(Barbara Marciniak) The Pleiadians, Sedona Seminar 2015

Laura said:
Zadius Sky said:
Just one question comes to mind:

How accurate is Barbara Marciniak's source (The Pleiadians) during the recent Sedona Seminar? Is it the same source from Bringers of the Dawn?

Not a fair or even nice question IMO.
I think asking about specifics of what was said, would probably give us a better feel for the accuracy. Personally I'd like to second Nienna's questions breaking it down. Especially curious about CERN!
Regarding the Annunaki... It would be interesting to know what the C's can say about the Annunaki, until now, the references to them found in the transcripts are very confusing.


Q: (L) Who were Enlil and Enki, the Annunaki of Sumerian stories?

A: Great teachers.

Q: (L) Were they human or extraterrestrial?

A: Extraterrestrial.

Q: (L) Where did they come from?

A: Cassiopaea.


Q: (L) Who were the Annunaki?

A: Aliens.

Q: (L) Where were they from?

A: Zeta Reticuli.

It appears they say that Annunaki are Lizards or Grays but they said too that Enki and Enlil were not.


Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars, you said was destroyed by psychic energy?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was the source of this psychic energy?

A: Beings inhabiting the planet.

Q: (L) Do beings in this area of the galaxy just sort of destroy their planets from time to time? Is this getting to be a habit?

A: Close. Has been.

Q: (L) Did any of those beings leave that planet and come to earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who were they? Were they humans like us?

A: Blond and blue eyed descendants.

Q: (L) Was that a colder planet?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was that planet much like earth?

A: Yes.

A: Blue eyes. Eye pigment was because planet was farther from Sol.

Q: (L) How did the people of that planet come to earth? Did they know it was going to be destroyed?

A: Some knew and were taken by Lizzies and they are the Annunaki.

In this other transcript they said that the Annunaki were some Kantekkians who knew that their planet was going to be destroyed and that they were "rescued" by the Lizard Beings.

If we put these last sentences in context with the rest of the C's material, it is more or less clear that some Kantekkians were brought here by the Lizard Beings, and others came here by their own means. It appears that those who were transported here by the Lizard Beings were the Annunaki but, since this topic has not gone deeper, maybe the C's are not saying in this last sentence that those who "knew and were taken by Lizzies and they are the Annunaki" were brought here to Earth... maybe these who they call Annunaki were a faction or group which was simply taken and used by the Lizard Beings for any purpose...

It is very difficult to know anything without more data.
Hi all,

Yes some good questions,more information would be appreciated,for the bigger picture perhaps:)?

hope everyone has a good day :)
I've listened this record and must admit I'm positively surprised. Till now I've never heard Ps, I've only read all the books by Barbara.

I've found Ps informations from this video pretty instructive. Actually they are in line with what Cs have been saying. Apart from it Ps are very funny, they have a sense of humor :) Watch out, Cs! You have a real challanger ;) I'm just kidding :D

A helicopter (?) hovering several times in the background has caught my attention, as well....
I had a chance to listen to this yesterday, and it was pretty interesting -- I haven't really kept up with Barbara Marciniak in the past several years, so it was good to see where she/the Pleiadians are coming from on the variety of topics she addressed. All in all, I thought the number of congruences with the Cs' material outweighed the number of divergences

I listened to it last night, and it was interesting - particularly about AI, internet etc. I liked her direct, humorous, no-nonsense approach (especially dealing with the 'love and light' New Age brigade) but I feel a lot of discernment is necessary here too. I have read Bringers of the Dawn, but I don't know much about Barbara Marciniak in terms of: what research she does or if she is part of a network at all - both of which seem crucial imo to be a 'clearer' channel, and therefore able to share more truthful, objective information with which to work with.

As the chaos around us increases, a lot of folk will be more desperate to cling onto whatever 'teachings' they find most reassuring and comforting - which may not be related to Truth. There is a 'program' for everyone. Essentially, there are no real shortcuts - the Work is 'work' :)

It would be good to get some feedback from the Cs.

Thanks for the synopsis SAO and Eboard10.

