Any opinion on DR Dan Burisch?

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It seems like a lot of his info has similarities with "the wave" series here on this site. I realize he has just recently been given the ok to reveal *some* things...pertaining to the UFO enigma. On a different note...has anyone noticed the extremely rapid dissemination of info pertaining to UFO's on the history / discovery / science channels lately...inluding the NASA vid and audio of "we are tracking the alien spacecraft now..."
Now that it seems that Majestic 12 is scattered to the four seems that we are being flooded with UFO "info" on a weekly basis.
sean said:
I realize he has just recently been given the ok to reveal *some* things...pertaining to the UFO enigma.
What does that mean? He's working for some STS control hierarchy that tells him what to do and what not to do? What would happen if he "disobeys"? STO never gives anyone "the ok" to do anything because they never forbid anything to begin with.

Now that it seems that Majestic 12 is scattered to the four seems that we are being flooded with UFO "info" on a weekly basis.
What do you mean by "Majestic 12 is scattered to the four corners"?

Here's an article from rense about him: http(colon doubleslash)www(dot)rense(dot)com/general51/dan.htm

From the article:
The treaty, called Tau-IX, allows for abduction, removal of blood and reproductive samples and tissue; and does not control whether humans are maimed, tortured or that they might expire.
A popular disinformation. Aliens would never need anyone's "permission" to abduct anyone else. The government wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It seems that he's a disinfo agent, one among many. Of course, having an article about him on Rense, makes it even more likely that he's disinfo, becasue Rense is a disinfo website, designed just for the purposes of hiding the truth.

On a separate note, it's funny how a psychopath can prosecute someone, and win, who discloses his psychopathic and illegal activities. Gotta love our legal system.
He *was* part of Maji

Maji disbanded recently.

Here are some links pertaining to him. I was hoping to get some feedback from someone more familiar with what is going on.

you can go here: and scroll down about 1/2 way to see his interviews.

you can go here: and listen to about 5 hours of radio interviews

you can go here: and read about what he has to say about good / bad / STS / STO aliens (which as stated on THIS web site are in fact "us" in the future. Seems like Laura's Orions and these Orions are one and the same.

This also ties in with the REAL reason WHY GWB invaded Iraq. Oil has nothing to do with it. Control of oil is of no importance.

DB's testimony supports "The Wave" and thankfully the likelihood of 4.7 billion of us expiring between 2012-2017 as a byproduct of "the wave" now seems highly unlikely. This is NOT to say that the scheduled *war* will not take place costing millions of lives.....but that is another issue all is "politics" as usual. "The WAVE" is natural and will be a "good thing" for most.

For those who are interested you can find out who the most recent Majestic 12 members were...if you listen carefully.

Anyway... I am in no way affiliated with these sites... I am just suprised at how many things DB says tie in with things stated on this particular site.
"A popular disinformation. Aliens would never need anyone's "permission" to abduct anyone else. The government wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It seems that he's a disinfo agent, one among many. Of course, having an article about him on Rense, makes it even more likely that he's disinfo, becasue Rense is a disinfo website, designed just for the purposes of hiding the truth."

Well, again, DB has his point of view. He never channelled any entity. He is a biologist, so OBVIOUSLY he would be expected to have a different POV.

We effectively negotiated a "surrender" 1954 Greada Treaty. Again, you need to read up about the treaty's and how certain elements have not abided by them. They most recently were trying to negotiate for 10 MILLION abductions a year.

"Of course, having an article about him on Rense, makes it even more likely that he's disinfo, becasue Rense is a disinfo website, designed just for the purposes of hiding the truth."

Oddly enough, after studying this stuff for about 4 can cross reference quite a bit of it. (Hence my point that dB's testimony actually supports quite a bit of "The Wave"....and to a lesser extent "the Cass experiemnts"
While Rense may have quite a bit of disinfo on his site... there are indeed a few nuggets of truth. All ya have to do is research it.

With the most recent treaty being signed....we shall see about "abductions". We shall see what the "rogues" are up too. :)
sean said:
Well, again, DB has his point of view. He never channelled any entity. He is a biologist, so OBVIOUSLY he would be expected to have a different POV.
Many biologists may have the opinion that aliens don't exist, and some of them may think we should worship Jesus because he's the one Son of God. That doesn't make those points of view true in any way - they're still nonsense. But them being biologists does not mean they must lie or believe lies. So for this guy, who claims to have info on aliens and then to say something that is a lie, means that he has no problem either making things up and believing his own illogical assumptions, or consciously deceiving. If he's consciously lying, he's disinfo. If he's simply making a naive assumption because that's what he wants to believe, he's still disinfo. The one thing he's not doing when he says the above, is telling the truth - where does that leave him?

They most recently were trying to negotiate for 10 MILLION abductions a year.
This is an example of a lie. Whether it is a conscious lie, or a silly assumption by someone who cannot think, that probably varies from person to person. But it does not change the fact that it is a lie.

While Rense may have quite a bit of disinfo on his site... there are indeed a few nuggets of truth. All ya have to do is research it.
I agree, since for any disinfo to be effective, it must contain truth to some degree. But all I'm saying is that this guy, whoever he is, is disinformation artist. That means, any truth that he tells, is only there for the purposes of luring people in to deceive them and lead them astray. Either he's a conscious shill, or he's simply manipulated due to his own predisposition to believe what he wants to believe.

With the most recent treaty being signed....we shall see about "abductions". We shall see what the "rogues" are up too. :)
We don't sign treaties with aliens. That's kinda like rats signing treaties with humans about how many lab rats we're allowed to have a year. Sound silly? It is. We also don't ask permission from the kind forest animals before we make their homes into quilted toilet paper. Not even 10 million TP rolls per year.

Also, the only reason the government would ever allow anyone to speak the truth about anything they do is either because they had no choice, or because it's not the truth to begin with. So if he's been "given the ok", and psychopaths never "give the ok" for anything that benefits anyone else, you can be sure that it's disinfo at best. That doesn't mean there's no truth in it, but it's sole purpose is to deceive. The Bible also has truth in it, and if you can weed through the nonsense, it's very enlightening. But most people cannot weed - like if you're Christian, it's cuz you didn't weed :P

Your assesment is childish. So, everything is black and white?

There is no gray area? No overlap?

Picture this: a talented guy has been working deep within the US government for over 25 years. He basically just came up for air recently. His efforts have been acknowledged by those OUTSIDE the "black-ops" community (Caltech) on the ganesh particle. Already I know I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy over your head (ScioAgapeOmnis) because you have not cross referenced / reasearched anything I am now referring too. He is a biologist and his focus has been on helping one branch of "future humans" with a life threatening neuropathy. He has no knowledge of "Lizzies" as his focus has been on grays. That is as far up the line as he has been allowed to observe. Think "need to know", ok?

"Aliens would never need anyone's "permission" to abduct anyone else."

You are hung up on linear time so your assertion is simply false. I will not waste my time spoon feeding you pertinent info...I'll leave it at that. I am not here to "covert" anyone. I merely posted this because there is an aweful lot of info here that actually matches up perfectly with that stated on this web site. If you choose to ignore it that is fine by me.

BURISCH FREELY acknowledges he is Not the BE ALL and END ALL in this ufo phenom.

"Of course, having an article about him on Rense, makes it even more likely that he's disinfo, becasue Rense is a disinfo website, designed just for the purposes of hiding the truth."

Funny how much info treated as bull___t in National Inquirer is proven truthful three months later. Rense is flesh and blood just like everyone else. He has to put food on his table just like anyone else. He never purportes to belch out only "truth and nothing but the truth". Deal with it. He chooses to take the shotgun approach and put anything strange he can get his hands on out there for public dissemination. He is not and never has claimed to be an investigative reporter. Get over it.

Your assertion that DB is "lying" is simply false. He clearly states on numerous ocassions that he will only answer to that he is privvy too. When Laura is NOT told by those she has channeled a certain tidbit of info...and she comes forth with what she that in fact "lying"?

Is there "disinfo" that DB is setting forth? If you consider the conscious effort to *not* reveal all, disinfo....then yes. Absolutely and again had you spent the time needed to go over the material you would clearly SEE that he specifically AGREES there is. It is a "need to know" basis, same as with those Laura channeled.

As to your assertions they're so silly I will not waste the bandwidth to reply.

For everyone else...check out the material and you'll see that the majority of it actually reinforces what is stated on this website.

There are a lot of points that reinforce what Laura has said on this website.
"Well... Here's one perspective on Burisch:"

I could find others like that too.

LI could find dozens of websites blasting what Laura has written here out of the water.

Does that make everything she writes a "lie"?

Are your views really that myopic?

I am not saying anyone has to buy into every facet of what Burisch says... I AM however saying that a LOT of information he puts forth ties in with what is stated on this site. Based on the fact that he's been holed up for 25 years it's worth a good look / see.

sean said:
"Well... Here's one perspective on Burisch:"

I could find others like that too.

LI could find dozens of websites blasting what Laura has written here out of the water.

Does that make everything she writes a "lie"?

Are your views really that myopic?

I am not saying anyone has to buy into every facet of what Burisch says... I AM however saying that a LOT of information he puts forth ties in with what is stated on this site. Based on the fact that he's been holed up for 25 years it's worth a good look / see.

Chill out. I did not say I found the gospel on Burisch. I just said here is a perspective on him.
sean said:

Your assesment is childish. So, everything is black and white?

There is no gray area? No overlap?
Some things have gray area. But not when it comes to lies and truth. It's either true or it's not. What he said about "treaties with aliens" is not, there's no gray area there. He's a liar. Why is this a childish assessment?

Picture this: a talented guy has been working deep within the US government for over 25 years. He basically just came up for air recently. His efforts have been acknowledged by those OUTSIDE the "black-ops" community (Caltech) on the ganesh particle. Already I know I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy over your head (ScioAgapeOmnis) because you have not cross referenced / reasearched anything I am now referring too.
But it doesn't change that comment about treaties with aliens being nonsense. You can't just overlook that like he was counting a lot of numbers and missed one. This is different, this is an explicit and specific statement that he tries to pass off as truth. And it is a blatant lie, and also it is a known internet-propagated disinfo about the relationship between our government and grays. You don't need to be familiar with any channeling to know this.

"Aliens would never need anyone's "permission" to abduct anyone else."

You are hung up on linear time so your assertion is simply false.
But why would you ask permission from someone who can do absolutely nothing about it? I don't understand what u mean by me being hung up on linear time, can you elaborate?

BURISCH FREELY acknowledges he is Not the BE ALL and END ALL in this ufo phenom.
Yeah but if I say I'm not the be all and end all on 911, then say that 911 was done by Al Qaeda, then even the little that I do say about 911 has major lies.

Rense is flesh and blood just like everyone else. He has to put food on his table just like anyone else. He never purportes to belch out only "truth and nothing but the truth". Deal with it. He chooses to take the shotgun approach and put anything strange he can get his hands on out there for public dissemination. He is not and never has claimed to be an investigative reporter. Get over it.
Yes, his website is full of noise, he does not care for truth. This means that he and his website serve only the agenda of the liars and disinformers who use it to spread their nonsense. And the guy you're talking about, is an example of those disinformers, conscious or not. Rense also is careful not to put things on his site that touch certain topics, and is therefore intentionally/consciously covering up the truth. So he's not just a useful idiot, he helps the PTB hide the truth willingly.

Your assertion that DB is "lying" is simply false. He clearly states on numerous ocassions that he will only answer to that he is privvy too. When Laura is NOT told by those she has channeled a certain tidbit of info...and she comes forth with what she that in fact "lying"?
No she does not claim that the C's are telling the truth. She does not take their word for it. HE seems to take the word of his "handlers" for it, which means he's not interested in truth, he just believes what he's told. And his handlers are liars. So if he's not a conscious liar, he's a gullible tool who believes what a bunch of secretive murdering psychopaths tell him on their word. This does not count as "knowledge", it's just something he heard.

Is there "disinfo" that DB is setting forth?
Yes by stating things as facts when in reality it's just something he either made up himself, or was simply "told". He has no problem passing of hearsay as facts. That's disinfo.

As to your assertions they're so silly I will not waste the bandwidth to reply.
But if humans do not ask mice whether we can have them as lab mice because mice can't do anything about it, why would aliens ask us when we can't do anything about it either?

