Are the Nephilim and Hitlers Master Race really just Psychopaths?


Jedi Master
The C's Transcripts 07-10-95 said:
Q: (L) I have thought about my question from the last session and I
want to ask it this way: You have said that Hitler received
instructions from higher density beings about creating a 'Master
Race.' Why were the Aryan genetic types seen to be more desirable
for creation of this Germanic 'master race?'
A: Both, similarity and ancestral link most unblemished from Orion
3rd and 4th density stock.
Q: (L) So they were essentially trying to breed a group of people like
A: Yes.
A: Not point. How would you suggest creation?
Q: (L) Okay. They were preparing this breeding ground, so to speak.
Obviously this was for the introduction of some other genetic strain.
What was this?
A: Nephalim.
Q: (L) Well, if the Nephilim are coming in ships, 36 million of them,
why bother to create half-breeds here?
A: Yes, but having an "advance party" makes 3rd density conquest
much easier.
Q: (L) So, this Master Race was supposed to get everything ready...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, what is it about the Semitic genes that was considered
to be so undesirable in the creation of this 'Master Race?'
A: Would blemish genetic characteristics inclined to ruthlessness
and domination.
Q: (L) So, you are saying that there is something, some genetic
tendency or set of genes in the Semitic type that would counteract
I don't think I ever understood this information from the C's when I had first read it, but after more study into the nature of what is going on in the world, I think maybe I do. So I have a question to ask regarding this part of the C's channelled info.

The C's say that Hitler was being used by the STS forces to prepare a Master Race here on earth for the eventual takeover by the STS and Nephillim and that having an advance party here would help facilitate the takeover. Am I correct in making the link between Psychopaths and the "Master Race", or completely off track? This would seem to me to make sense that the half-breeds who will make it easy for the Nephilim to take over the earth would be the Pathocrats in the positions of power/authority/government.

For example we know through study of the Ponerological reality of the world we live in that there is an infecting of psychopathy going on, and that in fact the Nazi's never really lost WW2, they just transferred there knowledge, technology and experiments to the US under Project Paperclip. Now with the US being the worlds only Super-Power (or at least the ones in major control of world events) for the last half a century or more and being led (almost exclusively) by one psychpath/pathocrat after another, then the Psychopaths/master race is already in control. Hence this grand STS master plan still being in place and still being run towards its conclusion.

Also, just to think a little extra outside the box. From what the C's say, are they suggesting that maybe the Nephilim are also psychopaths? Or maybe (being third density as we are) at least suffer from psychopathy or indeed maybe an uber type psychopathic race (seeing as they have been specially selected and programmed by the STS Lizzies as enforcers)?

I'd appreciate any thoughts.
We have thought the same thing. For example, have a look at this:

The Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence

By Gregory Cochran, Jason Hardy, Henry Harpending, Department of Anthropology, University of Utah.

This paper elaborates the hypothesis that the unique demography and sociology of Ashkenazim in medieval Europe selected for intelligence. Ashkenazi literacy, economic specialization, and closure to inward gene flow led to a social environment in which there was high fitness payoff to intelligence, specifically verbal and mathematical intelligence but not spatial ability.

As with any regime of strong directional selection on a quantitative trait, genetic variants that were otherwise fitness reducing rose in frequency. In particular we propose that the well-known clusters of Ashkenazi genetic diseases, the sphingolipid cluster and the DNA repair cluster in particular, increase intelligence in heterozygotes. Other Ashkenazi disorders are known to increase intelligence. Although these disorders have been attributed to a bottleneck in Ashkenazi history and consequent genetic drift, there is no evidence of any bottleneck. Gene frequencies at a large number of autosomal loci show that if there was a bottleneck then subsequent gene flow from Europeans must ave been very large, obliterating the effects of any bottleneck. The clustering of the disorders in only a few pathways and the presence at elevated frequency of more than one deleterious allele at many of them could not have been produced by drift. Instead these are signatures of strong and recent natural selection. [...]

There are several key observations that motivate our hypothesis. The first is that the Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group, combined with an unusual cognitive profile, while no similar elevation of intelligence was observed among Jews in classical times nor is one seen in Sephardic and Oriental Jews today.

The second is that the Ashkenazim experienced very low inward gene flow, which created a favorable situation for natural selection.

The third is that they experienced unusual selective pressures that were likely to have favored increased intelligence. For the most part they had jobs in which increased IQ strongly favored economic success, in contrast with other populations, who were mostly peasant farmers. They lived in circumstances in which economic success led to increase reproductive success.

The fourth is the existence of the Ashkenazi sphingolipid, DNA repair, and other disease clusters, groups of biochemically related mutations that could not plausibly have reached their present high frequencies by chance, that are not common in adjacent populations, and that have physiological effects that could increase intelligence.

Other selective factors have been suggested. "Winnowing through persecution" suggests that only the smartest Jews survived persecution. Why this should be so is not clear. There was no similar outcome in other groups such as Gypsies who have faced frequent persecution (Crowe and Kolsti, 1991).

Another theory suggests that there was selective breeding for Talmudic scholarship. This seems unlikely to have been an important selective factor, since there weren't very many professional rabbis, certainly less than one ercent of the population. A selective force that only affects a tiny fraction of the population can never be strong enough to cause important evolutionary change in tens of generations. A plausible variant of the Talmudic scholarship model suggests that it was like a sexually selected marker and that rich families preferred to marry their daughters to males who excelled (Weyl and Possony, 1963; MacDonald, 1994) so that the payoff to telligence was indirect rather than direct as we suggest. Without detailed historical demographic information it will be difficult to evaluate this hypothesis. [...]

We describe two main clusters of Ashkenazi inherited disease, the sphingolipid cluster and the DNA repair cluster, reviewing evidence that these modulate early central nervous system development. A sample of Gaucher disease patients show a startling occupational spectrum of high IQ jobs, and several other Ashkenazi disorders, idiopathic torsion dystonia and non-classical adrenal hyperplasia, are known to elevate IQ.[...]

Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average IQ of any ethnic group for which there are reliable data. They score 0.75 to 1.0 standard deviations above the general European average, corresponding to an IQ 112-115. [...]

This fact has social significance because IQ (as measured by IQ tests) is the best predictor we have of succes in academic subjects and most jobs. Ashkenazi Jews are just as successful as their tested would predict, and they are hugely overrepresented in occupations and fields with the ighest cognitive demands. During the 20th century, they made up about 3% of the US opulation but won 27% of the US Nobel science prizes and 25% of the ACM Turin awards. Thev account for more than half of world chess champions. [...]

This High IQ and corresponding high academic ability have been long known.[...]

Ashkenazi Jews have an unusual ability profile as well as higher than average IQ. The have high verbal and mathematical scores, while their visuospatial abilities are typical somewhat lower, by about one half a standard deviation, than the European average (Levinson, 1977; Levinson and Block, 1977).[...]

The Ashkenazi pattern of success is what one would expect from this abil istribution-great success in mathematics and literature, more typical results resentational painting, sculpture, and architecture.
It is noteworthy that non-Ashkenazi Jews do not have high average IQ test scores (Ortar,1967), nor are they overrepresented in cognitively demanding fields. This is important indeveloping any causal explanation of Ashkenazi cognitive abilities: any such theory must explain high Ashkenazi IQ, the unusual structure of their cognitive abilities, and the lack of these traits among Sephardic and Oriental Jews(Burg and Belmont, 1990; Patai, 1977) [...]

IQ tests predict a host of characteristic iduals including educational attainment, job performance, income, health, an non-obvious characteristics like susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease. In general t search for social and nutritional causes of IQ differences has not led to any convincin results and most workers now regard IQ as a biological rather than a social variable. [...]

IQ test scores are highly heritable, almost always greater than 0.5 when adult scor studied. Lower heritability estimates are found for children's IQ: the IQ of children does seem to reflect in part environmental influences like the social class of the home in whic the child is reared, but these influences disappear as the child matures and are essentially gone in adulthood. In the same way enrichment programs like Head Start cause a transient elevation in IO scores of children but these effects disappear as the child matures.[...]

With its high heritability, IQ should respond rapidly to directional selection... Assumine parents of the next generation have an average IQ one point above the population mean, the average IQ increases by 0.8 points per generation. In 20 human generations about 500 years, it would increase by 16 points-slightly more than the difference between average Ashkenazi IQ scores and average European IQ scores. Change of this magnitude over historical time is not at all implausible.

Detailed demographic data about early medieval Ashkenazim are lacking, but we c infer plausible parameters from the scarce information that we do have. First, their jo were cognitively demanding since they were essentially restricted to entrepreneurial managerial roles as financiers, estate managers, tax farmers, and merchants. These ar s that people with an IQ below 100 essentially cannot do. Even low-level clerical require something like an IQ of 90 (Gottfredson, 2003).[...]

Since strong selection for IQ seems to be unusual in humans (few populations have had most members performing high-complexity jobs) and since near-total reproductive isolation is also unusual, the Ashkenazim may be the only extant human population with polymorphic frequencies of IQ-boosting disease mutations, although another place to look for a similar phenomenon is in India. In particular the Parsi are an endogamous group with high levels of economic achievement, a history of long distance trading, business, and management, and who suffer high prevalences of Parkinson disease, breast cancer, and tremor disorders, diseases not present in their neighbors (see "The UNESC Parsi Zoroastrian Proiect". httD://[...]

Rapid selection does not always yield efficient solutions. Overdominant mutations that increase heterozvgote fitness and harm homozygotes are favored in the short run, but over longer periods, modifier genes decrease the associated genetic load (Hammerstein, 1996). Sickle cell, the canonical example of overdominance in humans, is a response to a recent selective influence, since falciparum malaria in its present form is probably only a few thousand years old. We usually think of over dominant mutations as defenses against infectious diseases, and indeed many are, but rapid selection for metric traits other than disease resistance can also result in polymorphic frequencies of overdominant alleles. [...]

Selection for IQ among the Ashkenazim then would have had associated costs. First, genetic changes that aided fitness in a urban environment where most jobs had high IQ elasticity almost certainly reduced fitness in more typical environments, simply because change away from the optimum mix for a traditional environment. The expectation is that Ashkenazim would most likely suffer competitive disadvantage as peasant farmers or hunter-gatherers, for example.

Mutations that increased heterozygote fitness in the unique environment experienced by the Ashkenazim (by increasing IQ, for example) while harming homozygotes could have become relatively common, just as sickle cell has. Our hypothesis is that many, perhaps most of the characteristic Ashkenazi genetic diseases fall into this category. Selection has imposed a heavy human cost - not crippling at the population level, cheaper than the malaria-defense mutations like sickle-cell and G6PD deficiencv. but tragic nonetheless.[...]

When we first see them in the historical record, the Ashkenazim were long-distanc merchants who traded with the Moslem world. This is the beginning of an occupat attern that is very different from those of other Europeans and from those of other Jewish groups, as well. The majority of Jews had already given up agriculture (Bottici and Eckstein, 2002), but the Jews of Islam, although urban, mostly worked in various crafts. The Ashkenazim, from their beginnings and for a long time, seldom had suc This pattern is detailed in Gross (1975, p. 147): "Two entirely different patterns i ractice of crafts and their place in Jewish life and society are discernible throughout t Middle Ages. One characterizes the communities in countries around the Mediterrane including in the south those in the continents of Asia and Africa, and in the north extending more or less to an imaginary demarcation line from the Pyrenees to the northern end of the Balkans. The other, in the Christian countries of Europe, was more o less north of the Pyrenees-Balkans line." and (p. 151) "North of the Pyrenees and Balkans crafts played a very small role as a Jewish occupation, from the incept Jewish settlement there."