Yes, thanks for that.
I listened to it last night - as well as a 3 part (4-5hr) conference from 2007. Much of what Barbara talks about has been observed on the forum as well as the ways in which to struggle constructively through current events. I did enjoy hearing the P's perspective and was taken aback at how lucid Barbara can be when channelling.

But just to comment on Russia and Putin - Barabara also states in the 2015 talk that "Russia have much more up their sleeve" or words to that effect; when taken with the "Queen and Putin" met Annunaki representatives (or something like), i wouldn't say she is lumping Russia with the Queen and that ilk, more like in that instance, they met these reps. It sounded more like she/the P's see Russia as the counter force, osit.


Anam Cara said:
what research she does or if she is part of a network at all - both of which seem crucial imo to be a 'clearer' channel, and therefore able to share more truthful, objective information with which to work with.

I think i'd agree here.
Thanks for the synopsis SAO and Eboard10.

The synopsis was great because it has piqued my interest to listen to the whole video. Very instructive and informative!!

As far as further questions for the C's , it would be nice to clear up the issues around the Annunaki.
I also liked the P's exercise of finding "Anu" in various spellings of words we commonly use like January and Luna or Pakistan, hence signalling a militaristic bent. I wonder if the same exercise can be used for the ecologically-minded Enki ? Wasn't Enki and Enlil supposed to be step-brothers?
Seaniebawn said:
loreta said:
I can not imagine my society without Internet. Everything is connected. So maybe this will not stop. But if it crash... myself without Internet will be very hysterical, and I am a relatively sane person. ;) Hysterical 100% I can assure you because our pay is there thanks to Internet. So imagine all the addicts to their mobiles, you know who I mean, the young for example, that live with their mobiles 24 hours a day, imagine what will happen if they can not anymore to be connected! A revolution of crazy people on the streets.

But everything is connected, as we know, so if that happens I pray god to come to help us. And I don't believe necessary in god... When I think about it I see a nightmare in my mind.

Me too :lol:, but I've gone without the internet for quite a while when I was living abroad, and that just pushed me to go to bookstores, but then again by the time I was leaving I simply couldn't bring the book's with me as I had so many, broke my heart to leave them all behind I only could take a few :(, but I think that the crux of the matter, it's the loss of information, probably a bit like the dark ages, I think the Druids and the bards had the right Idea you go through a 30 year process of learning and then you become the hard drive :lol:

You know, regardless of whether the internet will go down or not, your analogy really goes to the crux of the matter in terms of doing Work and preparing for things to come. If we practice hard enough by absorbing large amounts of objective information and are able to retain it for an extended time, we are basically expanding our internal hard drive storage capacity. The act of networking with others following a similar path would be similar to that of connecting the the Cloud: the larger the number of computers sharing information on the Cloud, and the better the connectivity of each user, the bigger the network and the faster the pace of learning and progression is going to be.

Just my 2 cents.
If anyone is still interested, I found this site which has collected most of the Pleiadians' recent publicly available sessions here _http://wn.com/barbara_marciniak, as well as one additional here _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1uh2orWEko I've watched most of them and there is some overlap in some of the videos depending on who was doing the editing and where they spliced the content.

Some highlights: On the wn site, I thought it was interesting how in video 1 and 2 she pretty much comes right out and says that Jesus is a composite character and never existed as described. This was in 2007. I got a laugh out of how she ignored the guy who wanted the Pleiadians to validate how special he was. She definitely must've made some of the New Agers pretty uncomfortable. In video 3, she talks a lot about her life and the experiences that led up to the Pleiadian contact. She struck me as a pretty reasonable, down to Earth woman. Not airy-fairy at all. Toward the end of video 7, the Pleiadians did a guided meditation exercise that was supposed to show how the light and the dark complement each other to create reality and one can't exist without the other. The format reminded me a little of EE. She certainly didn't present the stereotypical New Age material, in the main. Some of their mannerisms and humor reminded me a bit of the Cassiopaeans.

