Kisito said:
Another anomaly about ISS.
Here is a video that will better illustrate this:
In this video, the poor guy doesn't even have one single valid argument that would support his (pre-formed!) conclusion that all satellites are fake (he confessed to being a Flat Earther at the beginning of the video). Because of this, one cannot even argue with him because he actually doesn't say anything. It is pseudoscientific wiseacring.
This here is his core 'argument'...
Only light can transfer energy through space, as we're told. On earth you have to have some kind of medium to travel through. This is common accepted truth that the heat has to move through something, unless it's light. The same goes for the space station. How does heat that builds up inside the space station get out ... if there is nothing to dissipate through? There is not enough of collision of particles to transfer heat into the station, so how does this heat get out?
... which exposes his ignorance regarding the conclusion he wants to reach. In the last sentence he validly excludes
convection as a significant mode of heat transfer for satelliltes. Before, he also validly admits
radiation as a significant mode for warming up of satellites, but it doesn't occur to him that
radiation also is a mode for cooling down!
In space, radiation is the main mode of heat transfer. Simply put, any influx of heat from the Sun can be easily radiated back into cold space (2.7 K, or 2.7 degrees centigrade above absolute zero).
That is what is done on the ISS. The white panels that you can see in the image below are heat radiators who point towards open space, rather than towards the sun:
See also:
For satellites with fixed orientation relative to the sun, simply painting the sun-facing surface white, and the other side black, will do the trick.
By installing radiators of a certain size, it is possible to set the thermal equilibrium on a satellite or space station to
any temperature - even temperatures that are comfortable for humans.