An unusual meditation session

What’s unusual about it is that I never meditate. I can’t calm my mind down enough. Anyway. I was lying down, very tired. I decided to take that moment to try and meditate in place and focus on “observing” instead of interacting (with my thoughts, body, etc). It was a very interesting and novel experience. But it got a little weird at one point.

I remember that I’m in the presence of a “light being” for lack of a better word. It’s bigger than I am. And at one point I’m observing the interaction from a third person POV, but I know the small being is me, standing in front of what now appears to be a more humanoid silhouette but I know that’s just my own human understanding of it.

It’s hard to describe the place we were in but I know it was massive. Anyway I remember the being was helping me with some “affirmations” in order to welcome “creative energy” into my life. lol. It’s all very new agey.

I do remember knowing that I wasn’t going to remember the entire interaction even as it was happening. Then after it ended I sort of got bored and decided to fall asleep instead.
Interesting experience, also one must meditate or whatever they do in life withouth being fixiated on the result or in search of something extraordinary. Just letting it go.

Hello @Oracle, welcome to the forum. Since this is your first post you are invited to write an introduction in the Newbies forum to tell us a bit about yourself and how you found your way here.
What’s unusual about it is that I never meditate. I can’t calm my mind down enough. Anyway. I was lying down, very tired. I decided to take that moment to try and meditate in place and focus on “observing” instead of interacting (with my thoughts, body, etc). It was a very interesting and novel experience. But it got a little weird at one point.

I remember that I’m in the presence of a “light being” for lack of a better word. It’s bigger than I am. And at one point I’m observing the interaction from a third person POV, but I know the small being is me, standing in front of what now appears to be a more humanoid silhouette but I know that’s just my own human understanding of it.

It’s hard to describe the place we were in but I know it was massive. Anyway I remember the being was helping me with some “affirmations” in order to welcome “creative energy” into my life. lol. It’s all very new agey.

I do remember knowing that I wasn’t going to remember the entire interaction even as it was happening. Then after it ended I sort of got bored and decided to fall asleep instead.
Hi washable_orbit, thanks for sharing, that seems like quite the interesting experience. Do you keep a journal? It's worthwhile to write stuff like this down, even if it's just meditations and dreams, not necessarily daily journaling.

How did you feel the day after, in the morning?
Hi washable_orbit, thanks for sharing, that seems like quite the interesting experience. Do you keep a journal? It's worthwhile to write stuff like this down, even if it's just meditations and dreams, not necessarily daily journaling.

How did you feel the day after, in the morning?

Thanks for reading! I never journal, but I should. My dreams/experiences can be pretty wild at unexpected times. The most interesting experiences I normally scatter around the forum.

I try to find a balance between analyzing these things and not thinking too deeply into them. This one specifically felt like I needed to know that I wasn’t alone. I don’t necessarily feel lonely but at some level I do.

I want to note that during the “interaction” I remember ‘knowing’ that I was feeling a lot of things (‘positive’ curiosity?) but I was in an “observing” mode so the emotions weren’t overwhelming but I could see how they could be. If that makes sense. That same feeling carried over to the next day. I don’t want to say apathetic is the right word because it’s not.

The thought of this being some sort of STS experience has crossed my 3D logical mind. But it didn’t feel violating in any way.
The thought of this being some sort of STS experience has crossed my 3D logical mind. But it didn’t feel violating in any way.
I had this meditation experience once where I was reciting a prayer (not The Prayer of The Soul, it was was another prayer - one that I didn’t write either, so may be it had negative influence??) and I got the feeling like I was going to ummm, little embarrassing saying this, well, I felt like I was going to orgasm. I didn’t feel violated at all, quite the opposite, but knowing what we know about how these higher density denizens work I decided that may be it was not an okay experience and I never engaged in that prayer again. I don’t really know what could have been wrong with it, it was a beautiful prayer, but nothing like that had ever happened before and after analysing it I still haven’t come up with a conclusion to what it might have been, at first I wanted to convince myself it was a kundalini experience, but I quickly saw that thinking that could be a trap too.

Meditation can be quite experientially weird and unexpected. Seeing light beings is really hard to analyse because we know that the 4Dsts like to present themselves in such ways at times to fool and mislead, but we also know there are light beings around who are actually there to guide and protect us.

I think it’s safest when meditating to ask for assistance from your higher selves to help envelope you in a golden while light that is impenetrable by anything but your service to others higher selves, imagine this protection radiating from within you and encompassing you for about a metre around. Be firm that nothing that isn’t for your highest good can enter this space.
I had this meditation experience once where I was reciting a prayer (not The Prayer of The Soul, it was was another prayer - one that I didn’t write either, so may be it had negative influence??)
Yeah there’s something about the whole “affirmation” and “creative energy” mumbo jumbo that doesn’t sit right with me. And a whole prayer that you didn’t come up with is kinda crazy too. I do wonder, seeing as our consciousness is compartmentalized, in a way it would make sense for our “higher self” to be doing its own thing, and for us to be able to tap into that frequency. The C’s for example have said many times that they are the group in the future, whatever that means.

and I got the feeling like I was going to ummm, little embarrassing saying this, well, I felt like I was going to orgasm. I didn’t feel violated at all, quite the opposite,
Well this would not be uncommon and lines up perfectly with the STS funny business. Now, I would imagine that being in the presence of a higher density/higher frequency being (STS or STO) would excite your psyche and senses regardless.