For everyone else...check out the material and you'll see that the majority of it actually reinforces what is stated on this website.
Yeah but just because a lot of it corresponds doesn't mean he's not disinfo. Good disinfo includes various amounts and levels of truth in it, depending on what target audience it was meant to deceive. I was simply pointing out one point he made that happens to be a lie. I dunno if it was his conscious lie or not.
Well, let me see... searching my archives I come up with a few items on the subject of Burisch/Crain. The first dates back to 2002:

Date sent: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 07:35:47 -0700
From: " CK"
To: Ark & Laura
Send reply to:
Subject: Dr. Dan B Crain KILLED &... a surprise: Project Lotus? (fwd)

Hi Laura and Ark,
Im not sure what all this is about...but am sending it your way....CK

Dr. Dan B Crain (Catselas Burisch) Ph.D. 1964 - 2002

I believe the links have expired. Fortunately, one of our discussion group members provided a bit more:

From: Phil
Date sent: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 09:19:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [cass] Fwd: The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch Please forward Worldwide

Phil here : )

Could possibly be something in this - could be a fair bit
of disinfo too. I'm not sure what a J-ROD is - a Grey

--- Rob Meyer <> wrote:
> From: "Rob Meyer" <>
> To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
> Subject: The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch Please
> forward Worldwide
> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 19:09:14 -0700
> I send my deepest condolences to Dans Family
> I want to say after researching Dan's work there seems to
> come to Light That he did accomplish what he set out to
> do and as we no if there is no longer a use or control
> over it well you know the Rest of the story .
> I feel very honored to have been able to do a lecture
> and share Dans work with the world .
> And there with the Grace of God GO I
> Thank you Dan for all you gave to US
> The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch
> This message was a response by Dan to another member of
> the "Projects" and contains plain language about his
> work, his thoughts, his contact with J-ROD, the
> extraordinary Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline
> Paradox, and his beliefs as a person and a scientist.
> This is recorded for posterity for it will be those who
> inherit the future who will discover the truth or falsity
> of these statements.
> The first information will be Dan's 'non-technical'
> statement about his work.
> Quoted as dictated by Dr. Dan Burisch
> "Dear Politically Prepared:
> This question stirs memories of my best buddy (we will
> call him "Mike") and myself when strolling near the
> Old Chem Building, it seems not so long ago. He met
> with me, between my having to attend a lecture and
> going to another session with a seasoned professor
> trying to straighten up my youthful "problems" at that
> time with my "melting point unit" technique--but that
> would be another story. :) [I still hold that it was
> that particular damned machine's fault! ... :()...]
> Mike told me, between my over-eager questions about
> the blackops community I was preparing to enter, that
> a man of science, in our community, was only as good
> as his ability to explain himself: to his God, other
> scientists, and the non-science members. Thus far, I
> pray I have at least fulfilled the first two in the
> list. I feel comfortable with the first (God), and
> given the support of the various National Laboratories
> and their quiet assisting scientists, okay with
> second. The third seems to be the greatest challenge.
> If you have college preparation in political science,
> I am hoping that you have had at least some basic
> undergraduate preparation in biology. If not, I fear
> that I will not have the time necessary to explain
> myself, before I am due to return to the Shady Rest.
> If I fail, I apologize in advance.
> For so long I accepted the classical mechanisms that
> Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian Theory provide (together
> with other genetic/population dynamics data), and
> extended my science into their accepted belief system:
> the one that leaps from microevolutionary changes that
> result in speciation, to the dogma of the common
> ancestor which links the evolutionary path (albeit
> dated) of the earliest bacteria to the human. I
> laughed with my fellow theorists at the Creationist's
> "misinterpretation" that inanimate rock gradually
> yields life. I relegated the Creationist belief
> system to fanaticism and the Darwinian belief system
> as science and truth.
> Frankly, my experience in "training" for Project
> Aquarius and the J-Rod extraterrestrial biological
> entity (EBE) did nothing but enhance those beliefs. As
> our future plays itself out (within the conditions I
> have read), the genetic divergence which caused the
> difference between we (now) and us (the J-Rod species,
> later) fit well within the same mechanism posited for
> our gradual development from a prehominid to the
> modern humans we see today. The interrelations with
> the Neanderthals, and our current body shape also
> promoted me along the trail of Darwinism. This,
> together with the psychological nature of the J-Rod (a
> future, evolved, logical, and mathematical/scientific
> kind), made an easy fit with the dogma of modern
> evolutionary biology. It was all good, and all my
> training seemed to match. Then I became his friend.
> My experience with the J-Rod and his willingness to
> suffer for his (and our) kind entranced me. Was his
> willingness based on logic and/or the preservation of
> favorable characteristics? Well, it could have been,
> and that was my supposition before friendship. His
> current state may have had sequences that drove him to
> the notions of altruism. Once the bond was made, I
> found that while he was aware that his nerve
> degeneration disorder could have a future treatment,
> that was not his major concern. Rather, this logical
> being seemed, by virtue of constant statements, to
> long to help set straight a series of errors in
> judgment and events that culminated in our being
> separated from our spiritual nature. He was searching
> for something lost, not being driven by something
> gained (a mutation). I had only really heard about
> the so called "Orion Beings". He only inferred their
> existence and called (I presume them) as the
> "Brothers", but spoke to me of the catastrophe that
> led to his peoples existence, and his "logical"
> processing of the need for rejoining because of
> "something" missing from his and the "Brother's" DNA;
> something not based in the sequences of the
> biomolecule...something he called the "joined
> resonance". I soon put 2-and-2 together and looked to
> him as one of two future species, in present time
> called 'Homo sapiens sapiens', and found humanity to
> be greater than the sum of its base pairs. Could
> adaptive radiation and new speciation account for the
> future "true" dichotomy, those same natures that we
> (now) as humans understand to be both parts of us as a
> single species? Didn't the base pairs and the
> preservation of favorable characteristics through
> fortuitous gene mutations answer to the differences
> between the J-Rods and the "Brothers"? I asked him.
> He replied, (paraphrased as best as I can remember)
> 'We are here in your present presence asking for
> help.' This statement struck me dumb and made me
> numb. If the answer was completely found in the
> material (handled through logical process and with
> technology) or completely spiritual (handled by the so
> called "higher human self") why not deal with it, my
> dear J-Rods or my dear "Brothers", yourselves? I
> reasoned, and he confirmed, that we now possess
> something unique together with the necessary
> technological achievement level, expressing itself
> from the spiritual through the material, and allowing
> us to contact a root genesis from whence springs life
> on earth. He confirmed that this "contact" is allowed
> only while we are a fused being, with both material
> and spiritual natures acting in both complementary and
> internally (and intensely I may add) disagreeing ways,
> through the "joined resonance". In an effort to
> assist him with his particular neuropathy (as no cure
> or treatment then existed) and to possibly gain
> insight into the larger scale problem of the
> fracturing of humanity, I requested to know what he
> knew of the genesis time.
> The J-Rod rapidly approached me and grabbed me,
> knocking me to the grated flooring of the clean
> sphere. For the next 20-30 minutes (until my fellow
> scientists could drag me from the clean sphere--they
> didn't have secondary suits ready to immediately
> enter...and we are all told before entering of the
> possible things that can go wrong!), he flooded my
> mind with moving images (like a 3D movie), thoughts
> and dulled emotions. Some of the thoughts appeared
> more as metaphors than concretized reality. He showed
> me the process of genesis from the perspective of his
> interaction with the "Brothers". [So, I guess you
> could say that it is some kind of extraterrestrial
> hearsay? :) ] The images, I later found, were close
> to the ancient mandala of creation, the sri yantra. I
> saw a pearlescent lotus flower emerge from a near
> spherical crystal matrix, in which resided an object
> that looked like the sri yantra. The sri yantra
> collapsed into itself through successive stages that
> looked like the platonic solids, and was carried along
> like a seed in a river of light to an oscillating drop
> of water. It entered the drop of water.
> The drop of water divided into 12 parts by pinching
> itself off into 12 separate locations while each
> location stayed in contact with the seed. The seed
> divided (or 'budding'?) itself into each of the 12
> drops. I was aware enough to count the parts and see
> that each parts' substance coalesced into what
> appeared as fully functioning prokaryote and eukaryote
> varieties. I witnessed one of the drops, with rapidly
> dividing cells, as it seemed to become covered in a
> dark red material. The material pushed itself away
> and a looked into the face of a man. He felt like he
> was there and I could swear I felt him breathe in.
> Was this the dawn of humanity? I struggle with the
> potential and am torn in my soul, to this day, with
> the possible reality. I didn't see the destiny of the
> other drops, but since that time of experience, my
> thoughts have been very fertile!
> For a few years I plodded along with the Serial
> Endosymbiotic Theory of Eukaryote Origins,
> (This is a cute way of saying that the so called
> complex cells are composites of simpler cells that
> once danced the minuet of "I'll eat you or you'll eat
> me"; then almost mystically agreed to remain one
> within another giving a competitive edge in survival.)
> and then posited a large virus which may have seeded
> the garden called earth. (Sound familiar?) The
> totipotent virus would necessarily possess a unique
> genetic package sufficient to be the forerunner of all
> earth life. I covered this research, as I was still
> engaged with the Maji in other pursuits and had not
> informed them of the content of the message from the
> J-Rod, within the framework of an endosymbiotic
> research project that was originally called "Mission
> Genesis", a staged logical next step from an
> endosymbiosis project with which I had been involved
> for a number of years.
> (In that early research I was originally looking for
> ways to extend lengths of time for bacterial and algal
> samples to remain alive after they had been engulfed
> as food by protozoa. I was also conducting research
> into possible chemical signals being exchanged between
> the foodstuff and the hungry protozoa.)
> During the early stages of Mission Genesis, I began
> looking into the data points and resultant statistics
> of that very early research project, which had become
> known as the FBM Project...or
> salinity levels were
> employed as one of the variables (oxygen levels
> another). During that project, I found points at
> which the hungry protozoa began to behave unusually,
> that is "predictably", in their retention period of
> either respiring foodstuffs (for example a variety of
> bacteria) or phostosynthesizing foodstuffs (for
> example algae). I thought, "My God, have I found some
> kind of biochemical or behavioral trace to an original
> engulfment, which according to the endosymbiosis
> theory ultimately gave rise to mitochondria and
> plastids like chloroplasts?" Looking further into the
> data, my team observed clusters of data points in
> areas that could be easily mathematically related to
> the Golden Mean / Phi Ratio (an important number in
> nature), the age of the earth as currently determined
> by science, and the incorporation/retention rates of
> viral strands in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.
> Mission Genesis was then moved forward to confirm the
> original FBM results and to further elucidate the data
> points. Further, I determined that it may be good to
> test these hungry protozoa in the presence of strata
> of differing ages. I placed this subset of the project
> in motion just in case variance may be found amongst
> the behaviors of the hungry little protozoa, when they
> were in the presence of the minerals from rock of
> various ages. (Refer the data points relating to the
> earth's age!)
> Frenchman's Mountain was determined a nice setting
> because of the availability of ages that range from
> 1.7 Billion years (or so) before present to 20 Million
> years (or so) before present. The research was
> started at the oldest area, the Vishnu Schist, after
> what amounted to a flip of the coin among my team
> members.
> Soon after research was initiated, and small samples
> were being harvested, an unusual event was captured on
> video during a test of the rock's electrical
> properties. As electrical current was applied to the
> rock, thin heat streams, emanating from that area were
> observed on infrared. At that time, a heat target was
> also observed, nearby. That area was destined to be
> the target location for the Staar-Flower Astrophysics
> Unit...and the so called "Stargate" area that is
> responsive to electromagnetic thumps from the HAARP
> unit. The infrared streams interested me and I
> repeated the experiment using a great deal more
> electricity. This test (May 31, 2001) resulted in a
> heat liberation I termed a "flare".
> Further tests were conducted using varying electrical
> pulse levels until the high limit was found that would
> be detected on infrared, but not visually. That level
> was employed during microscopic analysis of the rock's
> crystals, in the presence of strands of algae. (This
> ultimately led to the discovery of the so called
> "ganesh particle".) At that point, the Maji asked me
> '...just what the hell...' I had in mind with all of
> this and where did the idea come from? I seemed too
> prepared for the results and was the one that had
> requested the massive infrared study be concurrently
> conducted during my early tests at the Vishnu Schist.
> From their viewpoint I seemed to be working a process
> with one stated framework, but really was engaging in
> something quite different. Oops, I was caught! :)
> A deal was struck, one that you will readily
> understand...quid pro quo, anyone? In exchange for
> knowledge of the "big" interaction with the J-Rod, the
> day I saw the images, I would be placed in the
> need-to-know about the Doctrine of the Convergent
> Timeline Paradox (DCTP), something I was barely
> allowed to know about...and only because I had told
> them about some of his (J-Rod's) responses to my early
> questions. As I saw images, that day, of what looked
> like Inca City, Mars, but in its heyday...I wanted to
> know how all this figured together. The totality of
> my knowledge of the DCTP is known information within
> this community. I doubt I could add anything of
> interest (save one aspect to come that could possibly
> utilize the Lotus to assist the J-Rods and
> "Brothers"). The thought that the gods of Sumer and
> other places, were the misinterpreted future humanity;
> viewed as magical instead of technological, strikes me
> deeply. What could have they been thinking, to tinker
> with the pulse of time and alter our genome and
> history?
> I hope that my giving to you the association between
> what is now called Project Lotus and how I came upon
> the idea, satisfies that part of your request.
> After the deal was struck, the research continued. I
> had long felt and related that should a huge virus
> have been the progenitor of life on earth, that its
> artifact would be found in the strata as well as
> within the living cells. The aforementioned data also
> leaned me in that direction. The Ganesh Particle,
> under the correct electrical impulse levels, were
> observed being liberated from the crystalline rock.
> It is currently believed that the Ganesh Particle is a
> dense collection of electromagnetism or a collection
> of electromagnetic waves, containing information, and
> floating in a river of less dense electromagnetism.
> As each particle (dense collection) passes a nearby
> living object, the image of the shape of that object
> appears to bend over and onto the particle, giving the
> false appearance that the particle is actually such a
> prosaic item. When it nears its destination (the
> method of that target determination not yet known), it
> hovers above the target cell, then chemically
> communicates with it by spraying what appears to be
> chemical substances upon the target cell's surface. It
> lands and instantly begins a rapid division process
> that ultimately results in a bridge of cells that
> connect the target cell to a nearby cell. The cells
> of the bridge stop their life sequences at particular
> points, offering some kind of frozen library from
> whence the target algae cells could be given necessary
> information to change and help them. A tube with a
> needle-like penetrating end, enters the nucleus of the
> target cell and the cell at the other end of the
> bridge. This tube (for purposes of name assignment
> called the Shiva Linga) winds all of the way through
> the bridge between the two cells (the target cell and
> the one on the other end of the bridge). The tube can
> be observed entering the nuclei of all of the bridge
> cells between the target cell and the cell at the
> other end of the bridge. After a few minutes, the
> bridge detaches and disintegrates. Biochemistry of
> the surrounding medium revealed no traces of the
> substance that created the bridge. It is possible
> that the bridges are composed of some kind of
> condensed electromagnetism, taking the form of cells.
> Damaged cells were exposed to the particles. The
> actions of the Ganesh Particles resulted in both
> partial and full restoration of normal cellular
> function. It has been recently determined that Ganesh
> Particles will attach to normal cells, use the
> penetrating tube to enter the cell's nucleus, but not
> form bridges to other cells. The results of the
> communication between the Ganesh Particles and normal
> cells remains unknown. The cells of the crossbridges
> are as tenuous and fragile as clouds.
> The restorative ability, ascribed to these particles,
> is being investigated as a possible treatment for the
> J-Rods neuropathy. To date, the Ganesh Particles have
> not been used in vivo, in J-Rods. Theorists are also
> working on the possible uses of the Lotus (rock
> emission component + Ganesh Particle + cell
> interaction component) for everything from ecological
> remediation to how its use could reset certain aspects
> within the DCTP. I remain opposed to any application
> until much more is known about it.
> The origin point of these particles has been
> determined. It's quartz. That is, the vibrating
> quartz crystal. I am under direct order that "I am
> not at liberty to at this time announce the form of
> quartz or how the crystal may accomodate the
> liberation of Ganesh Particles. That order also holds
> for known changes in the genome of the cells targeted
> by the Ganesh Particles." There are implicit
> weaponization issues that cannot be broached in this
> medium. Albeit this whole paper will be set for some
> kind of classification I am sure! :) The base pairs,
> decoded from a world-wide detection of Ultra Low
> Frequency emissions at 1.618033Hz, appear to match
> certain base strings found in the target (injured)
> cells while they are being repaired through the
> actions of the Ganesh Particle created cells of the
> bridges. The strings, working in concert with resident
> viral components of the genome (what I will call the
> "Vishnu" part of the Lotus) appear to set in motion a
> rapid cascade of activation and deactivation gene
> switches that promote cellular repair. I am not
> allowed to speak more to that issue at this time. By
> the way, if you are from Sweetness or working for, or
> in cooperation with that unit, I won't help you
> anyway.
> In nearly every paper I have authored about the Lotus,
> I have given a warning that the Ganesh Particle (what
> I believe could be the seed of life) is not to be
> toyed with. Further, that it may play in the higher
> scheme (the Tree of Life and the Fruit of the Tree of
> Life), found detailed in sacred literature throughout
> many cultures. My warnings have seemingly come true
> in a few instances.
> Some attempts to use this project in manners that
> would immediately lead to an applied technology have
> resulted in bad things happening to those doing it.
> Reports of angelic beings, described in a manner very
> like how the Kerubim allegedly appear, have been
> detailed to me. A noted occurrence at the Shady Rest
> resulted in physical injury to certain personnel and
> massive property damage. Other reports, centering
> around the Staar-Flower (originally called Star Flower
> by me...I guess they like their spelling better!) team
> at the Frenchman's Mountain detailed severe physical
> and emotional injury to personnel, and the loss of
> personnel altogether. The alleged beings have
> red-coal-like eyes, multiple (4) faces, and are
> dangerous to those not heeding warnings to give
> distance. It remains unknown whether the Frenchman
> beings related to the Lotus or the alleged stargate.
> The beings reported having done damage at the Shady
> Rest, were described in a way that could lead one to
> the belief that they are Kerubim, and such beings
> allegedly did directly announce that the Lotus is
> related to the Seed and Fruit of the Tree of Life. I
> say: be careful! That's all I can say. I am trying
> to be careful and respectful.
> We have enlisted the assistance of a very professional
> remote viewer who is attempting to help us clear a
> sacred path that doesn't upset those seemingly in
> spiritual charge of this phenomenon. Results of the
> remote viewing exercises have assisted us in seeing
> the phenomenon from a philosophical, spiritual, and
> sacred geometry perspective. Some may conclude that
> such application (even in such an advisory capacity)
> isn't doing science. That's fine with me. We will
> continue to use it and hold its results in the right
> frame of reference. As previously stated by me in
> other papers: the Cosmos, Life preceded the tool of
> the whim of man, called the scientific method.
> In conclusion, I want to thank you for the request,
> and say that I hope I have in some measure answered
> to it. I suppose when we arrived at our mutual
> destiny, we will know whether this project was of
> benefit. I seek a future not filled with the paranoia
> of such projects as the Rain Dancer, and its needless
> introduction of an agent to the sum of humanity. In
> that vain and with those things of this project to
> which I have just (in the last few hours) been made
> privy and am sadly not allowed to say: I see a future
> filled with the "Fruit of the Light of Loving-kindness"
> and "Healing through Togetherness".
> Yours very truly,
> Dan Burisch
> Dr. Dan Burisch Biographical Info
> I have received many questions concerning Dr. Dan
> Burisch's background and certification of his records,
> which is to be expected. I have been asked for his birth
> certificate, college diploma, and military service
> record. I have documents that reference all of these,
> but it has been difficult to obtain copies of these
> particular documents due to the security that surrounds
> him, but I will keep trying.
> We do not have a copy of his diploma, nor his birth
> certificate, nor a document of his military service
> record. Since his military record allegedly involves
> black ops, then no record would be accessible.
> I received the following information in the mail and from
> personal visits with Dan and there is much to be
> researched.
> Dan showed an aptitude for microbiology when he was a
> young boy. He got his first microscope when he was 5
> years old, and his first telescope a couple of years
> later. When he was about 8 years old he was taken under
> the wing of the Director of Pathology for a major
> hospital in California (where he was born), and was
> taught the art and science of histology and medical
> microbiology. He had the rare opportunity to work
> several hours per week in the hospital lab facilities
> under the guidance of some of the fines doctors and
> scientists in the field of medicine. When he was in his
> early teens, he became the youngest member of the Los
> Angeles Microscopical Society; an elite association of
> scientists and researchers. As evidence of this, he
> provided me with an original membership card showing his
> signature as Danny Crain and dated 1980. From his
> association with this group, he was put into contact with
> Bunyon Research Inc of Dover, England, and ultimately
> ended up moving to England to complete his high school
> education and work with Dr. Bunyan at his laboratory
> facilities in Dover. He was inducted into the Quekett
> Microscopical Club of London. It was here that Dan first
> began to explore the relationship of Hypochlorite on
> Membrane Bound AFP which was archived in the National
> Cancer Institute in 1987. This paper formed the basis
> for his PhD (a much expanded version) and was eventually
> published for public record when the Doctoral committee
> from SUNY awarded Dan his PhD in 1989. Dan Burisch is
> also degreed in Psychology (B.A.) and Biology (B.S.)*
> through the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (the degree
> in Biology is not listed by him or UNLV). In recent
> years Dan has been nominated to (and included in) Who's
> Who in the West, Who's Who in Science and Engineering,
> Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, and Who's Who in
> the World. His professional associations and
> relationships have included the Arizona Nevada Academy of
> Science, the American Association for the Advancement of
> Science, the American Institute of Biological Sciences,
> the American Society of Naturalists, the Los Angeles
> Microscopical Society and the Quekett Microscopical Club
> of London. His past research accomplishments have
> centered around the elucidated roles of protein complexes
> on/in cell membranes, and ecosystem analysis.
> His BS degree is not on record nor is it mentioned in his
> Who's Who directory entries. According to Dan, he had
> enough credits and petitioned for his degree, but had
> issues with one of his professors who wanted to derail
> Dan from pursuing a medical degree. We have no evidence
> that the undergraduate degree in biology was conferred by
> UNLV. Dan hardly talks psychology, but talks incessantly
> about biology.
> University of Nevada Alumni Directory for 1997 has the
> following listing:
> Burisch, Danny B. PhD; '86 BA; MA St. Patrick's Seminary,
> PhD SUNY; Biologist: Burisch Research. Admin Ofc. (This
> follows with personal contact info).
> A secrecy agreement for the Tonopah Test Range/R4809
> dated 10-14-89 bearing his signature lists his SSAN as
> 530-86-5858, his rank as O5, and his title as MB III
> (Microbiology III) and his employer as USN DOD Naval
> Research Laboratory. Another later document gives his
> service rank as Captain, U.S.N. Reserve and his title as
> Microbiologist IV.
> He is listed Crain, Danny B. in the Records of the
> American Society of Naturalists, 1992.
> He is listed in Who's Who in the West, 24th Edition
> 1994-1995 as Crain, Danny B. microbiologist.
> Who's Who in the World has him listed as Crain, Danny B.
> born February 2, 1964 to John Dennis and Doreen Aglaie
> (LaPierre) C. and married to Deborah Kay Burisch July 17,
> 1990 with 1 child.
> Danny Crain officially changed his name in 1995 in Las
> Vegas. Case 95-D-187764-N Status CLOSED. Plaintiff
> Crain, Danny B., Attorney Denton, Mark R. Defendant
> Attorney, Judge Lueck, Robert W. Dept. E. Filed Date
> 06/06/1995, Closed Date 08/30/1995, Last in court in
> 08/30/1995 for HEARING: FOR CHANGE OF NAME Outcome
> GRANTED Trial Disposed Disposition Consolidated.
> Currently, further documents and authentication of his
> background is being sought. His mother Doreen has told
> me that she could supply me with additional background
> material. She is in the process of retiring now and I am
> awaiting further word.
> The investigation continues...but is being interfered with
> by unknown agents whose intention it seems to suppress
> this information and cover all the bases.
> Sincerely,
> Bill Hamilton
> Executive Director
> Skywatch International inc
> Skywatch Research Director
another reader sent the following:

