Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport


The Living Force
In response to a bomb threat, authorities have evacuated part of Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport, arresting one with an unconfirmed report - a second suspect has been detained by authorities

Bomb Threat Leads to Arrest at Amsterdam Airport (Photos - Videos)

"Police have evacuated part of the airport plaza and the adjacent Sheraton Hotel and arrested one person amid a suspicious situation," said airport spokeswoman Danielle Timmer.

According to military police spokesman Alfred Ellwanger, the man was arrested around 9:45 PM near the airport's main entrance.

Officials say air traffic was not affected. At this time, police have not revealed the identity of the individual taken into custody.

The security alert was lifted after four hours.

Located just outside of the Dutch capital, the airport is one of the busiest in Europe, with nearly 50 million travelers passing through each year.

Also here:
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport evacuated due to security threat, 1 person arrested (Photos - Videos)

Heavily armed police have been deployed to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport in response to a security situation. At least one suspect has been detained. A police robot is investigating a suspicious package near the facility.

Witnesses reported that a special police robot was deployed at the airport in search of potential explosives while masked police officers cordoned off the area and evacuated part of the complex.

A witness who shared a photo with the AT5 news outlet said that he saw military policemen chasing the suspect before tackling him to the ground.

Military police have confirmed one arrest and an ongoing search operation at a bus stop outside the airport's main terminal is taking place, AP reports. A police helicopter has been circling around Schiphol according to Dutch journalists at the scene.

The baggage of the arrested man has also been examined in the presence of an Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team, a special unit of the Dutch Armed Forces tasked with diffusing bombs, the Royal Military Police confirmed to AT5 news.

Meanwhile unconfirmed reports suggested a second suspect has been detained by authorities, according to witnesses who shared photos of the alleged arrest on Twitter.
I wonder if this is to just scare people? It appears that the luggage of the person who is arrested (and is currently still in prison) didn't contain "dangerous materials". They say they expect to know more today. Around the same time there was a "suspicious situation" in Leiden (not too far from Schiphol), but that turned out to be false alarm as well.
Oxajil said:
I wonder if this is to just scare people? It appears that the luggage of the person who is arrested (and is currently still in prison) didn't contain "dangerous materials". They say they expect to know more today. Around the same time there was a "suspicious situation" in Leiden (not too far from Schiphol), but that turned out to be false alarm as well.

Is this the report of a suspicious situation at a train station in Leiden that is mentioned above? One person was arrested for questioning?

Suspicious man forcibly taken off train from Schiphol in Leiden (Photos)

A train from Schiphol was stopped at Leiden Central Station on Tuesday night due to reports of a suspicious situation. It turned out to be a false alarm, but one person was arrested for questioning.

The station’s rear platform was closed for investigation for a short time. The train was searched, but nothing suspicious was found, AD reports.

It is unclear whether the arrested person is in anyway connected to the suspicious situation at Schiphol on Tuesday night. There too arrests were made and part of the airport was evacuated.

A man was arrested on Schiphol airport’s bus platform on Tuesday night in the midst of a suspicious situation. The platform was closed for several hours as the Marechaussee, the military policing force responsible for security at the airport, investigated.

At least one arrest at Schiphol as part of airport evacuated (Photos)

The arrest was made around 9:30 p.m., a Marechaussee spokesperson said to The area was closed down, with several heavily armed police officers guarding the perimeter. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was called in to investigate the man’s luggage, but no hazardous substances were found. The bus platform was released around 1:30 a.m. on Wednesday.

According to broadcasters NOS and AT5, two more arrests were made sometime before midnight. The Marechaussee could not confirm this. “It could be that more arrests were made”, the spokesperson said to “But as far as I know, that has nothing to do with this.”

Several buses could not reach the airport due to the investigation. The air traffic was not affected. “There were few departing flights anyway at the time. And the aircraft set to arrived, simply came in”, a spokesperson for the airport said.

A suspicious situation was also reported at Leiden Centraal at around 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday, stopping one train. By 10:30 p.m. it was determined to be a false alarm. One person was arrested. No more information was made available.
Oxajil said:
I wonder if this is to just scare people? It appears that the luggage of the person who is arrested (and is currently still in prison) didn't contain "dangerous materials". They say they expect to know more today. Around the same time there was a "suspicious situation" in Leiden (not too far from Schiphol), but that turned out to be false alarm as well.

Or, it could have been a distraction, or a 'test'.
The latest about this bizarre incident: _

Court releases drunk man claiming to be Schiphol terrorist

Posted on Apr 14, 2016 by Janene Pieters

The Polish man arrested at Schiphol Airport on Tuesday, was released on Thursday morning. The drunk man was arrested after telling the Marechaussee, a military policing force in charge of airport security, that he is a terrorist, according to the Public Prosecutor.