The Ashkenazi population, established in northern France by the early 900s, prospered and expanded. They settled the Rhineland and England after the Norman Conquest. At first they were international merchants who acted as intermediaries with the Moslem world. As Moslems and Christians, especially Italians, increasingly found it possible to do business directly, Ashkenazi merchants moved more and more into local trade. When persecution began to be a serious problem and the security required for long-distance travel no longer existed, the Ashkenazim specialized more and more in one occupation, finance, left particularly open to them because of the Christian prohibition of usury. The majority of the Ashkenazim seem to have been moneylenders by 1100 AD (Ben-Sasson 1976; Arkin, 1975), and this continued for several centuries. Such occupations (sales, trade, finance) had high IQ demands, and we know of no other population that had suc large fraction of cognitively demanding jobs for an extended period.

In some cases, we have fairly detailed records of this activity. For example (Arkin, 1975 p.58), concerning the Jews of Roussilon circa 1270: "The evidence is overwhelming that this rather substantial group of Jews supported itself by money lending, to the virtual exclusion of all other economic activities. Of the 228 adult male Jews mentioned in the registers, almost 80 percent appear as lenders to their Christian neighbors. Nor were loans by Jewish women (mostly widows) uncommon, and the capital of minors was often invested in a similar manner. Moreover, the Jews most active as moneylenders appear to have been the most respected members of the community."

The Jews in this period were prosperous. Ben-Sasson points out (p. 401) that "Western Europe suffered virtual famine for many years in the tenth and eleventh centuries, there is no hint or echo of this in the Jewish sources of the region in this period. The city dweller lived at an aristocratic level, as befitted international merchants an honored local financiers." Their standard of living was that of the lower nobilitv (Roth, 2002)

Although prosperous, they were not safe. The first major crisis was the First Crusade, resulting in the death of something like a quarter of the Jews in the Rhineland. Religious hostility, probably exacerbated by commercial rivalries, increased, manifesting itself in the form of massacres and expulsions culminating in the expulsion of the Jews from most of Western Europe. They were expelled from England in 1290, from France in 1394, and from various regions of Germany in the 15th century. The expulsions had greater effect in the long run than massacres and persecutions. Jewish population growth rates were high due to prosperity and distaste for family limitation; so numbers tended to recover from attacks after a generation or two. But the potential for such population recovery decreased as Jews were excluded from more and more of Western Europe.

Many of the Jews moved east, first to Austria, Bohemia and Moravia, then to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthe. The Polish rulers welcomed Jewish immigrants who could help modernize and reconstruct the country, which had been devastated by Mongol raids. Jews were welcome as urban investors and initiators of trade. [...]

As they had in Western Europe, the Jews of Poland had a very unusual occupational profile. The very first to immigrate were mainly moneylenders, but that soon change They became tax-farmers, toll-farmers, estate managers, and they ran mills and taverns. According to Weinryb (1972) in the middle of the fourteenth century, "About 15 percent of the Jewish population were earners of wages, salaries and fees. The rest were independent owners of business enterprises." They were the management class of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Besides literacy, success in those specialized occupations depended upon skills similar to those of businessmen today, not least the abilitv to keep track of complex transactions and money flows.

Eventually, as the Ashkenazi population of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth creased, more and more Jews became craftsmen - there are after only so many managerial and financial slots. Still, for 800 to 900 years, from roughly 800 AD to 1650 or 1700 AD, the great majority of the Ashkenazi Jews had managerial and financial jobs, jobs of high complexity, and were neither farmers nor craftsmen. In this they differed from all other settled peoples of which we have knowledge.

Jews who were particularly good at these jobs enjoyed increased reproductive success. Weinryb (1972, see also Hundert 1992) comments: "more children survived to adulthood in affluent families than in less affluent ones. A number of genealogies of business leaders, prominent rabbis, community leaders, and the like generally belonging to more affluent classes - show that such people often had four, six, sometimes even eight or nine children who reached adulthood. On the other hand, there are some indications that poorer families tended to be small ones. It should also be added that overcrowding, which favors epidemics was more prevalent among the poorer classes. In short, the number of children surviving among Polish Jews seems to have varied considerably from one social level to another." He goes on to suggest that wealthier Jews were less crowded as they lived in bigger houses, they could keep their houses warmer, they could afford wet-nursesthey had better access to rural refugia from epidemics. [...]

Societies reward different behavioral traits. In some times and places successful warriors and soldiers have had high status, in others merchants, in still others bureaucrats as in ancient China. There were societies in premodern Europe in which merchants and businessmen ranked near the top, but this was atypical. To the extent that status and wealth were inherited rather than earned, the correlation between cognitive traits and reproductive success in elite croups may have been quite weak.
In almost every case elite groups experienced substantial gene flow with other, much larger groups that were not subject to the same selective pressures. This means that the selective pressures experienced by such groups were diluted, spread out into the general population. Christian merchants in London or Rotterdam may have experienced selective pressures similar to those of the Ashkenazi Jews, but they intermarried: there was extensive gene flow with the general population, the majority of whom were farmers.

The selection pressures experienced by farmers were probably quite different: most likely cognitive skills did not have as high a correlation with income among farmers that they did among ndividuals whose occupations required extensive symbol manipulation, such as as moneylenders, tax farmers, and estate managers.

The Ashkenazi occupational pattern was different from that of the Jews living in the Islamic world. The Jews of Islam, although reproductively isolated, did not have the concentration of occupations with high IQ elasticity. Some had such job in some of the Arab world, in some periods, but it seems it was never the case that most did. In part this was because other minority groups competed successfully for these jobs - Greek Christians, Armenians, etc., in part because Moslems, at least some of the time, took many of those jobs themselves, valuing non-warrior occupations more highly than did medieval Christians. In fact, to a large extent, and especially during the last six or seven hundred years of relative Moslem decline, the Jews of Islam tended to have "dirty" jobs (Lewis, 1984). These included such tasks as cleaning cesspools and drying the contents for use as fuel - a common Jewish occupation in Morocco, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, and Central Asia. Jews were also found as tanners, butchers, hangmen, and other disagreeable or despised occupations. Such jobs must have had low IQ elasticity; brilliant tanners and hangmen almost certainly did not become rich.

