„Am I Racist?“ (2024)

This reminds me of the phrase of the Cass. to be vigilant:
Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life.
They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
Session 28 September 2002

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Misguided TikTokers are using AI to translate Adolf Hitler’s speeches into English – and racking up millions of clicks on the under-fire platform, according to a watchdog media report.
Users have pushed and even celebrated the Nazi leader’s remarks in what is an apparent violation of TikTok’s guidelines that ban “promoting (including any praise, celebration, or sharing of manifesto) or providing material support to … individuals who cause serial or mass violence, or promote hateful ideologies.”
The video is of Hitler giving a speech with a slow instrumental beat that suggests the ruthless killer didn’t want to spark a conflict during World War II, that he tried to save the lives of women and children and waited to attack until he had no choice, according to the watchdog report.

I don't think I will be watching this “documentary”„Am I Racist? although I have seen a few clips and it reminded me of something like Borat. I suspect that Shapiro's production and media contacts will get his work, quality or not, sold and disseminated, like Matt Walsh who is a proxy.
What we are witnessing is how the global agenda now tends to shift polarity at an accelerated pace ( Gas geben an AfD slogan) because time is running out and so everything is crazy.
This Tiktok clip allows us to see many things, the main one measuring the pulse of the people their tendency towards “tolerance” - for me a hateful word - and the manipulation of the intelligence agencies that seem to induce people to express this division in a more reactive way guided towards far-right racism-facism, orchestrated and driven by guys like Sharkpiros who idolize money and would have want to sell us that “the other” (anyone other than Israel) is the bad guy so that we don't identify Israel as “the other.”

Some political commentators, in Spain, are predicting a clear breeding ground for a civil war in the US if anything happens to Trump.
An account with more than 20,000 followers and nearly 4 million views of 12 videos with Hitler speeches, an outline of Hitler and text that states, “Growing up is realizing Who the villain Really was.”
Thanks to groups like ADL and censors to all the so called Jewish censors who do not allow historical revisionism they are forcing young (and not so young) people to believe that Hitler is a figure they can identify with as if this man would have been totally reasonable.
ADL and hate groups demand TikTok to take stricter measures to combat ‘glorification of Hitler’. pic.twitter.com/ivG1PEBRSz
More translations in different languages are expected..In the end it will be China and by extension Putin who will be to blame.

Good catch @whitecoast. I was so emotionally moved by the movie that I totally missed the obvious contradiction of who Matt Walsh is aligned with. ie The Daily Wire! and what he is purporting to expose. It should be as obvious as the nose on my face. Attention Matt Walsh. You can't claim the high road when your boss is part of an ongoing genocide. BTW, haven't seen Shapiro lately. Hypocrisy sucks:mad:
It seems whitecoast was talking about the other Walsh's movie, and by the wording used, specifically expressing his assumptions of what the movie might and might not say. That in no way affects the quality of and the message presented in the "What is a Woman" 2022 movie by the same author, OSIT.

IOW, saying "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" might be a good one to have in mind when assessing the situations like this one. FWIW.
So who are the racists? From the SOTT page today?

"An extraordinary and very perilous state of affairs had been created in the [US] South by the sudden and absolute emancipation of the negroes. Here was a vast laboring, landless, homeless class, once slaves, now free; unpractised in liberty, unschooled in self-control; never sobered by the discipline of self-support never established in any habit of prudence; excited by a freedom they did not understand, excited by false hopes; bewildered and without leaders, and yet insolent and aggressive; sick of work, covetous of pleasure - a host of dusky children untimely put out of school."

- Woodrow Wilson

I do not think the vast majority of the world are inherently racist, what I see happening is because of uncontrollable migration from far flung peoples across the globe because of failed attempt by western powers to grab every resource on the planet, through conflict or other strategic means. Buying up lands financial strategies, where they buy resources below the ground and then claim the land.

As for migration, it's a political ploy by western government to deny the population of a reasonable standard of living, to reduce inflation in Western economies simply the idiots in power are delusional, or even mind controlled (someone with even a modicum of intellectual power should be able to see or hear the warning signs) they don't even realize they are living on a cliff edge ...a very dark proposition. Everyone suffers.

Haven't seen the documentary, not sure I want to but to my mind it is a propaganda exercise targeted at the masses...Yes we are racist, all those poor people and children that we let in deserve to take our livelihood in a country we have provided a social and legal structure, that has provided citizen rights and a voice for decades...until now. Some are even voicing that they have more right and benefits than a natural born citizen.

So call me a racist..Just a rant, I see this happening in my small part of the world in Canada...Among other strategies to subvert the public voice.
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To add to this, this is what Ra said about Hitler :

11.7 Questioner: Can you tell us what happened to Adolf [Hitler]?

Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex known [as] Adolf is at this time in an healing process in the middle astral planes of your spherical force field. This entity was greatly confused and, although aware of the circumstance of change in vibratory level associated with the cessation of the chemical body complex, nevertheless, needed a great deal of care.

35.4 Questioner: I would now like to ask for the same type of information with respect to Adolf Hitler. You have given a little of this already. It is not necessary to re-cover what you have already given, but if you could complete that information it would be helpful.

Ra: I am Ra. In speaking of the one you call Adolf we have some difficulty due to the intense amount of confusion present in this entity’s life patterns as well as the great confusion which greets any discussion of this entity.

Here we see an example of one who, in attempting activation of the highest rays of energy while lacking the green-ray key, canceled itself out as far as polarization either towards positive or negative. This entity was basically negative. However, its confusion was such that the personality disintegrated, thus leaving the mind/body/spirit complex unharvestable and much in need of healing.

This entity followed the pattern of negative polarization which suggests the elite and the enslaved, this being seen by the entity to be of an helpful nature for the societal structure. However, in drifting from the conscious polarization into what you may call a twilight world where dream took the place of events in your space/time continuum, this entity failed in its attempt to serve the Creator in an harvestable degree along the path of service to self. Thus we see the so-called insanity which may often arise when an entity attempts to polarize more quickly than experience may be integrated.

We have advised and suggested caution and patience in previous communications and do so again, using this entity as an example of the over-hasty opening of polarization without due attention to the synthesized and integrated mind/body/spirit complex. To know your self is to have the foundation upon firm ground.
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