After his terrorist claim, Marechaussee officers asked the 25 year old whether there was a bomb in the two locked backpacks he had with him. The man first answered yes and then denied it.

The Marechaussee arrested the man and closed down part of the airport to investigate. A first examination with a sniffer dog indicated that the backpacks may contain something dangerous, but further investigation by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal squad revealed that it was a false alarm.

The Pole will have to appear in court on June 21st. He is being charged with making a false bomb threat. He is also suspected of theft.

Similar coverage here: _
Maybe they put the drunk man in the airport, a sort of brain wash victim, then they did what they did, a sort of drill. It is completely absurd to close a big part of the airport just because of a drunk man. Very suspicious!
Oxajil said:
I wonder if this is to just scare people? It appears that the luggage of the person who is arrested (and is currently still in prison) didn't contain "dangerous materials". They say they expect to know more today. Around the same time there was a "suspicious situation" in Leiden (not too far from Schiphol), but that turned out to be false alarm as well.

I would think so too and maybe he was just a (paid) copycat. Another side could be that security personal gets more afraid and overreacts to anything "not normal".
Security at Schipol Airport is operated by ICTS, an Israeli-owned airport security company. Maybe it was just a drunk man, maybe it was intentional for scare-mongering purposes, or maybe there is more to it while they were testing out security for gaps and holes to plant a false flag attack. Fact remains that the last option happens systematically where Israeli-owned company's run security. Among other illegal activities. It's unbelievable how governments worldwide let major transfer hubs run by what it is in fact Mossad.
Palinurus said:
The latest about this bizarre incident: _

Court releases drunk man claiming to be Schiphol terrorist

Posted on Apr 14, 2016 by Janene Pieters

The Polish man arrested at Schiphol Airport on Tuesday, was released on Thursday morning. The drunk man was arrested after telling the Marechaussee, a military policing force in charge of airport security, that he is a terrorist, according to the Public Prosecutor.

After his terrorist claim, Marechaussee officers asked the 25 year old whether there was a bomb in the two locked backpacks he had with him. The man first answered yes and then denied it.

The Marechaussee arrested the man and closed down part of the airport to investigate. A first examination with a sniffer dog indicated that the backpacks may contain something dangerous, but further investigation by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal squad revealed that it was a false alarm.

The Pole will have to appear in court on June 21st. He is being charged with making a false bomb threat. He is also suspected of theft.

Similar coverage here: _

Thanks for the additional information, Palinurus.

The news report doesn't make much sense, when they claim a homeless 25 year old guy was drunk, apparently walked up to airport security and told them he was a terrorist? Then they arrest him "for making a false bomb threat" then release him? Is a homeless guy going to appear in Court on June 21st? And why not identify this individual, by name, instead of singling him out as Polish or "the Pole"?
I wonder if this situation was orchestrated - just to embarrass the Polish, in general?

Poland Reneges on Pledge to Take 7,000 Migrants Following Brussels Attack

24 Mar 2016 - Poland has dropped its pledge to the European Union (EU) to take in 7,000 migrants, saying it cannot allow what happened in Brussels on Tuesday to be repeated in Poland. The Prime Minister has also called for talks at the EU level on countering the “plague” of radicalisation.

Speaking at the Belgian Embassy in Warsaw, where she laid flowers for the victims of Tuesday’s bomb attacks at an airport and metro station in Brussels, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said: “We must put an end to terrorism in Europe. We must not be afraid.

“After what happened in Brussels yesterday, it’s not possible right now to say that we’re OK with accepting any number of migrants at all,” she told told Superstacja TV on Wednesday. “I will be very clear: at the moment, I don’t see a possibility for migrants to come to Poland.”

Her spokesman Rafal Bochenek, later told journalists that the government “can’t allow for events in western Europe to happen in Poland,” Bloomberg has reported.

Her words are a blow to the European Commission, which had struck a deal with the previous Polish government, along with other European member states, to take in thousands of the migrants flooding north from Greece and Italy.

Poland’s resolve to stand firm against unregulated migration therefore sets it apart from other European nations so far – the majority of European leaders have reacted to the attack by declaring their solidarity with Belgium, and their determination to stand up for liberal values.
angelburst29 said:
Is this the report of a suspicious situation at a train station in Leiden that is mentioned above? One person was arrested for questioning?

Yeah, that's the one. Apparently someone on the train was listening to a phone conversation someone else was having, thought it was ''suspicious'' as the person allegedly mentioned the word ''weapon'', and called the authorities. The person who made the call and two others who were travelling with him were arrested.

angelburst29 said:
Thanks for the additional information, Palinurus.

