genuine spirits who, like the bomber crew mentioned above, have not gone into the light yet and are trapped here on Earth for some reason:

Session 7 November 1994:
Q: (L) Do Ann Boleyn and Catherine Howard haunt the Tower of London and Hampton Court?

A: Spirit reflection.

Q: (L) Is a ghost or haunting just an image imprinted in space/time?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Are there some cases where the actual spirit of the person hangs around causing phenomena?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can they do this for untold centuries?

A: Yes because there is no time.

My late father, towards the end of his military service in the late 1940's, had to guard the Tower of London. He told me that it was one of the spookiest places he had ever been in. Although he himself never saw any strange phenomena that was not true of some of his colleagues, who he said were often left shaken and were very reluctant to discuss what they had seen.

Sometimes people encounter poltergeist activity, which can be linked with hauntings. The C's had this to say about the matter:
Session 9 November 1994:

Q: (L) What is that phenomenon we commonly call a poltergeist?

A: Many causes.

Q: (L) Each situation is different?

A: No. The causes are multiple.

Q: (L) Could you list these?

A: No. There are many causes but some are the same as others. One cause is female pubescent children giving off life force aura burst.

Finally, there is one other form of ghostly phenomena that may be worth mentioning and that is images of dead people seen in mirrors. There is a famous case of such an image appearing in a mirror in the old medieval Angel Inn Hotel in Guildford, Surrey near to where I live in England. It is the image of the son of the last Emperor of France, Napoleon III who was exiled to England with his family after his defeat and capture at the hands of the Prussians in 1870 - See: Napoleon III - Wikipedia. Napoleon's son, Louis-Napoléon the Prince Imperial, was an officer in the British Army who died in 1879 fighting against the Zulus in South Africa. His early death caused an international sensation and sent shockwaves throughout Europe, as he was the last serious dynastic hope for the restoration of the House of Bonaparte to the throne of France.

However, Louis-Napoléon's ghostly image has been seen in an old mirror which stands in a bedroom at Guildford's Angel Inn Hotel. Legend has it that he had a a dalliance with a young serving maid whilst staying there before he departed for South Africa - see Halloween: Reported ghostly going-ons in Surrey. The hotel has even had James Bond (aka actor Roger Moore) spooked.

There is a similar tale of Marilyn Monroe's ghostly image being seen in a mirror of the Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles:

"Without a doubt, the most famous ghost said to dwell within the Roosevelt Hotel is that of Marilyn Monroe. Although this seems cliche, it also seems equally appropriate that Hollywood’s most famous starlet should permanently reside in Hollywood’s best-known hotel. In life, Marilyn often frequented the Roosevelt Hotel, so much so that she even had her own room reserved just for her. Since her death, many visitors staying in her old room (1200) have claimed to encounter her spirit. The most common of these interactions with Marilyn are sightings of her apparition. Her ghost will typically appear to visitors in the room’s mirror where she no doubt once spent time gazing upon her own reflection."


So, what is it about ghostly mirrors? The Japanese have a name for these kind of mirror related spectral images and call them Tulpas. A Tulpa is a concept originally deriving from ancient Tibet, which was adopted into Japanese Shinto beliefs. In Japanese tradition, mirrors are revered and are thought to have the power to capture one's essence. Japanese mythology is filled with tales of sorcerers using magic mirrors to create supernatural copies of themselves. Although such Tulpas are tied to the mirrors, they can appear elsewhere in the building in which a mirror hangs. They are also said to act as site guardians, to protect tombs or temples. Japanese Shinto shrines called jinja are believed to house Kami - elemental and ancestral spirits. The most hallowed part of the shrine is the honden, a separate sanctuary containing a scared mirror, a shinkyo, in which kami are said to reside. In Shinto belief, a kami from one shrine can be copied in the form of a bunrei, meaning divided spirit. Shinto priests perform a special ritual known as kanjo where they duplicate the spirit from one shrine by cloning its essence into a second shinkyo mirror so that a copy is made to be housed in a further shrine where the mirror is taken. The ancient Celts had a similar tradition where they believed that mirrors, in their case made from polished bronze, could capture the human essence.

A Tulpa is in essence, therefore, a phantom image manifested by the power of human thought or intense emotion, which may equate with the C's spirit reflections, as mentioned above. Gifted children are sometimes believed to unwittingly create them to act out their fantasies as mischievous spirits (like a psychic clone if you like or a computer copy from an original human template), which may suggest they could be a poltergeist phenomenon too. See also Tulpa - Wikipedia. Quoting from one section of that Wikipedia entry:

"Somer et al. (2021) described the Internet tulpamancer subculture as being used to "overcome loneliness and mental suffering", and noted the close association with reality shifting (RS), a way of deliberately inducing a form of self-hypnosis in order to escape from current reality into a pre-planned desired reality or "wonderland" of chosen fantasy characters."

Alice goes through the Looking Glass at Hickleton Hall

Following on from that last quote, it is interesting to learn, therefore, that it is possible that Lewis Carroll's book Through the Looking Glass may have been based on an instance of just such a Tulpa phenomenon in a mirror that once stood in the drawing room of a stately home known as Hickleton Hall in Yorkshire, which exactly matches the illustration of the mirror shown in Carroll's famous book. In the story, Alice clambers on to the mantlepiece of a fireplace in a drawing room before she steps through the mirror. It is known that Carroll was staying at Hickleton Hall in 1851 as a children's in-house tutor where he initially began working on both Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass in tandem. The mirror now resides in the curiously named 'Alice Room' at the Victorian era Hoar Cross Hall in Staffordshire (a county with more than its fair share of ancient monuments, legends and strange mysteries), which today is a luxury health resort. People have claimed from Victorian times even to this present day to have seen a young blonde girl aged about seven dressed just like Alice in Wonderland both in the mirror and in other rooms of the house. Could this Tulpa like phenomenon explain what the C's said here about duplicities of image in this exchange in the transcripts:
Q: (F) Well, they mentioned twice to be careful about putting in the designated quotes. (L) One of the crop circles you interpreted was an "astronomical twin phenomenon." What is an astronomical twin phenomenon?

