Asking for help with blockage in kitten's bladder

I'm also sorry about your kitten, Herondancer. Please don't beat yourself up over it. :hug2:
Gandalf said:
What a sad news. :(

I am so sorry Herondancer . :hug2:

Me, too, Herondancer. And don't beat yourself up over this, as HE said, it may not have anything to do with the struvite. :hug: to all of you who there.
Nienna Eluch said:
Gandalf said:
What a sad news. :(

I am so sorry Herondancer . :hug2:

Me, too, Herondancer. And don't beat yourself up over this, as HE said, it may not have anything to do with the struvite.

I'm also really sorry for the loss of your kitten, herondancer. :hug2: As others said, don't beat yourself up, there're too many unknowns about it than to blame yourself.
Very sorry to hear of your kitten herondancer. Like many have said, try not to beat yourself up over this. You done what you could

herondancer said:
I'm afraid things did not go well. There was too much damage from the crystals. He was put down last night.

Thank you everyone for your support and advice. With all my heart I wish it had turned out better.

Oh no...
I am so sorry. When I read this thread I was hoping the kitty would pull through. You did the best you could.
So sorry to hear about the kitty :( And herondancer, as others said, there are too many unknowns to blame yourself for his death. Sometimes it's a combination of things, and sometimes bad things happen despite best of efforts. And I am sure you did everything you could and more. Big hug to you all. :hug2:
Thank you all for your kind words. Though it may be so that there were more elements at play than can be known, it is still a bitter lesson, which I hope I will never forget. Ignorance truly does endanger.
herondancer said:
Thank you all for your kind words. Though it may be so that there were more elements at play than can be known, it is still a bitter lesson, which I hope I will never forget. Ignorance truly does endanger.

Not to mention forgetting that we can't think with the way we think and really do need to network at ALL times.

We had a chat with the Cs last night and I asked about this at the end and they said that the calcium/mag supplements were not the cause of the crystals because they wouldn't form that fast. So they must have been forming prior to that from some other reason as HE suggested might be the case.

In general, giving anything to animals without careful consideration and consultation is very ill-advised. As we all know, (or should) xylitol can kill a dog and chocolate can make them very sick. There are other things that are okay for humans, but not for dogs. And vice versa. One also has to consider their size and much faster metabolism. I would say that a similar consideration applies to children. You can't treat a growing child the same way you treat an adult. These things appear to me to be "home truths" that should be obvious to everyone, but obviously they aren't!
I know a little how you must feel, Herondancer, as I had 2 cats which died fairly young. One had flu, the other (Summer) died of kidney failure, most likely because of the awful food we gave her.
I feel terrible, because I was so ignorant.
I'm so glad for you that you were not the cause of your kittens' death, so I hope you can feel more at peace.
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