An interesting remote viewing text

Thanks Ellipse. I went to the source and found more :


Seconde Projection (Automne 2011)

Ce second voyage est très court.

Je ne cherche pas réellement à repartir dans un voyage cosmique, mais à mieux comprendre notre proche avenir, peut-être plus sur un plan géo politique.

Le tour du monde géophysique ne s’est pas modifié : inondations, glissements de terrain, volcans ….

Mais c’est en Méditerranée que les choses essentielles se passent :

La mer est « embrasée » (comme en feu), j’y vois préalablement à l’embrasement plusieurs (au moins 3) porte avions, donc au moins 1 Américain.

Toute la partie Est semble gravement atteinte (en partant de la Grèce, en faisant le tour jusqu’en Afrique du Nord du coté du Maroc)

Cet embrasement n’est donc en rien géophysique ou d’origine cosmique, mais bien d’origine géopolitique.

Puis un immense éclair dans une zone située entre l’Egypte et la Syrie (désolée pour le peu de précision) : une lumière absolument aveuglante et brutale qui fait penser à celle de la bombe nucléaire.

Il semblerait que tout, ou presque, se passe là : comme si l’ensemble des conflits étaient localisés là.

En chine : tout le monde semble parler de croissance, mais des chiffres apparaissent comme sur un écran blanc : 10% de la population conserve 90% des acquis économique et la croissance est en fait à l’arrêt.

En Inde, idem.

En France des émeutes, je ne sais pas trop si il faut parler d’émeutes ou de guerre civile.

Cette situation semble toute proche dans le temps.

Mais cette situation semble antérieure à la dégradation boursière évoquée lors de la première vision.

Ce qui fait que dans l’ordre nous avons désormais :

1°) Une dégradation géophysique

2°) Une dégradation économique

3°) Une dégradation géopolitique mondiale, avec un conflit centré sur les pays qui donnent sur la Méditerranée, conflit mêlant plusieurs grandes puissances.

4°) Une possible explosion nucléaire

5°) En France : une dégradation de la paix civile.

Le tout avant même que notre organisation monétaire internationale ne lâche.

Les Américains sont très présents dans le bassin méditerranéen.

Je n’ai pas été voir ce qui se passait en Russie, enfin pas tout de suite.

Vision annexe

Entre temps intéressée par ce qui se passe en coulisse, je me déguise en petite souris et atterrit dans une réunion occulte : voilà ce que je perçois : (la scène était pour moi de l’ordre de l’insoutenable, nous avons été deux à la percevoir, comme si j’avais « emmené l’une des témoins)

· Une salle noire.

· De nombreux dirigeants, tous en costumes et cravates (quelques têtes connues des gouvernements Européens, dont l’angleterre)

· Un membre de la Curie Romaine (robe blanche : le pape ????)

· Un autel blanc en pierre au milieu

· Le sacrifice d’un jeune enfant (et sa mort)

La scène était insoutenable. J’ai stoppé le travail à ce moment.

Quelques temps après, des dignitaires de la curie romaine ont plus ou moins été convaincus d’activités sataniques.

Commentaires : rien d’extra ordinaire et il est toujours possible de dire qu’après coup j’ai dépeint une situation finalement presque actuelle. Mais ce qu’il faut en retenir c’est que l’économie mondiale semble bloquée, les tensions extrêmes et que les pays qui sont en croissance ne le sont pas tant que ça, avec une population globalement pauvre.

Dernière Projection (Fin d’été 2014)

Méthodologie habituelle.

Également très courte.

Cette fois-ci je m’en vais (étant plus à l’aise avec la technique) ailleurs….., j’ai envie de répondre à quelques questions personnelles.

Je ne souhaite pas être taxée de conspirationniste paranoïaque, mais il faut avouer que cette vision a contribué à me rendre méfiante.

Entre temps, ici, en France, bien des phénomènes étranges se sont succédés.