There were quite a few things that were said in the videos that are quite antithetical to the Cassiopaean material. The Pleiadians seem very much invested in astrology and interpreting all of the predictions in an astrological context. Laura and the Cassiopaeans have mentioned it on occasion and it seems to have some influence, but the Pleiadian emphasis on the matter seems way overdone. There is also a lot of time spent on YCYOR stuff, and while the Pleiadians say that you can't override the overall reality by meditating on world peace or whatever because all of those humans are choosing to experience the war reality, they do spend a lot of time telling you how to put your intention out there to get what you want. Nothing is said about anticipation, and they seem to oversimplify it by saying you create all of the circumstances in your reality based on the energy you put out, i.e. a poor person is poor because they believe that they are poor and must be that way, regardless of what's going on in the outside world. They also encourage lucid dreaming, which was something the Cassiopaeans were staunchly against because it amounts to subjective fantasizing. The Pleiadians reasoned that once you could take control of the dream state and change it to your liking, you could then apply that energy to your life and change it to your liking; dreams were for practice. Also the part about trusting yourself seemed a bit off, because everything on this forum suggests that you can't really trust your own thinking until you've done the Work. The Pleiadians just say that you will make mistakes and that you should keep trying until you make the right choice.

In light of the most recent Cassiopaean session, it seems the Pleiadian accuracy was about 50/50 on the questions that were picked out. I find myself wondering whether Barbara really channels anything in particular beyond her own subconscious mind. As was mentioned on the Cassiopaean session thread, not being able to hear the participants as well as having to ask them questions about when or where something occurred, or clarification on names seemed a bit odd for 6th density beings. When an inquiry is made with the Cassiopaeans, they seem to know everything about the event and what you're thinking. Usually when they ask questions, it's to make you think about something or make sure you're following along, unless you ask a very confused question. I got the subjective impression that she's kind of putting on a show, because everyone wants to talk to aliens, and she's under pressure to "perform." I thought it was interesting how little content I found with her that didn't involve her channeling. As someone said earlier, there wasn't a whole lot that was said that you couldn't find without a good google search, although the way some of the concepts were presented was rather insightful in my opinion. I think she does get some inspiration now and then from somewhere, but I don't personally believe she has a dedicated line to any one group. Another thing I didn't particularly like about it was even though a lot of her material did fit closely with the Cassiopaeans, it was a lot more generalized and a bit ambiguous at times. The ambiguity could be a cover for doing some "cold reading." The Cassiopaean stuff just has a sort of "clear crispness" where very specific things are said in a precise manner. It seems to me the Cassiopaeans expect a higher level of background knowledge so that they can provide specific answers to specific questions. I can't really picture them doing these town hall types of events.

I kind of wonder if she's turned into another Carla Rueckert. It must be hard to have once had a legitimate contact with something and then lose it. She is clearly an intelligent and well-read woman, and maybe when she gets into her "zone" there is a certain flow where she can access a lot of objective knowledge she has accumulated over the years. She wants to help people, so she gives them what they want in the best way she can. I admit I was a bit taken by her because of how similar the overall material was to the Cassiopaeans, even if there were some issues here and there. I thought it was interesting to have someone connected to a 6th density source coming from a different perspective, but in light of the Cassiopaean session and the issues that have been discussed in this thread, it appears to me that her connection is rather tenuous and it's time to move on.
I think the part about trusting yourself should be handled with care. If you have no trust in yourself, you open the door for others to essentially take the role of your brain. All good and well but essentially turning into a hollow being. On the other hand, you can't entirely trust yourself due to cognitive biases and programs that act to essentially deceive. I think networking is a more balanced view, where you still use your brain but essentially also use other people's view to calibrate your on. True understanding can only occur if you can directly see the errors in your thinking. Its ok for awhile to be told that how you are seeing something is incorrect and for it to be presented what is the correct view, but if you as an individual cant connect from where you are to where you should be, then I don't think any learning has taken place, any understanding has taken place. Its akin to teaching someone how to fish vs giving them fish, the latter will go hungry when you stop giving them fish.

So I think this is what the Ps are aiming at. Furthermore, despite it being dangerous ground, I believe there are people with exceptional ability who every now and again have to go on their own e.g. If I think of the famous inventors, most of the stuff they did would have been impossible if they didn't trail blaze as it were. No one else could follow them as no one else was packing the sort of horsepower these people had.

Anyways, just my views.

