Awful dream

Felipe4 said:
Thanks for reading.

Thanks for sharing - that sounds terribly intense, but as others have pointed out it also seems to match objective reality and perhaps even some sort of 'beaming' that is going around. I also had a dream of massive war and bloodshed in the past day or two, and though it was significantly less intense it was also very symbolic of things that are going on in my life and the world at large. These are really dark times. It's difficult to process it all. I wonder, if there is something more psychological to these dreams than beaming, if there is a need for some of us to process the violence/chaos so that we can better resist falling under the sway of such a chaotic archetype as it continues to grow in intensity. Sort of like gaining a psychological immunity, so that we can maintain our 'distance' from such evil even while learning from it the best we can. In that case I find it interesting that you felt you were being 'tested' but did not find 'victory' through the large level of violence you were applying throughout the process.

It also reminds me of what the C's said about having to confront all aspects of our essence before we're eligible to 'graduate':

December 9, 1994

Q: (L) Now, I would like to know the name of the beings Ruth described as something like ants, flies or Praying Mantises in her hypnosis session?

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) Well, you said that the Praying Mantis beings that V encountered were called Minturians. Are these the same?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there a difference between essence beings and incarnate beings?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what were those snaky, slug-like beings that she saw?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Are you saying that all of this stuff is who she is? All of these creatures and these…

A: In some of the alternate realities.

Q: (L) Do all humans have creatures like that that are their essence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) My essence is something that horrible and dark and icky?

A: Subjective.

Q: (L) Well, weren’t those horrible icky beings eating little children? Weren’t those real human children?

A: Yes. How do you think you are viewed by deer, for example?

Q: (L) Well, I can immediately see that. I saw that already. I mean that cows and chickens would have to view us that way. I mean, it’s pretty gross.

A: Roaches, too.

Q: (L) Is that why the night before Ruth’s session, I dreamed of ants that I could have stepped on and smashed, and for some reason I decided I did not want to take the life of even a single ant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was that dream preparing me for what I was going to experience in that session?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, what do we do about these essence parts of ourselves? I mean, I don’t like it that there may be something of the predator in me. I would like to not have it, or get rid or it, or transform it, or whatever.

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) Well, am I going to have to remember myself doing things like that in order to come to terms with it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that going to happen to me, that I am going to have memories like that surfacing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I am having a hard time coping with it in someone else, how am I going to deal with it in myself?

A: You will.

Q: (L) Is this something we are all going to have to do?

A: All eligible fourth density candidates.

Looking forward to hearing more about what you've gained from this dream Felipe, and I agree with Konstantin:

Maybe a posting and networking about your discoveries will help you to understand them more clearly and from different perspective then your, and it may actually help you to understand and to learn about your machine more efficiently
Last night no earlier than 11 hours pm, possibly a little later, I went outside and saw the sky tinged with a type of purple-red, homogeneous, low clouds seemed. It was up on the top and not on the horizon. I was looking east. I thought it could be because of the moon, or reflections of the sun, although sunset had passed. I assumed such an explanation. But I had a bad feeling and went back inside. I've never seen the sky like that. Then I looked west out the window and clouds on the horizon were white, for the reflection of the moon. I live in Southern Europe.
An hour and a half went outside again and the sky was dark, as always with the same lighting.

Tonight I also had a bad dream. A dream of fighting, fear, persecution and survival.
A moment ago I associated the two memories in my mind, dream and image of the sky. But it may be a coincidence, symbolic or a game of my mind.
Konstantin said:
Few days after Orlando Shooting i have nightmare and i posted about that here,42019.0.html

I dont know , but as other have noticed maybe all those nightmares have some connection. :huh:

Yeah, it does make you wonder..

I had a disturbing dream the morning of the Orlando shooting. In the dream, I was alerted to something going on with my niece. I go to a residence to find a phone to alert my sister (her mother) but find it difficult to locate one. Eventually my sister shows up and I tell her to go to her daughter.

