Anti-smoking as Cult-like Belief and Behavior

I've actually had varying degrees of success talking about the benefits of tobacco with smokers (and even a couple of non-smokers) and pointing out all the nonsense about the propaganda. So several smokers relaxed about their smoking and one younger guy actually was "ecstatic" about what I said (but he's considered a "goof ball" by his friends).

In Armenia, we're still one of the handful of smoking sanctuaries, with over 70% of the population smoking -- smokers still being the vast majority. But the anti-smoking Nazis are trying everything to have some effect here, so far without much success, thank god.

I actually saw a comedy film yesterday from 2009, where an Armenian man goes to U.S. (LA) for his son's engagement. Most of the humor is about the "security" hassles in the airports, how police pull people over while driving for no reason and treat them like potential criminals or "terrorists," and the big one -- NO smoking anywhere.
A cult brainwashing indeed. One of the things that bothers me the most is that non-smokers never leave it be. They aren't happy enough with the fact that they can feel righteous or whatever for not smoking. They have to treat you like you are a subhuman because you smoke. Why can't they leave it alone? You don't bother me, I don't bother you!

Airports' smoking areas are getting more and more ridiculous. Last time I traveled by plane, the smoking sector at the Frankfort airport was a filthy little room, with no chairs, right in front of a fancy café. It was like smokers were monkeys in a cage, to be observed from above by non-smoking passengers.

Even electronic cigarettes are treated like a "heathen" good. A flight attendant told me that they were forbidden by his company once, I asked to see the law, and he said "there is none". I asked him if he understood that it was NOT a real cigarette. He said "yes, but the reason is that electronic smokers tempt real smokers". I said, "well, I am gluten intolerant and you are tempting me with the food you provide. Is that a reason to stop offering sandwiches?" He replied "It's the Law". I then said "So, if I smoke in the toilets it's ok, since I won't be tempting anybody, right? Or are you going to have to come with me and check that I don't?" He said, "No, I can't do that, but it's The Law." I chuckled at the situation, and used the electronic cigarette again. (Yeah, it's probably toxic, but so is the air you breathe in those nasty places, and sometimes just a bit of nicotine can keep you going during long trips.)

So it's like they want to convert you to the Cult of non-smokers, you are a heathen, AND a silly and weak child who can "fall into temptation" if Big Brother doesn't protect you. Yikes!

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
Laura said:
A note to people who claim they are "allergic" to smoking: this is possible, but if you are allergic to tobacco, you will also be allergic to any other members of the nightshade family such as tomatoes, potatoes and many peppers. If you are eating any of those things while claiming to be allergic to tobacco, you are 1) lying to yourself; 2) the allergy problems may be due to other elements and not the tobacco.

Interestingly (at least to me), I used to be severely allergic to second-hand smoke (i.e. other people smoking around me) and as a result, I was against smoking (yeah, I know... it's my secret shame :lol:). The fact that my stepmother whom I loved dearly died of lung cancer - a disease doctors were adamant had been caused by her chain-smoking - did not help either. When around smoke, my eyes would get all swollen, I would get a full-blown asthma attack, have a runny nose, sometimes even itching (face, arms, etc.). Then my husband started smoking a few years ago (prompted by all the good things he was reading about it). And I read as much as possible about smoking here on the forum, etc.

Well, what do you know, now I have no reaction whatsoever when he smokes around me! I haven't tested a room full of smokers yet, but it really made me wonder about how much of my reaction to smoking was in fact due to brainwashing and propaganda? Some have suggested that perhaps a better diet enables me to withstand something I used to be allergic to. But it has been my experience that if anything, the body becomes less tolerant of stuff that just is not right for you once your diet is better.