The suggested selective process explains the pattern of mental abilities in Ashkenazi Jews - high verbal and mathematical ability but relatively low spatio-visual ability. Verbal and mathematical talent helped medieval businessmen succeed, while spatio-visual abilities were irrelevant.
Notice that, at the beginning of this quote, it is said that there are two main clusters of Ashkenazi inherited disease, the sphingolipid cluster and the DNA repair cluster. Among the other significant Ashkenazi disorders we find idiopathic torsion dystonia and non-classical adrenal hyperplasia which are known to elevate IQ.

In a paper entitled Inborn Errors and Disturbances of Central Neurotransmission (with Special Reference to Phenylketonuria), M. Sandler mentions:

A rather tenuous story of decreased adrenaline and noradrenaline production in the Riley-Day syndrome (familial dysautonomia) is on record (Goodall et al., 1971), despite normal dopamine generation with no impediment in the conversion of dopamine to noradrenaline. It is possible that any change in this disorder is secondary to some distortion of nerve growth factor disposition (Siggers et al., 1976; Schwartz and Breakefield, 1980).
The paper in which this comment appears is mostly about Phenylketonuria, a genetic disorder that consists mainly of an inability of the body to utilize the essential amino acid, phenylalanine. Classic PKU and the other causes of hyperphenylalaninemia affects mainly Caucasians and Orientals, and to a much lesser extent, Africans. Many of the infants who are born with this condition have blue eyes and fairer hair and skin than other family members. The condition generally leads to severe brain problems such as mental retardation and seizures.

So, what is the connection? Riley-Day syndrome. It is found almost exclusively in Ashkenazi Jews. The incidence is estimated to be 1 in 3,700 people, higher than the incidence of PKU.

Infants with this condition have feeding problems and develop pneumonia caused by breathing their formula and food into their airways. Vomiting and sweating spells begin as the infant matures. Young children may also have breath-holding spells that produce unconsciousness, since they can hold their breath for long enough to pass out without feeling the discomfort that normal children would.

A hallmark of Riley-Day syndrome is insensitivity to pain. This leads to unnoticed injuries or injuries that might not have occurred had the child sensed discomfort. Children do not feel the normal sensations that generally warn of impending injury, such as drying of the eyes, pressure over pressure points, and chronic rubbing and chaffing. Bone and skin pain, including burns, are also poorly perceived. However, they can feel visceral pain, like menstrual cramps.

Seizures occur in almost 50% of affected children. They have acute problems with high and low blood pressure. They may have problems regulating their body temperature.

Riley-Day syndrome is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, which means that a person must inherit the defective gene from both parents in order to develop the condition.

It is of interest that phenylethylamine possesses very similar pharmacological properties to amphetamine, (Mantegazza and Riva, 1963) from which it differs only by the absence of a methyl group on the a-carbon atom. Amphetamine psychosis is almost indistinguishable from paranoid schizophrenia (Janowsky and Risch, 1979) and in accordance with the phenylethylamine hypothesis of schizophrenia (Sandler and Reynolds, 1976), it is not surprising that a high propotion of untreated phenylketonurics manifest with some of the stigmata of the disease which can be attenuated by reduced phenylalanine intake (Blyumina, 1975). These schizophreniform signs may well stem from the prolonged effects of phenylethylamine overproduction.
Let us now recall what Lobaczewski had to say about schizoidal psychopathy.

Carriers of this anomaly are hypersensitive and distrustful, while, at the same time, pay little attention to the feelings of others. They tend to assume extreme positions, and are eager to retaliate for minor offenses. Sometimes they are eccentric and odd. Their poor sense of psychological situation and reality leads them to superimpose erroneous, pejorative interpretations upon other people's intentions. They easily become involved in activities which are ostensibly moral, but which actually inflict damage upon themselves and others. Their impoverished psychological worldview makes them typically pessimistic regarding human nature. We frequently find expressions of their characteristic attitudes in their statements and writings: "Human nature is so bad that order in human society can only be maintained by a strong power created by highly qualified individuals in the name of some higher idea." Let us call this typical expression the "schizoid declaration". [...]

The common factor in the varieties of this anomaly is a dull pallor of emotion and lack of feeling for the psychological realities, an essential factor in basic intelligence. This can be attributed to some incomplete quality of the instinctive substratum, which works as though founded on shifting sand. Low emotional pressure enables them to develop proper speculative reasoning, which is useful in non-humanistic spheres of activity, but because of their one-sidedness, they tend to consider themselves intellectually superior to "ordinary" people.

The quantitative frequency of this anomaly varies among races and nations: low among Blacks, the highest among Jews. Estimates of this frequency range from negligible up to 3 %. In Poland it may be estimated as 0.7 % of population. My observations suggest this anomaly is autosomally hereditary. [...]

Their tendency to see human reality in the doctrinaire and simplistic manner they consider "proper" - i.e. "black or white" - transforms their frequently good intentions into bad results. However, their ponerogenic role can have macrosocial implications if their attitude toward human reality and their tendency to invent great doctrines are put to paper and duplicated in large editions. [...]

An analysis of the role played by Karl Marx's works easily reveals all the above-mentioned types of apperception and the social reactions which engendered animosity between large groups of people. [...]

The conviction that Karl Marx is the best example of this is correct as he was the best-known figure of that kind. Frostig , a psychiatrist of the old school, included Engels and others into a category he called "bearded schizoidal fanatics".