Je quitte donc la terre pour aller me projeter sur la face cachée de la lune : des bâtiments translucides, clairs, blancs, brillants, plutôt comme un groupe d’immeubles (mais comme une cité lumineuse, pas une ville de chez nous). Tout ceci semble très vivant. Puis, d’un coup (m’a-t-on transmis l’info ??? Car je ne m’y attendais pas), tout explose, les cités sont détruites.

C’est alors que je perçois (ou que mon attention est portée sur) une sorte de planète dans les tons rouges sombres (une alternance irrégulière de rouges très sombres et de noir), assez importante (plus grosse que la terre) et masquée par le soleil : je vois respectivement cette grosse boule, le soleil et la terre bien alignés.

Et la planète en question explose également !!!!

Il semblerait que cette explosion « irrite » l’activité solaire et provoque les dégâts évoqués lors de la première vision.


Entre temps j’ai bouquiné à droite et à gauche ….. Et si je remets de l’ordre dans mes 3 projections de conscience, il est évident qu’il y a de grandes similitudes avec ce que j’ai pu voir, ça pourrait contribuer à une forme de chronologie :

Ça donnerait ça :

Sous l’influence d’une planète de taille importante et dans notre système solaire, le soleil est « irrité » et la terre bouge sur son axe. L’ensemble de la déstabilisation provoquerait de nombreux bouleversements (séismes, volcans, tsunamis, incidents climatiques etc…) dans une première étape

Par ailleurs, nous aurions des satanistes ou au moins des amateurs de rituels sataniques au sommet de nos gouvernements.

Notre système monétaire serait en train de s’effondrer et maintenu artificiellement, mais plus pour très longtemps, au final l’effondrement boursier mettrait un terme à notre fonctionnement actuel

Une troisième guerre mondiale serait en cours sur le bassin méditerranéen, à terme elle pourrait provoquer l’explosion d’une bombe nucléaire.

Cette guerre serait en partie gérée par les USA

Alors que notre économie, autant que la paix mondiale seraient en train de se détruire, nous aurions 2 coups de semonce :

3 jours complets (au moins) de nuit noire avec une activité solaire démentielle à la sortie, la terre ayant considérablement transformé sa position et ses habitudes. L’entourage magnétique terrestre tel que, à la sortie, il provoquerait la mort de nombreuses créatures vivantes.

Un bombardement de boules de feu (au choix : comètes, astéroïdes, débris de planète) causerait également de grandes destructions qui remettraient en cause notre avancée de civilisation. Ces chutes ne seraient pas à l’identique partout et l’Amérique serait rudement touchée.

Nous évoluerions donc vers la fin de notre système sur tous les plans : écologique, économique, social, culturel et technologique.

google translation

Second Projection (Fall 2011)

This second trip is very short.

I'm not really looking to leave in a cosmic journey, but to better understand our near future, maybe more about geo political plan.

Around the geophysical world has not changed: floods, landslides, volcanoes ....

But it is in the Mediterranean that the essential things happen:

The sea is "burning" (as in fire), I see before the burning several (at least 3) aircraft carrier, so at least one American.

The whole eastern part seems seriously damaged (from Greece, going around to North Africa on the side of Morocco)

This conflagration therefore nothing geophysical or cosmic origin, but geopolitical origin.

Then a huge spark in an area between Egypt and Syria (sorry for the lack of precision): an absolutely brutal blinding light that is reminiscent of the nuclear bomb.

It seems that just about everything, is going on there, as if all conflicts were located there.

In China: everyone seems to talk about growth, but the numbers appear as a white screen: 10% of the population retains 90% of economic achievement and growth is actually stopped.

In India, ditto.

In France riots, I do not know if we must speak of riots or civil war.

This seems very close in time.

But this seems to precede the market degradation discussed at the first sight.

So that in the order we now have:

1) A geophysical degradation

2) An economic deterioration

3) A global geopolitical degradation with a conflict centered on countries that overlook the Mediterranean conflict combining several great powers.

