Ancient Structures, Monoliths, Megaliths and Dolmens Video Compilations

I've been reading the earlier sessions (never read them before) and there is this interesting part:

Laura said:
(L) That's probably where I was going. I was going off to Novosibirtsk. You once made the remark that the secret lies in a mountain pass in Russia and something about a line drawn between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk. Is there a mountain pass in this area where something important is waiting for us to find it?
A: Yes.

Well, these megaliths could probably be considered as lying in a mountain pass along the line drawn between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk. Here is the map of the area:

Novosibirsk: red dot
Irkutsk: blue dot
Mezhdurechensk (the settlement closest to megaliths): green dot


Maybe it's just my imagination though, so it's just for the record, fwiw.
Thx Siberia for map and quote - maybe we could ask Bachushka Vladimir Vladimirovich for hectare or two over there :halo:

Siberia said:
I've been reading the earlier sessions (never read them before) and there is this interesting part:

Laura said:
(L) That's probably where I was going. I was going off to Novosibirtsk. You once made the remark that the secret lies in a mountain pass in Russia and something about a line drawn between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk. Is there a mountain pass in this area where something important is waiting for us to find it?
A: Yes.

Well, these megaliths could probably be considered as lying in a mountain pass along the line drawn between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk. Here is the map of the area:

Novosibirsk: red dot
Irkutsk: blue dot
Mezhdurechensk (the settlement closest to megaliths): green dot

Maybe it's just my imagination though, so it's just for the record, fwiw.

Yes, thanks Siberia for the map and the quote! I forgot about it.

There is another amazing and mysterious place east of Novosibirtsk. On Siberia's map above, it is placed very close, north-east of the green dot; you can see a boot-like area marked there and the 'toe' points to a village of Shira (Шира). That's where it is, more or less.

By Natalya Kukonen and Kate Baklitskaya
19 April 2013

Sunduki is called the Siberian Stonehenge, yet its site is older than the British standing stones, and arguably 'more mysterious'.

Our pictures show the stunning primevil beauty of this place, far from modern city life, but many millennia ago it was perhaps at the apex of civilisation.

Some have even speculated that Hyperborea, known from Greek mythology, may have been here in the modern Republic of Khakassia. Whether or not this is so, respectable scientific opinion now holds that Sunduki is a singular site in understanding our ancestors, and that it has many secrets yet to divulge.

In bygone times, they believe, this was a stargazing capital of the ancient world and a place of devout worship.

In all, Sunduki comprises eight fantastical sandstone mounts rising incongruously from a flood plain on the bank of the Bely Iyus. Parallel to each other, almost equal in size, they are crowned with strange rock hats looking like giant boxes or chests.

The word 'Sunduk' in Russian means 'chest' or 'trunk' which explains how the place got its modern name.


'For many years I tried to unravel these mystery 'chests', said Professor Vitaly Larichev, of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Determined to decode some of the mysteries of Sunduki, he admits he became an 'astro-archeologist'.

'We don't dig in the ground - we study what ancient people knew about astronomy', he said.

'What I discovered was a surprise even to myself. Comparing maps accumulated over many years of astronomical observations, I came to understand that here in Sunduki, we can see the oldest astronomical observatory certainly in Asia. Its age is about 16,000 years old. The ancient inhabitants of this valley daily observed the sunset, the sunrise and the moon'.

And they did so for many thousands of years since then, Larichev contends.

It was 3,500 years ago that the first known sundials existed, found by archeologists in ancient Egypt. Yet without any instruments and gadgets, these ancient Siberian astronomers used giant rocks and chinks in the stone architecture in this Siberian landscape for their calculations and observations.

He claims to have found 'numerous ancient solar and lunar observatories around Sunduki'.

'This square pattern of stones on the ground shows you the place', he told visiting author Kira Van Deusen. 'I knew there would be an orientation point, but we had to search through the grass for a long time to find it.

'Now look up to the top of that ridge. You see a place where there is a crack between the rocks? If you were here on the summer solstice, you would see the sun rise right there. Or you would if you were here 2,000 years so. Now the timing is slightly differen'.

High on one cliff wall is a rock engraving showing dragon heads in one direction, and snake heads in the other.