The famous writings attributed to "Zionist Wise Men" at the turn of the century begin with a typically schizoidal declaration. The nineteenth century, especially its latter half, appears to have been a time of exceptional activity on the part of schizoidal individuals, often but not always of Jewish descent. After all we have to remember that 97 % of all Jews do not manifest this anomaly, and that it also appears among all European nations, albeit to a markedly lesser extent. Our inheritance from this period includes world-images, scientific traditions, and legal concepts flavored with the shoddy ingredients of a schizoidal apprehension of reality.
John Forbes Nash was big and brainy, handsome and arrogant. He had virtually no social graces or redeeming qualities despite the fact that he was carefully brought up in an environment that one would have thought to have inculcated some human values. He was, indeed, a star of the mathematical scene that promoted human rationality as the supreme virtue, and for ten years he was viewed as a kind of wunderkind who was going to push the mathematical boundaries of Games of Strategy, economic rivalry, computer architecture, the shape of the inverse and geometric space, number theory, and more. Some commentators suggested that Nash had that "extra human spark". But reading his story, one comes to the idea that he had very little human about him at all. It wasn't a beautiful mind as Sylvia Nasar termed it, it was a deadly efficient machine; unnatural and mysterious.

At the age of thirty, or thereabouts, he suddenly manifested paranoid schizophrenia, psychotic delusions, and was in and out of mental hospitals for a period. After his wife divorced him, his mother died, and his sister could no longer cope with his psychosis, he became a phantom, haunting the halls and corridors of Princeton for twenty years as the resident idiot savant. If any of the readers have watched the very funny movie Sheer Genius, they will remember the strange character of Laszlo, the burned out genius who used a closet in a dorm room as an entry to a vast underground laboratory, a secret world hidden from the eyes of the university authorities. It's rather a sympathetic and idealized portrait of Nash during his psychotic years at Princeton.

In the 1990s, Nash's illness more or less went into remission. The question has been raised: did he really suffer from schizophrenia? Psychotic symptoms do not, as psychiatrists now agree, make a schizophrenic. And absence of overt evidence of psychosis does not mean a person is cured of whatever afflicted them. They can most certainly still be suffering, but having learned to cope with it, are able to conceal it.

Nash himself described his long illness as a persistent dreamlike state and bizarre beliefs not unlike those of other people diagnosed with schizophrenia. Mostly, however, he noted that his illness consisted in being unable to reason. Despite claims of recovery, Nasar quotes him as telling several people that he is still having paranoid thoughts and still hears voices, though the noise level is greatly modulated. He has compared his recovery to simply learning how to police his thoughts, to recognize paranoid ideas and to reject them.

Gradually I began to intellectually reject some of the delusionally influenced lines of thinking [...] the rejection of politically-oriented thinking as essentially a hopeless waste of intellectual effort. [...] A key step was a resolution not to concern myself in politics relative to my secret world because it was ineffectual. [...] This in turn led me to renounce anything relative to religious issues, or teaching or intending to teach.
Nash's son has also been diagnosed as being paranoid schizophrenic. His illness became apparent when he disappeared one day. When he came back he'd shaved his head and had become a born-again Christian. He began to read the Bible obsessively and had fallen under the influence of a fundamentalist cult called The Way. Not too long after, it was clear the he was hearing voices and believed that he was a great religious figure who had to save the world. Reportedly, he occasionally talked about extraterrestrials, and once threatened a history professor. But, somehow, in spite of his illness, he managed to get a Ph.D. Despite his lack of a high school or college diploma, he was admitted to Rutgers on a full scholarship. That fact raises questions of its own.

In spite of the fact that psychopathy and schizophrenia are viewed as separate diagnostic entities it has long been suggested that these two disorders may be related (Kraepelin, 1913; Kallman, 1938). It is only relatively recently however that a coherent argment in favour of this viewpoint has been advanced (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1976, 1978). These authors cite family studies of both schizophrenics and psychopaths/criminals as well as the theoretical accounts of Planasky (1972) and Gottesman and Shields (1973) in support of the notion that psychopathy and schizophrenia are genetically-related illnesses. Eysenck and Eysenck (1976) propose a polygenic model of psychoses, whereby the number of large- and small-value genes add up to determined degree of psychoses-proneness. On this continuum of diathesis for psychosis psychopaths are argued to lie between non-psychotic individuals with subclinical symptoms and psychosis, and individuals who are clearly psychotic but without demonstrating the clear symptom pattern which, for example, characterizes paranoid or catatonic schizophrenics lying at the extreme of the continuum with large-value genes for psychosis.
In other words, the story of the genetically enhanced intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews is very likely an anthropological description of the process of natural selection for not only intelligence, but for psychopathy.

Lobaczewski remarks that psychopaths are generally lower in intelligence than the populations of normal humans he has studied. We believe that this is due to the fact that the very intelligent psychopaths do not ever find themselves subjected to being studied. This certainly causes us to re-think the work being done in Ethnic Specific Weapons, the importance of mtDNA to that work and, naturally this:

One of the earliest factual references to the Khazars occurs in a Syriac chronicle dating from the middle of the sixth century. It mentions the Khazars in a list of people who inhabit the region of the Caucasus. Koestler recounts that other sources indicate that the Khazars were intimately connected with the Huns. An interesting connection considering the legend that the Huns were a tribe of peoples that descended from Scythian witches who, cast out of their tribes, "mated with devils in the desert."
an extract from a transcript which is relevant too :
February 24, 1996
Q: (L) I was reading some of the transcripts earlier today. One of the things I read was about the Nephilim and their interactions with human beings and about other planets and molecularization, etc. Then, I was reading about the planet Kantek. Are there any human beings, on Earth, at the present time, who carry in them the Nephilim genes?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Would these Nephilim genetics be passed down in the natural way, or would they be the result of genetic manipulation by genetically altering a fetus and then putting it back?
A: No to latter. One clue: double Y chromosomes.
Q: (W) That's male...
A: Nephalim were.
Q: (L) They, were male. Women are a double X, men are XY.
A: Prisons are filled with double Y's with monstrous personality disorders, almost always Caucasian and over-sized.
Q: (L) On TV they interviewed a serial killer. He was HUGE! He described killing. The shrink who was analyzing said he did it because he wanted to get caught. I did NOT get that feeling. I think he did it just because it was what he did. [...] Big. Caucasian. My, my, my. Is there any other clue you can give?
A: Nephalim are not currently on your world, just trace residuals.
Q: (L) Trace residuals in people. And there are supposed to be 36 million of them coming...
A: With the wave.
Q: (L) That reminds me: is it possible that this comet cluster you have talked about exists in 4th density?
A: No.
Q: (L) The comet cluster is in 3rd density?
A: Transcends 3rd and 4th.
Q: (L) Okay, so it is both in 3rd and 4th...
A: It will be visible to you.
When you say "something is relevant", it would be an STO act to explain, even shortly, why it is relevant and what is your conclusion (if you come to any conclusion). A little explanation of things that may be evident for you but not necessarily for other people. Little time and energy expenditure on your side, and a huge gain for the readers.
ark said:
When you say "something is relevant", it would be an STO act to explain, even shortly, why it is relevant and what is your conclusion (if you come to any conclusion). A little explanation of things that may be evident for you but not necessarily for other people. Little time and energy expenditure on your side, and a huge gain for the readers.
sorry, I assumed that it was evident given the question that Appollynon asked. But if you ask I guess it wasn't. I admit that I was too quick in assuming.

OK, so he asked :
"From what the C's say, are they suggesting that maybe the Nephilim are also psychopaths? Or maybe (being third density as we are) at least suffer from psychopathy or indeed maybe an uber type psychopathic race (seeing as they have been specially selected and programmed by the STS Lizzies as enforcers)?"

it made me think of a transcript I have read a few days ago, and which seems to confirm there's a link between nephilim genes and psychopaths. I'm quoting it again, and emphasing :
February 24, 1996
Q: (L) I was reading some of the transcripts earlier today. One of the things I read was about the Nephilim and their interactions with human beings and about other planets and molecularization, etc. Then, I was reading about the planet Kantek. Are there any human beings, on Earth, at the present time, who carry in them the Nephilim genes?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Would these Nephilim genetics be passed down in the natural way, or would they be the result of genetic manipulation by genetically altering a fetus and then putting it back?
A: No to latter. One clue: double Y chromosomes.
Q: (W) That's male...
A: Nephalim were.
Q: (L) They, were male. Women are a double X, men are XY.
A: Prisons are filled with double Y's with monstrous personality disorders, almost always Caucasian and over-sized.
Q: (L) On TV they interviewed a serial killer. He was HUGE! He described killing. The shrink who was analyzing said he did it because he wanted to get caught. I did NOT get that feeling. I think he did it just because it was what he did. [...] Big.
Caucasian. My, my, my. Is there any other clue you can give?
A: Nephalim are not currently on your world, just trace residuals.

Q: (L) Trace residuals in people. And there are supposed to be 36 million of them coming...
A: With the wave.
Q: (L) That reminds me: is it possible that this comet cluster you have talked about exists in 4th density?
A: No.
Q: (L) The comet cluster is in 3rd density?
A: Transcends 3rd and 4th.
Q: (L) Okay, so it is both in 3rd and 4th...
A: It will be visible to you.
I hope it's clearer like that.
Appollynon said:
Also, just to think a little extra outside the box. From what the C's say, are they suggesting that maybe the Nephilim are also psychopaths? Or maybe (being third density as we are) at least suffer from psychopathy or indeed maybe an uber type psychopathic race (seeing as they have been specially selected and programmed by the STS Lizzies as enforcers)?

I'd appreciate any thoughts.
I was thinking that it might be useful to study the cases of 'giant humans' which we were discussing in other threads (such as those in this link: If they are a result of residual Nephilim genetics, any indication of psychopathic tendancies among them might provide more evidence for this theory. I'm not sure if I'm on the right track here, because I know that some of these cases are attributed to overactive pituitaries (and therefore human growth hormone levels) and there may be a variety of causes of oversized humans.

Assuming that this hasn't already been done, I'll see if I can find anything
There is no evidence, as far as I know, that psychopaths are taller than "nomal" people. There is no reason that I know to think that girafes are more psychopatic than panthers. Therefore I would be very careful correlating the size of any living being with its character. While the hypothetical Nephilims were tall, there could have been other giants, that were "nice". Not enough data to draw conclusions or even to make guesses. But I could be wrong here as well.
Worth noting: My psychopath as well as his father are both above avg height and weight. Never thought about it till i read this post. They are also of Swedish lineage, having blue/green eyes and dirty blond hair. He also manages to have above average intellect, however he has no ambition besides physical pleasures and video games, thus he hasn't gone to college.

Edit: After reading further, i should point out this is merely an observation, im not arguing for correlation or against it. And these two individuals are the only psychopaths that i can identify currently with clarity. The only other potential i've seen in my network is a female who's rather short and somewhat pudgy, dark eyes, and dark hair. So i guess that's a counter-example?
When formulating hypotheses always think of counterexamples!
Critical Thinking Net

Definition of Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is here assumed to be reasonable reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do. This rough overall definition is, we believe, in accord with the way the term is generally used these days. Under this interpretation, critical thinking is relevant not only to the formation and checking of beliefs, but also to deciding upon and evaluating actions. It involves creative activities such as formulating hypotheses, plans, and counterexamples; planning experiments; and seeing alternatives. Furthermore critical thinking is reflective -- and reasonable. The negative, harping, complaining characteristic that is sometimes labeled by the word, "critical", is not involved
Counterexamples: Adolf Hitler was 5'8" tall, Benito Mussolini was 5'7", Goebbels was about five feet tall, Stalin was only five feet, four inches tall Probably more counterexamples can found without difficulties. And in these cases we have no doubt that we are talking about real psychopaths.