4) A possible nuclear explosion

5) In France: a deterioration of civil peace.

The brand even before our international monetary organization does not let.

Americans are very present in the Mediterranean basin.

I did not see what was happening in Russia, at least not right away.

Schedule Vision

Meanwhile interested in what goes on behind the scenes, I disguise myself little mouse and lands in a secret meeting: this is what I see: (the scene for me was the order of the unbearable, we were two perceive as if I had "taken one witness)

· A black room.

· Many leaders, all in suits and ties (some familiar faces of European governments, including england)

· A member of the Roman Curia (white dress: Pope ????)

· A white stone altar in the middle

· The sacrifice of a young child (and his death)

The scene was unbearable. I quit the job at the time.

Some time after, the dignitaries of the Roman Curia have more or less been convicted of satanic activities.

Comments: nothing extra ordinary and it is always possible to say after the fact I finally almost depicts a current situation. But what he must remember is that the global economy seems blocked, extreme tension and countries that are growing are not that much, with a generally poor.

Last Projection (Late Summer 2014)

Usual methodology.

Also very short.

This time I go (being more comfortable with the technique) ... .. Moreover, I want to answer some personal questions.

I do not want to be accused of conspiracy paranoid, but I must admit that this vision has helped make me suspicious.

Meanwhile, here in France, many strange phenomena have succeeded.

I leave the earth to go throw myself on the far side of the moon: translucent buildings, clear, white, shiny, more like a group of buildings (but as a luminous city, not a city from us). All this seems very much alive. Then, of a sudden (I do I forwarded the info ??? Because I was not expecting it), everything explodes, the cities are destroyed.

It was then that I see (or my focus is on) a kind of world in dark red tones (an irregular alternation of very dark red and black), large enough (larger than the earth) and masked by Sun: I see this big ball, respectively, the sun and the earth aligned.

And the planet in question also explode !!!!

It seems that the explosion "irritates" solar activity and causes damage mentioned in the first vision.

Executive Summary

Meanwhile I read right and left ... .. And if I put my order in 3 projections of consciousness, it is clear that there is very similar to what I've seen, it could contribute to a form of chronology:

It would give this:

Under the influence of a significant size planet in our solar system, the sun is "angry" and the earth moves on its axis. The entire destabilization would cause many changes (earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, weather incidents etc ...) in a first step

Furthermore, we would satanists or at least fans of Satanic rituals at the top of our governments.

Our monetary system would be falling apart and maintained artificially, but not for long, ultimately the stock market crash put an end to our current operation

A third world war would be over the Mediterranean basin, eventually it could cause the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

This war would be partly managed by the US

As our economy, as far as world peace would be destroying itself, we would have two warning shots:

3 full days (at least) black night with solar activity insane at the exit, the earth has considerably changed its position and habits. The Earth's magnetic environment such that, at the exit, it would cause the death of many living creatures.

Bombing of fireballs (choice comets, asteroids, planet debris) also cause great destruction that would challenge our advanced civilization. These falls are not the same everywhere and America would be severely affected.

We would evolve towards the end of our system on all ecological, economic, social, cultural and technological.
A "message from Yahveh" was posted on Vt, supposedly received by Rev. Efrain Rodriquez, a Puerto Rican Protestant minister:



May The Lord keep you. Prophet Efrain Rodriguez has given a message in Texas, primarily addressed to The United States and President Obama, but also concerning the rest of the world. The following is a summary of some of the most important points covered at that presentation. This summary is divided into topics covered and only highlights certain information. For more detailed information, click on the link to the entire message, posted below the video on the Description box.
I. Jehovah

-Jehovah will have absolute control over the earth that night. This is what the 12 point earthquake means-The Presence of Jehovah on earth. The Lord comes with His book to claim many souls before Jehovah, The Father, for His kingdom that night.

