Ancient Egyptians understood the Electric Universe ?


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
The other day I rediscovered a site I remember seeing a few years ago but back then I was not so fluent in Astrophysics/ EU terminology but recently I have been reading ''Weatherman's Guide to the Sun '' Ben Davidson's textbook on all of this as well as watching the Thunderbolt mob
and it ties in neatly
so it turns out all the gods and goddesses are aspects of cosmic electrical power
his fresh translation of hieroglyphs makes a lot of sense

he does however throw up some red flags for me when he gets too biblical and somewhat paranoid ( sprites are manmade and so was Christchurch quake)

this page is a good one to start with

The papyrus was previously known as "Book of the dead of Nesitanebetashru". It however actually has nothing to do with the dead. Instead the papyrus explains earths electrical connection to the cosmos, and how the Earth is powered by Gods Negative Charge Electricity sourced from the cosmos via the circuit of the Milky Way Galaxy known as Nut.

this is a good one too GEB
Without the Sun's gravity, Earth would go off into space along a straight line. With the Suns gravity, it is pulled back toward the Sun. There is a constant tug-of-war between the Earths tendency to move in a straight line, or momentum, and the tug of gravity pulling it back. The Sun has effectively entrapped the planets due to its gravity, enabling the connection of Birkeland currents shown by the embrace between Geb and Nut.

Geb's body is usually shown twisted around to the left to show that the Earth rotates on its axis, from west towards east or counter clockwise as viewed from the North Star.
Geb is also described as a collector of charge, as the planet moves through the vacuum of space charged particles are collected defined by the ostrich feather hieroglyph known as the collector shown throughout his body.
Opposite charges attract, so the action of Earth moving on its orbit through the Sun's weak electric field explained by Amentet allows for the accumulation of negative charges. Earth acts as a spherical capacitor explained by Nephthys, the connection of negative charge to the Earth is explained by Set through the creation of the Earthspot. Lightning on Earth is explained in further detail by Meskhenet.


btw the 2nd pic ... are the pyramids preventing lightning strikes in Egypt and Lybia ? still after all this time and in the condition they are in ?

almost a question I 'd like to ask the Cs

what do you think?
that pretty much killed this thread :cry:
ah well it is Laura's ''house'' so its her house her rules
just would have loved to hear other peoples take on this , people who have heard about the Electric Universe before,
and may be interested in this

after almost 20 years of following Laura and the Cs ,happily, of late I have been wondering if I am in the wrong bar and the ''co linearity'' with the group has all been in my head and wishful thinking

was I wrong to assume EU theory was C ''endorsed''?
or that Egyptians were Atlantis colonists who survived the flood ( Younger Dryas) with Atlantean tech ?
and is not pattern recognition connecting the dots?
that pretty much killed this thread :cry:
ah well it is Laura's ''house'' so its her house her rules
just would have loved to hear other peoples take on this , people who have heard about the Electric Universe before,
and may be interested in this

after almost 20 years of following Laura and the Cs ,happily, of late I have been wondering if I am in the wrong bar and the ''co linearity'' with the group has all been in my head and wishful thinking

was I wrong to assume EU theory was C ''endorsed''?
or that Egyptians were Atlantis colonists who survived the flood ( Younger Dryas) with Atlantean tech ?
and is not pattern recognition connecting the dots?

Just to address the part in bold. As i understand it, and off the top of my head, aspects of what is called Electric Universe theory are included in Pierre and Laura's book Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection, SOTT has produced 3 radio shows that in part discuss the topic (one of them is an interview with Wal Thornhill), and there's an interesting review on McCanney's book too, .

