⭐Astrology & Card Readings (Public)

Hi all, just wanted to say I'm recovered and I’ve finished with the last batch, now moving on to the next. There’s still room to do more readings as well if anyone would like one. Anyhow, back to it :knitting: And thank you again everyone for well wishes. 💗
Just wanted to say I had some questions and doubts heavy on my heart.
Things I see about myself but not very clearly because people around me are constantly adding mud and stones to my water to keep me in place so they can eat me up alive.

This reading was huge help and encouragement for me to trust my intuition and sort of confirmation that I am going in right direction and I acctually see and know myself very well.

Also Artemis perfectly diagnosed my biggest weakness.
We all have it, see it but sometimes you think 'Naaah, it's not that bad...'
When you acknowledge it in big picture it's pretty darn important and very bad.
It's the thing that keeps you in the mud.

So, this reading was like x ray to me, but with loving hug all the way ! :-[

Thank you @Artemis from the bottom of my heart, you are truly gifted and blessed.
Belated Thanks for my last reading! :flowers: This one took some amount of time to digest, and I was going through it several times (though there will be more ones). It was related to a question that had been lingering with me deeply, for many years. By now the answer - or part of it - has been taking some shape already. While at the same time if feels like gradually growing into the answer, if that makes sense. As what currently takes place only seems like steps on the way to some destination of which I only have some inklings, maybe ideas.

So, it's very good to have another part of the map of potentials & lessons revealed. They can be related to the two previous readings that were done for me, thus connecting to and clarifying on other aspects as well. This one was very confirmative regarding my way/question. As others said, you can see and help verbalize things in people they feel but couldn't yet express in words themselves. There's much gratitude you shared this gift with me again. ❤️

PS: Also, the self-made cards and the little cat-satchet they are stored in are really lovely!
I'm about done with this latest batch, just a couple left to go. Also wanted to let everyone know that I likely won't be able to take on new orders for awhile since I'll be busy with other work which is starting this month, and don't know when I'll have some extra free time, but we'll see. :knitting:
There was this in the August 9, 1997 session:
The art of astrology lies within the interpretations of the astrologer, and if accurate, it is because of psychic talents. Same as with all methods, they are merely mediums.
I get it. This begs the question though: if someone has psychic talents but relies on a distorted system or method, how can an clean message come out of that?
Sorry, I'm just trying to better understand the seemingly inconsistent approach of the elders of these forums to the idea of astrology (which I'm interested in myself 🙂)

And I apologize for responding so late. I was just reflecting on this topic this morning so I decided to ask about it here.
Sorry, I'm just trying to better understand the seemingly inconsistent approach of the elders of these forums to the idea of astrology (which I'm interested in myself 🙂)

And I apologize for responding so late. I was just reflecting on this topic this morning so I decided to ask about it here.

I am not sure to what you are referring. Apologies as I've been a bit busy so I might be missing something. But anyhow, from what I have learned about modern/mainstream astrology is that it can be spiritually detached, overly focused on materialism, and sometimes used as some form of judgment and to maintain hierarchies. Essentially reduced to like a neat personality parlor trick. I see this as sort of a diminishing take, much like how modern/mainstream art sort of mocks real art and beauty. <-- All that, IMO, is part of the distorted system.

With that said, my own interpretation and understanding of it is that it is a useful tool for understanding one's life mission, blue print, emotional nature, blocks and life lessons, as a way to guide them. However, not everyone keeps this in mind when talking about astrology and sometimes misuse it or see it as an "excuse" for certain things, or use it to further limit themselves or others. This, of course, applies to many practices and studies in this world.

Little note: last readings almost done <3
I am not sure to what you are referring. Apologies as I've been a bit busy so I might be missing something. But anyhow, from what I have learned about modern/mainstream astrology is that it can be spiritually detached, overly focused on materialism, and sometimes used as some form of judgment and to maintain hierarchies. Essentially reduced to like a neat personality parlor trick. I see this as sort of a diminishing take, much like how modern/mainstream art sort of mocks real art and beauty. <-- All that, IMO, is part of the distorted system.

With that said, my own interpretation and understanding of it is that it is a useful tool for understanding one's life mission, blue print, emotional nature, blocks and life lessons, as a way to guide them. However, not everyone keeps this in mind when talking about astrology and sometimes misuse it or see it as an "excuse" for certain things, or use it to further limit themselves or others. This, of course, applies to many practices and studies in this world.

Little note: last readings almost done <3
Artemis, I agree with you. I'm referring to the impression I got after reading this thread that astrology as a system of knowledge is distorted (e.g. they inserted at some point the sign of Libra etc.). But on the other hand, the Cassiopeans have also said: "The art of astrology lies within the interpretations of the astrologer, and if accurate, it is because of psychic talents." Hence my question: if someone has psychic talents but relies on a distorted system or method, how can a clean message come out of that?
Yes, I see what you are trying to say, and understand. Like I said above in my post about what I think the distortions are, and how I approach/interpret astrology - I think it is in the approach, that simultaneously keeps in mind the distortions that makes all the difference regarding the clarity of the messages. I hope that helps answer your question a bit better. Sorry if I can be a bit confusing.
Yes, I see what you are trying to say, and understand. Like I said above in my post about what I think the distortions are, and how I approach/interpret astrology - I think it is in the approach, that simultaneously keeps in mind the distortions that makes all the difference regarding the clarity of the messages. I hope that helps answer your question a bit better. Sorry if I can be a bit confusing.
Artemis, alright, I get it and it does answer my question. My approach to astrology is actually the same as yours, I just had some doubts that perhaps astrology itself is distorted, but now you say that it is all about the approach, so that confirms what I also think is the right way to think about it 🙂 Thank you for your answer!
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