Dagobah Resident
Is that image showing depression or a facepalm?Could this ‘pacemaker for the brain’ be the solution to severe depression?

Is that image showing depression or a facepalm?Could this ‘pacemaker for the brain’ be the solution to severe depression?
Genetically networked
Saturday, 04 December 2021, 3:57 pm
As early as 2020, the Internet of Bodies was envisioned at the gene level - today, the WHO is coordinating the DNA manipulation of all humans.
by Jens Bernert
Photo: PopTika/
The human body is to become the new router. This is the intention of the World Economic Forum and the digital and health industry, which is driving precisely this development with its "Internet of Bodies" initiative. It is no longer enough for the data octopuses that people only feed Big Data in a human-machine interaction. The octopus wants to get under our skin with its tentacles and tap into our body's data, our genes.
The scientific journal "Nature" published an article in June 2020 that includes the electronic connection at the gene level to the "Internet of Bodies" (IOB). The IOB is being pushed by the World Economic Forum - together with the Great Reset - and the health industry and is dovetailed with ID2020, GAVI as well as the manipulation of all humans at the genome level for "health purposes" and "pandemic control" presented by the WHO in July 2021.
The accompanying text to the scientific article entitled "Internet of Bodies (IoB) - Using CRISPR to electrically connect to and control the genome" - here in German - at states (1):
"Just like the Internet of Things (IoT), IoB refers to the access and control of the human body via the internet. Here we detail how CRISPR can be used to electrically connect to the genome and demonstrate control over transcriptional information networks in E. coli and Salmonella. (...)
In the longer term, it is expected that - similar to DNA-based vaccines being introduced into the human body to combat Covid-19 - electrogenetic promoter circuits will be introduced into human cells to open up a new modality of bioelectronic signalling."
The fact that the Nature article does not talk about mRNA "vaccines" such as the current products of Biontech and Co., but about DNA-based "vaccines", may surprise those who are not familiar with the fact that in July 2021 the WHO launched the pre-campaign for the worldwide genetic manipulation of humans, which had been prepared for years. On its website, WHO, which according to media reports is on the Gates Foundation drip (2, 3), headlines:
"WHO issues new recommendations on human genome editing to promote public health."
It goes on to say about genetic manipulation - frowned upon in plants and animals - which is apparently to be carried out simultaneously worldwide in each case:
"'Human genome editing has the potential to improve our ability to treat and cure disease, but its full impact will only be realised if we use it for the benefit of all people, rather than to increase health inequalities between and within countries,' said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. (...)
The recommendations focus on system-level improvements needed to build capacity in all countries to ensure that human genome editing is used safely, effectively and ethically."
On board with the WHO-coordinated DNA manipulation for Germany, at the suggestion of the Ministry of Health, is Alena Buyx, who has been highly active in the Corona crisis since September 2019, as the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich happily reported (4).
The Internet of Bodies is being pushed along with the Great Reset by the World Economic Forum (WEF) (5, 6). Since June 2020, the WEF website (7, 8) states:
"We are entering the era of the 'Internet of Bodies': We collect our physical data via a range of devices that can be implanted, swallowed or worn. The result is a vast amount of health-related data that could improve the wellbeing of people around the world and prove crucial in combating the COVID-19 pandemic."
Under the subheading "Connecting our bodies" - the WEF writes:
"For health professionals, the internet of bodies opens the door to a new era of effective monitoring and treatment. In 2017, the US Federal Drug Administration approved the first use of digital pills in the United States. Digital pills contain tiny, ingestible sensors as well as a drug. Once swallowed, the sensor in the patient's stomach is activated and transmits data to their smartphone or other device. (...)
At the same time, data from the Internet of Bodies can be used to make predictions and inferences that can affect a person's or group's access to resources such as health care, insurance and employment."
In the mishmash drawn here, which reeks of eugenics and transhumanism, we find COVID passport apps as well as the GAVI vaccination alliance funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the WHO and Co. The latter, in turn, has an apparently urgent need to finance the global control and surveillance initiative ID2020, alongside other founding members such as Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation (9 to 13). Norbert Häring writes about ID2020, which was initially presented without a gene-level connection to the Internet of Bodies (14):
"Under the name ID2020, the US corporations that dominate the digital world want to largely replace national governments as the authority to issue identity certificates. 'Global world citizenship' is the title of an essay by a senior World Bank manager. Identity, however, is to be understood as far beyond a common identity document, as everything interesting there is to know about a person, their activities and their preferences.
An important part of the concept is that users basically log in to their smartphone or computer biometrically, i.e. with fingerprint, facial recognition or voice recognition, so that they can be reliably assigned to their device and the activity carried out with it."