A: Many perfectly synchronous meanings.

Q: (L) Synchronicity is involved. Does this have something to do with "image?"

A: Duplicity of, as in "
Alice through the looking glass.

So who was the young girl in the mirror who may have inspired Lewis Carroll long before Alice Liddell (who most people think was the model for Alice in Wonderland) was born? The answer to the girl's identity is that she was not Emily Wood* the eleven year old daughter of wealthy landowner Sir Charles Wood, the owner of Hickleton Hall in 1851, who was tutored by Lewis Carroll whilst he was a young student at Oxford University on sabbatical, but rather a seven year old, blonde Mary Heath who had accompanied her father Robert Heath and mother on a visit to Hickleton Hall in August 1851, when her father, an industrialist, had gone there to discuss mining rights with Sir Charles. Carroll was known to have made preparatory notes and drawings for his two Alice stories whilst staying at Hickelton Hall. Mary Heath lived with her parents at nearby Biddulph Grange in Staffordshire, which has one of the most remarkable and strange gardens in the whole of England - and thereby hangs a tale.

*Emily Wood married in 1864 and went to live with her husband at Hoar Cross Hall, which is how the mirror got there.

However, is there anything else to support the theory that a young Mary Heath was the real life model for Alice in Wonderland rather than Alice Liddell (whose father was Carroll's boss as the Dean of Christ Church College, Oxford)? Well, yes there is. In Alice in Wonderland, when the White Rabbit, who Alice had followed into Wonderland, first speaks to Alice, he calls her "Mary Ann" four times yet no character of that name appears in the story and to this day it goes unexplained why the rabbit addressed Alice by that name. However, it so happens that Mary Heath's full name was Mary Ann Heath and she would go on to have her own very interesting life story, which in some ways may have been every bit as bizarre as that of Alice in Wonderland. Indeed, she would go on to become a major player in esoteric circles in the same way that Carroll himself would (ref. his alleged membership of the 'Orphic Circle'). But that requires a whole other post.

As a final point, this concept of Tulpas may also link with things the C's said in the previous session on 13th May 2023:
Q: (L) .... Well, then that leads to the next question: Did Alexandra David-Néel create a thought being of her own?

A: No.

Q: (L) What was that?

A: She added energy to an elemental being, something like a nature creature.

Q: (L) And this leads obviously to the next question: When we're doing spirit release, we come across all kinds of really bizarre things. I mean, just like thought forms that come and attach and even thought forms that are created by the individual. Are these thought forms like discrete beings that have intelligence, autonomy, and persistence?

A: Some are. And some "die" after being disconnected from the source of energy.

Q: (L) Okay. If we encounter a thought form-type critter that has come and attached to an individual, is that thought form-type critter something that has been created by some other individual in the same way that some of the ones that we have encountered are created by that individual person?

(Andromeda) Right. Like created by a thought loop or strong emotion and/or a split-off part of their personality?

A: Some yes. Others are gathered energies of place or object.

Q: (L) Place or object. So you're saying that objects can... What kind of objects?

A: Trees, for one.

Q: (L) So natural objects?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So natural objects can concentrate energy such that it forms a thought form?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. And places also?

A: Yes. And some places respond to activities of humans and 2D creatures.

The name Robert Heath will crop up again in my forthcoming post on the Templars and their connections to Springwood Priory, Biddulph Grange and the strange group of Gypsies or Saracens who settled on Biddulph Moor in the Middle Ages. Moreover, if time permits, I will try to write a post on Mary Heath who seems to have been the leader of an esoteric group based at Biddulph Grange called either Meonia or the Fire Phoenix Group, whose links would encompass all manner of other esoteric groups in Victorian times including, inter alia, the Victorian Rosicrucians, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Sphere Group and the artistic group known to history as the Pre-Raphaelites, who specialised in Arthurian themed works. Indeed, Meonia creates a link to a whole spider's web of esoteric connections, which makes me think of the C's statement "What a tangled web we spin, when we must not let you in".

However, through Andrew Collins I have recently learned of another interesting connection that Lewis Carroll worked into his book Alice in Wonderland, one that may have an indirect link with the triple goddess and by extension the Grail.

Alice in Wonderland and the Treacle Well

The Treacle Well, which appears in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, is modelled on the ancient well or spring known as St Margaret's Well that is located at the village of Binsey in Oxfordshire (just on the outskirts of the city of Oxford). As an Anglican clergyman and Oxford don, Lewis Carroll would no doubt have been aware of the sacred well at Binsey, which was restored by the Rev. T.J. Prout in Victorian times . Apparently, Carroll chose the name 'Treacle Well' because in medieval times the word 'treacle' meant an antidote to poison, thus it might be said that a treacle well was indeed a healing well. The Treacle Well features in a conversation between Alice and the Dormouse during the Mad Hatter's Tea Party:

'Once upon a time there were three little sisters, ' the Dormouse began ...
'their names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie; and they lived at the bottom of a well.'
'What did they live on?' said Alice, who always took a great interest in questions
of eating and drinking .
'They lived on treacle,' said the Dormouse, after thinking a moment or two.
'They couldn't have done that, you know,' Alice gently remarked; 'they'd have been ill.'
'So they were,' said the Dormouse; very ill.'