To: ark@**********
Date sent: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 18:06:49 -0500
Subject: IMPORTANT, I believe
From: C**** A****

Laura & Ark

Attached is one article in two parts about "Project Lotus (Staar
Flower)." The handwriting has been identified (supposedly) as that of Dr.
Burisch. If you haven't seen it, you probably should look at it. I copied
it off the web site, because, if it is authentic, I
fear it may disappear soon. URL for it:

Apparently, it was smuggled to the public by Dr. Dan Crain (Catselas
Burisch), who is now presumed to be dead. Murdered, most likely. It has
to do with microbiological research under the auspices of "The Committee
of the Majority." (Never heard of it, but it sounds like an MJ12 affair.)
You may have people who can authenticate or discredit it. I have an
ancient BS in science, but it's way over my head.

The C's make a great deal of sense to me. I am especially appreciative of
"Reality Split" because I have been tangling (under attack?) with New
Agers and Christians for decades. It was helpful to have the logic of the
"Light and Love" and "Turn the Other Cheek" dogmas laid out for me. (You
can't begin to know!)

The Golden Mean signal is referenced in the article. Below is a message
from Elfrad I received this week with link to Charlie's ULF research..

--------- Forwarded message ----------

I have added a new web page which displays the detection of the
frequency of 1.618033 hertz which is sometimes called the Golden Mean.
This used to be included and is now back by popular demand at: or:

Charlie Plyler
Ark then wrote a comment to our discussion group:

From: "Arkadiusz Jadczyk"
Date sent: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 20:38:56 -0500
Subject: [cass] rense, conspiracy and just fishing

Ark here:

Rense is telling us that LANL intel is very interested in the
particular Burisch document:

Here is an excerpt:

Collins' Area 51 Page

Note - We received the following email from Robert
Collins (Rmc).
LANL = Los Alamaos National Laboraties

SAMPLE of LANL hits. They have been coming in since July.

This is an AXS tracking program....Rmc

Jonathan Craisto, Chief, Scientific Research and
Intelligence Operations, Los Alamos
Los Alamos National Laboratory (NET-LANL-INET)
P. O. Box 1663 Mailstop B255
Los Alamos, NM 87545

A visitor from (
arrived from,
and visited
at 11:12:58 AM on Friday, October 11, 2002.
This visitor used Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5;
Windows NT 5.0).

So I checked my log from the last three days and the same IP from
LANL was visiting our site:

A visitor from (,
arriving from
visited /quantum_future/springer.htm
at 4:16:11 PM on Friday, October 11, 19102.
This visitor used Mozilla/4.79 [en] (WinNT; U).

So these guys at LANL are just on a fishing expedition and their job
is to collect ALL information with certain keywords.

In the example above they were looking for nimtz+cologne because
Nimtz is working (experimentall) on superluminal communication.
They came to our site from Google because Nimtz was a participant of
my Quantum Future School and he is listed as a lecturer.

So, there is no big conspiracy here. Just fishing.

It tells us that we need to check again and again data from many

If you go to the Rense page, you will see this:

Here is the page which is so fascinating to the Intel people, and others,
at Los Alamos National Laboratories...
The link, as expected, is dead.

