April Drop Dead Date

Windmill knight said:
SeekinTruth said:
Europe being at risk, as well as Africa, is worrying.

Plus, if Europe is at risk, so is the rest of the world, given that it is so well connected.

Adding with events of mass movements of people, starting this weekend with the canonization of two popes (John Paul II and John XXIII), drawing millions to Rome.
_http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/50627/20140317/two-living-popes-francis-benedict-may-honor-two-dead-ones-john-xxiii-john-paul-ii-in-aprils-canonization-ceremony.htm said:
The sign of the times: two living popes may honor two dead ones at canonization ceremony.

Rome is preparing to welcome 7 million pilgrims from all over the world Blessed Popes John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized on April 27, 2014, Divine Mercy Sunday, as the Vatican has officially confirmed.

Vatican and Rome authorities are now preparing for what is expected to be an enormous number of pilgrims from all over the world. If an estimated 1 million pilgrims filled St. Peter's Square and surrounding streets for John Paul II's beatification on May 1, 2011, even more will be expected next April, also because the joint canonization will attract thousands of devotees of Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli.
mabar said:
Windmill knight said:
SeekinTruth said:
Europe being at risk, as well as Africa, is worrying.

Plus, if Europe is at risk, so is the rest of the world, given that it is so well connected.

Adding with events of mass movements of people, starting this weekend with the canonization of two popes (John Paul II and John XXIII), drawing millions to Rome.
_http://www.gospelherald.com/articles/50627/20140317/two-living-popes-francis-benedict-may-honor-two-dead-ones-john-xxiii-john-paul-ii-in-aprils-canonization-ceremony.htm said:
The sign of the times: two living popes may honor two dead ones at canonization ceremony.

Rome is preparing to welcome 7 million pilgrims from all over the world Blessed Popes John XXIII and John Paul II will be canonized on April 27, 2014, Divine Mercy Sunday, as the Vatican has officially confirmed.

Vatican and Rome authorities are now preparing for what is expected to be an enormous number of pilgrims from all over the world. If an estimated 1 million pilgrims filled St. Peter's Square and surrounding streets for John Paul II's beatification on May 1, 2011, even more will be expected next April, also because the joint canonization will attract thousands of devotees of Pope John XXIII, born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli.

If any assassination attempt, as suggested earlier, is in the works, this would be an opportune time.

Thor said:
Skyalmian said:
In comparison to the upcoming one late-April:

[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_death]Wikipedia[/url] said:
Medical knowledge had stagnated during the Middle Ages. The most authoritative account at the time came from the medical faculty in Paris in a report to the king of France that blamed the heavens, in the form of a conjunction of three planets in 1345 that caused a "great pestilence in the air". This report became the first and most widely circulated of a series of "plague tracts" that sought to give advice to sufferers. That the plague was caused by bad air became the most widely accepted theory. The word plague had no special significance at this time, and only the recurrence of outbreaks during the Middle Ages gave it the name that has become the medical term.

_http://darkstarastrology.com/grand-cross-2014 said:
After looking at the history, the theme seems to be one of powerful dynasties taking power, starvation, fear of the end of the world and currency loosing value. I think the Cardinal T Square of 1344 is particularly significant since it shows the beginning of the fake money ruling the world and the elites holding power over the masses by creating debt. The cross also fell around 13º of the Cardinal signs as it does this year.

Hi Skyalmian,

While it's true that there was a Cardinal T-Square in 1344 it's important to remember that the planets is the upcoming Cardinal Grand Cross are located in different signs. It's the planets that carry a certain energy and this energy expresses or is "colored" through a sign. What this means is that Pluto in Aries will express very differently from Pluto in Libra.

Looking at what planets are in what signs gives us the following:

2014 1344

Aries Uranus Uranus
Cancer Jupiter
Libra Mars Mars
Capricorn Pluto Jupiter

As you can see only Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra are the same between the two planetary aspects. In my understanding, the significance of Pluto in the 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross is very significant, although as I've written earlier in this thread I don't think that the tension inherent in the Pluto-Uranus square will manifest until 2015.

However, on a personal level many people will experience the Cardinal Grand Cross in their personal lives as an aspect from any of the planets involved in the Cardinal Grand Cross to a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter) in their birth chart will mean a powerful activation of that trait in the personality and the psychological complexes that that trait is a part of.


True. Though I'm not the only one to note any similarities:

_https://www.facebook.com/DarkstarAstrology/posts/715851815117467?comment_id=6947958&offset=0&total_comments=65 said:
Phil Sorensen: The last cardinal cross that resembles the cardinal cross of 2014 was in 1344. It was the year that the black death reared its head in China and India. It slowly made its way to Europe and by 1349, London was in it’s grips. No one escaped, rich or poor and it changed the economics of Europe for 100 years. Villages were desimated, farm land was no longer ploughed and in over a 100 year span. As a result, the forests regrew in Britian and many parts of Europe. A cardinal cross can have far reaching effects.