According to Robert Charles Hope's 1893 book The Legendary Lore of the Holy Wells of England, the well at Binsey was dedicated to St Margaret of Antioch, whose cult reached England following the Norman conquest of the country in 1066 AD. In legend, she was the daughter of a pagan priest who lived during the reign of Diocletian, Emperor of Rome (284-313 AD), who led one of the last great persecutions of Christians within the Roman Empire. According to legend, Margaret was forced to flee after she received unwelcome advances from the Roman Prefect Olybrius, who afterwards denounced her as a Christian. Consequently, she underwent various tortures before she was finally beheaded. However, the only explanation for the well coming under the patronage of St Margaret was because the nearby church was already dedicated to St Margaret. However, as Collins astutely points out, which came first in a chicken and egg way, the well or the church?

As Collins had previously pointed out in his book The Seventh Sword, many holy wells and sacred springs in Britain were dedicated to St Helen, the princess daughter of Old King Cole of nursery rhythm fame, who was the legendary ruler of Colchester (Colchis?), an ancient seat of kingship in North Essex rather than St Helen, the mother of the Emperor Constantine, the finder of the True Cross, the nails of Christ's passion and the crowned heads of the three Magi, which were carried back to Europe and pesented to the cathedral at Cologne in Germany. As I pointed out in my article on The Megalithic Builders and the Order of Meonia, St Helen may well be a Christian stand in for the Celtic goddess Elen, the original patroness of many of these wells and springs. In turn, Elen may have been Helen/Kore/Brigid and Meritaten in my view and could also have been connected to the goddess Car, Cer or the Welsh goddess Ceridwen (who possessed a sacred cauldron – a cypher for the Grail). In the folklore tale of the British St Helen, the princess obtains assistance from a hermit who guides her to a sacred well from which three heads of three kings emerge (cf. with the Roman St Helen and the crowned heads of the three Magi above) who then proceed to help her after she showed much kindness to them. The point of the story was that it clearly speaks of the well being an oracular site where the fate of the princess and the country were decided. Collins was aware that there were other similar stories of heads emerging from wells in an oracular fashion in other parts of the country, whilst other tales are associated with triple-aspected female goddesses or guardian spirits. This led Collins to wonder whether the guardian of Binsey's holy well was a triple-aspected female goddess (like the Irish Brigid), even Helen or Elen herself. However, I take the view that the triple-aspected female goddess, as well as the three heads imagery, may in fact be an allusion to Baphomet and to the triple aspect that may be inherent in the Grail in the form of time, i.e., the past, present and future, which in reality are all one.

Collins also refers to the story of 'Elen of the Hosts' or the Legions, who was a beautiful woman featured in The Dream of Maxen Wledig (thought to be based on the Roman general Magnus Maximus who served in Britain and was proclaimed Emperor by his legionaries in 383 AD), a story found in the collection of medieval Welsh texts known as The Mabinogion, although many of the stories in this collection were clearly of a much older provenance. After dreaming of Elen, Maxen Wledig makes every effort to find her. With his authority, she is said to have ordered the building of roads from one end of Britain to the other. However, as a goddess of water and the fecundity of the land, Elen had her own representation which was local to Binsey in the form of a so-called Sheela-na-gig statue, a crude carving of a naked woman pulling open her genitalia, which is located in St, Michael's church, Oxford. Hence, it is possible that the sacred well at Binsey may once have been dedicated to Elen in Celtic pagan times. Collins adds that Such carvings may be an archaic form of the goddess of sex and love, the precursor of Venus and Babalon. Curiously, Collins tells us that another example of such a Sheela-na-gig is to be found in Colchester Museum in Essex, the legendary home of Old King Cole and his daughter Helen. Running up the carving's right leg is the word 'Elui', which comes from the root word El, which means "light", "god" or "angel" in various Indo-European languages (including Hebrew) and from which the name Elen almost certainly derives.

To complicate matters still further and to maintain the triple goddess theme, Collins points out that St, Margaret, as guardian of the holy well, has stiff competition in the form of a Saxon saint and princess called St Frideswide (680-735 AD), who is the patroness of Oxford and whose story, unlike that of Helen, is indelibly linked with that of Binsey.

St Frideswide

St. Frideswide was a princess, the daughter of King Didan (or Dydda), who ruled the kingdom of Wessex from his seat in Oxford some time during the mid-7th Century AD. He may well have been a sub-king of the kingdom of Mercia (which straddled the Midlands of England and included the modern county of Staffordshire), which lost and gained control of this region on various occasions. It is said that Frideswide was asked to become the wife of a prince of Mercia named Aelfgar, no doubt to seal an alliance between Wessex and Mercia. However, because she had already taken the vows of a nun, and lived in a nunnery founded by her father in Oxford, she refused Aelfgar's advances. Knowing that she might be forced to submit to her suitor, she and two female companions escaped by boat and came eventually to a place called Bentona or Thornbury, accepted by many scholars as being Binsey, although contested by others. Here Frideswide founded a chapel and begged God to send her water. He obliged by causing a spring to gush forth from the ground. For three years the three women lived off the land, drinking the well water, and dedicating their lives to the service of God. There is another story connected to Frideswide describing how on her arrival at Binsey with her two companions, she came across a pigsty, which she decided to make into a chapel. She accomplished this by luring the pigs away with a trail of acorns, whereafter the pigsty was converted by the women into a chapel.