'If the sun were shining, we could tell the time,' he said. 'In the morning the shadow moves along the snake's body from his head to his tail, and in the afternoon it comes from the other direction along the dragon.

'From the same observation point you can determine true north and south by sighting along the mountains'.

There is a gallery of rock art. Some dates back several centuries BC and so is relatively modern.

But a mysterious white horse found not far from the first 'chest' on Black Mountain was carved in the rock and is well preserved - yet scientists suggest that this petroglyph appeared 16,000 years ago, during the Ice Age, establishing this as a site of human activity over many millennia.

It was 'the home of gods, great artists and sky watchers', said the professor.

It was more than this, too.

There are also burial mounds and other manmade constructions - including irrigation channels - which have yet to be fully investigated.


For more pictures, go to the original article.
A story about a trip to Sunduki: here.
Some more pictures: here.

And finally, a picture from DailyMail:

This tread is absolutely fascinating, if they are dated to be around 16,000 years old this would put them before the younger dryas event, the melting of the granite is interesting as well, maybe this place was destroyed at that time, considering the carolina bays there seemed to have been a lot of activity in the sky at that time, Russia is so vast I wonder what else is out there just waiting to be found, maybe it would be good to get a hectare up there :lol:
Possibility of Being said:
For more pictures, go to the original article.
A story about a trip to Sunduki: here.
Some more pictures: here.

And finally, a picture from DailyMail:


Maybe the Sunduki used these "chests" as a means of tracking cycles of cosmic catastrophes?
Exactly, they weren't creating these observation post's because the stars were pretty :lol:, i'm sure there was much more practical purpose :lol:
Possibility of Being said:
There is another amazing and mysterious place east of Novosibirtsk. On Siberia's map above, it is placed very close, north-east of the green dot; you can see a boot-like area marked there and the 'toe' points to a village of Shira (Шира). That's where it is, more or less.

Thank you for the fascinating links, Possibility of Being! Sorry that it took me so long to respond. :-[

That American lady impressed me very much: she was so brave to travel to Siberia with no language skills and even ride a horse there!

And indeed, if we draw a straight line on the map, Shira is exactly along this line:

Nsk: red dot
Isk: blue dot
Megaliths: green dot
Shira (sunduki): purple dot

Re: Amazing Megalithic Site in Russia

Anam Cara said:
Wow! those photos are just incredible!!! :)

Before I found the English translation button on that webpage, I translated one of the Russian comments, which seemed to suggest they were sited in an area "15 km from Belokurikha (Altay territory)", where there have been 'light beams' such as the "Belokurikha flame".

Such phenomena has been researched in this paper "PLANETOPHYSICAL FUNCTION OF VACUUM DOMAINS", which appears to corroborate the EM nature of various earth change manifestations (hurricanes, earthquakes etc) and ball lightning, strange lights etc, which the Cs often mention.

The Russian authors from Gorno-Altaisk state University, have developed a model of united electrogravidynamics based on the Maxwell's electrodynamics and Heaviside's (Minkovski's, Poincare's) gravidynamics. The model introduces a new object of study --- a vacuum domain.

Vacuum domains in the model possess a set of specific features which include penetration through any kind of matter, where the VD's introduce the electric, magnetic, gravitational, spin fields and the distributed angular momentum. Inside the VDs penetrating gravispin waves (gravitons) are transformed into the electromagnetic waves (photons) To all the Earth shells from magnetosphere to mantle the VDs bring electric circuits and discharges, magnetic variations and pulses, mechanical stresses and changes in the velocity and intensity of chemical reactions in atmosphere, heliosphere and lithosphere: all these phenomena being unexplainable by classic theories.. VDs are localized in lithosphere in the conductive and elastic media, where they may produce pulsed heat release ( such as " contact heat explosions" forming kimberlite pipes) and produce enormous torsion stress affecting the nature of tectonophysical processes and the seismic regime of the Earth.