My two cents...
Very interesting, Mrs. Tigersoap. In addition to diet, it may be because you've reprogrammed your mind and learned important new data (among which might be not to follow the supposed authorities that not have good intentions) and then no longer react as before.
Very interesting also what you say, Heimdallr, and all the thread. Thank you all.
Chu said:
A cult brainwashing indeed. One of the things that bothers me the most is that non-smokers never leave it be. They aren't happy enough with the fact that they can feel righteous or whatever for not smoking. They have to treat you like you are a subhuman because you smoke. Why can't they leave it alone? You don't bother me, I don't bother you!

Yes. They speak to you with utter disgust, scrunching up their faces while telling you how nasty smoking is. I got this from my father last summer. I was disgusted with him for how angry he seemed about it. This, coming from a man who has an ashtray full of marijuana roaches at his house :rolleyes: I'd already had a short discussion with him about the benefits but to no avail so on this occurrence I just said something along the line that I've researched it and it's good for me and if you haven't researched it then there's nothing more to say.

And my secret shame is that I used to get on my ex boyfriend for smoking. He didn't stop. He just took it underground. If I saw him again that would be the first thing I would apologize for. Oh, the shame!
Just had this reply from a friend on Facebook where I shared the article together with all the links to articles on Sott. I shared it as a note so thatis more easily accessible for people.

If anyone can give any more advice for such pre-operation boackmail I will share it too.
Many thanks.

I am being pressurised by the hospital to stop smoking or they will not operate on my hand. Went to the hospital yesterday and came home very very down by their attitude. I am on a no smoking assistance plan with my surgery and I have done well until yesterday. Their actions made me to light up. The hospital actually are partially the reason I lost my finger by their actions. Had a letter today from hospital, report 11th February as a non smoker if not no op. Pissed off!!!!!

Exactly as predicted above Jacki. (our article) I would play their bluff and keep your health. Luckily the op is very soon. Light up again as soon as you are discharged. The stupid people do not realize they are participating in the devolution of humanity. Ignorance also causes their own soul smashing through the participation element - same as anyone committing murder. Their karma not yours. Knowledge protects Ignorance Endangers. Are you allowed the nicotine patches as part of the quit programme? If not get some natural 'Calms' or something similar. Electronic cigarettes are very dangerous due to the nanoparticles - funny they are even banning those now too they are so fanatical. However in this case they are doing people a favour. x
l apprenti de forgeron said:
Very interesting, Mrs. Tigersoap. In addition to diet, it may be because you've reprogrammed your mind and learned important new data (among which might be not to follow the supposed authorities that not have good intentions) and then no longer react as before.

But don't forget that the PTB would consider this reprogramming of the mind along the lines indicated by research/truth is CALLED "cultic behavior." God forbid that people should be encouraged to do their own research, find out the FACTS (after learning what a fact actually is) and putting two and two together. Thus, we, who do exactly that, following so many lines, using carefully evaluated academic sources on so many things, are accused of being a cult - apparently because our results expose the truly malignant cults, including the cult of Elite Power.
Talking about the adverse effects amongst people during this arising anti-smoking campaign, I have been observing an altogether new panorama when walking in the streets where I´m living (a warm area). Many, many workers involved in all kind of jobs, including those whose jobs require suits and ties, are now interrupting their work many times a day to have a smoke in the street next to their working places. So I find them now everywhere sitting straight off on sidewalks, or taking advantage of the nearest storefronts edges and staircases. There is also another wider group who discusses business matters through their cell phones, so every day I may listen to the workers of my neighbourhood dealing with different matters like houses or cars for sale, amongst other scenarios as well.

I see like this new situation is having a double impact on society. First, well-dressed individuals walking back and forth or adopting any kind of posture that would only have been displayed by beggars until recently are now seen as normal, and secondly, talking about labour issues or personal stuff in the open is leading to a lost of the sense of confidentiality and intimacy.