-This event is not part of the Great Tribulation. It is the preamble of a chastisement that will give rise to the new church of Christ, which will go to Heaven in The Rapture. It is not part of the events of Judgement seen by John, prophesied in The Book of Revelation, which will, for the most part, occur after the church has left this earth. The Lord led Efrain, on the plane ride back to Puerto Rico, to read The Book of Revelation. He guided him to chapter 3, verses 7-13, where Jesus is telling John about the Philadelphia Church. In this chapter, He tells John about an event that will happen-a test coming to all the inhabitants of Earth. Jesus tells him that He would look after His own people and then come for them. (Please read it).

-Millions of Jehovah’s angels are already on earth right now. They will be around those who serve The Lord. The Heavenly Host is here. Intercede for your loved ones, so that they are also protected. Pray for a Hedge of Protection over them.

The hedge will be around us. No matter what comes towards us-the shock wave, the sea, the earthquake, pestilence-it will not touch us. As long as we are bound to The Lord.

As He did with Elisha, Jehovah will place this Hedge of Protection around His people.The Armies of Heaven will fight for them and protect those who serve The Lord.He will remember you and your family, as He remembered Lot, because Abraham had been faithful. If we are serving Him and are faithful to Him in our hearts, He will honor what we declare.

-The game of playing to be a Christian is over. No more messing around with The Lord.

-Everywhere you go, give testimony, as a Christian, and as a Watchman.

Take advantage of the time that has been given to you. Jehova’s judgement approaches this nation. We are all to blame for this. Run to the feet of The Lord Jesus Christ in order for you to find mercy in the midst of this trial. There is still hope. The Lord promised Abraham that the righteous would not die together with the unrighteous. The same promise applies to us if we bind our souls and lives to Jesus, in our hearts and in our conduct.
II. Worldwide preparations/NASA
-Martial law is ready to be instituted in the United States and in the whole world, to be able to deal with this catastrophe.

-NASA keeps giving dates and trying to justify themselves. The prophetic letters written by Efrain indicate that The Lord would keep NASA in a state of confusion, bewilderment and agitation, since they chose to not consult with The Lord, and chose to not warn the people when they first received Jehova’s warning through Efrain. They even labeled the message as false, in a press conference in Florida. The actual date will be dictated by The Lord of Heaven, when He chooses. All Glory will go to Him, not to predictions of men or NASA.

-The sea will retreat back in all coasts, including California.
III. Puerto Rico

-Another earthquake is coming to PR. Puerto Rico had a 6.4 earthquake in January of this year. No great damage was done, considering the earthquake in Haiti was not much stronger than the earthquake in Puerto Rico.

Another earthquake is coming to Puerto Rico. No major damage will occur, either. God is letting the people know, so that people start looking up to The Heavens, looking and acknowledging The Lord.

-The total death toll in the Caribbean, the United States and South America will be 40 million.

-Obama, the President of the United States sent approximately 40 missiles to PR, to try to break the asteroid in the sky, so that it would fall on land (in Puerto Rico), and not in the sea. On a previous message, Efrain warned Obama to not press those buttons. He told the Army not to do it. He said: “Do not interfere with Jehovah’s plans.”

-They made a mistake at Mona Island, the tiny island to the west of Puerto Rico, next to the place where the asteroid will impact the sea. There is a dangerous and unstable seismic fault there. They were trying to seal the seismic plaque with nuclear devices, supposedly to avoid an earthquake. They planted the device, but lost it down the trench. Now they cannot find it. Nobody can stand in the way of Jehovah’s plans.

-Thousands of foreign troops are stationed in Puerto Rico. There are troops from Russia, China, Germany, France. They have been transported in sealed trucks, during late night hours, to the mountains, supposedy for disaster relief. These foreign troops are meant to protect someone. There are over 15,000 foreign soldiers stationed in Alaska, the United States, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. What for, i ask, unless they are expecting a major disaster? They have stocked up an enormous amount of ammunitions. Many bunkers have been built there.

But The Lord has control over the mountains, and His Judgement will reach everywhere, even inside the bunkers.