Note: I disagree with the use of "to believe" in the above quote. It should be raplaced by "to formulate a reasonable working hypothesis". "Believing" anything should be avoided completely.
I agree with your points Ark, although I would point out that I not just talking about height here. Studying the link provided reveals that many of these humans appear to have an unusual facial structure which Fifth Way pointed out was remarkably similar to the Moai statues of Easter Island (which the C's of course say are a Lemurian representation of the Nephilim). I was also not referring simply to tall humans but those which can be considered 'giants' among men, famously so.

I should have pointed thse things out in my earlier post. After thinking about it I agree that there are probably too many variables and unknowns to consider any evidence reliable. For example - not all the 'giants' I have seen photographs of have unusual facial structure. As I stated in my original post, there are probably multiple causes of giant stature.
Ben said:
I should have pointed thse things out in my earlier post.
Indeed, you should have. But you did not, and the result is that Cyre2067 instantly drew an invalid conclusion about "his psychopath and his father", completely neglecting looking for counterexamples! That is why networking is important. We can avoid this way making evident errors.
Thanks Laura for your lengthy reply. I admit to having little knowledge above that of a lay person in the field of genetics, but through reading the introduction to ponerology in the 9-11 book and your work on site and in this thread I belive I'm at least starting to understand more now.

The evidence you have presented is pretty terrifying, considering the ethnic specific weapons and I have read and re-read your reply to make sure I have understood the information presented for study. It also makes sense to use the psychopathic types for work on such things as Mr Nash worked on (such as Game Theory) as their lack of empathy (lack of being able to understand pain in other and themselves) would present them less moral dilemmas that may hinder the work they do. I also stated thinking about Nash in particular, and his attitude of detachment to this reality and lack of empathy for other humans. It made me wonder if someone with such a brilliant mind, convinced of their own superioirty and mastery over the complex mechanical numbers games of the STS persuasion could in fact be starting to display the highest form of wishfull thinking. He maybe belives his own notions and schizoid reality to the point of being almost able to "wishfully think" the real world away and surround himself in a world that simply suits his own wishful thinking, somewhat like the 4th density (only without any variabiltiy of physicality). He seems to only see the world he "wishfully thinks" into focus. This then caused me to think that maybe these type of individuals are trying to get out of the world alive, but by taking the ultimate STS route to do so, wishfull thinking.

From your research, and the critical channeling from the C's this would seem to suggest that there is a specific genetic combination of factors that make the best psychopaths (and not the failed psychopaths of the OP variety). Also it would seem that due to the isolation and social conditions surrounding the Ashkenzi Jews, the carriers of this particular gene to form these very intelligent psycopaths, the STS forces have been able to maintain a purer psycopathic human model, and in fact mutliply in relative isolation to any gene tampering by the surrounding population. That in itself is shocking to discover, and raises another question in me.

I remember the C's mentioning that there was a certain amount of Jews with prior encoding to perform special functions/missions in the 4th density. I guess I'm just trying to get my head round the fact that if there is (as it seems to be from the research done) this 3% of very dangerous and intelligent psychopaths of the Ashkenazi, is there maybe another 3% who may have this high intelligence, who are not subject to the psychopathic traits(if only for the sake of balance? And if so, could this other 3% possibly be the gifted Jews with the possibilty of doing STO work as opposed to STS work?

Its also good that we can find evidence of the same type of work specific data in today world to confirm these observations made. Just taking a look at who controlls and owns the media corperations in the US. It would seem to back up the argument for highly intelligent Jews with a predisposition to being good at numbers and making money in positions of power over large masses of people.

I tend to agree with Ark's opinion that there doesn't seem to be any evidence that he (me, or anyone else I've researched) has found to link the physical size of giant men to psycopathy. In fact this reminds me of the session with the C's in which Laura had asked about the origins of the ruins of Baalbek and the C's answer that the city was created for a project to genetically reproduce a race of Nephilim like beings with mixed Nephilim and human genes.

The C's had said that this particular experiment to reproduce a race with similar giant like physical charecteristics that resembled the Nephilim had failed, so I would guess that it is unlikely (though not impossible by any means) that there are no direct links with Giantism and psychopathy.

Thinking about this a little more, would it not also be rather easy to spot the psychopaths in a crowd if they all had some form of giantism or if they were all physically larger than the average OP or potentially souled being? My guess is that there are probably no defining outward physical attributes that you could connect with all psychopaths, as this would serve to make the deception easier to spot. It also makes it easier for the psychopaths to integrate and blend into society if they are just regular looking beings that seem to look human, thus reinforcing the idea for some that they are human too and not a very different type of human species from the greater percentile of humans.

Thinking once more about the Nephalim beings, and the C's mention of an all male race, which would suggest that maybe they are unable to reproduce in a natural way (I mean with females of their kind). I have lways wondered why there were only 36 million of the Nephalim out there waiting to come down and enforce the STS plans on us compared to the 5-6 biliion or so human here. I guess with the combination of psychopaths creating ethnic specific weapons to wipe out those of a non-psychopathic variety and their control over the masses, coupled with the difficulty that would be involved in genetically engineering a larger nuber of beings (as well as energy needed to support such a race in isolation from a planetoid lifestyle) it would make more sense. Maybe they dont need larger numbers because they don't likely think there will be much greater numbers left here on earth to oppose their domination of us, and of those who are left, they will be psychopathic enough in great enough numbers to be easily controlled and manipulated into being controlled much easier due to the psychopaths similarities to the STS and Nephalim ways of thinking and reasoning.

