John G
The Living Force
The v is just for a massive particle reference frame and they are doing calculations useful for time dilation and length contraction so you don't want to make v=c. For adding the imaginary i, you add that for the radius which in this case should be time which after squaring just makes it negative. That is confusing in places for these Wiki pages cause time seems to have the wrong sign if you aren't careful.Archaea said:Thanks for the link Bluelamp, I read some of it. I'm interested to know whether the Lorentz transformations can be derived using these transformations. In the article they seem to do something, but I wasn't able to follow.
I also found this Wikipedia page: Derivations of the Lorentz transformations. If you scroll down to the section "Einstein's popular derivation" you'll see the mistake where it's said that x = ct and then latter the equation x = vt is used, I'm fairly sure this would mean that v = c. :) In the "Spherical wavefronts of light" section there's the same mistake as well as in the "Landau & Lifshitz solution" section.
The "Landau & Lifshitz solution" is interesting, however, because they start with the equation:
And solve it somehow to get the hyperbolic rotation:
However, if we change the first equation to c2t2 + (ix)2 = c'2t'2 + (ix')2 then we get a regular rotation in the complex plane.
Yeah that was good, I somehow missed it even though I was here on this forum back then. That kind of drives home the idea that special conformal transformations can be thought of as inversions (with translations) which isn't weird at all (but fun to view) if you are just doing it spatially but if you are inverting space and time (reciprocal-like) things get weird (and they do like near black holes or if you are modeling tachyons).Thanks for the link Shijing, I watched the first part and will watch the rest later. :)
That's just the zero from that very first equation on your Derivations of the Lorentz transformations Wiki page:Hi Ark, I'm not sure I fully understand, I tried finding something on Wikipedia, but I'm afraid it might be beyond me ATM. Does it mean that a light-like path has zero "distance" in space-time, but this doesn't imply that a time-like path has zero "distance" in space-time?