The subject more or less was dropped at that time, nothing from 2003. So, will continue with the 2004 items next post.
February 2004, the subject was brought up again:

Date sent: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 00:22:34 -0800
From: John H*********
Subject: Can anyone help me with this?

Uncle John here: Well, long time since I've posted and I'm bringing a problem.
The following was posted on on the Dan Burisch
thread no. 3. This is way new material to that thread. It is sure similar to the inputs
from cassiopaea and I would sure appreciate any comments from Laura and others.
Particuliarly interesting is the Yellow Book and the 6D STS Nordics.
Thanks. As posted by an anonymous coward:


As mentioned previously, 4D Zeta/Custodians are sterile. For their lives to continue, they clone,
but due to Fail Safe Mechanisms within their genetic code, certain neurological functions degenerate after each cloning transition. The 4D Custodians believe the answer is a hybridization Program.

The genetic race known as Humans is an ideal form for hybridization.

For hybridization to be successful with the human race, the DNA template/frequency of the race
wishing to be hybridized must be 'brought in'. This can be obtained two ways:

1: A 4th Density Custodian dies, the soul of this 4th Density Custodian comes in as a Higher Self to
a 3rd Density human.

At death, both the Custodian and Human Souls return to the Contemplation Zone in 5th Density.

2: A 4D Custodian goes into a deep form of Meditation/Stasis, the soul departs the Custodian Form
and incarnates as a Higher Self to an appointed 3D Human. At death the Custodian Soul returns to its 4D Custodian form and continues its life as a 4D Custodian, whereas the human soul returns to the
Contemplation Zone in 5th Density.

The life force of the Human is shared with the 4D Custodian as the 4D Custodian only brings in half
its life force.

As a side note: The orientation/frequency of the human soul will bring in the same orientation/frequency of Higher Self. A human with a very strong STS Frequency will "bring in" a Higher Self of the same frequency band/orientation.

A Higher Self can only be brought into a 3rd Density form.

This means both STS and STO souls are brought in as Higher Selves. This is for balance within the

The soul of the 4D Custodian contains their form's DNA TEMPLATE/frequency, therefore by "coming in"
as a Higher Self the 4D Custodian has "brought in" the required DNA TEMPLATE/frequency for the hybridization process in 3D Humans.

The 4D Custodians now have a viable hybridization template for Human/Custodian.

These 3D Humans will be the ones used in their hybrid programs.

They contain within their Genetic Matrix the DNA TEMPLATE for the 4D Custodians, which is their
Original Genetic Blueprint, that Template contains the Fail Safe Mechanisms. It is the frequency of the DNA Template which is important in the hybridization process.

In these Humans, the 'Human' template is the dominant template (having 100% life force) and the
Custodian Template is Recessive (as it is only half a life force).

A "future" event occurs which changes these Humans' DNA Matrix.

The "human template" becomes recessive and the "Custodian template" becomes dominant, they become
the grey form Dr Dan Burisch and others refer to as J-Rods.

Their Human Soul is locked into a 3D Custodian form. Unfortunately, their now dominant DNA Template
contains the Fail Safe Mechanisms.

The 4D Custodians became aware of the future of these Human/Custodians by procuring an ancient book
of timeline probabilities, known as the Yellow Book. The Yellow Book was hidden by 6th Density priests, as was time travel technology. They remained hidden until the 6th Density STS Nordics combined their psychic abilities to "locate" though space/time/ density where this ancient artifact and technology was hidden. The Artifacts and
Technology were retrieved and ended up in the hands of the 4D STS Reptilians. They used them as a
"bargaining chip" between them and the 4D STS Custodians.

4D STS Reptilian and 4D STS Custodian factions formed an Alliance.

The 4D Custodians would have access to the Yellow Book. They would be able to see into "probable"
future events. They 'saw' a future where humans in 3D became 'them' in 3D. This was not what they wanted, nor what the reptilians wanted. Reptilians can only host humanoids in the density below them, if the residual humans become Custodians/J-Rods in the future their hosting abilities are non-existent. Unable to host, their life span is shortened and it will be necessary for them to clone more often. By sharing the life force of the human, the time between cloning transitions is lengthened and as such, the neurological degeneration they are also suffering from is brought to a minimum.

Time Travel technology was utilized by the 4D STS. To the Future J-Rods they sent Time Travel
technology and the Yellow Book.

This is how the Future 3D J-Rods became aware of the Yellow Book and its probable timelines.

As with all, there are 3D STO J-Rods, STS J-Rods and Rogue J-RODS.

The 3D J-Rod who Dan Burisch knew and worked with was STO.

However, the Rogue 3D J-Rods (under the direction of 4D STS) signed a treaty with the PTB here.

A treaty devised by of one specific faction/alliance of 4D STS Custodians and 4D STS Reptilians. A
treaty they will benefit from.
Then another email from a reader:

Date sent: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 06:43:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: forwarding e-mail response regarding Dan Burisch and 'time loops'
From: kram@****
To: "Arkadiusz Jadczyk"

Ark --

You may be interested in this Bursich stuff
( ).

-- Mark

(forwarding the following e-mail response)

Mike --

I myself am trying to get my hands around all of Burisch's stuff. I
archived 5 Internet chats, all accessible at . (I have 2 more to go.)
I've learned much more from the chats than I have from Dan's
technical medical-biological documents.

The first time I ever heard of "time-loops" and "timelines" was in
Preston Nichols' Montauk accounts. Burisch is the second time,
although his seems more robust. (Nichols, "Peter Moon", Al Bielek
seems to be "flakes", although some of their stuff may be legit.)
I'm not sure they are exactly what comes first to our minds, though,
when we try to define them.

But Bursich's account of MJ-12 -- I guess, now, it folded and came
under the typical Chain-of-Command and is now referred to as the
"Committee of the Majority (CotM) -- would explain a lot of the
reasons for decades-old security. It's starting to make sense to
me. And it apparently goes right back to Adam ("Garden of Eden").

Things seem to be coming toward some sort of finality in 2012-2013 .
The "rogue" group wants to go back and change DNA history again, yet
another "tinkering" that Burisch claims has "mucked things up" to the
point of almost no-way-out. Apparently the treaties with the J-rods
are to allow us to find a way-out while handing over results of
Project Staarflower-Lotus (which seeds life).

Bill Hamilton is helping me out a little. There's a lot more written
at the GLP (godlike productions) board, sos much so that they've had
to archive volumes because it takes too long to download 60+ pages.
(They are rapidly approaching 180 pages on this very subject.)

In one of the chats, Burisch implies that preventing Saddam from
using the natural (i.e., not man-made) "stargate" near Baghdad
anymore -- certainly not to negotiate treaties with the J-rods
himself -- was the principal reason Bush went to war.

Work-in-progress ... stay tuned ...

-- Mark

> Hi Mark,
> Correct me if I'm wrong but a Time Loop would be
> time, as in time - space reference frames would be
> connected together at some spatial location or
> temporal event where they connect and continue to
> perpetuate. So a person caught in such an enigma may
> continue to repeat several seconds, or several hours
> or days or even months or years with out being aware
> of it. That would be a temporal singularity, since
> through repetition the system is not dynamic and
> likewise colapse back into the temporal field from
> which it emerged.
> Alternate reality systems or many worlds would be
> a process by which emergent properties spring. Choice
> points for the observer. The observer could be a
> single celled creature, dog, tree, elephant, person or
> coral reef, any and all life, at least our narrow view
> of what Life is.
> I imagine in a properly functioning Multiversal
> Manifold and all the life forms in it would posses
> some ability to,
> 1) Be able or aware of information
> from a subjective source through
> Intuitive processes, ESP.
> 2) Beleive and recognize intuitive
> - subjective information maybe coming
> from a future self in an alternate
> future.
> 3) The ability to act on intuitive
> information received. The process
> of creating through imagination
> other fractionalized choices which
> did'nt exist in the other reality
> system's. This process would ensure
> The universe (Multiversal Manifold)
> would experience all possible outcomes
> and still continue to be in a state of
> becoming and emergence, so change in
> the system continues.
> I would guess most life forms fall in the 1 and for
> some 2 catagory. The life form which master 3 would
> probably accelerate in there advancements.
> Mark, I know I've taken a leap here in the
> Meta-physics arena but in order to factor
> consciousness in to the equation "It must be done".
> This would of course mean we are only limited by
> our imagination and the resources we
> develope/discover.
> Many critics would state occume's razor in
> regards to a many worlds scenerio. I would state;
> Diversity in Natural systems is the "rule", not the
> exception. If that statement is true then the many
> worlds scenerio would support and imagination would
> ensure a self perpetuating system who's qualities are
> dynamic and emergence is the Norm.
> Best rgards, feedback is welcome.
> Mike
Another email from a reader:

Date sent: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 12:18:29 -0800 (PST)
From: m***** K******
Subject: interesting info?
To: Arkadiusz Jadczyk

Hello Ark & Laura,

Found interesting discussion
on double hexes(DNA) 3-5...2-5 combination, etc. simular to the
Cassiopaea Material discussions.

Did not send it casschat groups...for not knowing if it is accurate?

I have been searching out information...via...medical reports &
testings....including DNA find the best way of treating
Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia that has been diagnosised which has
left Me with a weaken Immune System. The Medical establishment has
placed Me on a vitamin/supplementation program of 64 pills/capsules a
day....which provides relief of systoms but does not cure! The
program is expensive & only masks the systoms....through
searching....have found "Candida overgrowth" affecting the endocrine
system is the primary I have found the cure
toeliminate the disorder. In searching for DNA
comfirm My findings...came across this.....

Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!!

"Many people have been speculating whether the new Arecibo crop
pictogram in Chilbolton is a hoax or real. The purpose of this
message is: (a) to explain why the DNA part of that pictogram was
altered from Sagan's original; and (b) to suggest a return message.
The central part of the Chilbolton pictogram shows that a DNA double
helix as found on Earth, with 10 base pairs per turn, has been
replaced on one side by a novel single-stranded helix with just 6
bases per turn [emphasis added]. I had to work hard for several days,
to discover that the single-stranded helix with 6 bases per turn
refers to 2�, 5�-linked RNA or DNA, as opposed to the normal 3�, 5�
variety. This is known to hardly any molecular biologist, and I found
out only by making an accurate model. Since the chemical formula of
the 6-base helix remains the same as before, I guessed that any
difference might be one of stereochemistry: change the sugar-
phosphate connection.

A tiny single-digit change in the central "rod" of that pictogram,
located between the two nucleic acid strands, may confirm such a
change in stereochemistry once it is mapped accurately. In any case,
there is no other plausible way of constructing a 6-fold helix as
indicated. (a) "Association of 2�, 5� ligoribonucleotides," Nucleic
Acids Research 1992, vol. 20, pp. 1685-1690. This paper shows that
2�, 5�-linked RNA will form double helices, but prefers to remain
single stranded. (b) "Synthesis and biological activities of 2�, 5�-
oligoadenylate," Nucleic Acids Research 1995, vol. 23, pp. 3989-3994.
This paper explores the use of 2�, 5� RNA as an antiviral drug; it
seems we have been exposed to such strange molecules in the past, and
have evolved an interferon-RNAase L system against them. (c) "2�, 5�
linked deoxyribonucleosides: thermal stability", Nucleic Acids Research
1997, vol. 25, pp. 3310-3317. This paper shows that 2�, 5� DNA will
form a double helix with RNA but not DNA; hence any 2�, 5� infectious
agents would not be detectable by PCR.

"Recall that origin-of-life experiments in the 1980's [?] by Leslie
Orgel, found that RNA would often polymerize into two different
forms, namely 2�, 5� versus 3�, 5�; and it was a mystery to chemical
evolutionists why 3�, 5� was favored on Earth. Note that many
abductees [remember, the central figure in the "response"
version of the Arecibo Message looks like a classic "gray"] remain
ill with chronic fatigue, which generally includes a high level of
RNAase L; just as if their immune systems have been activated by
contact with 2�, 5� RNA. The clear implication is that 2�, 5� RNA may
represent an alternative system of genetic coding to 3�,5� RNA or
DNA as found on Earth; and that the makers of the Chilbolton
pictogram wished us to understand that fact [emphasis added].