Before spending too much time attempting to connect the dots, it's probably best to build a solid foundation to work off of, because it would seem that the devil is in the details. I think this C's session quote might help summarize part of the issue:

Q: (L) I notice your hitting to the side tonight. Okay, somebody get me that piece of paper that's by the printer. Okay, we have some questions that somebody on the forum was asking. It says:

"Wal Thornhill has suggested that Earth, Mars and Venus were moons of Saturn when it was a Red Dwarf star, prior to capture by Sol (our sun), and were contained within its chromosphere. When captured by Sol, Saturn lost its chromosphere and the three large moons were disrupted by the electrical interaction and ended up being "blasted" into orbits around Sol instead of Saturn. Was Saturn a former Red Dwarf?"

A: No, it was a product of accretion. It may become one someday, but so far in the future that it is not important.

Q: (L) Okay, well. If Saturn was not a former Red Dwarf, then Earth was probably not a moon in Saturn's chromosphere. So, let me just ask the next question here: "Was Earth a moon in Saturn's chromosphere?"

A: No.

Q: (L) "Where there civilizations present during that period?"

A: Irrelevant.

Q: (L) "Are the scars on Mars' surface a result of Saturn's entry into the solar system?"

A: No, as has been described, Mars interacted with Venus, the newcomer.

Q: (L) Well, that takes care of that. So these guys with their electric universe business kind of seem to have a little problem, and I wonder what their main problem is?

A: Too much electricity and not enough astronomy.

Q: (L) So, are you saying that they have kind of gone way elaborate with their electrical theories and haven't taken into account... I mean, I don't understand.

A: There is some validity to certain astronomical models.

Q: (Pierre) The electric universe supporters threw out the baby with the bath-water, and they rejected ALL astronomical theories, but some of them are valid.

A: Accretion does occur around most stars.

Q: (L) So, you're talking about the accretion disk theory of planetary formation?

A: Yes. But other bodies can arrive whole. Plus, Thornhill and pals neglect a companion star. [...]

Radio shows:

Behind the Headlines: Earth changes in an electric universe: Is climate change really man-made?

MindMatters: The Holy Grail, Comets, Earth Changes and Randall Carlson

Behind the Headlines: The Electric Universe - An interview with Wallace Thornhill

- Forum discussions here:

that pretty much killed this thread :cry:
ah well it is Laura's ''house'' so its her house her rules
just would have loved to hear other peoples take on this , people who have heard about the Electric Universe before,
and may be interested in this

after almost 20 years of following Laura and the Cs ,happily, of late I have been wondering if I am in the wrong bar and the ''co linearity'' with the group has all been in my head and wishful thinking

was I wrong to assume EU theory was C ''endorsed''?
or that Egyptians were Atlantis colonists who survived the flood ( Younger Dryas) with Atlantean tech ?
and is not pattern recognition connecting the dots?

There's a lot more to the topic than you suspect.

What the truly ancient Egyptians knew about the Electric Universe we do not know - we can only suspect from some archaeological finds indicating a truly superior technology.

However, the mythology of the LATER Egyptians - who may not even have been the same people - is something altogether different. Here is what I wrote about it in Secret History:

The fad for all things “Egyptian” has been with us for a very long time. Schwaller de Lubicz - the vector of many of these ideas - settled in Egypt in 1938 and for the next 15 years studied the symbolism of the temples, particularly Luxor, finding what he considered to be proof that the ancient Egyptians were the ultimate examples of Synarchy, because they were ruled by a group of elite initiates. He failed to point out that the Egyptian civilization was static and limited. What’s more, it caved in on itself, and never managed to produce any significant work of benefit for humanity, as Otto Neugebauer showed conclusively in his The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, whose evidence we will quote further on in this volume.

The open-minded thinker ought to really consider the purported mysteries of Egypt in terms of the fact that they were so ignorant that they devoted a huge amount of energy to their “cult of the dead.” The whole Egyptian shtick is focused around preserving dead flesh for future or otherworldly reanimation. The very fact that there are so many of these dead bodies for Egyptologists to dig up is the clearest evidence that the Egyptian beliefs were nonsense. So, in that sense, certainly, Christianity as we know it has adopted the “Egyptian religion” and its beliefs in physical resurrection.