Of course I´m living in a still privileged area when it comes to smoking, but still, there is also another side where being one forced to smoke in the street also triggers new behaviours in the society that promotes despersonalisation at an even faster rate because it´s occurring at such an unconscious level.
Quote from Chu

A flight attendant told me that they were forbidden by his company once, I asked to see the law, and he said "there is none". I asked him if he understood that it was NOT a real cigarette. He said "yes, but the reason is that electronic smokers tempt real smokers". I said, "well, I am gluten intolerant and you are tempting me with the food you provide. Is that a reason to stop offering sandwiches?" He replied "It's the Law". I then said "So, if I smoke in the toilets it's ok, since I won't be tempting anybody, right? Or are you going to have to come with me and check that I don't?" He said, "No, I can't do that, but it's The Law."

Lol, how did you end there, that was starting to look terrific! I mean, you are a braveheart. :clap:
I noticed a month ago when talking with someone about my health insurance at work (it's mandatory) and if you put down as a "smoker," you pay more for your insurance than being a non-smoker. So, I just put down "non-smoker".

Yesterday it occured to me that there was a survey done by an insurance company that was discussed on the forum/Sott. This survey was regarding smoking whereby they could not prove smoking caused more deaths and also that passive smoking caused none. The upshot was that they were not allowed to publish it.

Well I begin to think that smokers are made to pay more because perhaps all along they may have known that psychologically smokers may fare much better and also lung protection etc. So maybe this is why smokers realistically have to pay more. For the opposite reason?

Just thinking...
Chu said:
A cult brainwashing indeed. One of the things that bothers me the most is that non-smokers never leave it be. They aren't happy enough with the fact that they can feel righteous or whatever for not smoking. They have to treat you like you are a subhuman because you smoke. Why can't they leave it alone? You don't bother me, I don't bother you!
It's really just a sanctioned form of bullying. They have some uncontrollable need to try and shame people, to let the smokers think/know that that they are beneath the non-smokers.

So maybe this need to make people feel subhuman is an really outward manifestation of the fact that they think they are superior to most people in general, not just smokers:

Dr. George Simon said:
Narcissism becomes particularly “malignant” (i.e. malevolent, dangerous, harmful, incurable) when it goes beyond mere vanity and excessive self-focus. Malignant narcissists not only see themselves as superior to others but believe in their superiority to the degree that they view others as relatively worthless, expendable, and justifiably exploitable. This type of narcissism is a defining characteristic of psychopathy/sociopathy and is rooted in an individual’s deficient capacity for empathy. It’s almost impossible for a person with such shallow feelings and such haughtiness to really care about others or to form a conscience with any of the qualities we typically associate with a humane attitude, which is why most researchers and thinkers on the topic of psychopathy think of psychopaths as individuals without a conscience altogether.


As for those who would label us a cult, I think the above quote applies as well. It's their need for control at all costs that is cultish which is why they so easily come up with the accusation. What they're really revealing is their own twisted worldview of themselves when they aren't allowed to get their way via controlling others and are seen for who they are. Just some thoughts.
Vulcan59 said:
Zadius Sky said:
I noticed a month ago when talking with someone about my health insurance at work (it's mandatory) and if you put down as a "smoker," you pay more for your insurance than being a non-smoker. So, I just put down "non-smoker".

Not sure what the implications are when you state you are a "non-smoker" on your insurance form. You could be accused of false declaration and your insurance might not pay out. Apparently blood test can reveal whether you are a smoker or not? :huh:

Totally agree with that.
truth seeker said:
As for those who would label us a cult, I think the above quote applies as well. It's their need for control at all costs that is cultish which is why they so easily come up with the accusation. What they're really revealing is their own twisted worldview of themselves when they aren't allowed to get their way via controlling others and are seen for who they are. Just some thoughts.

Yeah, it's as if they want to "save you from your sin", like during the Inquisition. :shock: Some may think they are doing some good, but the bottom line is that they don't want to consider the fact that they might be wrong, or have bought into a lie. That would burst their narcissistic bubble. They must be right, because they are better! Right...

hesperides said:
Lol, how did you end there, that was starting to look terrific!