-Provisions for PR are ready in Venezuela. The Lord has chosen them as the nation that will first come to Puerto Rico’s aid. They have been stocking provisions for a long time, even though they are experiencing scarcity themselves. The U.S. will be in great need. Aid will not come from them. Venezuela will feed PR just like the poor widow fed Elijah, even though she had almost nothing. The Lord made a miracle and provided food for Elijah, the widow and her son.

-To all those pastors who have been preaching and fooling your flock with The Gospel of Abundance and Prosperity: you will see scarcity like never before.
IV. Israel

-End Time Prophecy is unfolding before our eyes. Israel is ready to build their temple. However, they have to wait. They cannot do anything at the Temple Mount while the muslim mosque -the Dome of the Rock-stands there. They will have to wait for the 12 point earthquake to destroy the mosque.

-Obama wants Israel to give up land. Israel will not yield any land. What Israel conquered belongs to them.
Even if U.S. troops-or anyone else’s-surround Israel, that land is untouchable. These are God’s chosen people, with whom He has an everlasting covenant.

Leave them alone Mr Obama, or you will encounter the same end that Hugo Chavez encountered, after publicly cursing Israel. He died an agonizing death, due to a cancer that ate the depth of his loins, from where he actually declared he cursed Israel.

V. United States

-The U.S. authorities are concealing a lot of information. But others, like the Russians, are warning the people of the U.S. to move away from the coasts.

-When the asteroid hits, we will feel the shock wave as a very strong wind. Ask The Holy Spirit where to move. Requisite: be bound to The Lord. Stay away from sin, so you can hear Him.

-If the U.S. remains silent, over 35 million deaths are expected in the U.S.

-Six events will occur that night:
3-shock wave
5-three days of darkness
6- pestilence

-Besides the obvious coastal flooding, all rivers will overflow due to the sea level rising and the rivers having no outlet into the ocean. Many will die from this.
-Scientists predict that the water will reach inland 50-100 miles.
-The U.S. government is preparing for 15 months of scarcity. Millions of boxes of dry food and other resources are stocked and stored in places in the middle of the nation.
-Concentration camps are ready.
Countless vans and vehicles are prepared to relocate people.

-Civil War will break out because of scarcity of food and resources. All the preparations concerning troops, ammunition, vehicles and concentration camps will be used to keep control of the population during the tremendous civil unrest that will follow. Martial Law will be implemented as a necessity to keep the people and the resources under control.

-A great epidemic will break out. It will be the worst of the 6 events of Judgement. It will come as a result of the decomposing bodies floating in the waters and left on land unburied. No matter how much medications they have stored, Jehovah will make the Nation come back to His feet, through this chastisement.

-This nation will be raised again, after the chastisement. Worldwide grief will lead many to bend their knees before a Holy God, and they will recognize His Supremacy. They will make a change in their lives because they will know that the return of The Lord is near. New leaders will emerge, together with a new church and a new nation, that will honor the God of Heaven. They will change back the laws for a time, up until The Rapture of God’s people, which will come before The Great Tribulation.
VI. President of the U.S.-Obama

-The President of the U.S. asked Congress for ALL Power. He plans to have absolute control during this Emergency. This means NO elections. He has taken advantage of the imminency of this coming disaster. This totalitarian power is a terrible danger. This message should be sent to all Congressmen: you still have time to revoke this power. Politicians, revoke the power you have given Obama. You have no idea what you will face.

-Obama does not love this nation, or Christ. In his second term, he has shown his true intentions against everything that is Christian. All the laws that he has signed indicate that he plans to persecute the church.
Woe to him who tries to hurt The Lord’s church!

-He has violated all statutes of God. He has made this nation go astray.

-He thinks he will be safe and cozy inside his bunker, while millions of people die above ground.

-The President of the U.S. is the most to blame for this judgement over this nation.

-He excluded The Law of God.

-He signed laws never before signed. He has no respect for The Church of Christ.

