That’s exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of putting in there. A sort of basic logical breakdown in simple language. People already know the concept of good vs evil but no one ever explain to them an objective way of looking at it. It’s always either religion or movies that treat the concepts in the most childish way. I don’t think STO vs STS is arbitrary matter of the heart with no logic. I think STO is actually the more logical one, and it requires discarding logic and rationality to be STS. In fact I think that’s part of why no one who is truly STO ever goes back to being STS. The benefits, even just for the self, are incomparable. Never mind that they extend to everyone else and compound. STS ends up hurting itself and others.When you do something to help others, they feel good, and they are also encouraged to be good themselves. At the same time, you feel good, and you also gain more strength to resist your own negative or entropic tendencies. It's technically selfish, but at the point where we call that "selfish" when doing precisely the opposite is "much more selfish", it's saying there is nothing that isn't selfish. That may be the case, but clearly there is a way of thinking, speaking and doing (i.e. being) that is the least selfish we can be. That's the one we go for, because, well, the alternative makes others and you feel bad, and as an ideology, is a literal dead end street.
When you think of giving - you have to ask what you should be giving, how to give, when to give, to whom, and when not giving is actually giving and why. Intuitively people often know some of these things without realizing it or consistently applying them in their life - that depriving a child of 3 pounds of candy he wants is a loving act for example. The booklet can be called “The Art and Science of Giving”, because I think that’s a major hang up for most people. Or like “How to prevent good intentions from paving the way to hell” or something. People’s heart it often in the right place, but as the C’s say, we confuse many things as love that have nothing to do with it. But yet we still cling to the idea that love and goodness is important as a race - we just can’t seem to zero in on it, because no one teaches you what love is and how to love. Your parents and teachers and all the media kinda just shrug and sometimes get close, sometimes miss the mark. You kinda have to put it together yourself as you live. Like 90% of music is about love, or someone’s idea of it. Hell, the booklet can be called “What is Love? Baby Don’t Hurt Me!”.
I don’t think these things are rocket science, they’re just elusive because no one wants the objective concepts escaping into the wild and actually making people and the world better. There are some books and movies that come pretty close - V for Vendetta shows what love is, and what it can lead to and how.
I totally agree that a spiritual bankruptcy is important to truly wake up - but I’d say that it isn’t so black and white - if the Science of Evil (Political Ponerology) can benefit people, why not the science of goodness, love, and STO? It’s important to understand how to not be a victim of manipulators and liars and gaslighters and psychopaths by examine their modus operandi and your mind’s susceptibility to their machinations. But it kinda goes hand in hand with how not to do evil while intending good. Most psychopaths convince people they they’re doing good when they’re really doing their evil bidding. How can that be? Well, cuz no one really knows what good really is.
Come to think of it, the Romantic Fiction books are kind of a lesson on love, and maybe they already serve a lot of that explanatory purpose with prose. So perhaps this would be partly redundant. I dunno. I do like the idea of distilling it even more if that’s even possible or desirable.