Also regarding mistakes, I think they are a very crucial part of learning in any arena. Obviously its not a green light to do as you will, but if you approach something in the right manner, having networked, acquired knowledge etc and you end up making mistakes which you learn from and further enhance your approaches as a result, then that can only be something good!
Neil said:
The Cassiopaean stuff just has a sort of "clear crispness" where very specific things are said in a precise manner. It seems to me the Cassiopaeans expect a higher level of background knowledge so that they can provide specific answers to specific questions.

Hello Neil,

I think your summary is well thought out & balanced. I very much agree with it. Thank you.

There IS indeed a "clear crispness" to the C's. Like a hot knife through butter. With little tolerance for time wasting or triviality. And often with one sentence--obliterate much of our rigid and erroneous notions.

I just love them. Their style AND their content.
sitting said:
Neil said:
The Cassiopaean stuff just has a sort of "clear crispness" where very specific things are said in a precise manner. It seems to me the Cassiopaeans expect a higher level of background knowledge so that they can provide specific answers to specific questions.

Hello Neil,

I think your summary is well thought out & balanced. I very much agree with it. Thank you.

There IS indeed a "clear crispness" to the C's. Like a hot knife through butter. With little tolerance for time wasting or triviality. And often with one sentence--obliterate much of our rigid and erroneous notions.

I just love them. Their style AND their content.

I whole-heartedly agree as well. Thanks sitting and Neil for stating so clearly how I feel about the C's.

Thank you Laura and crew for the session!
Neil said:

As was mentioned on the Cassiopaean session thread, not being able to hear the participants as well as having to ask them questions about when or where something occurred, or clarification on names seemed a bit odd for 6th density beings. When an inquiry is made with the Cassiopaeans, they seem to know everything about the event and what you're thinking. Usually when they ask questions, it's to make you think about something or make sure you're following along, unless you ask a very confused question. [...] It seems to me the Cassiopaeans expect a higher level of background knowledge so that they can provide specific answers to specific questions. I can't really picture them doing these town hall types of events.

[...] It must be hard to have once had a legitimate contact with something and then lose it. She is clearly an intelligent and well-read woman, and maybe when she gets into her "zone" there is a certain flow where she can access a lot of objective knowledge she has accumulated over the years. She wants to help people, so she gives them what they want in the best way she can. I admit I was a bit taken by her because of how similar the overall material was to the Cassiopaeans, even if there were some issues here and there. I thought it was interesting to have someone connected to a 6th density source coming from a different perspective, but in light of the Cassiopaean session and the issues that have been discussed in this thread, it appears to me that her connection is rather tenuous and it's time to move on.

Was reminded of when in 1995, Laura discusses with the C's 6th density balance e.g. there is no STS beings, however, there is STS "reflection" (thought forms) in 6th, not unified entities. So not really sure if she is tapping, if that is even the case, into the balance half or partial reflective aspects of 6th STS thought forms, which may lead to answers differing from the STO totality of 6th. In other words, she has not got a clear grooved channel.

So without knowing, perhaps there is something useful in understanding the reflective aspects of STS 6th in terms of how it interrelates within 6th density's balanced nature. You mentioned above of the C's "Usually when they ask questions, it's to make you think about something or make sure you're following along", indeed it seems so. And as pointed out, this is very different with these Pleiadians', and for people here who have been, as you say, "following along", what [m]ight be happening is this reflective aspect of STS coming through, at least in 50% of the time for Barbara?

Just don't know how it works.

Jan 7 1995 said:
Q: (T) That is why it's called the contemplation level. You go and think about what you have done. (T) What about souls on 6th density? (L) Are there 6th density STS beings?
A: No, when you get to 6th you no longer need to recycle.
Q: (L) But still, is there an STS experience at 6th density, like the 6th density Orions?
A: These are only reflections of individuals, not unified entities. These reflections exist for balance. They are not whole entities, just thought forms.
Q: (L) Are these 6th density beings what the Bible describes as a "gathering" of angels as in the story of Job where "Lucifer" came in before the Lord...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, there are STS and STO at 6th density which balance? And they are just there, they exist?
A: Reflection for balance.
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