-However, The Church of Christ will not be touched. Together with Israel, they are the apple of God’s eye.
He does not chastise or penalize the homosexuals, or the muslims, no matter what they do, yet he takes every action to penalize and extinguish the church of Christ. He takes away freedoms from Christians, while at the same time giving freedoms to those who blaspheme God. Even Putin, the Russian President, rebuked him for this. Woe to you, poor, poor man!

-The judgement over the U.S. will come because the pastors and evangelists remained silent.
Many, if not all, of The great Evangelists and pastors have said nothing. They have gone along with Obama’s changes. Many of them, together with politicians, artists, performers, Hollywood personalities, etc. are in confabulation with Obama, even knowing that he is going against God’s mandates. Even knowing that all these laws are a slap in God’s face. A direct and shameless challenge to The Lord of Heaven. Great amounts of money are being paid to these people.

In New York City, a law is being drafted that would force people who do not accept homosexuals, to be forced out of the city.
Two cities were destroyed in the past because they went against the parameters of conduct established by God. The U.S. is following their example.

-Judges are forced to pass laws allowing things that The Word of God forbids.

Christians cannot talk about Christ in their government work places. Prayer has been taken out of the classrooms. Laws allowing the murder of innocent unborn babies are passed. There is a video that shows how unwanted newborn babies are beheaded after being born.

But rest assured, Jehovah will pass judgement over them. Over this nation. Obama has an appointment with Jehovah. He has offended God in every way. He told God that men can marry men and women can marry women, which goes against God’s commandment in the book of Genesis. Species went into the Ark as male and female. Otherwise, there would be no animals today.
All places in the nation where these aberrations are practiced will be affected.

-This spiritually corrupt President has blasphemed God’s mandates.

He has trampled underfoot all The Postulates of God. The majority of evangelists and pastors have gone along with it, keeping silent. The very few who stand firm in The Lord will be forced to give up their posts because they will be forced to marry men with men, and women with women.

Almost Nobody has complained. The rest have allowed it. They will have their sentence too. Politicians have fooled the nation because there is no longer Presence of The Holy Spirit in the majority of the churches.

-God delivered Israel from Egypt but, before He did, he made justice. He smote and struck Israel’s tormentors with 10 plagues.
The wrath of God is great. Nothing will stop it.

-Obama thinks he will be safe inside his bunker. He thinks no hand can touch him. But Jehovah’s hand will be upon him and his descendants.

The serpent-Satan Himself-will crawl down, all the way to the bunker, and Jehovah will execute judgement upon him.

-The people will kneel before God Jehovah during the pestilence. Current leaders will be replaced. The pestilence will do away with leaders who sold out God’s Supreme Law. A new nation will arise.

-This nation was founded upon postulates that cost Abraham Lincoln his life. He believed that all men are created equal. President Obama believes differently. He believes that Christians are to be disposed of.
This nation has belonged to Jehovah from its foundation. Christ IS this nation’s religion. No matter what laws they pass.

-Here I quote Prophet Efrain Rodriguez’s words: “Listen to what I say, Obama:
Jehovah called me. There is a hedge of protection around the people of Christ, in this land and everywhere. This nation will see with its own eyes what I declare. You have blasphemed the Lord of Heaven, Jehovah, and the Church of the Living God, The church of Christ. And this has consequences.

Mr Obama, your whole healthcare system will fail. God’s church belongs to Him only. You cannot mark it. God’s church still has power. We will claim Heaven’s blessings, like The Lord Himself claimed them.
Whoever messes with the chosen people of God will pay a price-a certain death sentence. The Angel of God WILL reach you, Mr Obama. As long as the church is here, this nation belongs to God, and to God ALONE.

God is greater than Caesar. (WOT :huh:)

You can come after me with your planes, but I tell you that before you lay a finger on me, your planes will explode in mid air, shot down by Heaven, because my message comes from Jehovah.

