astronauts witness palin emerging from hyperdimensional vortex to eat the planet

Re: astronauts witness palin emerging from hyperdimensional vortex to eat the pl

vide said:
Is that Cheney?

that wasn't the intention, but i like the idea of cheney being sent to the moon :) actually the astronaut is supposed to look like he's attempting to tear down the flag. not sure if i quite captured that...

spyraal said:
So much is going on nowadays, and creativity is excellent for personal expression and releasing some pressure.

indeed. it's nice to have the chance to put across via images what can't really be described in words...

clerck de bonk said:
PALI-MAAA! :scared:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
[quote author=JonnyRadar]good point! Wink worked up a new version with the male dominator god included, as well as "the mortified astronaut"... [/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:


:whlchair: :clap: :thup: :clap: :wow:
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