Eventually, Aelfgar learned where she had retreated to and sought her out. However, as he approached her encampment he was struck blind. Frideswide took pity on the prince and said she would cure him if he left her alone. Aelfgar accepted her offer whereupon she took some holy water into her hands and placed it on his eyes curing him instantly. Frideswide later returned to the nunnery at Oxford, which eventually became St Frideswide's Priory, although this subsequently ceased to exist and has been replaced by Christchurch Cathedral where her remains rest beneath a floor slab marking her grave. There is also nearby a reconstructed shrine in her honour. It is also interesting to note that when Collins visited St Margaret's church at Binsey he discovered a wooden pulpit, which depicted St Margaret emerging from the mouth of Satan in the form of a dragon. This is an interesting symbology, since it may suggest that Binsey is connected with a centre of power, the dragon representing telluric energy. Collins believes that Binsey (Oxford) lies at the literal and sacred centre of England in the way that the town of Bourges in France does, a town which lies smack on the famous St Michael - Apollo ley line (or dragon line) which runs from Skellig Michael in Ireland, through St Michael's Mount in Cornwall and Mont Saint Michel in Brittany, Borges, the monastery of Sagra dei Michele at Piedmont in northwest Italy before continuing on to Mount Carmel in northern Israel. It also aligns with various key sanctuaries and oracle sites in Greece including Delphi, Athens, Delos and Lindos. This reference to Delos reminds me of the practice of the Hyperboreans in Britain who sent cryptic coded messages in leaves to the people of Delos, the supposed birthplace of Phoebus Apollo:

Session 19 February 2000:
Q: So, from very ancient times, there was this practice of the Hyperboreans sending sacred offerings to the Island of Delos. Now, the Island of Delos is supposedly the birthplace of Phoebus Apollo, whose mother was Leto. Supposedly he was born on Mt. Cynthus. This is a very curious thing. This is contrary to the old view that the cultural flow was from the Mediterranean to the North, that civilization began in the Near East. It implies a cultural flow from the North to the South. What were these ancient Hyperboreans sending to the Island of Delos?

A: Leaves bearing cryptic codes.

Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Mediterranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

No doubt the Hyperboreans of Britain were well aware of the St Michael-Apollo ley line or dragon line.

Finally, Collins discovered in St Margaret's Church an heraldic shield on which there were three female heads above an oxen crossing a field, the symbol of Oxford. Although no explanation was given Collins assumed this was the personal coat of arms of Frideswide, especially as she is the patroness of Oxford. Although the three female heads could obviously stand for Frideswide and her two companions, the heads could just as easily relate to a triple goddess, such as Brigid or Elen (Helen), and thus by extension to the Grail. Indeed, the three wavy lines shown in the Oxford flag below may represent the goddess:

Reverting back to Lewis Carroll and his Treacle Well, its seems likely that he was well aware of the story of St Frideswide, the patroness of Oxford, and called Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie after Frideswide and her two companions who fled to Binsey and lived beside its sacred well (Carroll's Treacle Well) that had renowned curative powers. Curiously, the name Elsie comes from the Scottish name Elspeth, which is a form of Elizabeth meaning "God is my oath" and was a popular name in the 19th Century. The name in turn is a version of the Hebrew name Elisheva' and combines the Hebrew words ‘El (meaning “God”) and shava' (meaning “oath”). As a Scottish version of Elisabeth, the Gaelic interpretation of the name means “pledged to God.” This name seems quite appropriate, therefore, for a woman who took sacred vows as a nun.

Finally, Elsie is a modern spelling of the Old English name Ælfsige (an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “elf victory”), which makes one think of Frideswide and her Mercian suitor prince, Aelfgar. Again the name is composed of two elements: “ælf” (elf, supernatural being) plus “gêr” (a spear, spear with iron head). In turn, the name means “skilled as an elf in the use of the spear”. Hence, Carroll's choice of the name Elsie seems to unite in one name the legendary story of Frideswide and Aelfgar.

The Mysterious Key

Collins quest for the Grail ended in finding an old metal key buried below one of the walls of St Margaret's Church at Binsey whilst inside the church a mysterious group of twelve hooded and robed men chanted away in Latin (Collins' later researches found they were definitely not an authorised church choir). I will not relate all the bizarre circumstances in which he found it, which involved apparitions of both St Frideswide and Aleister Crowley who competed for the attention of Collins, his wife and their clairvoyant friend. Like Neo in the Matrix who had to choose between a red pill and a blue pill, they had to make a choice between Frideswide and Crowley. Unfortunately, they chose Crowley, which was a mistake in my view. Hence they found a different version of the key from that which they would have found if they had instead gone with Frideswide's spiritual guidance. The key they discovered was a very strange object. Here is Collins' description of it:

It was around 95mm (3.75 inches) in length with a large kidney-shaped bow, a ribbed shaft and an ornate box of wards incorporating an anchor design [MJF: the anchor is a favourite symbol of the Rosicrucians]. It was made of well worn caste iron and appeared to be of a design much used in Georgian and Victorian times and probably fitted the lock to an interior door. However, it was the symbols on the key that most intrigued Collins. Those on one side of the key had been completely erased, most likely chiselled out a long time ago. Their clairvoyant friend Richard had thought there were in fact two forms of the same key with opposite sides erased. If they had chosen to follow Frideswide's path, rather than Crowley's, they would most likely have found the opposite version of the key displaying different sigils or symbols. Reading from left to right, Collins saw first a small circle with a point in the centre, which for him is the symbol for the sun. However, according to the Freemason and author Laurence Gardner it may symbolise a lot more than this*. After this first symbol was the sign for Taurus, which has a line trailing from its right-hand corner to an inverted triangle, representing the element of water, possible alluding to the well at Binsey. In addition to this, where the oxidised patina had peeled away from the area around the end of the barrel, a triangular shape had been added to the wavy line formed by its removal to signify what may have been a dragon or serpent [MJF: Curiously, “Orm” (in Old Norse and in modern Danish, Swedish, Norwegian (bokmål and nynorsk) was the word for "snake", "worm" or "dragon") and became an Anglo-Saxon personal name during period of the Danelaw and seems to have been preserved in the name of the Norman crusader knight and Templar called Ormus le Guidon]. The final symbol appeared halfway along the shaft and was a ringlike line that embraced its entire circumference and ended in an oval shape reminiscent of an eye. As to the erased symbols on the other side, the first one may have been another triangle, the second and third symbols were completely erased, while the fourth was possibly a circle representing the sun.

