An article a day keeps doctors away!

Thank you Gaby! :)

I would like to help translating articles that is missing to Spanish.

My English is limited and I think it is a good way to learn while I help. I do it better from English to Spanish

I would like to translate the shorter articles, that I think are important, or you can send me anything you need to translate if you like. But it takes me much longer than normal.

I already translated one and was published in sott, they told me I did well :D

I had never translated anything before and I think is a great way to learn, makes me think hard, while studying the words in real situations and different contexts.
josev said:
I already translated one and was published in sott, they told me I did well :D

I had never translated anything before and I think is a great way to learn, makes me think hard, while studying the words in real situations and different contexts.

That is great! :) So I understand you are part of the sott translator team?
Gaby said:
That is great! :) So I understand you are part of the sott translator team?

I'm not, but I would like :)

I will write in the post Becoming a SOTT translator
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