I wrote down this dream and a couple others soon after I woke up that morning which I don't normally do. I thought about calling my sister to check in, just in case..but it was really early in the morning so I decided to wait till a better hour. Next time my sister told me to just call her no matter the time of day because as it happens, that morning/day she had been feeling like she needed to be with her daughter at the hospital and so booked a flight to leave out that evening.

Found out the above the next day when she called me from the hospital that my niece was at. That's when I remembered the dream and my plan from the previous day to check in about my niece..which till then, I'd forgotten. Still find this part pretty disconcerting.
Three nights ago I decided to unwrap my dream stone from silk. I don't know if that helped, but my dreams stopped being so bizarre. But they were still choppy and random. But this morning I had a first normal dream since I got my crystals, three weeks ago. Interestingly, this night and two nights before I dreamed of a flood. Something seems to be going on in the background. Maybe I'm tuning in to these creative energies that come from this crystal.
Felipe4 said:
Hi all,
I wanted to share a dream last night, i've been having a hard time having what i call 'honest' dreams, been experiencing lots of tension and emotional stress, i mean honest dream a real dream where your mind floats and navigates a story unlike the ones i get regulary which are bland and a repetition of the previous day.

So, bland and repetitive dreams are normal for you? But what you call 'honest' dreams are different from these? What you had sounds like a nightmare to me. They are generally perceived to be a person's subconscious really yelling at them! This could be from a number of causes.
1. You are 'waking up' from a reality and this is the 'shock' way the subconscious likes to do it (not pleasant).
2. Chemical or hormonal imbalance.
3. The subconscious's way of dealing with tension and emotional stress.
The book Women who run with wolfs can give us some useful information in order to deal with our dreams.Almost,always our uncosciousness use this kind of symbols (serial killers,demons,vampires,murders and so on)to try to send a message to our conscience if we are in the middle of sensitive changes in our life.But some times there are some dark energies that want to boycott our efforts to drive them out of our lives and they give us a hard fight in our dreams.In this kind of situation,for any reason i can manage to pray "La Oraciòn del Alma"and the bad dream just disappears.

I hope can help ;)
Yesterday I had a dream where I was in the second story of a building and was assembling some equipment. The room was mostly empty aside from that. I don't know what it was for. As I was working, two entities entered the room. I could feel their demeanor, and I realized they were "demons", but they were familiar and I was not shocked, just caught off-guard. They behaved like thugs bullying me, and they gloated about something they had done to my mother. But I didn't feel like they could really harm me, aside from causing inconvenience as I had to adapt to the situation. I felt that the real danger was if I didn't pay attention to them or forgot that they were there, and then they would be able to manipulate my perception. The dream ends as I am in a dilemma. I don't want to continue working while they are taking my attention, but I know that it would probably be fine if I just payed attention. Otherwise, I would be stopping my work in order to handle them, but then their pestering would be the only thing occupying me.

I post this here because I think the dream made reference to demons as a result of this thread.
Apologies for late reply,

my dreams usually tend to have a less dreamlike appearance lately, mostly a repetition of things from the previous day, bits and pieces with no beginning or end, i started having these a few years back, and got increasingly worse , worsening also my insomnia.

This particular dream, was very different, i was able to think as i normally do, i even figured out it was a dream, very real, very real, every step i took made things worse and i was hopelessly trying to just get by in the dream.

I believe that my own issues had a hand in a cumulative manner, too much stress pile up and I did "something" that pulled everything together and bubled it up into a explosion.

I was seeing someone, that person triggered in me a state of stress and anxiety that made me miserable, a very simple thing like not answering a message bothered me too much. I have to add, I ve been trying to work on these issues of mine, where before none of these thing bothered me i allowed these walls to fall intentionally to bring forward the simplest fears into being. being "strong" most of the time is just walls that separate us from things that bother us, when you let these walls fall, you realize the boogie monster still freaks you out terribly , so to speak.
In that same way , i allowed these things to come forward, he would not answer my messages, he would not be clear and little details made me feel lots and lots of hate, but when together it was joy and bliss. we are nothing but friends at this moment, because of distances.