Whether a secret band of elite scientists could hoax such a result
seems doubtful; since 2�, 5� nucleic acids are mentioned rarely in
the literature, and nowhere does it say that they form a single-
stranded helix with 6 bases per turn. That I found only recently, by
painstakingly constructing an accurate model."If the message is
authentic, one must wonder whether it was sent by radio some time
ago, yet not made public? Finally ... let me suggest a 'return message' that could open
communication rapidly. I suggest that you ask people all around the
world to write the following in deserts, beaches, forests, crops, and
on all frequencies of amateur radio: '2', 5' ---6 '... '3', '5 --- 10 '
Or simply '6 /10' if they are lazy. But the full message is better

"Molecular DNA Structure - The formulae for the molecular structure
that make up every single DNA strand remain identical to the human
template, with one exception. In Alien DNA, the Phosphate-
>Deoxyribose (Sugar) Hydrogen Bond is replaced with a Silicon Oxygen
4 (Tetrahedron) -> Deoxyribose (Sugar) Hydrogen Bond. This is
directly connected to the Aliens inserting Silicon in its proper
place in the Atomic Numbers Grid. This indicates knowledge of the
Deoxyribonucleic Acid strand, and the basic fundamental properties of
life on earth. The exact formulas for the molecular DNA structure
that form each link in a DNA strand are as follows. Deoxyribose
C5OH7; Adenine C5H4N5; Thymine C5H5N2O2; Phosphate P04 (in Human DNA)
- Silicon Oxygen SiO4 (in Alien DNA); Cytosine C4H4N3O; and Guanine
C5H4N5O. The molecular structure of the DNA is demonstrated by the
repeating pattern of DeoxyRibose and Phosphate (a Nucleotide) or
Silicon Oxygen 4 on both the right and left hand sides of the
templates. The Molecular DNA Bases each form a NucleoSide with the
Deoxyribose, and then a Base Pair with each adjacent Base. The Alien
DNA change is evident in the Binary->Decimal conversion of the Alien
DNA Data, which = 4,294,966,110 DNA Sequences or links or base pairs.
This is a + 524,288 from the human DNA number which is 4,294,441,822.
The human genome project currently estimates 3.5 Billion Base Pairs
or links in human DNA. This is an interesting fact because in 1974,
and according to Frank Drake and quotes by Carl Sagan, we sent our
human DNA base pairs number indeed as about 4 billion - NOT 3
billion. Again, in the Alien DNA, this number actually increases from
4.2944 Billion which we sent to 4.2949 Billion. The point is, had we
wanted or intended to send our DNA Base Pairs or Nucleotides number
as 3.5 Billion, we would have ...."

Why did Sagan et al. think (in 1974) that "our" DNA consists of about
3 billion more base pairs (4,294,441,822) than the entire genetic
community at large acknowledged at the time? And, why did they
apparently choose to send that "erroneous" information into space in
their historic Arecibo Transmission?

Thirty years ago, Eric Burgess and I were fortunate enough to be in
the right place, at the right time, to suggest to Carl that the first
spacecraft from Mankind destined to escape the solar system - Pioneer
10 -- carry an historic "Message from Mankind" (below). Carl kindly
acknowledged that genesis

in SCIENCE, March 1972. Three years later, Sagan and Frank Drake created the
second "message" to be deliberately sent into the Galaxy - the now
famous Arecibo radio transmission of 1974.

Then, in 2001 -- 27 years after that original radio transmission --
an "answer" suddenly appeared in a wheat field in central England ...
Then, there was a casschat moderator's discussion about it:

From: "Anthony"
Date sent: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 15:09:01 -0000
Subject: Uncle John, MJ-12, and Dan Burisch

Hello All,

A poster on Casschat by the name of "Uncle John" posted a very long
excerpt from a recent chat session allegedly with a current member of
MJ-12. His post struck me as "noise" for the list because it was
very long and Uncle John did not post any follow-up research into
what was claimed or said in the chat session. To me, it seemed like
he just endorsed it as "history-making" truth.

Anyways, I'm including a copy of it here in case some of it might be
interesting to whoever. If not, then sorry for wasting the bandwidth.


Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 06:28:59 -0800
From: John Henderson
Subject: Something Wonderful Is Happening

Uncle John here: When the knowledge surrounding Murshid Sam Lewis,
Dr. Dan Burisch and Laura Knight-Jadczyk are merged, the universe
will never be the same

Unfortunately the work of Murshid Sam Lewis is a closely held secret.

For Dr. Dan Burisch:

For Laura Knight-Jadczyk

These URLs for Dan and Laura are vast, though incomplete. Many have
larger libraries.

The following is the latest chat from a member of MJ12 and the Dr.
Dan Burisch chat group.

Conference DONDEP-
PAGEMARKER has joined the conference.
GAIA'S LOTUS has joined the conference.
KIWI COCKY has joined the conference.
KIWI COCKY: hello again
TORCH4TRUTH has joined the conference.
MJ#8 has joined the conference.
DONDEP: hold onb
DONDEP: okay, here's 8 guyz
MJ#8: Hello, 8 here!
KIWI COCKY: hello 8
DONDEP: Can you all ask him any q's?
MJ#8: [smiles]
PAGEMARKER: hello 8..
MJ#8: HI HI HI HI! [big smile]
DONDEP: come on folks, he doesn't have much time.
MJ#8: You are right too- he could figure it out.
KIWI COCKY: sorry - just a bit slow down here
GAIA'S LOTUS: Yes, our q's are not top level
KIWI COCKY: are these Q's for Dan or for 8?
PAGEMARKER: when is Dr Dans surgery??
DONDEP: now they are for 8, and then about Dan
DONDEP: next q?
PAGEMARKER: oh no, can they just do a transplant?
MJ#8: How tonight might you mean?
MJ#8: His surgery isn't really about his heart.
DONDEP: (what's it about then?)
MJ#8: His heart cannot be operated on.
DONDEP: is he expected to live much longer? (assuming he is allowed
KIWI COCKY: i wasn't aware he had seizures
DONDEP: or is it terminal?
MJ#8: That's a real question abuzz everywhere. The reason