*In my earlier article Hiram Abiff - The Widow's Son, I described how the Freemason and author Laurence Gardner had pointed out that the symbol of the small circle with a point in the centre ʘ represented the "annum". Quoting from that article:

"The determination of the earthly calendar was said to be the prerogative of the great Anu. The annum (as used later by the Romans to denote a year) related to the earth’s solar orbit and was denoted by a point within a circle ʘ. It was called a sha – an ideogram of 360˚, which stemmed from sha-at-am, literally meaning a passing as in a 360˚ passing defining an orbit. Even in 3000 BC (prior to the Greco/Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy) the Mesopotamians knew that the earth revolved around the sun. The orbit of light was deemed to be the realm of the sun god (think of Ra riding in his celestial ship or Apollo riding his fiery chariot) and was thus defined as the sha-ra-on (Sharon).

The transmitter of light (the light bearer or Lucifer in Latin) was the Rose of Sharon: the carrier of the Rosi Crucis. Rosi represented the ritu (the redness of truth from which we derive the word ‘ritual’) and crucis related to a cup as in ‘crucible’. Gardner then makes the comparison between the Rosi Crucis and the sacred Vessel of Light in the Kabbalah and is the reason he argues that the mystical technology of the light in The Zohar (meaning radiance of light; see: has been likened to the Holy Grail. The light bearer has been variously identified in different cultures from Nin-kharsag to Venus and in that guise was the queen in the Old Testament Song of Solomon 2:1: “I am the Rose of Sharon …” (in other words - I am the Truth of the Orbit of Light).

Interestingly, as Gardner observes, the direct Greek equivalent of the Rose of Sharon or Latin Lux-fer (Lucifer) meaning light-bearer was phos phoros from which the English word phosphorous derives. The term also relates to the day or morning star, which we think of as the planet Venus."

In my view, the 'Rose of Sharon' of the Bible and the 'Rosy Cross' of the Rosicrucians are symbols of the Grail, which may once have been kept at Stonehenge. The C's have also told us that human race are collectively Lucifer, the fallen archangel and, as such, humans are naturally light bearers. Interestingly, according to science, we all emit photons the intensity of which can vary depending on our state of mind. Thus, humans truly are beings of light where biophotons are constantly emitted by the human body. Biophotons, also known as ultraweak photon emissions (UPE), have a visibility 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eye. These can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA. Biophotons are generally believed to be produced as a result of energy metabolism within our cells, or more formally as a “… by-product of biochemical reactions in which excited molecules are produced from bioenergetic processes that involves active oxygen species.” DNA can thus be identified to be a source of biophoton emissions in humans. We should also link this fact with the C's confirmation that DNA is a superconductor. For more on this see: Body Emits Light | Biophotons | Body Communicates with LIGHt BiontologyArizona. Apparently, biophotons are used by the cells of many living organisms to communicate, which facilitates energy/information transfer that is several orders of magnitude faster than chemical diffusion. Curiously, I have only just read today that scientists are currently working on the means to store information within synthetically produced DNA. It is even possible that DNA can be used to transfer information backwards and forwards in time, which may explain a lot of things the C's have told us.

This brings us back to Abbe Berenger Sauniere and the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau again (which I think is intimately tied up with the Grail, as does Andrew Collins) and comments the C's made in the Session dated 7 June 1997
Q: Okay! I can accept that! What was Berenger Sauniere collecting all those rocks for?

A: What about conductor?

Q: What do you mean?

A: What conducts?

Q: Was he building a little Stonehenge?

A: Have you researched the power of Stonehenge, and how it relates... where it fits in?

Q: Yes, we are bit by bit collecting things...

A: Well? And crop circles? Amazing connections... And what of "The Rosy Cross?"

Q: Well, this is what we are looking at! I have even discovered that Sir Francis Bacon's name is even derived from "beech," and that his Latin signature has the gematria number of 17 - and January 17 is the feast day of St. Anthony, who replaced St. Augustine in this affair somewhat... and I have connected the Rosicrucians all over the blasted planet, for crying out loud! And, who is who here? Just who are the good guys?

A: Airports are used by both.
[MJF: As mentioned in a recent post, this could be a pun on the term "apport", which involves a magical manifestation of an object that could be produced by using a TDARM (see below)]

Q: Well, what is THAT supposed to mean?

A: Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer.
[MJF: which seems to be a function of the Grail]

However, as Gardner also recognises, the symbol of the small circle with a point in the centre ʘ may also represent the white powdered mono-atomic gold of David Hudson, which for many medieval alchemists was the Philosophers’ Stone and by extension the Holy Grail. The C's commented on this matter in the Session dated 7 June 1997:
A: What about iron as an element?

Q: Okay, let's see: {consults dictionary} Iron –derived from early Celt 'iserno,' via Illyrian 'eisarno' from the IndoEuropean base 'eis,' which means to 'move vigorously; strong, holy.' It is a white, malleable, ductile, metallic chemical element that can be readily magnetized, rusts rapidly in moist or salty air, and is vital to plant and animal life; it is the most common and important of all metals, and its alloys, as steel, are extensively used. Symbol: Fe; atomic weight:55.847; atomic number: 26; specific gravity: 7.86; melting point: 1535 degrees Centigrade; boiling point 3,000 degrees C. The electron shells are thus: 2,14,8,2.
Iron is an element of blood, hemoglobin, and is easily magnetized... there is some new work about iron and magnetite in the brains of people who are psychic or have 'abduction' experiences... is it the magnetism?

A: Yes....

Q: Is it something that holds one more firmly in 3rd density, and the elimination of it enables one to switch densities... or...

A: Tis magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the "smoke screen" really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density??