I learned many things from this little experience, though the stress and anxiety got to the point of obsessive, compulsive and vindictive behaviors as well as very caring, goofy and charming aspects. normally the walls would not allow me to get that far into these vulnerabilities but i thought it was necessary. As you may all understand these walls are buffers , and inside these walls in our comfort zones, we get nowhere and learn little.

The anxiety was making me shake and the stress preventing me from sleeping, but also this served me to find real outward ways of dealing with situations with other people, whereas fleeing or rationalizing or daydreaming would normally take place.

all of those methods of psychological survival, had taken me nowhere. I learned that people have valuable things in them, and learned to feel others a little better than before.

That was just some background.

But I wanna talk about that "something" i did, in my state of anxiety, depression and stress, i lost appetite as usual, though this time I went and bought a chiken with potatoes and yuca and fries and instead of not eating I ate the whole chicken myself. You will be amazed how that changed my mood, not only the desire of filling up my stomach but the desire of doing what i did't want or normally would do, to just break the habit.

when I went to bed, some dark thought again attacked me, stress and the sensation of anxiety, jealousy, daydreaming thought loops, and all else Plus trying to understand all of it, i couldn't handle it, the thoughts weren't the result of a text message not being answered it was coming from somewhere inside, and even though i have been told and figured out where , when and how, rationally, it affects my every action everyday. I felt defeated somehow felt i can't change it. I also felt it was a narrative.

I had been talking with my brother who studies neurology, and we got into the conversation of the endocrine system, and talking about the glands and different hormones, i was desperate that night decided, to try a form of meditation to prevent the stress form eating me alive, I was asking for help,
it occurred to me that the feelings of stress were originating in the kidney area, upper back and bellybutton area, and spread onto my legs and arms this particular time.
The form of meditation consisted only in sensing the kidneys and lower organs (from which cortisol the stress hormone is released and the upper back from which all the nerves connect the organs) after realizing that the stress and pain was originating from the kidneys it dawn on me that the stress hormones are produced there! in the kidneys!!
after some deep breathing and some pipe breaths and some sensing, i decided to try to "pull" everything towards the solar plexus, to move all the energy released from these areas towards the solar plexus. Amazingly enough it worked. I was deep breathing and trying to stimulate and move all the organs through breathing while focusing on them, the state of concentration alone fixes the running thoughts for as long as you are focused, but in addition to this, there is the sensing part, the sensing of you body and the sensing of your feelings and thoughts, maybe the sensing of another individual..
The stress and much of the anxiety and insomnia were gone and slept almost at will...

This wasn't it, I tried it a couple of more nights and also when awake to try to have some sensing of the organs or parts that bothered me (it tends to be easier when something is aching to have more attention on the area), then boom i had this nightmare,

This is not a form of meditation that solves all your problems and I don't even know if i should call it that, or if it is something that just everyone should try, or I should be discussing, "pulling the energy" as i can only put it or term it, is just that, eliminating the over stress residue from the lower areas of the body by stimulating the organs through breathing and pulling it towards your solar plexus, then redistribute the energy throughout the body. it can very well adjust some patterns as it has with me. My idea came that from wrong working of the centers as G. mentioned or ignoring the body and just focusing on the intellect of emotional areas as means of minimizing stress is just as wrong as using the body alone to do it all. as they all three work in unison but unbalanced or wrong.

I cannot claim this as a form of meditation per se, though i can only put it in those words, it helped me greatly in having a better sense of my body and i recovered stability and along with some efforts and some workto minimize the thought patterns and behaviors and habits, I gotta admit i recovered more control.

I don't know if Im making this have any sense,

I am definitely open to suggestions about this, and comments. I don't know weather this should be discussed on this board

Thanks everyone for reading.
I think there is some beaming going on, at one point, me and my brother were at the bus and felt something suck out energy simultaneously it was draining we passed out as soon as we got home.

and the sinchronizities my thinking is that we all suffer through one something that connects us, the parts of us that we have in common and resonate with the world suffer in simultaneously.

or we can be targeted simultaneously.
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