The whole issue of the excitement over Egyptian civilization is the belief that they had some mysterious powers because they built the pyramids and we can’t. And has it never occurred to anybody that the existence of the pyramids in conjunction with the worship of an elite group of human beings, while everybody else was wearing loincloths and sweating in the hot sun, might suggest a relationship between the two? The fact is, the Egyptian civilization seems to have been the chief example of a vast chasm between the haves and the have-nots, and they managed to do it longer than anybody else.

In examining the work of Schwaller, we have one of the better examples of the subtle way the negative occult societies attack those who come to bring light, by association and co-opting. The tactic is to find a means of subtly allying their message with that of the truth so as to generate confusion in untrained minds which would tend on surface evidence to accept these actually contrary messages as similar, at least in intent. [...]

Otto Neugebauer began the ten-page section on Egypt in his later History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy with the provocative sentence, “Egypt has no place in a work on the history of mathematical astronomy.”[1]

Did you catch that? Neugebauer is telling us that the Egyptians were scientifically illiterate. He read and examined everything. All the Egyptologists who were inculcated into the belief of the superiority of Egyptian science were sending him their papyri and inscriptions from tombs and monuments. All the things that are so difficult to get hold of nowadays were sent to Neugebauer. And what did Neugebauer say?

Mathematics and astronomy played a uniformly insignificant role in all periods of Egyptian history. […] The fact that Egyptian mathematics has preserved a relatively primitive level makes it possible to investigate a stage of development which is no longer available in so simple a form, except in the Egyptian documents.

To some extent Egyptian mathematics has had some, though rather negative, influence on later periods. Its arithmetic was widely based on the use of unit fractions, a practice which probably influenced the Hellenistic and Roman administrative offices and thus spread further into other regions of the Roman empire. […]The influence of this practice is visible even in works of the stature of the Almagest, where final results are often expressed with unit fractions in spite of the fact that the computations themselves were carried out with sexagesimal fractions. […] And this old tradition doubtless contributed much to restricting the sexagesimal place value notation to a purely scientific use.

It would be quite out of proportion to describe Egyptian geometry here at length. It suffices to say that we find in Egypt about the same elementary level we observed in contemporary Mesopotamia.

The role of Egyptian mathematics is probably best described as a retarding force upon numerical procedures. Egyptian astronomy had much less influence on the outside world for the very simple reason that it remained through all its history on an exceedingly crude level which had practically no relations to the rapidly growing mathematical astronomy of the Hellenistic age. Only in one point does the Egyptian tradition show a very beneficial influence, that is, in the use of the Egyptian calendar by the Hellenistic astronomers. This calendar is, indeed, the only intelligent calendar which ever existed in human history. A year consists of 12 months of 30 days each and five additional days at the end of each year.

A second Egyptian contribution to astronomy is the division of the day into 24 hours, through these hours were originally not of even length, but were dependent on the seasons. […]

Lunar calendars played a role since early times side by side with the schematic civil calendar of the 365-day year. An inscription of the Middle Kingdom mentions “great” and “small” years, and we know now that the “great” years were civil years which contained 13 new moon festivals in contrast to the ordinary “small” years with only 12 new moons. The way these intercalations were regulated, at least in the latest period, is shown by the Demotic text.

This Demotic text contains a simple periodic scheme which is based on the fact that 25 Egyptian civil years (which contain 9125 days) are very nearly equal to 309 mean lunar months. These 309 months are grouped by our text into 16 ordinary years of 12 lunar months, and 9 “great” years of 13 months. Ordinarily two consecutive lunar months are given 59 days by our scheme, obviously because of the fact that one lunar month is close to 29 ½ days long. But every 5th year the two last months are made 60 days long. This gives for the whole 25 year cycle the correct total of 9125 days.

Since at this period all astronomical computations were carried out in the sexagesimal system, at least as far as fractions are concerned, the equinoctial hours were divided sexagesimally. Thus our present division of the day into 24 hours of 60 minutes each is the result of a Hellenistic modification of an Egyptian practice combined with Babylonian numerical procedures.