Q: I get it! So, it is the magnetite in the body, that collects and holds the charge, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an external substance at all! Is that it?

A: You are getting "warmer."

Q: Am I right, we need more iron for magnetite, or am I completely off base here?

A: You are right, but, do not underestimate the significance of that just delivered! What better deception than to divert the meaning of alchemy, by focusing upon substance, then addicting those souls bound to 3rd density to the substance?

Q: Okay, it is the magnetite that acts as a conduit. And the concentration is upon the substance, that is, the magnetite. Let me conjecture that the thing that is believed to be distilled out of the alchemical operations is magnetite, is that correct?

A: No, because no need, if not deceived by other efforts.

Q: Were these other efforts involved with sexual function?

A: More like the results of same.

Q: Okay, they were concentrating on...

A: Today's version of the deception could be your favourite and mine, "monoatomic gold."

Q: Oh, the David Hudson fiasco...

A: There too, one is lead astray by substance... Remember our little dissertation about all the really big bangs?

Q: Yes.... I remember... and I got a lot of flack from that... The three days of darkness, et cetera... the implications... let's back up...

A: Oh my, oh my, we can turn this powder into gold!! And if you eat enough of it, you will have orgasms forever as a light being... Oh my, oh my!!

Finally, Collins finding of a key with mysterious symbols on it in pursuit of the Grail, that in his view may be tied-in with the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, makes me think of something the C's said once in reference to the alchemist documents supposedly held at Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, the main seat of the Percy Family who are the Dukes of Northumberland, in the Session dated 26 July 1997:
Q: Okay, discovered that one of the Percy estates was called 'Alnwick,' which startled me a bit after tracking wicks all over the place. But, what is the meaning of 'Alnwick?'

A: Discover. Invert. Allan. Check Hebrew root of Allan.

Q: The Counts of Flanders and Champagne were the sponsors of Chretien de Troyes who wrote the original Grail stories in which Perceval figures so prominently. These guys were also connected with the Templars. Well, it seems that the Templars were not the only ones getting picked on during certain periods. The Percy family has had much MORE than its share! Why?

A: You will be "picked on" too, if you learn too many secrets!!

Q: So, the Percys DID know something. I understand that the Percy family has a collection of 62 alchemical manuscripts... which is actually how I found out about Alnwick - I was tracking these alchemical texts....

A: But if you go there, do not ask for the key! [MJF: In Collins's case, it seems he was actually given one!]

Q: Does the current head of the family know the secret?

Getting "warmer."
[MJF: an expression you will note the C's also used in the Session dated 7 June 1997 referred to above]

Q: Has this person also been pursuing the secret?

A: Pour suivant.

We have looked at the term "Pour suivant" before, which literally means "for following" or "pursuing". It can also mean a state or royal messenger or a follower or attendant.

Well Andrew Collins has certainly been pursuing the secret judging from his book, even if some of his assumptions may be wrong. However, he does make some interesting observations in his book about the mountain scenery depicted in Nicolas Poussin's painting of The Shepherds of Arcadia, which fits in with my own views on which mountain Poussin was depicting (more on this in a future post).

Throughout the quest Collins recounts in his book, he frequently relied on the psychic visions and internal intimations that his friend Richard Ward experienced, just as he did with the young psychic Debbie when he was hunting for the Seven Swords of Meonia. I will just mention one such psychic vision, which occurs at the end of the book, since it relates to what I have being speaking of above. This arose from the use of psychometry, which involved holding the key and focusing on it. This is what Collins describes and I will leave the reader to decide whether or not there is any merit in the account he gives below:

"Only flashes of the future and the past came - seven churches in Rome, underground catacombs, a castle aligned to the sun, the Chateau of Arques, and a horse and cart departing from a large medieval citadel in the heart of the French Languedoc. In the front seat were two monks dressed in simple brown hoods. Once they were out of range of prying eyes and the king's guard, one of them reached behind and pulled away a sackcloth covering to reveal the presence of the Head of God*, the two-faced head reliquary previously in the hands of the Knights Templar and smuggled out of England with the help of the White Cannons.** Realising that their dangerous mission was almost over, and that the priceless relic was now safe, the two men turned to each other and smiled knowingly, as they continued their journey unhindered towards their final destination."

*The Head of God would appear to be Baphomet.
**The White Cannons are known as the Premonstratensian Order. In England, they are more commonly referred to as the Norbertines.

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Following on from my last post, I have been researching through old transcripts (a very beneficial exercise if you have the time) and came across some interesting information in the session dated 22 January 2000, which may shed some light on the psychic visions Andrew Collins described in his book Twenty-First Century Grail the Quest for a Legend. I will set out the relevant comments first:
Q: I was thinking about time travel when I went to sleep that night. I wasn't thinking about Nostradamus, for sure, but I was pondering time travel. The thing I was thinking about was that, for some reason, we are all going about it in the wrong direction. Time travel is, in my opinion, a lot easier than we suspect, though I can't quite wrap my mind around what it is we are missing here. Can you help me out here? People keep thinking in terms of a) collapsing the gravity wave so that time around stops; or b) going faster than light so that time stops in that way. Either of those two approaches seems to be going at it backward, but I can't explain why. What is it that I am trying to get my mind to grab onto that is slipping away?

A: Changing channels.

Q: Changing channels? You mean you can change channels to do it?

A: Yes. All is present, there is your illusion.

Q: Is the changing of channels something that is accomplished internally, like in the physiological structure, or in the mental/psychic/soul structure?

A: More complex.

Q: But, you said before that one has to generate an electromagnetic field, a la Tesla coils, do you have to have massive amounts of power in order to change channels and time travel?

A: That is the pathway accessible from 3rd density.

Q: How much power do you have to have?

A: Let us just say that GIGAWATT is the term of choice.