LOL! Well, what else can one say after that? I ran out of ideas at that point! I forgot to mention that he later sent one of his colleagues over, who gave me the same "It's the Law" speech. She told me that she herself smoked, and I suggested she tried the electronic cigarette too. She said she wouldn't, because it would be "temping", blahblah, "the Law", etc. I think at that point I suggested that she read some articles about the propaganda, the real research, and mentioned the "accidental" experiment where rats showed to be more resistant to radiation. I can't remember what she answered, but it was something along the lines of "my doctor doesn't think so, and you find all kinds of lies on the Internet". I dropped it at that point.

Maybe they get a bonus for each "conversion" ? ;)

Gloria54 said:
My dad smoked for more than forty years. He developed emphysema and was told it was due to his smoking. I was with him when he was told this. I told the doctor that he had worked with many solvents over the years with no mask. He had many careers. Recapping tires, refinishing furniture, working around mechanics doing brake work and lastly he took a mail route in an open jeep with a lot of idling. I told the doctor that in my opinion this had contributed to his condition. I was promptly shot down.
He quit smoking and was doing ok when they found a tumor that was 3x5 mm in his was determined that he was five years from symptoms . They recommended radiation. I begged him not to do it, but the doctors were adamant . The treatments made him so sick that he could not eat. He wasted away to nothing and never recovered. The doctor looked at us and said..smoking killed your father. I said no you killed my father with radiation.
On a side note, after dad quit smoking, he went from a kind non judgemental man to a raving Rush is right fun die that I could hardly bear to be around.

I'm very sorry to hear that, Gloria. My grandfather died from lung cancer and they blamed it on smoking too. My family then went all anti-smoking. I am convinced that what killed him was never cigarettes, but the diet and treatments he received.
Gandalf said:
Vulcan59 said:
Zadius Sky said:
I noticed a month ago when talking with someone about my health insurance at work (it's mandatory) and if you put down as a "smoker," you pay more for your insurance than being a non-smoker. So, I just put down "non-smoker".

Not sure what the implications are when you state you are a "non-smoker" on your insurance form. You could be accused of false declaration and your insurance might not pay out. Apparently blood test can reveal whether you are a smoker or not? :huh:

Totally agree with that.

Ah, missed that post. So, yeah, I agree with that. Personally, I don't think my company do blood tests unless it would be absolutely necessary (like some workers doing drugs, etc.). The only implication that I would see is to pay a fine or they make an "adjustment" to the insurance after some investigation (which is a little over the top, I'd think). I didn't see any "fine line" between the words - just conversations with other people about it due to their experiences with it. There are still some smokers in my company. If there are companies who are against smoking, I wouldn't be surprised if they do blood tests for new hires. fwiw.
I noticed a month ago when talking with someone about my health insurance at work (it's mandatory) and if you put down as a "smoker," you pay more for your insurance than being a non-smoker. So, I just put down "non-smoker".

Not sure what the implications are when you state you are a "non-smoker" on your insurance form. You could be accused of false declaration and your insurance might not pay out.

This is very true. Same goes for life insurance, especially recently acquired.

Insurance companies have whole departments scrutinizing claims to see if they can get out of paying out on the policy. Any false information given to them, or an undisclosed medical condition, can result in your claim being denied.

It seems that opting out of the social and health-related Matrix carries a certain price. Similarly, non-vaxers pay insurance and tax premiums subsidizing vaccination programs, homeschoolers subsidize public education, etc. AS annoying as it is, paying may help to avoid hassle.
I've been smoking Manitou organic cigarettes for a few years now, ever since they became available in Australia. However in May last year I moved to New Zealand and tried to source the same cigarettes, in fact any organic tobacco, rolling or ready made, to no avail. I finally made contact with a guy who sells tobacco on the internet and from a couple of discount stores and asked him to source some for me. He told me that the NZ government do not allow anybody to import organic tobacco because it might give people the idea that it was safer to smoke than ordinary cigarettes. Turns out they also have a goal to make New Zealand smoke free by 2020. :cry:

At the moment I am smoking Manitou Gold which are additive free but not organic. I might have to try growing my own.

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