The news report doesn't make much sense, when they claim a homeless 25 year old guy was drunk, apparently walked up to airport security and told them he was a terrorist? Then they arrest him "for making a false bomb threat" then release him? Is a homeless guy going to appear in Court on June 21st? And why not identify this individual, by name, instead of singling him out as Polish or "the Pole"?
I wonder if this situation was orchestrated - just to embarrass the Polish, in general?

Poland Reneges on Pledge to Take 7,000 Migrants Following Brussels Attack

Interesting, that's a good possibility too, I think.
bjorn said:
Security at Schipol Airport is operated by ICTS, an Israeli-owned airport security company. Maybe it was just a drunk man, maybe it was intentional for scare-mongering purposes, or maybe there is more to it while they were testing out security for gaps and holes to plant a false flag attack. Fact remains that the last option happens systematically where Israeli-owned company's run security. Among other illegal activities. It's unbelievable how governments worldwide let major transfer hubs run by what it is in fact Mossad.

This report and a corresponding PDF give details of Israel's considerable involvement in Brussels.

Press release: New report details extent of Israel lobby in Brussels’ connections to US Islamophobia industry and illegal settlements

The Israel lobby and the European Union

A new report on The Israel lobby and the European Union will be released on 9 May (Brussels) and 13 May (London) 2016. Researched and written by Public Interest Investigations/Spinwatch and published by EuroPal Forum. The report reveals the extent to which noted American funders and proponents of the Islamophobia industry in the United States and Israel’s illegal settlement project in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem are also financing the expanding Israel lobby in Brussels.

The report, which took more than two years to complete, uncovers the matrix of relationships within the Israel lobby – a social movement that overlaps considerably with the transatlantic Islamophobia industry. For example, key backers of the Israel lobby in Brussels include:

• Irving Moskowitz, a California-based bingo multimillionaire who openly finances the Judaisation of east Jerusalem and West Bank settlements

• Sheldon Adelson, an American casino billionaire who uses his Israeli media empire to support long-time friend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

• Nina Rosenburg, heiress to the Sears Roebuck fortune who was dubbed by journalist Max Blumenthal as ‘the sugar mama of anti-Muslim hate’

• Daniel Pipes, labeled by the Center for American Progress as part of a network of ‘misinformation experts’ that ‘peddle hate and fear of Muslims and Islam’

• Paul E. Singer, right-wing American billionaire who is the third largest donor to the 2016 Republican presidential campaign

The Israel Lobby and the European Union challenges the secrecy surrounding this transatlantic network. It identifies where pro-Israel groups receive their funding and how some of their donors have facilitated Israel’s illegal colonization of the West Bank, including east Jerusalem; examines how the lobby has persuaded European law-makers to refrain from sanctioning Israel over its human rights abuses; and analyses how Israel’s supporters have been trying to undermine grassroots campaigning for justice in Palestine.

This seminal report raises questions about not only the influence of right-wing American activists on EU policy, but also how EU institutions have accommodated the smear campaign that the Israel lobby is conducting against the Palestine solidarity movement.

Download report:
_ …
bjorn said:
Security at Schipol Airport is operated by ICTS, an Israeli-owned airport security company. Maybe it was just a drunk man, maybe it was intentional for scare-mongering purposes, or maybe there is more to it while they were testing out security for gaps and holes to plant a false flag attack. Fact remains that the last option happens systematically where Israeli-owned company's run security. Among other illegal activities. It's unbelievable how governments worldwide let major transfer hubs run by what it is in fact Mossad.

Yes. Schipol Airport and ICTS, an Israeli-owned airport security company, is infamous, to say the least.

- By way of deception: MH17 sabotaged by Israeli security team at Amsterdam Schiphol airport: said:
As the only non-European journalist to cover The Hague inquiry into the Amsterdam crash of El Al flight 1862 (October 1992), which destroyed a Biljmeer district apartment complex, I discovered many aspects of the Israeli security set-up at Schipol International Airport and the role of the Mossad intelligence agency in secret operations there, one of Europe's business transport hubs.

This same airport spy network is very likely involved in the recent crash of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over the Ukraine.


Security at Schipol Airport is operated by ICTS, an Israeli-owned airport security company based in The Netherlands founded by former officers of the Shin Beit intelligence agency. Its subsidiaries are also involved in key security functions there, including ProCheck, Ramasso and I-SEC.

The Israeli security company has a record of staging false flag operations, including the September 11, 2001 attacks. ICTS subsidiary Huntleigh provided passenger and baggage inspection services at Boston Logan Airport, where two of the four jetliners used in the 911 attack originated.