Q: Okay, if you are generating a magnetic field, and you "change the channel," is it from that immediate point within this field, that you can access a channel of some sort, and move into a different timeline. I mean, is it like being suddenly placed at the centre of a spider web, with all the times available all around one, and it is a matter of direction of choice?

A: Something like that.

Q: What kind of device, or control system would you use to select the proper channel? Is this strictly a mental activity, or is there something that you use to select a frequency which resonates with a particular time, or channel, and you have to experiment to figure out which time is which frequency? (A) How do we tune?

A: Your suggestion of mental imagining's good.

Q: So you have to be able to create a mental image, which means that you must HAVE a mental image of something that is fairly accurate that will pull you into the right "time line." You have to have a marker, a significant marker!

A: Dates will do.

The C's tell us that dates will do (N.B. in remote viewing they use coordinates) but so may an item from the past like the key that Collins and his companions found at Binsey. They used psychometry to induce the vision of the two monks taking the 'Head of God' to safety, as described at the end of my last post. Psychometry is viewed as a form of extrasensory perception characterised by the claimed ability to glean accurate knowledge of an object's history by making physical contact with that object. Supporters of the art assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.

Collins and his psychic friends always enter into a meditative state before inducing their visions. If these visions are real (and I will give them the benefit of the doubt here), then they evidently change channels as the C's suggest and use mental imaging techniques rather as remote viewers do to see images of the past. If what they saw were really scenes from the past, then they are in effect time travelling.

In the 22 January 2000 session thread, some Forum members related their own out of body experiences which led to the following exchange between myself and gottathink:
Yeah that’s exactly what I’ve been thinking also. Particularly as I had an experience of sitting up out of my body and being aware of existing in two places at the same time.
This experience makes it feel entirely possible to just travel through time by shifting consciousness to that time point. But because the body is still anchoring one point of the consciousness where one travels to is relative to the anchor point, so that time travel is discerned as an experience. Rather than floating about not knowing when or where one is. Time travel experience has to be relative to another time point.​
What you describe here sounds a lot like astral travelling to me or bilocation, something that has certainly been practiced for aeons by saints, shaman, llamas, yogi and black magicians etc. A modern scientific version seems to be remote viewing, which normally involves the person conducting the experiment to give a set of coordinates to the remote viewer to home in on. Consciousness is the key here and it is the mind that does the time travelling, not the material body.

I seem to recall that when the C's discussed how to create a time machine, the final step to make it work was for the user to focus their consciousness on the time period required. However, this was technological time travel as used by STS forces, whereas STO need only use their consciousness. For example, witness the C's description of teleportation by people at Chaco Canyon in the remote past simply by using consciousness.

It would appear then that Collins and his psychic buddies are able to adjust their consciousnesses to see glimpses of the past. This will be an important point to bear in mind when I come to write about amazing events they saw transpiring at certain caves in Hastings in Sussex and at a Templar preceptory at Garway in Herefordshire. My own Norman family has connections with the county of Herefordshire, since my brother has found the crusader tombs of our ancestors at a small village called Moccas. This leads me to wonder whether any of my Norman crusader ancestors or kinsmen were Templar knights based perhaps at Garway.

However, my next post will look at Templar activity in Staffordshire, particularly in the region of Biddulph Moor, and at a strange group of Gypsies who ended up there in the 12th Century. Indeed, it seems that it may well have been Gypsies from the Middle East who helped to export the cult of the Black Madonna to Europe, a cult that in reality may have had more to do with Meritaten (Hagar/Kore/Brigid/Helen) than the Blessed Virgin Mary.​
Consciousness is the key here and it is the mind that does the time travelling, not the material body.

But isn't communication with the C's the best example of time travel? Each session is in itself a time machine, and each new piece of information that is revealed or omitted results in a constant shifting of time lines. In the last session it has been quite explicit:

Session 29 July 2023:​

(Adobe) Okay. On that question, they often answer, and I'm thinking specifically right now of... It was asked, "is the next real pandemic possibly gonna happen in two months?" The answer was no. "Is it going to happen within two years?" "Yes." And two years passed, so somebody brought it up, and there is regularly something like that, where the Cs will answer with a time reference that we understand (like "within two years") and then, it doesn't happen. So if they know our time reference, why would they even answer that? Why wouldn't they just allude from it and say, you know, wait and see? But they say, like that last time, "within two years", and it doesn't happen within two years. I'm kind of left with "wait for the other shoe to drop." Is there something we should be learning here?

(L) Well, I don't know which specific reference you're talking about. Do you, Niall?

(Niall) Yes. We asked about the likelihood of a plague, in the sense of the Black Death. And it was sometime in the mid-teens, they said "in 18 months to two years" or something like that. Well, there has not been a Black Death in that time period.

(L) Right. I don't know! Okay. What's the answer to that?

A: Reality is open and plans change. Sometimes we give answers to prevent calamity. The PTB would not allow such a prediction to manifest as it would draw positive attention to this source and they wish to avoid that at all costs. In the case of the COVID fake pandemic it was already in motion and major plans were in place.

Q: (L) So you're saying that sometimes you tell us some things just to prevent it from happening, because you know they won't let it happen if you say it?