I know you will come searching for me, but Jehova’s Hedge of Protection is around me. And even if you send someone to kill me, the message is already traveling the world. I am unimportant. It is more important that I obey God, than to obey my pastor, president, or anyone else.

This is the Lord’s message for you:
Respect the Nation.
Respect the Church of Christ.
Respect the People of God.
Respect Israel.

This message will be fulfilled and you WILL respect God. This whole nation will respect God.

I have delivered Jehovah’s message to this nation.

May The Lord keep you.
VII. Conclusion

Brethren, Watchmen: Go out and rescue souls. Before, during, and after this event. Be active watchmen. Sound the alarm! Point people to the Ark, Jesus Christ. Those of you who are called to bring in souls for The Great Harvest, keep your passports ready and up to date. You will have to travel to other nations that will open their doors to The Gospel of Jesus Christ. You need to spread this message. A lot of the information here is new. It had not been made public on the previous messages. People have to know. Spread the message.

All this will happen before The Rapture and before The Great Tribulation.

Obama is not the Antichrist. Many believe he is the Antichrist, but he is not. He is only the antichrist’s helper. He does his dirty work. Obama is only preparing the way for the Real Antichrist, who will be revealed after the church departs from this earth.

His healthcare system and chip are the technological precedents of the system of The Mark. But his plans to mark God’s church will be stopped by this event. Many will take the chip out of necessity. But, I say, if I am sick, before allowing myself to be marked with a chip, I would rather go to the altar and pray. I would rather seek the elders of the church to pray for me and lay hands on me, like the Word of God says. I would seek people who have the Presence and Fire of The Holy Spirit. The church cannot sell Herself.

Let us empty the hospitals by seeking the Healing Power of God, rather than depending on a human leader’s health promises. If we do this, Obama’s whole healthcare system will crumble. Let Obama keep his chip.

No one will mark the church of Christ.

Brethren, Prepare spiritually. Make ammends. Forgive. Leave sin. Leave double lives behind. You are all responsible to pray to The Lord for protection. Pray for your neighbors and loved ones to be protected too. Nobody, except The Lord, is perfect and truly Holy. We all fall short. He knows this. He is there to add what we lack, as long as we cling to Him. We are all inside The Ark-our Lord Jesus Christ. Remain inside The Ark. We have to live in a continous desire and perseverance to please and serve The Lord in all we do while we are here on earth. If we offend Him, let us come back to Him in brokenness and humility. He will be Faithful to forgive us if we truly have changed our heart and seek to stay under His shelter, serving Him. Persevere, ask for His strength. Remain in The Ark until we hear the Blessed Trumpet. May The Lord keep you.

The corrupt President of the American nation will be put to death by The Angel of The Lord when the pestilence starts sweeping across the United States. Thus saith The Lord.

May The Lod keep you, brethren.
-Prophet of Jehovah, Efrain Rodriguez

What caught attention of mine is bold-er part warning Obama not to go after Israel... Does it mean that Jehovah is informed of some US agenda about"promised land?

Also is very noticeable "Christianity" defensive nuance, that could point out that some kind of corralling the herd is underway. Maybe some parts of populace that is selected to be moved to another egzoplanets, since humanity wasted this one - according to shill Dr Stephen Hawking. Recently i watched "Cloud Atlas" and among all that popular SF stuff, one issue strikes me the most. At the end of movie Tom Hanks is closing his storytelling with a promise to children (on some egzoplanet?) that he will tell them how spacemen relocated them from Earth at another time (Cloud Atlas 2?). Is that instilling the idea in peoples' minds of leavin' the Earth, just to become egzo-sheeple for another Evil magician.

There is also a question who could make people believe that leaving Earth is for their own benefit. Since this is a call for "Christians team building, all that positive PR of Pope Francis is coming to place - he is being promoted as the greatest benefactor to humanity, so all eyes of the faithful are upon him. Ideal Pied Piper to mislead naive children - The Pious Pope/ Pied Piper...

Quote from: _


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