That's different. There's many accounts of people experiencing 'woo'-like things as a result of pursuing deeper answers about ourselves and our world. What seems to happen, and I could be wrong, is as a result of connecting with certain fields of knowledge, our awareness begins to grow and that can open some people up to various psychic phenomena. It's extrasensory, but still at a lower level. If we continue on, I think those things will probably either pass or at least change in nature. When people get overly involved in seeking spiritual experiences or psychic phenomena, it is very easy to just end up playing in the mud. Some people have a natural psychic ability, but that ability can more of a curse for them if there is little development of the self and growth in awareness about our world.
I think these are good points. Shorty (almost want to call you Shawty) you said this started in early 2021. Would you be able to describe 2020 for you, and some of the types of exercises and practices and reading and so on you've been doing? Maybe that can provide some insight into the onset of the experiences. Was it a goal of yours to develop some ability to see fields and vacuum information from people around you, etc?
This forum is a really good place to learn about many of the complex phenomena of the unseen world and the risks it poses to people who venture into it. Another good book I would recommend is Masquerade of Angels by Karla Turner, which can also show what's "out there," and how what can pass for intuition is in fact a form of subversion. Maybe your intution will say it's worth it or maybe it isn't, but if you set intutition aside and use logic, wouldn't someone who is invested in controlling you not want you to look into the various ways you could be controlled, and so armed against abuses? Just an invitation from an open-minded man to another. The true intutition and gift of sight that serves the highest purpose would never oppose that kind of investigation; the C's sure didn't when Laura was probing them and trying to expose them as being figments of her imagination or some ne'erdowell agency.