A review session follows: Who is 1st density?
Q: (L) Rocks and minerals, right?
A: And?
Q: (L) Plants?
A: Yes. Now, what awareness do you suppose they have of you?
Q: (L) What awareness do rocks and plants have of US?! Oh, dear
God! (V) That's an interesting way to put it. An excellent example.
(T) When we ask why higher beings have awareness of us but we
are not aware of them, we need to ask what awareness beings
lower than us have of us. (J) Obviously no more than we have of 4th
density. (T) But when you play music to a plant, it has some
awareness because it makes it grow better. (L) But music is not a
being. (T) It's an energy wave. (J) Wait a minute... what they are
saying is: they have no more awareness of us than we, as 3rd
density beings, have of 4th density beings. (T) Does this mean that
they interact with us the way we interact with plants?
A: Who is "on" 2nd level?
Q: (L) Animals. (T) Insects, lower life forms.
A: Now, think carefully, what level of awareness, and more
importantly, understanding, do they have of you?
Q: (L) Well, I guess they are aware of us in some way, but they don't
understand us... (T) Some do at some point... (T) They understand
us to a certain extent...
(F) But their understanding is entirely different from our
understanding of them. In other words, they see these big hulking
beings, but they don't know what's going on. (L) Was Ouspensky's
explanation of how animals perceive humans very close to the truth?
A: Close. Now, what about 1st level understanding and perception of
2nd level?
Q: (L) Okay, 1st density, minerals and plants... now rocks and
minerals combine with plants through growing actions, water
dissolution, erosion, and so on, they have a real limited existence.
And what happens is that mostly animals come along and eat them.
(F) Bees pollinate flowers. (L) Different kinds of animals live in trees.
(T) Some animals live in the ground and in caves. (T) So, rocks and
minerals and plants have a really limited understanding of the
animals above them which interact with them in various ways.
A: Yes, and you have a limited understanding of the densities above
Q: (L) Well, that is still begging the question, my question was... (T)
As an example, today we all experienced something we call thunder,
but we were all aware
that it was something more. Something happened in 4th density that
we experienced in a certain way, and it was a limited understanding
of that level.
A: Laura, unblock, do rocks and plants "see" you?
Q: (J) Probably not. (D) We don't really know. (T) We see the 3rd
density manifestations of 1st density objects. We don't see the 1st
density perception of itself. So, how do we see the 4th density
manifestations, they see us on a 4th density level... not necessarily
as we perceive ourselves.
A: T***, you are making rapid progress. Laura better watch her Butt! [laughter]
Q: (V) So, I am curious... what do rocks look like to each other? (L)
Let's ask. What do rocks see when they look at each other?
A: They sense each other.
Q: (L) What example of our sensory apparatus would be close to an
example of what a rock senses when it is aware of another rock?
A: That is a cross conceptualization and will not work.
Q: (L) So there is no way we can interpret what a rock senses. Well,
another 1st density example is plants. We know that plants can
react positively to certain persons and negatively to others. They
have experimented with hooking them up to polygraph machines
and measured these responses. (J) They also react to music... (T)
Third density reactions...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) If plants interact with each other, do they feel, say, fondness
for one another?
A: Something akin to that.
Q: (L) Does it hurt a plant when we eat it?
A: Does it hurt you when a "Lizzie" eats you?
Q: (T) Yes, you see, on 4th density... we are on 3rd density and we
eat 1st and 2nd density, the 4th density eats us. (D) If we hurt plants
by eating them like the
Lizzies hurt us when they eat us, how are we to survive without
A: When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to