DONDEP: that answers that
MJ#8: We heard that he
MJ#8: had a 1/1000 chance of it stopping with a normal heart, but his
heart is anything but normal.
DONDEP: so, his chances are better?
MJ#8: He has 2 cardiologists, a neurologist and a neurosurgeon plus
the electronics company looking at him.
MJ#8: His chances are worse.
MJ#8: But his seizures are coming while he is sleeping and they risk
stopping his breathing.
MJ#8: So he has little choice here.
TORCH4TRUTH: catch 22
DONDEP: what we were afraid of. time is short. he still sleeps under
his desk?
KIWI COCKY: poor poor man
PAGEMARKER: our prayers are with him
MJ#8: Last I heard, yea.
MJ#8: His teams has been reduced to 5.
PAGEMARKER: how is his Lotus Model progress going?
MJ#8: But he hasn't changed his schedule.
DONDEP: so what's the situation with J and the "other" faction?
MJ#8: My friend told me that Dan received the final report on the
class c particles yesterday and the tones.
DONDEP: Is there "peace" or was that just bullshit to cool our jets?
DONDEP: what did it say?
DONDEP: are the tones still C4? 261.63 Mhz?
MJ#8: I don't have the foggiest sorry. Wednesday they
MJ#8: are going to do something called "staging." Where his new cells
that were made in the
MJ#8: Spallanzani tests are ordered and claassified.
PAGEMARKER: BJ has been busy i see...
MJ#8: The issue of "peace" with the forum is BS,.
GAIA'S LOTUS: DO you know If this A.Number poster on the board is for
real? Was Dan really shown the bad postings?
MJ#8: That was all psyop.
DONDEP: we figured. "Take your ball and go home"...
MJ#8: My friend told me that security 61 showed it to him.
TORCH4TRUTH: and do you know his reaction?
MJ#8: He is the head of the local security unit and is a real bastard.
DONDEP: Is Rancher aware of the thread? 61 is an "Information
Filter", according to Dan.
BEN READIN has joined the conference.
DONDEP: (Ben, 8 is here)
MJ#8: My friend told me that he was really upset about something that
was said about the angels, but that is all I know.
MJ#8: I am sure that Rancher's people are aware.
DONDEP: we are asking questions. Can you please please get word to
Dan that the core group sends its love..... that not to be down from
the occasional
MJ#8: I will press my friend to send a message in to him.
DONDEP: thanks.
DONDEP: perhaps...
DONDEP: the F5 warning I take seriously.
MJ#8: Ok then don't risk the case or your ass.
MJ#8: (anymore than you already are)
DONDEP: But, if its all bullshit, then perhaps this quorum here can
MJ#8: What's all bullshit?
DONDEP: but it is very delicate at this stage....(bullshit, as in Js
DONDEP: or that bulletin warning about me. the F5.
MJ#8: He won't hurt anyone.
DONDEP: no, not physically
MJ#8: They operate, unless you know something VERY important,
DONDEP: but could make life extremely miserable, knowing how the
information COULD be put together.
MJ#8: like monkeys throwing leaves into the air- most run away.
DONDEP: who? the people issuing the threats?
DONDEP: or the ones so warned?
MJ#8: Problem is if they do then that is evidence against them too.
DONDEP: yep, which is why certain "absences" will be just as
important as "evidences"
MJ#8: Yes. To people like this group they work by fear.
MJ#8: To microbiologists that could pose a threat to the plans, they
work other ways.
DONDEP: inciting fear, you mean. so, the monkeys throwing leaves
are....they? or people they threaten?
MJ#8: they work otherways.
MJ#8: They make a big noise and people run away in fear.
DONDEP: they had many of those micro b's killed then, right?
MJ#8: They are experts at it.
MJ#8: I am sure.
PAGEMARKER: what are their plans with Dr Dan's research?
KIWI COCKY: do you know anything about all the other dead
microbiologists then 8?
MJ#8: Dan knew Kiley.
DONDEP: Kelley you mean?
DONDEP: David?
MJ#8: The one that just passed. Depending
DONDEP: the subject of the Hutton inquiry
MJ#8: on which group you speak to (illumes or Maji), they have
different plans.
DONDEP: please tell us about that.
MJ#8: That's Kelly.
MJ#8: I am not sure if Dan had met him.
MJ#8: Kelly pulled his own strings by playing both sides of the
street. Illumes and Maji.
DONDEP: these Illumes and Maji..... we are really trying to get a
handle on that, because when this conference takes place, we need to
know so the
info isn't mangled
TORCH4TRUTH: what then was the connection between Kelly and Dr Dan?
MJ#8: Bavarian Illuminati or Committee's coming from the original
MJ#8: Just that simple.
PAGEMARKER: where does Severs fit in?
MJ#8: Illuminati that was part of the Committee of the Majority. They
has kind of like an exchange program on for years, where
MJ#8: Illuminists were members of the Committee (a Maji organisation)
MJ#8: Maji exchanged in meetings in Europe with the Illuminists.
MJ#8: Peace through detante.
DONDEP: what is the nature of the "war" between them then? Thought we
were big alllies with the euros
MJ#8: Nicky tried to recruit Dan years ago and tried again, recently.
GAIA'S LOTUS: How recently?
MJ#8: Governments maybe, but not secret societies. They have had this
world divied up for years.
MJ#8: The Prize.
MJ#8: The recruitment blew up in their faces.
DONDEP: why?
MJ#8: Dan knew who was behind it because they made a mistake with the
secret society they had picked to do the nom.
MJ#8: Dan is an expert in patterns.
DONDEP: [smiles]
MJ#8: They use a Maltese Cross and a Crown.
MJ#8: That was a mistake because they gave themselves away with that.
DONDEP: what's the problem with that symbolism?
MJ#8: Dan reported to the 12 (this is just before I had to really run
away), that
MJ#8: The Maltese Cross, the Knights of Malta would never use a
Templar crown covering it, unless they were Illuminists, because
MJ#8: the Knights of Malta that were really onyl a splinter unnamed
group (not the Knights now)
PAGEMARKER: Maji goals and intentions must be different from the
Illuminatis or Dan would not work for either. What are the Maji goals
that Dr Dan
MJ#8: were involved with the Pope to turn him against the Templars.
The Templars
MJ#8: were Illuminists. This symbolism told
MJ#8: him that the Crown of the Templars was being placed on top of
the Malta Knights in an attempt to take back their rightful place.
MJ#8: The only goal I am aware of is that the Maji support a
successful conclusion to this time period where we sucessfully go
through 2012 without
MJ#8: I know Dan supports that.
BEN READIN: Do you see any significance with today's announcement
about water on Mars and whats coming for the xconf?
MJ#8: Frankly, the water on Mars issue is no annoucement to the
community I am from.
BEN READIN: Is Dan going to xconf?
DONDEP: The Templars were Illuminists?? But the Pope committed near-
genocide to get rid of them. Just what is their agenda then?
MJ#8: It could play as a booster for the xconference...
MJ#8: They won't let him go there.
MJ#8: It's too uncontrolled.
MJ#8: It's fine if an operative or two goes and does their thing to
spoon feed, but not someone like Dan.
DONDEP: So what is the Illuminist agenda then?
TORCH4TRUTH: his health prob would not allow it
BEN READIN: But Bill is telling his story
MJ#8: yes, the Templars were illuminists.
MJ#8: That's my point I just made..
MJ#8: operatives.
MJ#8: There's one thing when someone speaks about another then there
is quite another thing
KIWI COCKY: controlled release of info
MJ#8: when you could put a biologist among biologists that can build
cells from basically nothing/
MJ#8: That's dangerous.
JUNIPER SAJE has joined the conference.
DONDEP: (yes, we knew Dan would never be allowed out to X conf...)
MJ#8: The goal of the Illuminists is to take over the world, with
Lucifer in charge.
DONDEP: 8, this is Jodi
MJ#8: Hello.
DONDEP: (Harrdrawk's wife)
MJ#8: [smiles]
JUNIPER SAJE: hello 8 and all
DONDEP: go on please...
MJ#8: Wish he could win, Jodi but the fix is in.
DONDEP: Why do they want Lucifer in charge, and what does that mean
in real terms?
MJ#8: stand by
JUNIPER SAJE: [smiles]
BEN READIN: are they bringing Revelations
JUNIPER SAJE: has anyone asked about the scheduling for the surgery?
TORCH4TRUTH: not for the heart
TORCH4TRUTH: but for the seizures
MJ#8: They want Lucifer in charge, meaning that his spirit would rule
the world and that would mean that all well doers like us wouldn't be
JUNIPER SAJE: I knew tha
MJ#8: I get the very strong feeling that we are in the end times
DONDEP: so is "God" in charge now?
DONDEP: yes, you must be aware of other beanbox info, re the incoming
celestial bodies, events
MJ#8: God has His place in this world. But their vision would
eliminate that.
DONDEP: in real terms, they would simply massacre people that did
MJ#8: I know about Antarctica.
MJ#8: Yes.
KIWI COCKY: so Maji don't agree with that view 8?
DONDEP: what about Antartica
BEN READIN: Their vision to get us under a New World Order?
MJ#8: The Russian report about a vortex was real.
MJ#8: The Northern and southern stargates are beginning to activate.
DONDEP: at the poles?
MJ#8: Yes, they were pushed over the edge a little early
GAIA'S LOTUS: What does that mean for earth changes?
MJ#8: because of the activity on the sun/
MJ#8: I don't know.
MJ#8: Yes, a NWO.
KIWI COCKY: (Maji don't want Lucifer in charge?)
MJ#8: No.
PAGEMARKER: Incoming celestial bodies and events??
MJ#8: They are breakoff masons.
BEN READIN: Speaking of Anartarctica is it Nazi?
MJ#8: A group down there is from Dulce so I guess your answer is yes.
DONDEP: yes to what?
BEN READIN: so they are watching for incoming...comets?
KIWI COCKY: what do they hope to achieve by being in Antartica?
MJ#8: Yes Nazi. The paperclip "descendents" work at Dulce.
DONDEP: (sorry, we have lots of questions; will try to be patient
while you answer)
MJ#8: I heard they are trying to test the level needed to activate
the stargates. They want
MJ#8: to know the minumum energies.
BEN READIN: what about the two comets coming in?
MJ#8: (Can you think like an illuminist? They want to keep certain
manmade units that would work under less energy.)
KIWI COCKY: so they can apply the minimum energies to a man-made SG?
MJ#8: I guess they will pass us.
MJ#8: That's what they are trying to figure out.
TORCH4TRUTH: so what exactly is the star wars program protecting us
from if our probs arise from the planets people?
MJ#8: Nothing.
JUNIPER SAJE: Isn't it dangerous for anyone to artificially activate
a stargate?
BEN READIN: lets talk about what we can do about it
MJ#8: I think so.
PAGEMARKER: electromagnetic changes are causing time/space
TORCH4TRUTH: so it must be their way of total planetary control
MJ#8: Yes they are. Plus the rogues are still playing in the past.
MJ#8: It is.
DONDEP: rogues are playing in the past?
KIWI COCKY: to do with the neuro problem?
MJ#8: Yes. Some people are starting to see it, like that one about
the 13th amendment.
BEN READIN: They want things (and us) to remain as we are? Until the
very last minute?
MJ#8: They are making changes that seem like little things, until the
little things build up. Like a frog on a warming pan.
DONDEP: good point Ben; are they planning on keeping everyone
ignorant until it's too late? even the maji?
MJ#8: Dan I heard has soleved the neuro problem.
BEN READIN: Where is the love?
PAGEMARKER: this is important info you have given us Mr Maji, are you
against an edited release?
BEN READIN: They hate love, cuase they don't know love
MJ#8: I am not against any release.
DONDEP: How did he solve the neuro problem?
DONDEP: good....we will edit the username tho, for your own safety.
MJ#8: The buzz is that Dan's protocells that were made in the
Spallanzani tests underwent
MJ#8: Thank you
MJ#8: some kind of changes. The cells are JRod cells.
MJ#8: Some became nerve cells.
MJ#8: Dan won't talk openly to even J about it yet.
MJ#8: The only three that know for sure is Dan Deb BJ.
MJ#8: And I am not sure if all three.
BEN READIN: what are your plans for survival...or????
MJ#8: The word was that Dan examined the slides from the experiments-
DONDEP: also, to get back to the question earlier; are the maji also
intending on with-holding the truth as well, until the last minute,
in hopes we
can avoid the Catastrophe?
MJ#8: When Dan exmained the slides he stopped and backed away from
the microscope and broke out into
BEN READIN: So Dan won't have his day this summer when he gets to not
give them what they expect?
MJ#8: a sweat. Security came to him and asked him if he was ok. He
grabbed and hugged the security officer and said "yes I am great I
see synapses".
DONDEP: when did this happen?
MJ#8: Last week.
PAGEMARKER: Perhaps Dr Dan felt he was able to repay for what he
himself had received.
MJ#8: He was crying and laughing and giggling.
MJ#8: Then staar came in and
MJ#8: pulled all audio out of his apartment.
MJ#8: The video is now just one b/w to record the angel that's all.
DONDEP: (who IS Staar, anyway? took away his Rawk???)
MJ#8: I don't know what the Maji want to do or when they are deciding
to release what.
MJ#8: It was a team that used to deal with crashes.
MJ#8: Now it has become the apple of the Maji's eye as the major
security service over all things et.
DONDEP: and whatever happened with the craft from the crashes?
BEN READIN: Oh I think they sent us a major hint today
MJ#8: Some are at s4, others are in NM.
MJ#8: NM has the original Roswell two.
MJ#8: The one that was flown to wrightpat and the other was secured
at the 509th then later taken to wright pat and back to NM.
DONDEP: are they from the same ones that tempted the original maji,
or from the "rogues"?
BEN READIN: So are we in for major Earth changes before we are to
know about JRODS?
MJ#8: They were from an earlier time in our history before the
fragment and the rogues..
MJ#8: You know about them now.
DONDEP: "the fragment"...
DONDEP: what is that?
MJ#8: The racial fragmenting that happening amongst the jrods.
PAGEMARKER: they will no longer exist in our time frame?
MJ#8: The rogues came as almost a political party like the nazi's.
MJ#8: Dan has said that if the
MJ#8: time passes at the rift and we go beyond it without
catastrophe, then all the timelines will collapse into one and
MJ#8: the jrods will instantly be shifted in their timeline to our
present time.
MJ#8: Instead of changes happening to us, changes will be "on them."
MJ#8: Karma.
GAIA'S LOTUS: Is this what they want to happen?
MJ#8: Which they?
MJ#8: Maji: yes.
MJ#8: Illumes: no.
GAIA'S LOTUS: That they are shifted into our time
DONDEP: and what kind of changes?
MJ#8: It won't be as easy to come here anymore.
MJ#8: They can apply faster than light travel but
MJ#8: that uses fuel.
MJ#8: The funny thing about time travel is that the longer the t8l is
away the easier it is.
MJ#8: It is much easier to travel 10,000 years into the past than it
is 10 hours.
JUNIPER SAJE: "wrinkles in time"?
BEN READIN: So they are to try to overt the disaster just to lead us
into the end of this paradox?
TORCH4TRUTH: because of the variables in technology the closer to our
MJ#8: Yes they are trying to prevent it to lead us out of the paradox.
DONDEP: but if we get out of the paradox, we will have to share earth
with many J-rods?
MJ#8: I don't think it's that. I think from what I heard from OS
there at Sunchase some time ago that
BEN READIN: so they (us in the future) have a future?
MJ#8: it is like the enzyme that allows your lungs to expand.
MJ#8: The more they expand the easier it is for them to expand.
MJ#8: Actually less Don, because it will be hard as hell for them to
get here.
MJ#8: Instead of a time blink away they will be 1500 light years.
DONDEP: from Zeta Reticuli?
MJ#8: Yea.
BEN READIN: So how much TIME do you think we have and how shall we
spend it?
MJ#8: Yes, we would both have a future they would not cease to exist.
TORCH4TRUTH: and the cycle begins anew
MJ#8: On 12 21 12 it does.
DONDEP: any possibility they are NOT a version of humanity in the
future? That this whole thing about them being us is really a scam on
MJ#8: And then they are? Not real?
MJ#8: I hope so.
DONDEP: no, just another ET race.
MJ#8: Then why is the power of the secret societies backed up by the
most powerful govs in the world working toward this end?
DONDEP: We just haven't learned enough about how they came to be
here, why allowed....yes, why? good question.
MJ#8: If the idea was to accept them then I would say maybe, but the
idea is actually to divorce them.
DONDEP: Are there ETs that control, run, manipulate these secret
MJ#8: The Illumes yes there are.
BEN READIN: Are they demons?
GAIA'S LOTUS: Can they really take on a human appearence?
MJ#8: Dan and others had it right when they said they are like Nazi's
and no one would say that Nazi's are on God's side, except Nazi's.
DONDEP: not just J-rods, correct? humanoid? what about "reptilian"?
MJ#8: Could the rogues be possessed, yes they could be.
MJ#8: They do, somewhat human anyway.
PAGEMARKER: Are the ancient manmade stargates an equilizing force
against catastrophe?
MJ#8: I have never heard anything about the reptilian stuff except
that when people are abducted by
MJ#8: the rogues, sometimes they use mind games to keep people in
fear of them. Like beating a child and saying if you say anything I
will beat you
MJ#8: The ancient manmade stargates will destroy us if what I heard
is right.
BEN READIN: how are we not suppose to miss 10 million people who are
MJ#8: The buz is they almost have all known ones.
MJ#8: The same way we don't miss the ones that are abducted now.
BEN READIN: Let's talk about hybrids
DONDEP: how would those sg's destroy us though? Why were they built
in the first place, and by who?
MJ#8: yuck
MJ#8: They were first built in Sumer.
DONDEP: In our history?
DONDEP: (present time-line, that is)
PAGEMARKER: I was thinking of Giza etc...
MJ#8: The technology was handed down by the gods (meaning us from the
future) to help the human
MJ#8: race develop stargate technology earlier so that we could help
them solve their problems, in the future, much earlier.
MJ#8: The Giza culture is much older than the archaeologists know.
BEN READIN: so that is what we are here for?
MJ#8: It was also from the lead of the humans from the future.
BEN READIN: you said gods
MJ#8: That's how the people from that time looked at them- with the
technology of the future, as gods.
MJ#8: Haven't you seen the jrod on the egyptian wall?
BEN READIN: ohh I understand, but what do you know of the one true
real god?
PAGEMARKER: I have seen strange images, I am uncertain of Ashkaic
records etc
MJ#8: He's my God. I am a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ.
DONDEP: So Giza was built by another race from off-planet?
MJ#8: There is actually a jrod on an ancient egyptian wall. Want me
to find a link for you?
BEN READIN: yes not confusing to us that know
DONDEP: prior to 10,000BC?
PAGEMARKER: howard would have that, it is not needed now
BEN READIN: why not?
DONDEP: (we would like it, Brain)
BEN READIN: me too
MJ#8: ok hold on. Giza was built by humans under the control of
future humans. The pyramids symbolize 1/2 of a octa-hedron.
MJ#8: hold on
TORCH4TRUTH: we knew that
TORCH4TRUTH: have studied that stuff for yrs, thank you for the
PAGEMARKER: things appear to be coming together a bit
DONDEP: perhaps you knew, Torch... I had only suspicions.
TORCH4TRUTH: excitedly said, not to sound like a know-it-all
BEN READIN: yes me too
BEN READIN: must get everything we can t4t
PAGEMARKER: are those ashkaic records there and true or not?
DONDEP: akashic, brian
PAGEMARKER: that's brain...
DONDEP: [laughs]
TORCH4TRUTH: right ben
TORCH4TRUTH: sorry don
PAGEMARKER: see.... delays for a link??
DONDEP: no prob torch...sorry from me too
MJ#8: Here you go-
BEN READIN: What can we do to prepare our love ones for what is to
DONDEP: thank you.
PAGEMARKER: yes, thank you
JUNIPER SAJE: I have just been reading about it myself
lately....thank you for the link maybe it will simplify things
MJ#8: Physically, nothing really. If it works out, everything is
fine. If not, chances are you won't survive so don't buy into the
survivalist thing.
DONDEP: so, the gods of Sumer are from our future; they invented the
SGs in a future timeline?
MJ#8: Spiritually, get right with God.
MJ#8: Yes.
DONDEP: and the pyramids... you were explaining there origin
MJ#8: They designed and had them built.
DONDEP: and their purpose? certainly not as tombs
MJ#8: No they are resurrection devices, resurrection of the past for
the future. I sent this link to show you how the egyptians
MJ#8: symbolised the jrods as vessels. vessels of knowledge.
MJ#8: This is a debunker site. I like those because they actually
help to find out things.
TORCH4TRUTH: like a national enquirer
MJ#8: [laughs]
DONDEP: what do they resurrect from the past then?
MJ#8: I wondered how the MIB movies had knowledge of what the rags
are called: they called them "hot sheets." They are really called
that in our
KIWI COCKY: i thought we were the vessels (soul containers)
MJ#8: They are/were trying to resurrect a future of what they see as
their destiny by changing the past.
TORCH4TRUTH: my turn.....
TORCH4TRUTH: hidden in plane sight
MJ#8: That IS EXACTLY where the symbolism comes from in this link!
MJ#8: We were called vessels. They were looked at as vessels of
knowledge, so the people of the time drew them as vessels.
PAGEMARKER: What are we getting in exhange for the Lotus Model?

