Another Analogy for the Law of Three

Ruth said:
Barbara said:
Time and Space are examples of a pair of trinities which make up the Law of Six. It could be equally said that nothing exists in our Universe unless it is a property of the Law of Six.
And a trinity of sixes is the 'mark of the best'. Weird. I still don't understand why.
The C's talk about "mark of the beast" being VISA = VI roman numerals for 6, S (can't recall, also don't have the sessions handy, as I'm on a mac) is 6 in which culture I can't recall, A was 6 in egyptian (I think). Can someone post a snip of the session this came from?

Another interesting trinity I came across was the trivium of Ancient Greek philosophy - grammar, dialectic and rhetoric.

Cassiopedia said:
In ancient and medieval times, grammar concerned itself with correct language use through the study and criticism of literary models, dialectic concerned itself with the testing and invention of new knowledge through a process of question and answer, and rhetoric concerned itself with persuasion in public and political settings such as assemblies and courts of law. As such, rhetoric is said to flourish in open and democratic societies with rights of free speech, free assembly, and political enfranchisement for some portion of the population.

The concept of rhetoric has shifted widely during its 2500-year history. Today rhetoric is described more broadly as the art or practice of persuasion through any symbolic system, but especially language. Or, rhetoric can be described as the persuasive or "suasory" function of all human action, including symbolic action like language use. Both the terms "rhetoric" and "sophistry" are also used today in a pejorative or dismissive sense, when someone wants to distinguish between "empty" words and action, or between true or accurate information and misinformation, propaganda, or "spin," or to denigrate specific forms of verbal reasoning as spurious. Nonetheless, rhetoric, as the art of persuasion, continues to play an important function in contemporary public life.
Dialectic also includes its own "Law of Three" - theses, anitheses and syntheses.

Cassiopedia said:
In classical philosophy, dialectic (Greek: διαλεκτική) is an exchange of proposition (theses) and counter-propositions (antitheses) resulting in a synthesis of the opposing assertions, or at least a qualitative transformation in the direction of the dialogue. It is one of the three original liberal arts or trivium (the other members are rhetoric and grammar) in Western culture. In ancient and medieval times, both rhetoric and dialectic were understood to aim at being persuasive (through dialogue). The aim of the dialectical method, often known as dialectic or dialectics, is to try to resolve the disagreement through rational discussion. One way "
So consider these new examples of trinities with the idea of the Ray of Creation. (see In Search of the Miraculous for an introduction to the Ray of Creation)

The Ray of Creation moves from the Law of Three, to the next level of complexity. There are six principles in the next level of laws, but with the context of the connection to the higher levels of order which created it, the next level of complexity is either an octave or and enneagram.

Consider the trivium –grammer,dialectic and rhetoric. These are ways in which language can be used or examined.

Grammer is a set of rules which defines the form of language, position words can hold in the language of space.

Now look at the parts of speech as this breaks into component parts

Noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunctive, exclaimative - the next level has seven parts. This is similar to the pattern of order from which the idea of color becomes the seven colors – red, orange, yellow, green, aqua, blue, purple, or musical tone becomes – do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti

I realize that this is just the language of English. All languages have grammar, they all do not share the same parts of speech.

Dialectic is the interaction, language in pieces which interact with each other.

With the concept of thesis, antithesis and synthesis, each has a force. These will be active, antithesis will be passive and synthesis will be neutral.

Rhetoric is language which is considered by one side, or one piece of an interacting whole. I have not read any classical work on rhetoric, but consider the possibilities of being on one side of an argument. Consider a debate. One can be the persuader, the persuadee, or the message which is being described. The persuader is active and this is the language of appealing, trying to change someone else’s opinion. The persuadee is passive, responding to the persuader. The message remains unchanged in essence.
What we search here is probably the reason, why ancient doctrines refered to a world as containing in itself some sort of triplicity.

The ordinary thinking - as was said by Gurdjieff, feels comfortable with dualities.

At the same time, this understandig - of a world, manifesting itself as a three - should lead us somewhere.

Rational reflection is not enough. In these most abstract and metaphysical concepts the words and symbols only point to things that are graspable with higher phases of the soul. And as I understand the highest levels are non-discursive. The formula - whatever you say it is, it isn't - goes for that.


But to be more down-to-earth on this Law of Three, I have some common sense, not original understandigs.

The consciousness, awareness and information manifest as threes, as well as any influence.

We should at least have a thing:

1) that perceives

2) that which is perceived

3) the process of perceiving, a connection

I realize that there is no information in a world where those threes does not connect itself.

One big secret seems to be an understanding how this connection between subject and object is manifested.
And I am not original here when saying that this link is a two way road.


In the macrocosmic perspective the maximal dynamism of a world is achived by introducing two opposed forces into it - that make maximum difference. Maximum potential for information.

As we know - life is movement. If something is one, it is equal - and does not move. Movement, otherness and life need each other to exist.

I understand that every being that is alive somehow - finds itself in this ying-yang maya - and constitutes a connection, a link, a neutralizing force that holds up and mediates these two other forces.
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