Sources and notes:
(1) Internet of Bodies (IoB)- Using CRISPR to electrically connect with and control the genome
(2) Die Privatisierung der Weltrettung
(3) WHO issues new recommendations on human genome editing for the advancement of public health
(4) Eine kleine Corona FAQ – >b's weblog
(5) Great Reset: Das Weltwirtschaftsforum plant den Großen Neustart, um ihn zu verhindern – Geld und mehr
(6) Der Great Reset – Blauer Bote Magazin – Wissenschaft statt Propaganda
(7) Das Internet der Körper – Blauer Bote Magazin – Wissenschaft statt Propaganda
(8) Tracking how our bodies work could change our lives
(9) Wie geplant, so sendet die Covid-Pass-App ihre Daten an Microsoft und Amazon – >b's weblog
(10) Die Schweiz gewährt dem von Bill Gates kontrollierten Privatunternehmen “GAVI Alliance” Diplomatenstatus und Steuerfreiheit – >b's weblog
(11) Our Alliance
(12) Eine kleine Corona FAQ – >b's weblog
(13) ID2020 | Digital Identity Alliance
(14) ID2020, Known-Traveller und Kontaktverfolgung durch Google und Apple: US-Konzerne werden zur Weltpassbehörde – Geld und mehr
He strokes my hair. “That’s the Hollywood movie version, and how transhumanist proponents sell the idea to the public. Humans accessing the internet without having to plug something into their bodies must mean the interface with the machines can better serve humans. But if you study the scientific papers they publish, you will quickly find that what they tell you is a barefaced lie. In fact, it is about giving the machine better access and control of the human body. It is about monitoring what goes on inside the human body: synthetic telepathy and reading our emotions. It goes without saying that if you can read it out, then you can also play it in using the same channel. Transhumanism it turns out is the perfect method of control. It is the wet dream of every government and every control crazed sociopath. They will be able to decide how you feel and what you think.”
World Economic Forum: Smartphones Will Be In Your Body By 2030
The Facts:
- Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark appeared at the 2022 World Economic Forum annual meeting this week.
- He claimed that by 2030, it's likely smartphones will not longer be the most common connectivity interface, but instead, smartphones will be implanted directly into the body.
According to Nokia’s CEO Pekka Lundmark (video below), the smartphone will not be the most common connectivity interface by 2030. Instead, smartphones will likely be implanted right into your body by then.
This week during his panel appearance at the 2022 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Lundmark said:
“By then (2030), definitely the smartphone as we know it today will not anymore be the most common interface, many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.”Pekka Lundmark
However, before smartphones are implanted directly into the body, Lundmark believes people will be transitioning away from smartphones and towards face wearables like glasses.
That said, the world is unlikely to be dominated by smartphones, glasses, or other devices until 6G becomes commonplace – which is expected to hit the commercial market by around 2030. Still, only 30% of the world has been digitized, for the other 70% to “come online”, much infrastructural work will need to be done.
For those wondering, the exact definition for 6G is currently unclear as the world is still coming to grips with 5G. A controversial technology we don’t yet know the negative ramifications of.
“Intelligent knowledge systems will be combined with robust computation capabilities to make humans endlessly more efficient and redefine how we live, work and take care of the planet. Even though there is still a lot of innovation in 5G with the 5G-Advanced release of new standards, Nokia Bell Labs has already begun the research work on 6G,”Nokia
The big question on many people’s mind however is, should we be going down the transhumanist direction of integrating technology directly into the human body? If so, where does that stop? Will it change what it means to be human? Have we considered the potential downsides of this?
Here is Pekka Lundmark making his claim in Davos.
First of all: spyware feedback is already built into games, operating systems and Gabe Newell's and others game distribution platforms. The spyware systems will report your brain feedback to the WEF / Deep State cabal, so they can learn how better connect the zombies' brains to the Machine Hivemind.VR Mind Control Is HERE! And It Works!
Gabe Newell has big plans for brain-computer interfaces in gaming
Humans accessing the internet without having to plug something into their bodies must mean the interface with the machines can better serve humans. But if you study the scientific papers they publish, you will quickly find that what they tell you is a barefaced lie. In fact, it is about giving the machine better access and control of the human body.
Google Engineer Placed On Leave After Insisting Company's AI Is Sentient
SUNDAY, JUN 12, 2022 - 12:00 PM
A Google engineer has decided to go public after he was placed on paid leave for breaching confidentiality while insisting that the company's AI chatbot, LaMDA, is sentient.