DONDEP: can't he discuss it with his light being?
MJ#8: Dan is very careful with this stuff.
MJ#8: I think that it has been, but Dan acts very carefully. He has
said more than once that
MJ#8: he listens but maintains his free will to do what he thinks is
right, right between him and God.
BEN READIN: all praise him
DONDEP: so the Light Being is occasionally wrong?
PAGEMARKER: discerning God's will perhaps...
MJ#8: He told me that the light being instructed him in sacred
principles and showed him possibilities based on actions. Also showed
MJ#8: what the original garden of Eden was but he didn't elaborate.
He stressed to me that it was Edin, not Eden.
MJ#8: He told me that while he believes what the being tells him, he
only fully trusts God himself.
KIWI COCKY: complex
MJ#8: He said that he made it clear with the being when they first
spoke that
MJ#8: he would never trust an angel of light on its face, because of
the warnings about that, and that only if
MJ#8: the angel fully reserved his right to free will would he
continue the relationship.
MJ#8: He takes nothing the angel says on face value.
DONDEP: so the angel IS fallible...
MJ#8: I asked him why and he said that he is too stupid to
MJ#8: discern an illusion. So far, the angel seems to be speaking the
will of God, because
MJ#8: it praises God in certain ancient ways by naming him in praise
with the ancient names.
MJ#8: It sings.
MJ#8: He has prayed with the angel to God.
KIWI COCKY: "possibilities based on actions" is the problem - many
different options to take?
MJ#8: Butterfly effect I guess.
JUNIPER SAJE: Thank you Dan for the testimony and insight about the
JUNIPER SAJE: thank Dan, i mean
MJ#8: yea I like him.
BEN READIN: oh I think he just has to always be on his guard about
who to trust
MJ#8: I read something on the forum that was absolutely wrong.
DONDEP: what was it?
MJ#8: Dan has never fled from the angel.
MJ#8: Others have been warned away.
DONDEP: (someone said Dan fled from it??)
BEN READIN: the man knows no fear
MJ#8: When the angel frist appeared Dan was in S4.
MJ#8: That's what I think I read.
DONDEP: hmmm..... probably from one of the ac�s that plague us
MJ#8: It walked in and had 6 bright wings.
DONDEP: can you get us a better picture of it then?
MJ#8: It stood over 20 feet tall when it appeared.
MJ#8: None from S4 though.
DONDEP: one of our other friends got one to us; black background and
very amorphous
MJ#8: It is so bright that the pix go all white.
DONDEP: does it have a face?
MJ#8: So the fstop has to be almost closed and that's why the
backgrounds are so dark.
MJ#8: Dan said it has 4.
MJ#8: Sometimes it looks at him with more than one at a time.
DONDEP: sounds like from Revelations.....human-type faces? Hair?
JUNIPER SAJE: is that eery?
MJ#8: When it first appeared at S4 Dan was sitting at a computer with
a machine hooked to it, some kind of lab device.
MJ#8: I haven't seen any pix with hair. One looked like a bird.
MJ#8: I know that because it showed that to the screen before it
destroyed the camera.
GAIA'S LOTUS: Have you yourself seen the angel?
MJ#8: yes.
MJ#8: Many months ago.
JUNIPER SAJE: how did its presence make you feel?
MJ#8: Honestly, I felt like I could fall into it like it was a big
fuzzy bear. Then I got a feeling of enormous power from it and that
scared me.
JUNIPER SAJE: why, is the power frightening?
MJ#8: It seems kind but sets its limits on people.
GAIA'S LOTUS: Amazing, thank you for sharing that
MJ#8: The sound that came from it penetrated to me, even though I was
sitting looking at a camera 1 mile away.
MJ#8: My heart stood still.
DONDEP: penetrated over the mile?
DONDEP: not through the camera device?
MJ#8: We had sound. The sound that came through the audio speakers
did it.
GAIA'S LOTUS: Do you feel as though it was aware of your presence
looking at it?
MJ#8: It knew me.
DONDEP: How do you know?
MJ#8: It was like my Dad's eyes looking at me through me.
MJ#8: It knew everything about me.
MJ#8: The story from s4 is funny.
MJ#8: When it walked in to the lab where Dan was, everyone else had
fled from the noise and the light around it.
MJ#8: Security tried to attack it and were suspended in mid air
outside the lab, then dropped on the ground.
MJ#8: It walked right up in back of Dan and Dan just staired straight
MJ#8: Here it comes! : Dan said-
MJ#8: "You here to help with the project?"
DONDEP: [laughs]
MJ#8: Then Dan swung around in the chair and looked up at it and
MJ#8: They had some kind of conversation. The only thing that was
remembered by everyone is
MJ#8: the Angel screaming "Holy is the Lord God!"
DONDEP: in English?
MJ#8: It broke all the plexiglass in the entire wing of the facility.
MJ#8: No, in Hebrew, but I can't remember the words.
KIWI COCKY: why aren't the Illums scared then?
MJ#8: They are.
PAGEMARKER: God bless you both, maji.
JUNIPER SAJE: ty, for explaining it so that the common man can
understand, almost visualise these scenes and concepts.
DONDEP: (was Gus Weiss really a luciferian then?)
MJ#8: I hope so, if not I am really scared.
MJ#8: Yes
JUNIPER SAJE: Harry will be very sad to have missed this
BEN READIN: Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Saybatoth
MJ#8: Yep!
DONDEP: good going, Ben!
MJ#8: I rememeber something like Kodoish and Adonai.
BEN READIN: Holy, Holy, Holy Is The Lord Of Host
BEN READIN: Saybayoth
DONDEP: So how can the human luciferians carry on like they are when
there is a physical angel of the Lord hanging around Dan?
MJ#8: Guys and girls I am going to have to go.
JUNIPER SAJE: you witnessed all this over a camera?!?
MJ#8: I did. The Luciferians have free will too and their god.
DONDEP: This has been very helpful.
KIWI COCKY: thank you so much 8
MJ#8: Great!
JUNIPER SAJE: Thank you and God bless you and those helping the Doctor
PAGEMARKER: Thank you so much 8.
MJ#8 has left the conference.

Grateful to be a part of history in the making, Uncle John
Continued next post
2004 items continued:

From: "John"
Date sent: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 17:03:55 -0000
Subject: Re: Uncle John, MJ-12, and Dan Burisch

"Anthony" wrote:

> MJ-12. His post struck me as "noise" for the list because it was
> very long and Uncle John did not post any follow-up research into
> what was claimed or said in the chat session.
> -------------------------------------------


I agree. This MJ#8 person posted a link to support his "jrod on the
Egyptian wall" claim when, in actuality, the link debunks the claim
that it is a "Jrod"-(Grey)!

John R.
Next was an item I picked up and sent to myself so as to have an archive of it:

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Subject: Dan Burisch
Date sent: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:12:28 +0200

Area 51 Microbiologist Ready to Talk

Dr. Dan Burisch, who is in lock-down, working with the Lotus project, seeks
immunity to stand before a Congressional hearing or other appropriate public
body, to disclose his first-hand knowledge, with proof, of U.S. government
involvement in designer viruses and other black-ops.

LAS VEGAS, NV USA (PRWEB) April 8 2004 -- Dr. Dan Burisch has first-hand
knowledge of the U.S. government's involvement in funding the creation of
designer viruses for use in biowarfare and other applications. He is also
intimately privy to other covert operations that violate normal standards of
human ethics.

Because such involvement could implicate him for war crimes charges, he
requests full immunity before making such disclosure. The terms of his
agreement prohibit that he should specifically request such an appointment for
disclosure. He has stated that if subpoenaed he will disclose what he knows,
answering specific questions directly.

By splicing together components of various organisms, microbiologists today are
able to create new living organism with specific outcomes, both in terms of
target as well as resulting disease.

Burisch stated that microbiologists have a way of encoding their "signature"
into the designer DNA they create, whether in short sequences or those long
enough to encode an entire virus.

As a possible scenario, for example, the signature could be comprised of a short segment of
base-pairs that bear the microbiologists mark in such a way that other microbiologists can see the
signature and readily identify it.

Because Burisch does not yet have such disclosure immunity granted, he spoke hypothetically, saying
that if there were a microbiologist involved in such activities, that the microbiologist could place
his signature on the resulting organism, unbeknownst to those authorizing the project. That signature could then be called forth from all progeny organisms as evidence of the laboratory origin of the organism, and of
the exact microbiologist who created the organism.

This would then provide unambiguous proof more telling than finger prints in a crime scene. In this
case, such finger prints are placed there intentionally with the intent of providing retrospective
proof of the deed.

Burisch would also like to press for disclosure of other matters of which he has first-hand
knowledge and evidence.

The revealing of his signature will also prove that Burisch is indeed a Ph.D. level microbiologist
-- a title that was erased when he was inducted into his present covert operation. That erasure was
so complete that one could hardly find evidence that Danny B Catselas Burisch ever lived if it were not for the Internet and private sharing of documents of evidence. Catselas was his father's last name. He had his name
legally changed to Burisch with a recent marriage to a woman by that last name, who is also a principal in the covert operations.

He is presently working on the Lotus project at Area 51 north of Las Vegas, in a secret extra-budget
operation under the umbrella direction of a non-elected shadow international governing body that has
covert ties to the U.S. government and with extra-terrestrials.

The Lotus project involves studies of what is called a "Ganesh particle" which is capable of
repairing damages cells. The Ganesh particle itself, which gives off light, has characteristics of
being a living intelligence.

Burisch has witnessed an extra-terrestrial being first-hand at Area 51. That exposure included
touch, probing, measuring body function, communication via hand signals.

Burisch is witness to human subjects being held against their will for experimentation per covert
treaties between the U.S. government and extra-terrestrial governing bodies. The treaty, called
Tau-IX, allows for abduction, removal of blood and reproductive samples and tissue; and does not control whether humans are maimed, tortured or that they might expire.

Burisch does not believe that these activities should be held back from the knowledge of the
American and International lay community. His desire for disclosure is shared by others of his

There are even those among the directorate who are helping to leak information from inside the
covert operations out into public domain.

A primary vector for this disclosure has been taking place on an unmoderated forum at under a thread about Dan Burisch that is now in its fifth volume, with over
10,000 posts in all. There, those on the "inside" of the covert operations ,who are defecting against their obligations to non-disclosure, post information to the forum where it is openly analyzed for authenticity and

This forum thread commenced approximately six months ago and recently had been losing momentum due
to lack of concrete information. Even with the occasional patch in to Burisch with a web cam, there
was no way to prove that the web cam footage was not taken at a prior date.

Those on the forum were not even sure Burisch was actually alive, and that it was him that they were
conversing with on these privileged disclosures on rare occasion.

As someone in the know has watched this process, he recently decided to actually let two people from
the "outside" have an in-person meeting with Dr. Dan Burisch. Per a request made by a major forum
participant, Harry Dschaak (forum name: harrdrawk), an invitation was extended for him and write-in U.S. Presidential Candidate, Sterling D. Allan (forum name: wallrace), to have an in-person meeting with Burisch.

A first attempt was made on April 3. The meeting was to have taken place in front of the UNLV campus
Leid library at 10:00 am. The two outsiders were coming in under the cover of being inside
directorate. This cover was exposed prior to the meeting when it was determined by security that there were no inside directorate coming into Vegas on the day appointed.

A second and successful attempt took place two days later at another location, where a window of one
hour stretched into three as the two outsiders identified themselves with a pass code that only
could have been given th
em from someone trusted on the inside.

On the following day, Allan reported on that encounter with a post to the GLP forum. That was then
followed up the next day, April 7, with a leaked message in which Dan Burisch responded
point-by-point to Allan's report,
as requested by an individual named "J1 (Majesty/Directorate PD/SF, Washington, D.C.)".

The leaking of that document constitutes perhaps the most unambiguous source of
information regarding this covert operation that has yet been obtained.

Within minutes of that post being made, the forum went down. But those who
intimately watch the forum immediately got on the phone with each other and
made a copy of the relevant page and circulated it among their mailing lists.

When asked if this is the biggest development since the forum thread commenced
six months ago, Dschaak, Allan's running mate, replied, "No, this is the
biggest thing to happen since the JFK assassination. We are on the verge of
alien disclosure -- something we have been seeking for decades."

Dschaak is in process of assembling a brief list of questions that should be
posed to Burisch in a hearing. Over the past six months, GLP has accumulated a
list of key questions to ask based on the intelligence they have been
Next item from 2004, discussion group member posts:

From: "Hugh M****"
Date sent: Fri, 14 May 2004 01:26:13 +0000
Subject: Vegas Microbiologist Implicated in Gulf War Syndrome

Hi all;

This was posted at

What is interesting to me is that although it smacks of disinfo, I suspect
some truth may well be embedded in this article, namely the Gulf War
syndrone and the Blackwater that appeared in the Gulf of Mexico awhile ago.
The inclusion of Kerry's info and the disclosure Project (Rockefeller)
suggest the Vatican factions are trying to expose technology as their
ideological bent dictates.

Also notice this paragraph-

"40-year-old Burisch has an inoperable heart condition for which he is
taking medications that sometimes cause him to go into convulsions. He has a
4-inch x �-inch scar going up the back of his head from a craniotomy he
received in the early 70's, and claims to have had bones broken by those who
have him under their control."
I would suspect that if true, this was an early "hard" procedure for mind
control rather than "soft" means such as drugs or physical violence.


Ganesh, by the way is the name of one of the Hindu idols.......