I meandered into this room yesterday and saw them playing, on Netflix, "The Black Death" (has Sean Bean). I lost it for a moment.
mabar said:
Adding with events of mass movements of people, starting this weekend with the canonization of two popes (John Paul II and John XXIII), drawing millions to Rome.

Well interesting that you prompted this since i wondered if Ebola's destination (so to say) could be Vatican due to prophecy that last Pope will be black one (turned black from Ebola - the black death?) and that he will be walking over corpses in Vatican...

Also will there be pilgrims from Guinea? :O

Yozilla said:
mabar said:
Adding with events of mass movements of people, starting this weekend with the canonization of two popes (John Paul II and John XXIII), drawing millions to Rome.

Well interesting that you prompted this since i wondered if Ebola's destination (so to say) could be Vatican due to prophecy that last Pope will be black one (turned black from Ebola - the black death) and that he will be walking over corpses in Vatican...

Also will there be pilgrims from Guinea? :O

I think so ...
_http://www.southworld.net/newtest/index.php/component/k2/item/605-canonization-of-john-xxiii-and-john-paul-ii-its-meaning-to-africa said:
African pilgrims, in great numbers, will be among the five million expected at St. Peter’s square and its environs for the canonization of two of the church’s great popes of our time. Popes John XXIII famously known as “the good pope” and Pope John Paul II, known by many Africans as the “the white and African” pope. John XXIII who was Pope from 1958 - 1963 is fondly remembered for his major encyclical “Pacem in Terris” or Peace on earth. But in Africa he is specially remembered for having appointed the first African into the College of Cardinals. In 1960, John XXIII named Laurean Rugambwa of Tanzania as Cardinal.
Uh sheesh :jawdrop:

(Added: Now i'm quite worried since Croats are "proud Catholics - rather zealous here in Dalmatia - and significant numbers, leaded by their "shepherds, will go there!)
mabar said:
Yozilla said:
mabar said:
Adding with events of mass movements of people, starting this weekend with the canonization of two popes (John Paul II and John XXIII), drawing millions to Rome.

Well interesting that you prompted this since i wondered if Ebola's destination (so to say) could be Vatican due to prophecy that last Pope will be black one (turned black from Ebola - the black death) and that he will be walking over corpses in Vatican...

Also will there be pilgrims from Guinea? :O

I think so ...
_http://www.southworld.net/newtest/index.php/component/k2/item/605-canonization-of-john-xxiii-and-john-paul-ii-its-meaning-to-africa said:
African pilgrims, in great numbers, will be among the five million expected at St. Peter’s square and its environs for the canonization of two of the church’s great popes of our time. Popes John XXIII famously known as “the good pope” and Pope John Paul II, known by many Africans as the “the white and African” pope. John XXIII who was Pope from 1958 - 1963 is fondly remembered for his major encyclical “Pacem in Terris” or Peace on earth. But in Africa he is specially remembered for having appointed the first African into the College of Cardinals. In 1960, John XXIII named Laurean Rugambwa of Tanzania as Cardinal.
I don't think that the black pope, is connected with the African community, but rather “black day”, which means collapse. As markets stock-broker that names it krak, or black Thursday to say that L 'collapse has had place Thursday. The ethnos groups blacks will be fewer than the Caucasians
Kisito said:
I don't think that the black pope, is connected with the African community, but rather “black day”, which means collapse. As markets stock-broker that names it krak, or black Thursday to say that L 'collapse has had place Thursday. The ethnos groups blacks will be fewer than the Caucasians

Well I remembered "black pope" issue after reading article about Ebola, in which is noted one contaminated in Pisa and there also was a photo of a hand "turned black by Ebola"... It is very possible that i am way off the base :-[

Article from the BBC from yesterday regarding an Ebola survivor. No mention of how he survived other than the assumption of his immunity, though other than his survival it doesn't stipulate they did any genetic testing to confirm this. Other members of his family did survive so this could be inferred.


I caught Ebola in Guinea and survived

The number of people who have contracted the Ebola virus in Guinea, according to the World Health Organization, has risen to 208 - and 136 of them have died. About half of these cases have been confirmed in a laboratory - earlier cases were not tested.


A short while after I was admitted to the hospital for treatment I started feeling better, step by step.


There is no cure for Ebola but with early medical support some people's bodies are able to develop antibodies to fight it off.

Nine people in my family had the virus in total. My wife and my cousin survived too, so it is the three of us out of nine.
Maybe this is the beginning of the "april drop dead date"?