Finally, we have to mention the decans. […] The decans are the actual reason for the 12 division of the night and hence, in the last analysis, of the 24 hour system. Again, in Hellenistic times the Egyptian decans were brought into a fixed relation to the Babylonian zodiac which is attested in Egypt only since the reign of Alexander’s successors. In this final version the 36 decans are simply the thirds of the zodiacal signs, each decan representing 10 degrees of the ecliptic. Since the same period witnesses the rapid development of astrology, the decans assumed an important position in astrological lore and in kindred fields such as alchemy, the magic of stones and plants and their use in medicine. In this disguise the decans reached India, only to be returned in still more fantastic form to the Muslims and the West. […]

[In the decans] we have not a calendar but a star clock. The user of this list would know the hour of night by the rising of the decan which is listed in the proper decade of the month. […]

We call this phenomenon the “heliacal rising” of S, using a term of Greek astronomy. [...]

It is this sequence of phenomena which led the Egyptians to measure the time of night by means of stars, which we now call decans. This was intended to devise some method of indicating the times of office for the nightly service in the temples, (and other practical reasons.) Just as the months were divided into decades, so were the services of the hour-stars. For 10 days, S indicated the last hour of night, then the next star for the next ten days, and so on. […]

All this was, in fact, taken into account by the inventors of the decanal hours, as can be demonstrated by the terminal section of the “diagonal calendars” on the coffin lids. […]

By the time of the New Kingdom, the usefulness of the decans as indicators of hours had ceased. […] The decans held a secure position as representatives of the decades of the year in the decoration of astronomical ceilings, as in the tomb of Senmut or in the cenotaph of Seti I. In this form, they continued to exist until their association with the zodiac of the Hellenistic period revived them and made them powerful elements of astrological doctrine.

The coffins with the “diagonal calendars” belong roughly to the period from 2100 BC to 1800 BC. […] Astronomical accuracy was nowhere seriously attempted in these documents. […]

In summary, from the almost three millennia of Egyptian writing, the only texts which have come down to us and deal with a numerical prediction of astronomical phenomena belong to the Hellenistic or Roman period. None of the earlier astronomical documents contains mathematical elements; they are crude observational schemes, partly religious, partly practical in purpose.

Ancient science was the product of a very few men; and these few happened not to be Egyptians.[2]
Cassiopaea Forum

It seems that we have learned several things from Neugebauer’s examination of the texts of the various papyri, tomb inscriptions, monuments, calendars, and so forth. One of the most important things we have learned is that the Egyptians did, indeed, correct their calendar every five years, similar to what we do every four years with our leap year. This naturally makes the idea of the Sothic cycle irrelevant in terms of calendrical reconciliation. We also begin to understand some of the totally incomprehensible sayings of the Pyramid Texts. They were recitations of prayers and magical spells that had to be performed at a certain “moment” in the night, and the only way to determine time at night was by the stars. According to Neugebauer, there are sufficient numbers of these star clocks in tombs to confirm this idea.

Next we note that Neugebauer tells us that the only texts which have come down to us and deal with a numerical prediction of astronomical phenomena belong to the Hellenistic or Roman period and in Hellenistic times the Egyptian decans were brought into a fixed relation to the Babylonian zodiac which is attested in Egypt only since the reign of Alexander’s successors.

In other words, the “occult secrets” generally attributed to the Egyptians, must actually belong to the Greeks.

However, there is something just a little bit deeper here that I would like to point out. As Neugebauer says, the Egyptians of historical times were really scientifically illiterate. So much so that their influence was inhibiting upon mathematics and science. But we still have that most astonishing fact that they came up with what Neugebauer declares to be the most sensible calendar ever devised. Even the Babylonians, whose mathematics sends Neugebauer into raptures, did not have so clever a calendar. We find ourselves asking: where did the Egyptians get this calendar?