Im still pondering the complexities of this subject and the possibe ramifications of the research presented, I still feel as though I am stumbling in the dark on this subject somewhat and missing something I shouldn't have. Thanyou for helping me learn more about this while I await my copy of the new Ponerology book from site that I wish to study in depth.
Appollynon said:
I remember the C's mentioning that there was a certain amount of Jews with prior encoding to perform special functions/missions in the 4th density. I guess I'm just trying to get my head round the fact that if there is (as it seems to be from the research done) this 3% of very dangerous and intelligent psychopaths of the Ashkenazi, is there maybe another 3% who may have this high intelligence, who are not subject to the psychopathic traits(if only for the sake of balance? And if so, could this other 3% possibly be the gifted Jews with the possibilty of doing STO work as opposed to STS work?
Check out this topic for more info on this subject.

The question is, "Who are the REAL semites?"
Thanks Hkoehli,

I'll read through the thread when I get home and post any additional comments or thoughts it may bring up. :P
I've recently been thinking about psychopaths, their differences, their similarities.

They are a curious 'breed', and I think worthy of study because they are in the minority (which should make it much easier for people to observe them). They have such a propensity for damage and destruction, almost as if they are the minions of evil... Because they are so obviously different from 'normal' humans. Perhaps we need to use different standards in order to observe and study them? This would make sense to me.

I got to thinking about the "mind, body, spirit" connection so familiar to majority of many 'normal' humans on this world (and therefore not to psychopaths). I can't help correlating it to something like "genetic, nurture, free will" for a psychopath. I wondered if the latter might be more appropriate measure of them, since they seem to be such an aberration. It seems quite functional and free from from any higher aspirations of what might be considered to apply to 'normal humans'. We know there are two types of humans (thanks to the Cs). It seems to me that a 'balance of three' should have an application to psychopaths as well as any other 'normal' humans on this Earth. It just means different standards.

In this thread above, it looks to me that focus is on the genetic/physical aspect to psychopathy. It's almost like psychopaths are expected to be tall (like the Nephililim) and seems to be passing over the XYY chromosome aspect which kind of stuck out to me. A very intriguing and obvious bit of genetic coding.

As Ark pointed out, counterexamples can be very, very edifying. Further more, why should a short psychopathic individual be any less 'effective' (to 4th density STS aims) than a tall psychopath, such as a Nephililim? It's almost as if, that in the past, they bred psychopathic genes into the human race like some sort of a disease. But, I think, it takes much more than that. This is where the nurture (or environment) plays a part, as well as the free. And, if you'll pardon a very bad analogy, psychopathy ends up with more than 50 shades of grey to it's nature.

So, what do I think is the most powerful and compelling part of the 'triad' to a psychopath? Genes, nurture or environment, or free will? For those who get caught and who are very simplistic psychopaths it may be that genes play a dominant part. They are not as responsible for their condition (in my mind) as those who go the 'whole hog' and do the triad. Out of these three things (genes, nurture- or environment and free will), it is free will that holds sway in my opinion, and is the most potent driver of the psychopath. They chose to be that way, they like being that way.

Let's compare and contrast Hitler, Hillary, and my psychopath next door, with genetics, nurture (environment) and free will for discussion.

The first two individuals are significant because they play/ed a big part on the world stage. How did they do this, if 'normal' people won't or wouldn't accept them, if they really knew them? The obvious answer to this is they had to have a 'shield'. Hitler had his Lieutenants around him, and Hillary has her legal training, business interests, media, corporate as well as wealthy individuals and influential backers. There is also a corruption and power at work.

How much free will did/does they possess? It is an interesting question because I think it is free will that makes the most exemplary example of a psychopath. How physically and mentally sick are/were these people? It should be noted that a person can be sick both physically or mentally and chose NOT to be a psychopath. It just convinces me more and more that free will is more important than previously thought in the existence of a psychopath. They may be broken or sick, but they can chose to be bad.

Now, as for my psychopathic neighbor, well, did she have the genes? It's possible, but that, in itself does not create a psychopath I think. Environment: I once asked a family member if she had ever been a 'good kid'? The impression I got, was, well, no not really. From other sources, she was described (at 13 years) as selfish and promiscuous and already creating problems for her family. From there she got into drugs, and was described by her family member as 'swearing and bashing' people at 16 years old and left home. Her relationships with her parents seemed problematic. Her father came across, intermittently, as a bully and her mother as a submissive manipulative type who went on to have a co-dependent relationship with her daughter. She was also diagnosed with multiple psychiatric illnesses.

My neighbor went from place to place getting intervention orders from her neighbors (and became seen by social services as 'difficult to manage') and was dumped by friends and boyfriends alike as she used and manipulated every person she came across. She's never held a job in her entire life. Eventually she ended up moving back in with her parents (due to her Mum) when her father was dying. It was the saddest thing to me that her father (who was dying) had to apologize to neighbors around him for his daughter screaming obscenities at her mother at 0200 in the morning out on the street. He later had to go to court and defend himself from accusations that he molested his daughter when she was younger. He obtained an intervention order and she was forced to move out, probably because home nursing observed problems whilst attending to her father.

After her father died, she moved back in and started being physically, psychologically and socially abusing her mother. She also stole from her, locked her out of the house at 0200-0300, broke and destroyed a lot of the fixtures and fittings in the house and had multiple police calls. She also became a hoarder and was up (as was her habit) every night between 2100 and 0500 banging and crashing around, 'checking' her boxes and going through her possessions. The house was filled with these but she was mostly active outside. He mother described her as 'acting like an animal' when she spoke to a neighbor at 0230 in the morning on one of the occasions she was locked out. Her mother never got any sleep and had to go across the road to shower and get something to eat because her daughter slept throughout the day and wouldn't tolerate being woken although she routinely woke her mother and screamed at her throughout the night.

It is my opinion that the behavior of this individual is chosen and pretty much entirely down to free will.

To all those who think they know what a psychopath is, my question would be, well.. DO THEY? Perhaps they need to do more reading? Reasoning with these people is not an option because they are not 'normal' and are only calculating what they can get out of any given situation.
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