----- Original Message -----
From: norgesen .
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 7:47 AM
Subject: [september_eleven_vreeland] Vegas Microbiologist Implicated in Gulf
War Syndrome

Vegas Microbiologist Implicated in Gulf War Syndrome

Seeks John Kerry's help for gaining immunity to testify in Congressional
Hearing about designer viruses and other black op projects. Scientist
behind providing flopped immunity to the Gulf War vets now wants immunity to
testify about his knowledge of this syndrome.

By Sterling D. Allan
Greater Things News Service
May 6, 2004


Dr. Dan Burisch webcam shot May 4,
2004 (am) private chat with two people
from Godlikeproductions forum.

Dr. Dan Burisch, who is in a quasi lock-down situation, said he would like
to have presidential hopeful, John Kerry, assist him in obtaining a
Congressional hearing, with immunity, where he could give testimony to
various black op projects in which he has been involved.

Such testimony would include his knowledge of and involvement in creating
designer viruses for biowarfare that could get out of hand, similar to the
AIDS virus, which also originated in a laboratory. Evidence for his
involvement in this activity can allegedly be found in a signature sequence
that he hinted at having placed in the genetic code of the weapons-grade
organisms on which he hinted that he had worked, according to an interview
on April 5, 2004 by Harry Dschaak and Sterling Allan.

"The world should know of the dangers we face, and why," Burisch said in an
interview held via a web chat with two individuals on the morning of May 4,
which is now published on the web.

Then, on the evening of May 4, in another web chat, this one open to anyone
who wanted to join in, he indirectly disclosed that he was involved in the
creation of what has come to be known as the Gulf War Syndrome. Both
conferences included the presence of a web cam and multiple witnesses who
were party to the chat.

"Tell the world about what you know," was the admonition Burisch gave in the
course of the interview."

In that interview, expressing his preference for which of the presidential
candidates he would like to work through, he said, "I would have a meeting
with Kerry if I could." John Kerry's campaign office has been apprised of
this request and said they would return a comment if they had one. No
comment has been posited as of the time of this writing. Kerry's Senator
position also gives him an avenue to assist Burisch if he should so choose.

Though Burisch has been seeking a Congressional hearing for more than half a
year, ever since a press release that was issued on April 8 publicly
announcing that he seeks such a hearing, he has been backpedaling to the
point that he now says it "is really doubtful at this time" that he would
come forward.

Burisch stated that he will not testify "without some kind of immunity
release," preferably coming from the President of the United States .

"If someone drags my dying rear end into some kind of court room, and no
immunity release is granted, the 5th Amendment WILL be recited to an eager
court. If I am thrown into jail as a result, that would be better than
talking without immunity; I can assure you -- LOTS BETTER!"

40-year-old Burisch has an inoperable heart condition for which he is taking
medications that sometimes cause him to go into convulsions. He has a 4-inch
x -inch scar going up the back of his head from a craniotomy he received in
the early 70's, and claims to have had bones broken by those who have him
under their control.

Later in the interview he said, "Every good natured human being (and I think
I may somewhat qualify) does in fact want to tell the truth."

Finding Burisch to present a subpoena to testify could get difficult.
Burisch said the "curtain around me falls hard and tough" on the first of
this coming June.

Burisch does not want to be subpoenaed until after he completes the Lotus
Project on which he is presently commissioned by a body that refers to
themselves as "the Majestic Twelve." The Lotus Project pertains to the
development of what is called the Ganesh Particle, which is purported to
have healing and regenerative powers, but which has proven disastrous in a
trial run.

Burisch said "The model WILL be finished. After the model, I will be
retiring," which is presently scheduled for "March 16, 2005," following the
presentation of the model which inside sources close to Burisch said was
scheduled to take place in Washington D.C. on March 15, 2005.

Burisch seems to believe some form of hearing is already in the works. "If I
am dragged anywhere, and a grant of complete, full, blanket immunity is
attached, that's because we probably already had it yesterday!"

Referring to the head of the Majestic Twelve, who refers to himself as "J,"
Burisch continued, saying, "J will have instructed me to open up the BIG can
o worms." (In 1994, the head of the Majestic Twelve was retired Vice
Admiral John Michael McConnel, U.S.N., N.S.A., MJ-Cosmic, according to a
leaked document called "Q-94." That the current head of the Majestic Twelve
refers to himself as "J", provides indirect evidence that this is the person
who is still in charge of their operations.)

Describing the disclosure scenario he envisions, Burisch said, it "wouldn't
be in a courtroom at all." "I would be in a sealed chamber with a lot of
politicians around. Then testimony, with counsel present, and a member of
[Majestic] counsel present, would proceed."

Burisch continued, "Initially the public would not hear the BIG can o worms.
But, if this was presented, then that would mean that a decision was taken
by the 12 to GO FOR IT, as it were. The appropriate surroundings would then
be granted for a public hearing, and more than just me would be involved. I
am not talking about those that have already talked, like [Dr. Steven]
Greer's folks. I am talking about deep insiders that would present matching,
compelling testimony to blow the lid off the issue and get it over with."

Burisch then said that "the chances of this happening are......," but did
not finish the sentence, giving an implication of very low probability.

He then said, "If I was placed in that situation, I agree that I may be an
appropriate lead guy as the poster child" of the disclosure project for the
thousands of black op projects that have been in operation of the past half

Commenting on this disclosure scenario Burisch described, Dschaak said, "It
reeks of the Warren Commission, in which a private group gets the full
details, while the public is given a version that has been completely

Dschaak has been a key player among a small group of citizens worldwide who
have actively followed the Burisch saga on a public forum thread at (GLP) since November 2004, where information from the
inside has been leaked a little at a time, and where disinformation has been
difficult to weed out from genuine facts.

The "Big can O worms" may have actually been opened the night following the
May 4 (early am) chat. "J," came onto the GLP forum at 11:02 pm EDT and
said, "I am going to open up Dan Burisch to a conference if you want one.
This will be your LAST chance to speak with this man that you are pushing
around when you know little of him. How do I know you know so little? It's
because you have regarded him as a saint. I have instructed him to tell the
complete truth to you people, save one issue. That will become apparent. He
will say NO COMMENT."

As the logistics of pulling the chat together were discussed, "J" then
posted again, further expounding the set-up. "At this time he knows nothing
of this. I will have him signed on as 'protocells,' and I will instruct him
to answer all questions ... to the best of his ability. ...You people have no
real idea what dangers are lurking here. He may react negatively at the
start but he will listen to me whether he agrees with the set-up or not
here. He wanted light. I will give it to him. Maybe he should be careful
with what he asks for too. :) Remember the staff of knowledge is

Commencing with seven participants, fifteen people ended up joining the
web-cam chat at one point, and covered numerous topics over the course of
several hours. Such an open forum format is unprecedented for this
tight-lipped Lotus Project.

The director of the Lotus Project, Marcia McDowell, who also goes by B.J.,
was also patched into the online meeting. McDowell took over directorship
of the project from Burisch because of the exposure that came to the project
following the April 8 press release by Dschaak and Allan.

When she joined the conference after a few minutes of it being under way,
Burisch informed her, "I have been instructed by J1 to proceed with complete
truth, save one subject, where I am to say NO COMMENT. You know what that
subject is. (Bad subject)." He then confirmed to her that J had authorized
the public conference, and that it was "confirmed [by] Senior Wensis," which
is an inside code name from the Ed Sullivan show for a hand puppet that
parrots what its master tells it to say.

Toward the end of the chat, a person with the handle "judas_of_galilee"
posted a question: "... GW syndrome?"

Burisch then gave the awaited response: "NO COMMENT."

BJ then wrote: "Thank you. Acknowledged."

Because several people were posting near simultaneous, and the context was
not clear, Burisch then followed up with a clarification: "GW syndrome?
----------ref that."

Talk about anything but Gulf War syndrome.

But that may not wash for the millions of lives that have been affected by
the deaths and illnesses of their veteran loved-ones who were victims of the
Gulf War syndrome. They may have more questions to ask this Microbiologist
in quasi lock-down, slated for heavy lock-down in a few days.

Will they want to let Burisch finish the Lotus Project in a year before
being subpoenaed to testify about what he knows about the Gulf War syndrome?

In one early experimental release of the Gnash particle prototype of the
Lotus Project, which is supposed to heal damaged cells, 150 square miles of
the Gulf of Mexico were completely poisoned, killing all life, in what
Burisch has referred to as "Blackwater."

The public may also want to know more about the Ganesh particle, which has
demonstrated a killing capacity, which Burisch wants to finish, before being
called to testify about what he knows about designer viruses, Gulf War
Syndrome, and other black op projects to which he is personally privy.

"For the Sake of Humanity--Tell the World!" said Burisch in the course of
the public chat session. "The raising of the consciousness of the world is
an important thing, to me, but acting responsibly is as well."

Also published at:


May 4 AM Chat with Dr. Dan Burisch

Majestic 12 Head Sets up Chat Session in Which Dr. Dan Burisch Exposes
Himself as the Author of the Gulf War Syndrome

Area 51 Microbiologist Ready to Talk (April 8, 2004 Press Release)

May 4, 2004 AM Chat with Dr. Dan Burisch

Dr. Dan Burisch Replies Point-by-Point to Sterling Allan's Public Report of
Their In-Person Meeting April 5, 2004

Q-94 Document of the Majestic Twelve, dated 1994

AIDS Virus -- Manmade Origin
- Strecker Memorandum
- Dr. Len Horowitz:

Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project

John Kerry's Campaign Website

Harry Dschaak
cell: 208-431-9346
Rockland, ID
And then, the subject was dropped for 2004.
For 2005, first mention of Burisch:

Date sent: 30 Jun 2005 12:32:28 -0000
To: ark
From: rpjm***@******
Subject: UFO disclosure campaigns

Dear Sirs

I have just spent what I feel is a worthwhile lunch-hour reading your critiques of Tom Bearden and
Richard Hoagland. Although I am not a physicist, your deconstruction of Tom's papers has gone some
way in assisting me to form a clearer view of him. Similarly with Hoagland. Although I had thought
it was probable that Hoagland was a personality being used to stoke up public interest in Mars -
hoping that people would start applying pressure to their legislators to use tax monies to fund
expensive manned missions. I have never however, been able to question Hoagland directly.

Does the site have any similar critiques on Steven Greer? I have followed his campaign for a few
years but not certain of his true agenda. His book 'Disclosure', which I have read cover to cover
several times, has a mixture of apparently knowledgeable persons - some I feel legit (Corso), some
are outright BS merchants ("Dr" Fred Bell, a plagiarist). I met one his witnesses, John Maynard, in
person several times, John had admitted he was involved in spreading military disinfo about UFOs in
the 1970s as well as being involved in crop circle disinfo campaigns. I initially felt he was a person who had had grave doubts about his being used to spread disinfo and decided to do a uturn and go public.

Where I am now doubting that is that I found some curious sites where John Maynard (aka Robin
d'Terra) had been a source for Richard Hoagland and had confirmed to Hoagland, back in 1997, that
several large asteroids were on their way to an impact with us. What is equally odd but now
apparently forgotten, is that Greer had apparently had a meeting with the US JCS and was told "their
is a rock coming and not a damn thing we can do about it". Have you come across this story before?
It was obviously false info, unless the rock in question missed us.

There seems to be a campaign underway to scare the public into believing that there is an imminent
asteroid threat. Aussie Bloke was just one example. I believe that the psyop people (merely the
monkeys, not the organ grinders!) are hoping that these extraordinary yarns will gather a momentum
of their own and again, manipulate people into pressurising politicians that "something must be
done". I am sure there is a big financial motive in conjuring up non-existent threats from
asteroids and UFOs.

A French physicist explicitly told me that Greer worked for the US secret services and that his
mission if you will, was to build up a big campaign and then publicly discredit himself, thereby
breaking the back of the disclosure movement. I have wondered how this ex doctor funds his mortgage
and living costs. Who are his supporters?

I am also interested if you have any info regarding the outrageous Dan Burisch hoax?

Apologies for the voluminous questions but these subjects will not go away and I find many public
forums awash with idiots who seem unwilling or unable to debate in a mature way.

If you have relevant info, I should be extremely grateful.


Then, a reader wrote:

From: "M.D****
To: "Laura Knight Jadczyck"
Subject: Area 51 - Dan Burisch
Date sent: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 16:14:42 +0100

This morning I read in the little magazine "Agenda Plus" published (in French) every two months and
which is distributed "free", that an American microbiologist who claims he has participated in the
Area 51's Black Project" is ready to confirm publicly and before a Parliamentary Commission provided
he gets "immunity", that a powerful human group has signed a 'Tau-IX' treaty with a group of
extraterrestrials in order to develop viruses using material taken from the body of an
extraterrestrial being....

Now I read that this chap has already given himself quite a number of different surnames, and that
some people even question his "university degree".....

Do you think there is some truth in this?

I responded:

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: "M.****"
Subject: Re: Area 51 - Dan Burisch
Date sent: Thu, 22 Dec 2005 17:34:40 +0100

On 22 Dec 2005, at 16:14, M.*** wrote:

> Do you think there is some truth in this?

Burisch is a con artist. He loves attention and conning people out of their

He must be running out of victims to be bringing his dog and pony show to

All of the 2006 references to Burisch were in relation to Project SERPO. Search this forum for that as there is an entire thread on that Neocon produced hoax.

I suspect that Burisch is a similar hoax. Once you see the template of SERPO, you ought to be able to get it.
Thank you Laura for your thought provoking and well researched reply.

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