I’ve had fleeting encounters with Greys (or their energy; this one’s hard to describe) in dreams. Each time is terrifying. This experience was not like this.

and I never engaged in that prayer again. I don’t really know what could have been wrong with it, it was a beautiful prayer,
Do you remember the prayer or parts of it? Words carry weight and meaning but intention and awareness is more important I think.

Meditation can be quite experientially weird and unexpected. Seeing light beings is really hard to analyse because we know that the 4Dsts like to present themselves in such ways at times to fool and mislead, but we also know there are light beings around who are actually there to guide and protect us.
For sure! But I have this awareness, so would that even work on me? This brings up another question: do positive affirmations even work if you don’t believe in them? Funny enough I remember the being telling me this. I remember knowing that said affirmations were set into motion and that they’ll “work” regardless.

Or maybe this whole thing was just a fatigue induced hallucination

I think it’s safest when meditating to ask for assistance from your higher selves to help envelope you in a golden while light that is impenetrable by anything but your service to others higher selves, imagine this protection radiating from within you and encompassing you for about a metre around. Be firm that nothing that isn’t for your highest good can enter this space.
I have been working on this actually! Just not often.
Do you remember the prayer or parts of it? Words carry weight and meaning but intention and awareness is more important I think.

do positive affirmations even work if you don’t believe in them? Funny enough I remember the being telling me this. I remember knowing that said affirmations were set into motion and that they’ll “work” regardless.

Or maybe this whole thing was just a fatigue induced hallucination
Well I like hallucinating, so lucky you if that’s what was going on IMO. The C’s once said that sleep deprivation- i suppose fatigue too, can cause one to interact with higher densities

June 9 1996

Q: (L) Why are the results of sleep deprivation, psychosis, delirium tremens, and psychedelic drugs and some mystical states so similar in their expressions and manifestations? What is being seen?

A: Openings.

Q: (L) Well, if doing without sleep provides an opening, what is it an opening to?

A: Density levels 4 and up.

Q: (L) It would seem to me - well, why is this not good?

A: Who said it wasn't?

And in my time of being a silly sausage doing silly sausage kind of things I did a whole lot of hallucinating, and it was goood, except for when it wasn’t, but even then I still got a kick out of interacting with things that were not of the everyday normal boringness we have to endure in day to day life. Like you said in the ‘how are you feeling’ thread- where’s the magic? I too look forward to gaining some paranormal abilities and exploring them with the excitement of a child. But then I think that could get boring quickly too. I probably have really outlandish expectations of the universe.

Praying, well what is it even really? I think it could just be good intentions and doesn’t need to be some kind of constructed prayer per se. When i pray i say all kinds of things that would get me banned from church forever, but i am authentic to myself and I think that is what counts, authenticity, for the sake of this forum i tidy up my language quite a lot, but I don’t necessarily do that when praying.
I do remember the prayer I was using and I still can’t see anything wrong with it, except that it was channeled by someone who was channeling’Jesus’, The Christ Letters, those are very interesting and I wouldn’t say corrupted too much, just targeted at Jesusy folk to help them see beyond the religious dogma they’ve been taught. I really liked them, there’s no mentions of aliens or anything hyper dimensional so I suppose they would be more like a primer for someone who is open to learn more about the human condition.

Affirmations work, I’ve seen it over and over with my own experiences, so we must be careful what we put out to the universe, it’s a reaping of what we sow. (Says she who can’t stop complaining about everything :rolleyes: )
Like you said in the ‘how are you feeling’ thread- where’s the magic? I too look forward to gaining some paranormal abilities and exploring them with the excitement of a child. But then I think that could get boring quickly too. I probably have really outlandish expectations of the universe.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and wisdom ♥️

I think that exploring newly found abilities and strengthening them would be anything but boring. Tedious for sure. I remember when I was younger and would work on lucid dreaming, every little success just fueled me to keep going. I think most of us are still too dense for these kinds of things to be useful tho.

As for the universe, I have a funny feeling our outlandish expectations are not outlandish enough. We don’t know what we don’t know.
I think that exploring newly found abilities and strengthening them would be anything but boring. Tedious for sure. I remember when I was younger and would work on lucid dreaming, every little success just fueled me to keep going. I think most of us are still too dense for these kinds of things to be useful tho.

As for the universe, I have a funny feeling our outlandish expectations are not outlandish enough. We don’t know what we don’t know.

Well I have set the bar high and I’m hoping that the universe delivers ;-D
But what I know for sure is that I don’t want to go at it alone, I want that feeling of a kid in a theme park with eyes full of awe and wonder and all of us are there having our minds blown away with new and exciting adventures. I think that’s probably what makes life so boring, the solo-ness that many of us have because we are the only ones in our vicinity who think the way we do. For example, I’d be very interested in trying out an ouija board, but no one I know, probably including me, has enough knowledge to partake in that safely with an enquiring mind.

I used to meditate a lot, I had some truly excellent experiences that at the time had no one to share with and I kind of got bored with being there alone.

Thank god for this forum!!

We will know when we know, I fantasise about us uplinking together- eventually, like a www that is Cassiopaea, and we can all meet there in our minds eye in the presence of our 6D selves. And the best bit, our bodies can stay in this realm and vacuum the house and do the washing and go to the gym, while we are at hyperdimensional school learning and preparing ourselves to take on 4D sts and save the planet.

Not grandiose at all!!

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