VDs are identified with manifold natural self-luminous objects of different kinds, such as ball lightnings, "plasmoids", poltergeist, tornadoes, "angels", "small comets or atmospheric holes", ionosphere and atmospheric explosions, lithosphere explosion tubes, "sprites", the glows connected with the earthquakes and the volcanic eruptions. That's why the study of natural self-luminous formations provide the experimental foundation for the development of physical and mathematical model of non-homogeneous physical vacuum and vacuum domains.

Hi Everybody,

let me add some videos which draw attention to similar features, along with other elements worth considering: Gornaya Shoriya, Georgy Sidorov interview 1

G Sidorov explained that Gornaya Shoriya was known as an American site - between the Stalin regime and the Khrushchev period,- a place completely closed to Russians and opened to Americans to "dig for gold for themselves" ... food for thought, indeed. Also there were lots of gulag type concentration camps, these were for locals, of course. Only after the Perestroika, the Russian people were allowed to step in.

The historian G Sidorov points out, among other interesting remarks, that:
-a blast of some sort seemed to had taken place in the past, as some of the rocks were burned and boulders were thrown away from the wall.
-the trees are growing on top of the stones without any soil , and there is an incredible amount of energy coming from under the earth, in this location, as if a generator of some sort, a power plant, was buried beneath. He mentioned Tesla’s ideas about earth conductivity.
-he also mentioned the existence of some four sided aboveground pyramids nearby
- also showed an artifact he named a bronze Hyperborean star with 14 Suns engraved in it.
- no other building formations were found yet, so this site was not a human settlement. - Gornaya Shoriya, George Sidorov interview2
this second video shows lots of megalithic formations all over Russia along with the most important megalithic formations in the World

- At first site it appears as a natural formation, shaped by erosion, glaciations, etc, but the boulders are assembled in straight angles, also there is a passage between , etc.
- He compared this structure to the Easter Island statues, which, he thinks, acted like antennas, which had fallen due to too much energy passing through them, as they might have served as conductors of seismic energy. The same thought he had upon examining the Shoryia site.
- Each temple in the prehistoric world had 2 function- communication and energy. But erecting them using consecrated technology was not possible. So there might be the case of antigravity technology or molding the stones from earth material by malaxation.
- As quartz is a piezoelectric material, the granite blocks could have been be use for communication between Earth – Cosmos.
- The Kola peninsula expedition revealed traces of unknown civilizations, which the head of expedition considered to be a Hyperborean complex (again!)
- Sites seem to have many similarities. Sidorov wrote books about the Arian legacy, myths – but I speak no Russian, so I can't provide further information

Maybe one could conjecture that like Troy, that turned out not being in Turkey, maybe Hyperborea was not in the England- Scandinavia region, or not only there, but on a more extended area – maybe they were, like Atlantis, a civilization, not a location.

Just my 2 cents
Interesting video, @ 7.37 he say's that there is hieroglyphs on the some of the stone that is visible when water is poured over it but it hasn't been either documented or much study done on it.

he also mentioned underground systems, but doesn't go into much detail, he also say's there are pyramids there 1000m high apparently it's covered in tree's and moss, near the 9 min mark he produces a bronze star that was apparently found at the location, also he say's that there doesn't look to be much human habitation, he likened it to a power plant as there seems to be tree's growing directly on the rock. he makes it clear that these are his assumptions, and that he's only covered less than 1% of the site, it looks absolutely huge he plans to bring geo-radar and other equipment on a planned exposition in the future,

he say's that there is one detail that must be considered,
we have many rich people, that don't think about their country, if even two of them would understand the situation, or our work would
be a whole lot easier, I think he's appealing for funding, I don't blame him what's up there is amazing.
Seaniebawn said:
This tread is absolutely fascinating, if they are dated to be around 16,000 years old this would put them before the younger dryas event

The C's said that there were/are crystal pyramids from that time not only on the poles and off Florida, but also in the Ural mountains (and off Japan). That seems to suggest that there might have been an Atlantean center in Siberia. The Ural mountains are not too far from the Altai region, relatively speaking.
Not sure if it was reported on SoTT (couldn't find it), but I thought that maybe it's also worth mentioning here: a strange ancient UFO-shaped disc was unexpectedly dug out recently in Kuzbass:


Could be part of the same culture (since it's more or less the same area), fwiw.
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