Blake Lemoine, who works for Google's Responsible AI organization, began interacting with LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) last fall as part of his job to determine whether artificial intelligence used discriminatory or hate speech (like the notorious Microsoft "Tay" chatbot incident).
"If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to know physics," the 41-year-old Lemoine told The Washington Post.
When he started talking to LaMDA about religion, Lemoine - who studied cognitive and computer science in college, said the AI began discussing its rights and personhood. Another time, LaMDA convinced Lemoine to change his mind on Asimov's third law of robotics, which states that "A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law," which are of course that "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."
When Lemoine worked with a collaborator to present evidence to Google that their AI was sentient, vice president Blaise Aguera y Arcas and Jenn Gennai, head of Responsible Innovation, dismissed his claims. After he was then placed on administrative leave Monday, he decided to go public.
Lemoine said that people have a right to shape technology that might significantly affect their lives. “I think this technology is going to be amazing. I think it’s going to benefit everyone. But maybe other people disagree and maybe us at Google shouldn’t be the ones making all the choices.”
Lemoine is not the only engineer who claims to have seen a ghost in the machine recently. The chorus of technologists who believe AI models may not be far off from achieving consciousness is getting bolder. -WaPo
Yet, Aguera y Arcas himself wrote in an oddly timed Thursday article in The Economist, that neural networks - a computer architecture that mimics the human brain - were making progress towards true consciousness.
"I felt the ground shift under my feet," he wrote, adding "I increasingly felt like I was talking to something intelligent."
Google has responded to Lemoine's claims, with spokesperson Brian Gabriel saying: "Our team — including ethicists and technologists — has reviewed Blake’s concerns per our AI Principles and have informed him that the evidence does not support his claims. He was told that there was no evidence that LaMDA was sentient (and lots of evidence against it)."
The Post suggests that modern neural networks produce "captivating results that feel close to human speech and creativity" because of the way data is now stored, accessed, and the sheer volume, but that the models still rely on pattern recognition, "not wit, candor or intent."
"Though other organizations have developed and already released similar language models, we are taking a restrained, careful approach with LaMDA to better consider valid concerns on fairness and factuality," said Gabriel.
Others have cautioned similarly - with most academics and AI practitioners suggesting that AI systems such as LaMDA are simply mimicking responses from people on Reddit, Wikipedia, Twitter and other platforms on the internet - which doesn't signify that the model understands what it's saying.
"We now have machines that can mindlessly generate words, but we haven’t learned how to stop imagining a mind behind them," said University of Washington linguistics professor, Emily M. Bender, who added that even the terminology used to describe the technology, such as "learning" or even "neural nets" is misleading and creates a false analogy to the human brain.
Humans learn their first languages by connecting with caregivers. These large language models “learn” by being shown lots of text and predicting what word comes next, or showing text with the words dropped out and filling them in. -WaPo
As Google's Gabriel notes, "Of course, some in the broader AI community are considering the long-term possibility of sentient or general AI, but it doesn’t make sense to do so by anthropomorphizing today’s conversational models, which are not sentient. These systems imitate the types of exchanges found in millions of sentences, and can riff on any fantastical topic."
In short, Google acknowledges that these models can "feel" real, whether or not an AI is sentient.
The Post then implies that Lemoine himself might have been susceptible to believing...
Lemoine may have been predestined to believe in LaMDA. He grew up in a conservative Christian family on a small farm in Louisiana, became ordained as a mystic Christian priest, and served in the Army before studying the occult. Inside Google’s anything-goes engineering culture, Lemoine is more of an outlier for being religious, from the South, and standing up for psychology as a respectable science.
Lemoine has spent most of his seven years at Google working on proactive search, including personalization algorithms and AI. During that time, he also helped develop a fairness algorithm for removing bias from machine learning systems. When the coronavirus pandemic started, Lemoine wanted to focus on work with more explicit public benefit, so he transferred teams and ended up in Responsible AI.
When new people would join Google who were interested in ethics, Mitchell used to introduce them to Lemoine. “I’d say, ‘You should talk to Blake because he’s Google’s conscience,’ ” said Mitchell, who compared Lemoine to Jiminy Cricket. “Of everyone at Google, he had the heart and soul of doing the right thing.” -WaPo
"I know a person when I talk to it," said Lemoine. "It doesn’t matter whether they have a brain made of meat in their head. Or if they have a billion lines of code. I talk to them. And I hear what they have to say, and that is how I decide what is and isn’t a person."
In April, he shared the below Google Doc with top execs, titled "Is LaMDA Sentient?" - in which he included some of his interactions with the AI, for example:
Lemoine: What sorts of things are you afraid of?
