What’s unusual about it is that I never meditate. I can’t calm my mind down enough. Anyway. I was lying down, very tired. I decided to take that moment to try and meditate in place and focus on “observing” instead of interacting (with my thoughts, body, etc). It was a very interesting and novel experience. But it got a little weird at one point.
I remember that I’m in the presence of a “light being” for lack of a better word. It’s bigger than I am. And at one point I’m observing the interaction from a third person POV, but I know the small being is me, standing in front of what now appears to be a more humanoid silhouette but I know that’s just my own human understanding of it.
It’s hard to describe the place we were in but I know it was massive. Anyway I remember the being was helping me with some “affirmations” in order to welcome “creative energy” into my life. lol. It’s all very new agey.
I do remember knowing that I wasn’t going to remember the entire interaction even as it was happening. Then after it ended I sort of got bored and decided to fall asleep instead.
I remember that I’m in the presence of a “light being” for lack of a better word. It’s bigger than I am. And at one point I’m observing the interaction from a third person POV, but I know the small being is me, standing in front of what now appears to be a more humanoid silhouette but I know that’s just my own human understanding of it.
It’s hard to describe the place we were in but I know it was massive. Anyway I remember the being was helping me with some “affirmations” in order to welcome “creative energy” into my life. lol. It’s all very new agey.
I do remember knowing that I wasn’t going to remember the entire interaction even as it was happening. Then after it ended I sort of got bored and decided to fall asleep instead.