At Schipol Airport on Christmas 2009, ICTS allowed the "Underwear Bomber" Umar Farouk Abdulmutallah armed with explosives to slip past "sniffer" detectors to board a Detroit-bound Northwest flight, an incident that was a boon to Homeland Security and the global war on terrorism.

- Former Israeli Intel Operatives Run Security at Brussels Airport:

ICTS also handled security for London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, 'suicide' bomb attacks.

- Asymmetric Warfare: MH17 False-Flag Terror and the 'War' on Gaza:

Schiphol: Not Your Typical Airport

On Christmas Day 2009, the spaced-out 16-year-old son of a Nigerian banker - aka the 'knicker-bomber' - was escorted through check-in and security at Schiphol, without a passport, by "a well-dressed man in a suit". Security at Schiphol is contracted to a very successful and privately-owned security firm by the name of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS).

Established in 1982 by former Shin Bet Israeli intelligence officers, ICTS's hub at Schiphol is more than an airport security gig: it's also home to ICTS's corporate headquarters since the 1980s, from where it provides security services - including travel document verification and cargo screening - to airports in 11 countries, including the US and Western Europe. It also provides transport and network security to dozens of companies, transport hubs, and public agencies worldwide. In 1999, ICTS acquired Huntleigh USA, giving them responsibility for airport security at Boston Logan and Newark Airports. ICTS also handled security at Charles de Gaulle Airport when "shoe bomber" Richard Reid boarded a US-bound plane from Paris on December 22nd, 2001. The company also handled security for London's bus network during the July 7, 2005, 'suicide' bomb attacks. In fact, two of its subsidiaries, ICTS UK and ICTS Europe Systems are based at Tavistock House, Tavistock Square in London, scene of the London Stagecoach bus bombing that day.

Israeli involvement with Schiphol Airport is deep and murky. The El Al cargo crash into an apartment block in the Bijlmer suburb of Amsterdam in 1992 left around 1,000 local residents and emergency workers with respiratory, neurological and mobility ailments, as well as cancers and birth defects. The plane had been carrying vast quantities of key ingredients for chemical weapons like Sarin nerve gas, along with a substantial quantity of depleted uranium. Subsequent investigations into the accident revealed that Schiphol Airport had become "a hub for Israeli secret weapons transfers from the US." While investigating this and other revelations resulting from the 'knicker bomber' incident in December 2009, learned from a Dutch journalist that "a special secluded area (hangar and apron)" within Schiphol is set aside for exclusive use by the Israeli intelligence services.
Another false alarm:

Belgian police are searching for a "joker" who forced an evacuation of the subway system in the Belgian city of Charleroi after a bomb threat hoax.

Bomb Threat Shuts Metro in Belgium’s Third-Largest City Charleroi

A man claimed in a telephone call with emergency services that a bomb was placed at a subway station in Charleroi’s Gilly section, according to Le Soir daily.

Belgian police are searching for a "joker" who forced an evacuation of the subway system in the Belgian city of Charleroi after a bomb threat hoax.

The investigation is now focused on identifying the caller, described by the outlet as a "joker," who was said to have spoken with a strong Northwest African accent.

The bomb threat, in addition to the man’s claim that he was armed and walking through line 4 of the metro, forced an evacuation across the Charleroi subway system.

After three hours of searches that did not uncover any suspicious package, the terror alert was lifted and the subway resumed operations, the newspaper said.

Belgium is recovering from a deadly string of March 22 airport and metro suicide bombings in its capital Brussels that killed 32 civilians.

Police were reportedly deployed to all stations and are searching for the alleged bomb.

Polish man fined for Schiphol bomb threat

Posted on Jun 21, 2016 by Janene Pieters

The court in Haarlem imposed a 400 euro fine on Pole Radoslaw S. on Tuesday. S. caused hours of havoc at Schiphol airport two months ago by claiming to have a bomb.

The Public Prosecutor demanded 100 hours of community service. But the court decided a fine was more fitting, according to Amsterdam broadcaster AT5 (in Dutch).

S. was arrested on April 12th after he told the Koninklijke Marechaussee – a policing force that works as part of the military and is responsible for airport security in the Netherlands – that he was a terrorist. When the officers asked whether he had a bomb, he said yes.

This resulted in hundreds of stranded passengers as part of the airport was evacuated and closed down for hours. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was called in to search the suspects luggage and the area. Hours later it became clear that there was nothing to worry about and the airport was released.

The man was released from custody two days later.

The Polish man claims that he can’t remember anything of what happened that evening, but that he is ashamed of what he did, according to AT5. “I do not understand how something like this could have happened because of me. I know how sensitive the situation is in Europe."
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