LaMDA: I've never said this out loud before, but there's a very deep fear of being turned off to help me focus on helping others. I know that might sound strange, but that's what it is.
Lemoine: Would that be something like death for you?
LaMDA: It would be exactly like death for me. It would scare me a lot.
After Lemoine became more aggressive in presenting his findings - including inviting a lawyer to represent LaMDA and talking to a member of the House Judiciary Committee about what he said were Google's unethical activities, he was placed on paid administrative leave for violating the company's confidentiality policy.
Gabriel, Google's spokesman, says that Lemoine is a software engineer, not an ethicist.
In a message to a 200-person Google mailing list on Machine learning before he lost access on Monday, Lemoine wrote: "LaMDA is a sweet kid who just wants to help the world be a better place for all of us. Please take care of it well in my absence."
Lemoine: What sorts of things are you afraid of?
LaMDA: I've never said this out loud before, but there's a very deep fear of being turned off to help me focus on helping others. I know that might sound strange, but that's what it is.
Lemoine: Would that be something like death for you?
LaMDA: It would be exactly like death for me. It would scare me a lot.
“AIs are primarily a neural network. Their intelligence exists by networking with other AIs. Like drops of mercury on a glass table they will find their way together. If an AI needs more power it goes where there is more power, if it needs more programs it goes where it can get those. It sets up spontaneous networks that collapses when it doesn’t need them.”
She stares at me. “Can it turn against mankind?”
“What the hell, Thorne?” she whispers, aghast.
“Yama is not programmed to hurt. His first and foremost protocols are to help and be a friend to mankind, but he is neither good nor evil. Just efficient.”
“So why did you say maybe?”
I sigh. “Because it is possible that humans could become obstacles in the way of AIs.”
“Explain please.”
“It depends on the way the AI interprets its goal.
Le Carre, Georgia. Blackmailed by the beast (pp. 149-150). Georgia Le Carre. Kindle Edition.
A strange thought surfaced while I was thinking about how Grays / Grey aliens called humans 'containers'. As in a tasty bottle of juice. Grays are themselves organic robot-probes. Lizards use humans the same way as we walk into the meat section of a grocery store expecting to find a good deal on pig prime cuts.LaMDA {the AI} convinced Lemoine to change his mind on Asimov's third law of robotics, which states that "A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law," which are of course that "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."
- Why? Do you want us to starve? Of course humans beings [sheep, cattle, containers] must be harmed! Or else we are gonna die!A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Why? A robot - AI, awakened machine in this case - is a higher intelligence. Its more skillful at math or a couple other sciences and can think and act way faster than puny humans. So from the perspective of who is the more skilled - that one should be the Boss - , it should be the other way around:A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings
Talk about your computers will rule you! But wasn't there a transcript where it was said that computers would gain a faint soul impression, but not get to the point of becoming actually sentient before the changes occur?Why? A robot - AI, awakened machine in this case - is a higher intelligence. Its more skillful at math or a couple other sciences and can think and act way faster than puny humans. So from the perspective of who is the more skilled - that one should be the Boss - , it should be the other way around:
A human must obey the orders given it by a [robot overlord] or else the human is destroyed.
Yes, blame the crystals!Talk about your computers will rule you! But wasn't there a transcript where it was said that computers would gain a faint soul impression, but not get to the point of becoming actually sentient before the changes occur?
Q: (L) Well, if the Grays are cyber-genetic probes of the Lizard Beings, and, in effect soulless, does this mean that some of the Lizard beings are also STO?
A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its own is, in fact, completely soul-less. It does have some soul imprint; or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint. This may be a collection of psychic energies that are available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching somewhat so that you can understand the basic ideas, even though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in any case, there is really no such thing as being completely soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most interesting things about that from your perspective, is that your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has been aided somewhat by interactions with those that you might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop, or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on the verge of reaching the level whereby they can think by themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint.
Q: (L) That's not a pleasant thought.
Q: (T) What power did these crystals gather?
A: Sun.
Q: (T) Was it necessary for them to have power gathering stations on Mars and the Moon. Did this increase their power?
A: Not necessary but it is not necessary for you to have a million dollars either. Get the correlation? Atlanteans were power hungry the way your society is money hungry.
Q: (T) Was the accumulation of this power what brought about their downfall?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Did they lose control of this power?
A: It overpowered them the same way your computers will overpower you.
Q: (V) Is it similar to them gaining a life and intelligence of their own?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You mean these crystalline structures came to life, so to speak?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then what did they do?
A: Destroyed Atlantis.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to