Russia vows 'painful' response to new U.S. sanctions over Ukraine
LINK: _ttp://www.cnn.com/2014/04/27/world/europe/russia-ukraine-sanctions/index.html

typical CNN bluster there-in...

With Obama threatening and Putin shrugging and saying ultimately how good domestically this could be... I dunno?

Anyone noticing very 'off' feelings lately? Almost all of April, but now they're really, really bad.

_https://www.facebook.com/groups/pagan.way/756505784380265 said:
Did anyone else feel a shift in the energy fields last night?
51 of 117

J: I don't want to leave the house.
E: I don't want to leave the house either. Everything feel way off balance
P: Unfortunately, I don't have a choice.
B: Yes and I woke up in a great mood with tons of energy and had one of the best dreams in ages.
J: Yeah, Hubby woke up today feeling on edge and feeling like he has to prepare for war. really odd for him, he's been more sensitive to the shifts since we've been together (10 years)
B: I felt calmer and more rested
K: I couldn't sleep at all....uneasy dreams
J: I felt on edge and tense yesterday evening and all through last night; so much so, that I couldn't fall asleep until somewhere around 3:30-4:30 this morning. Woke up with a headache and a general feeling of malaise. What the hell is going on?
B: Ok, that might explain the really creepy vibes I was getting last night. I think my babies sensed it to. Everything has been off the last 24 hours.
B: Also odd for me and twin infants to sleep until noon. Very odd for us
F: New Moon and eclipse a momentous time and close to Beltain.
S: I posted about my strange like something's off feeling this morning (before I even saw this post). The majority of folks who responded on it (who aren't pagan etc) seem to be sensing the same thing
T: Solar eclipse and New Moon. Didn't want to get up today.
A: I'm fine.
S: fine but feeling foggy
M: I have had extremely lucid dreams the passed 2 nights
S: Same, since Sunday my feline spirit has been following me in my dreams. Usually only see her when something is going to happen. And Monday was a strange day for me, was very agitated and moody. No, it wasn't PMS. And this morning I woke at 3am just feeling... weird.
K: Very on edge all day, short temper. Didn't sleep well at all.
M: Woke up early this morning and felt gittery and nervous about something but didn't know what
B: My shifts have been happening since the Blood Moon. I used the energies that night to trigger the life changes I've been desperately needing to happen and riding them ever since.
I: Yes like it was filling me up
A: Yes
E: something is up
J: yeah it made me sick, literally
L: I was figuring that it was me picking up on all the despair regarding the tornado outbreaks... but maybe it's more than that.
K: Oh yes. Something big is brewing.
That's just part of one I've come across...
Windmill knight said:
luke wilson said:
What I find interesting about this story is that the PTB are trying their best to downplay it in terms of risk to Europe. That's not to say that it is/isn't serious. However, compared to other public health scares (e.g. swine flu) or even general terrorist threats that have not amounted to anything, they take the opportunity to max up the fear.

To me this by itself means something...

That's a good observation. It seems that the crazy general rule is that if it's fake, overblown or fabricated, they'll give us a ready-made story so we can go hysterical and accept whichever plans they have. If it's real, serious, unexpected or out of their control, they'll pretend nothing is happening, or will come up with the clumsiest half-baked explanations. And that is how we know that the missing Malaysian airplane situation, for one example, is out of their hands completely, because otherwise they would have had a plausible story to tell us a long time ago involving some previously unknown Malaysian al-Qaeda cell or weather conditions, and they would produce chunks of the plane for people to see. Instead, it's been more than a month and they are still running around like headless chickens. Compare to 9/11; we already had a guilty party and a plan to retaliate within a day or two!

What a world to live in!!
Very true. And each time is more and more interesting to see how the elite fail to hide their lack of power and control over Nature. In the middle of all this is the people, and the struggle for their minds, the dilemma of whether or not to follow the authorities that are becoming more crazy and stupidest than ever.

itellsya said:
Article from the BBC from yesterday regarding an Ebola survivor. No mention of how he survived other than the assumption of his immunity, though other than his survival it doesn't stipulate they did any genetic testing to confirm this. Other members of his family did survive so this could be inferred.

It would be really important to confirm if indeed he first gotten sick and then been cured, also how his body generated the necessary defenses. And all this need to be made public, but perhaps is unlikely.
Well, its May 1. So much for dropping dead in April!

To quote that Great Philosopher, Yogi Berra: "it is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future".
rs said:
Well, its May 1. So much for dropping dead in April!

To quote that Great Philosopher, Yogi Berra: "it is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future".

Exactly. Unless we want to consider the events in Ukraine and Ebola as "pre-cursers", so to say, of a process that takes some time to fully develop.
Maybe the term was contractual / legal.

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