A: Yes

The fact that the C's disclose information and at other times do not, in the context of PTB plans is indicative of a space/time battle.
But isn't communication with the C's the best example of time travel? Each session is in itself a time machine, and each new piece of information that is revealed or omitted results in a constant shifting of time lines. In the last session it has been quite explicit:
The time machine didn't have to built for it to work. ;-)

Session 24 June 2022:
(Ark) Yes. Suppose we can build a time machine. What would be the beneficial uses of such a device?
A: Not many. STS uses tech to control and manipulate, but each use causes negative impact cascades.
Q: (Ark) The logical 'not many' that there may be some beneficial uses. I would like to know examples.
A: Changing trajectories of history on many scales so as to eliminate extreme suffering.
Q: (L) So when you say, "many scales", you mean like in an individual life, in the lives of a family would be another scale, and the life of a town or community, a city, a country, and the planet. Those are different scales?
A: Yes and cosmic as well in rare cases. For example, we are time travelling right now.
"We are time travelling right now" and "we are you in the future" is quite fitting.
But isn't communication with the C's the best example of time travel? Each session is in itself a time machine, and each new piece of information that is revealed or omitted results in a constant shifting of time lines. In the last session it has been quite explicit:

Session 29 July 2023:​

The fact that the C's disclose information and at other times do not, in the context of PTB plans is indicative of a space/time battle.
You make a very good point here. I have to say that last session was amazing.

I am a little surprised that you did not pick up on my point about DNA information storage and how DNA could be used to pass information backwards and forwards in time. This could be relevant to what the C's have said about prior genetic encoding:

Session 24 September 1995:

Q: (L) And, getting rid of the Jews was significant? Couldn't a Germanic master race be created without destroying another group?

A: No.

Q: Why?

A: Because of 4th density prior encoding mission destiny profile.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: This means encoding to activate after elevation to 4th density, thus if not eliminated, negates Nephalim domination and absorption. Jews were prior encoded to carry out mission after conversion, though on individual basis. The Nazis did not exactly know why they were being driven to destroy them, because they were being controlled from 4th density STS. But, Hitler communicated directly with Lizards, and Orion STS, and was instructed on how to create the "master race."

Q: (L) And they were going to use this as their basis to introduce a new blend of the Nephilim... (RC) And the New World Order... their version of it. (L) Well, what is the plan now?

A: We cannot tell you this yet, as you would seek to reveal it prematurely, leading to your destruction!!!!

Curiously, this is from the same session that talked about the 'Scottish question' and the Celts origins. In my view, the Abrahamic Jews (as opposed to the Khazarian Jews) were originally Celts and the descendants of the Megalithic Builders from the British Isles (including Scotland) that Andrew Collins spoke about in his book The Seventh Sword. I suggest they were also descendants of the Trojan refugees who fled Britain after the fall of Troy. Note that the Megalithic Builders spread widely into France, Spain, Portugal, northern Italy etc. Hence, if you are of Spanish Galician stock, you may well have their genetics in you as may many other (if not most) Forum members.

This also links with what the C's said in the session dated 19 February 2000:
Q: What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?

A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Mediterranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Then there was also this exchange in the session dated 14 June 1997:

Q: (C***) Originally I thought it was malfunction of the window defroster which I had just turned on. Since that time, and since I have read some of the transcripts, I am open to considering the fact that there could have been another cause.

A: So, what other cause could there have been?

Q: (C***) I guess I would... suppose we could have been taken out of our time sequence, given a task to perform, given information, been encoded in some way, been directed in some way, and then returned.

A: My, my! That is quite a lot to ponder. But, is that what your instincts tell you? Please reveal your inner thoughts, as you almost did earlier. You see, C***, we can help you to be able to discover amazing truths about the vast continuum of all creation, which is actually locked up within your own mind, if only we can first get on the right "track."

I will try and make time to write about the recent DNA information storage breakthroughs and its potential for data storage. Has SOTT already covered the matter, as I haven't had the chance to check yet?
The time machine didn't have to built for it to work. ;-)

Session 24 June 2022:

"We are time travelling right now" and "we are you in the future" is quite fitting.
And the C's no doubt have Laura's and other Forum members DNA in them to help facilitate this.

Where in that session the C's said "Not many. STS uses tech to control and manipulate, but each use causes negative impact cascades", there have been a lot of science fiction stories and movies that have dealt with this theme. One can think of the Terminator films, Time Cop and The Butterfly Effect to name but a few. However, one of the best storylines to demonstrate this concept I think was a Star Trek Voyager story called "Year of Hell" (see: Year of Hell - Wikipedia).

In the story, a Krenim "time ship" causes "temporal incursions" to be used to erase events from history so as to strengthen the Krenim Imperium. However, a prior time incursion had caused a plague that had killed millions of Krenim, including the wife of the Krenim scientist who had built the time ship. He and his crew had thus been seeking a full restoration of his species for the past 200 years by carefully calculated time incursions to change the timeline beneficially for them. However, no matter how hard they try, the Krenim incursions can never reset the timeline to 100% the way they wished it to be. After epic battles, the star ship Voyager eventually rams into the time ship while it is powering up for another incursion. Voyager is destroyed, while the Krenim time ship's temporal core destabilizes and explodes. This erases the time ship from history, resetting the timeline to the way it was at the beginning of the story, including restoring the Krenim scientist's wife to him prior to the original time incursion.

It may only be fiction but it demonstrates just how complex a matter changing the timeline may be so as to avoid what the C's call negative cascades.​
I am a little surprised that you did not pick up on my point about DNA information storage and how DNA could be used to pass information backwards and forwards in time. This could be relevant to what the C's have said about prior genetic encoding:

Lately I only respond or comment to those things that produce an immediate response in me. Besides there is tons of information to digest and in my current state it is difficult for me, with so many pains and affectations in my body. Add to that, an adjustment in my diet to maintain acceptable glucose levels.
Hence, if you are of Spanish Galician stock, you may well have their genetics in you as may many other (if not most) Forum members.

Ah ah! well this did produce an immediate response: BINGO!

I'll summarize:

On my mother's side, a lineage of Northern Italians (my mother's father) from the Udine region. On my father's side, My great grandmother, a Galician (last name Rua) who supposedly met a Scotsman and gave birth to my grandmother.

My mother's maiden name is Mestroni. My father's is Bello.

And supposedly the surname Bello in Spain is one of the many surnames used by the Sephardic Jews who converted to Christianity.
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