SocietyoftheSpectacle said:
The antifa in Europe are not the same as those in the USA .
I suspect some of them are genuine,
and resent Rebel medias Overt Racism.
along with the Overt Intellectualised Racism of Sargon of Akkad.
Perhaps in fact maybe some people saw Lauren Suthern's attempt to stop refugee boats from landing as attempted Murder.
Some indeed would be genuine, and they have legitimate beefs of course. People and families also live in these areas and they would not want to make things more difficult for them by inciting needless violence that only stiffens the resolve of the PTB troopers.
As for Lauren, that's interesting, I did not know she was actually doing this sort of stuff _ Had seen her rant about Muslims while making blanket statements before, and know of whom she works. On the other hand, some things they have done (the Rebel crew) I've thought were examples of asking good questions too. In that respect, they can, as you infer, play to the crown and the divisions therein.
Add to this the fact that one grazed Knee was the only Injury.
and Lukes Shilldowskis duping delight , and invisible Bruise.
I suspect the whole thing was a set up.
Yes, point taken
whitecoast said:
There is old footage from Montabello, Quebec (2007) when at that time it was just a small Summit meeting on security issues between G.W Bush, Harper and the Mexican president. The usual co-opting or direct agent provocateurs (AP's) were out against people just wanting to protest peacefully. The AP's were caught and exposed by regular people whereby the then ran off and hid behind the police lines ( ). In comparison to the G20 in Toronto or in Germany, this was very small, but it is a tactic used time and again.
I remember these provocateurs were used by the police to justify clampdowns on the legitimate protestors many times in the past. I can only assume similar individuals exist in the black bloc present in Hamburg as well. Oddly enough it seems like it has grown extraordinarily large, large enough to the point that they can injure more police officers than the police officers themselves injure them back (or vice versa). So if they're not being used to justify an immediate clampdown during the G20 protest/riot, it definitely seems plausible there's a larger game being played. Perhaps there will be calls to militarize the police more? Personally, I am a bit skeptical they could have stoked such a massive crowd of anarchists and radical leftists on their own... which is why I suspect it may be more "organically ponerogenic" in nature. Is the major "defeat" of the police something that was anticipated? Certainly it will be exploited, but it may also make bystanders wake up more to the genuine threat that paramilitary activities pose to law and order in the country.
The G20 in Toronto is a pretty horrendous example of "clampdowns," and in that case the police and intelligence seemed to have orchestrated conditions i.e. premeditated mass detention facilities, planned gauntlets to steer the crowds, agent provocateurs and that trickery established, banging clubs against shields, gas masks, peeper spray devices, nylon wrist restraints and all their other tools of the trade. In Toronto's G20 more than 1,000 people were arrested and detained in stark wire cages. The provocateurs or overly enthusiastic people that lead to violent acts, served the purpose for all that pre-emptive planning it seems. The state will generally do what the state does, which is to put down resistance and show the other states that they mean business.
The following screen shot was from Montabello, Quebec (2007), and you can see the Sûreté du Québec troopers lining the cemetery gauntlet in a show of resolve. Lining a cemetery was in some eyes was indeed 'sacres' religious - yet the message was psychological and macabre to any who dared.