[1] Neugebauer, Otto, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity (New York: Dover 1969).
[2] Neugebauer, ibid., pp. 71-2, 78, 80-1, 90, 81-4, 86-9, 91.

The point is: why waste valuable time on what is pretty obviously nonsensical speculations when there are real mysteries that are far more interesting. But you have to do a lot of work to find what the real mysteries are. There is so much noise that the signal is often lost.

As for feeling that you don't belong here, maybe so. As the Cs would say: "Up to you."
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after almost 20 years of following Laura and the Cs ,happily, of late I have been wondering if I am in the wrong bar and the ''co linearity'' with the group has all been in my head and wishful thinking
Isn't too much co-linearity a sign that something is very wrong? (Herd mentality perhaps, or a lack of independent understanding/free will?)

After 30 years in the corporate world and being regularly subjected to certain trainings, I was sick to the back teeth of being told by young, inexperienced, idiots, riding the Diversity Gravy Train, the Orwellian line that, "Diversity is strength!"

But, after engaging with the brilliant minds and souls that participate in this forum, I gratefully learned that true diversity really IS strength and truly brings a wealth of alternative possibilities and ideas that would not otherwise be possible if we were confined to a co-linear echo chamber...

In terms of the Egyptians (as we know of them), I studied their culture very deeply for most of my adult life. I believed that there might be some sparkling hold-over Atlantean insights hidden for posterity...

Eventually I concluded that what we know of as "The Ancient Egyptians" were, at best, nothing more than a relatively young cargo cult, that, if they had ever had had direct access to ancient learnings, had lost their true meaning & context so long prior that the remnants we did see were nothing more than a crude facsimile of something else. (e.g. The sarcophagus/embalming process as a crude facsimile of a cryogenic chamber used to maintain a dying/injured loved-one until they could be given treatment to restore their health - or something like that...)

While I do still believe that there was some ancient knowledge that survived the decline of prior advanced civilizations, and that the Egyptian Priesthood did play some role in preserving what remnants did survive, I am 1000% sure that they had no (zero) understanding of any of it by the time it reached them.

Just think: The pyramids were older to Cleopatra than Cleopatra is to us... (And that assumes that the conventional dating mechanism of the Pyramids is even remotely legitimate!)

In my disillusionment, I now believe that from the days of Pythagoras we have been clawing back and re-building science back from the bone age with nothing more than cryptic drawings and legends to inspire a few rare minds to make inspiring connections between some ancient shape scratched into a rock, and some newly re-discovered scientific phenomenon...

Yes there were anomalies - the Babylon Battery, for example - but I bet that its makers were only following a recipe passed down from antiquity that they did not understand...

One other thing I learned over my adult life is to welcome "corrections" and "schoolings" from someone who has already fully excavated a path that I am beginning to explore, and while I want to make my own mistakes and learnings, I also know that life is too short and full of rabbit-holes to waste cycles on things that are clearly there to distract and entrap you for a loooong time! (The "Egyptians" are one-such rabbit hole...)

Laura has clearly done a lot more research than I in this area, and always demonstrates that by backing-up her statements with nuanced and beautifully chosen references that don't just support her point, but also open up whole new avenues of exploration that enlarge the subject into something much more profound and enriching.

More than a couple of times I have been comfortably satisfied with my understanding/model of a given subject, only to subsequently read a new article/book by Laura that literally shredded my model/understanding by presenting irrefutable facts that could not possibly be supported by my model.

"Oh, well, back to the drawing board..."

As someone who fiercely holds onto the right to maintain independent thoughts/beliefs/ideas, I was still inspired to join the forum - after lurking for many years - because of its balance between intellectual discipline and relative freedom to explore topics that haven't already been beaten to death by the ignorant, the provocateurs, the trolls, and the scammers looking to make a quick buck off the uninformed, that pervades so many alternative communities on the Internet...
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