A little humor for the day from an unknown artist.
Sculpter du sable un des plus beaux arts que nous ayons jamais vus. Cet art nous rend toujours un peu tristes. Créer quelque chose d’aussi magnifique et le voir littéralement s’effondrer et s’écrouler en si peu de temps... L’artiste est Fabrizio Galli
Sculpting sand one of the finest arts we have ever seen. This art always makes us a little sad. To create something so magnificent and see it literally crumble and crumble in such a short time... The artist is Fabrizio Galli
Sculpter du sable un des plus beaux arts que nous ayons jamais vus. Cet art nous rend toujours un peu tristes. Créer quelque chose d’aussi magnifique et le voir littéralement s’effondrer et s’écrouler en si peu de temps... L’artiste est Fabrizio Galli
Sculpting sand one of the finest arts we have ever seen. This art always makes us a little sad. To create something so magnificent and see it literally crumble and crumble in such a short time... The artist is Fabrizio Galli
Exactly. Everything is ephemeral, an illusion, according to the Buddhists. Even art, specially art. And the Buddhists erase the mandalas they made with sand, because I read somewhere that we are like dust, sand, and we just pass in a gust of wind. I myself sometimes, after having spent a long time on a puzzle, I can easily undo it, it doesn't bother me at all. What counts is the time we spend doing it, because it is like walking on a road. For the sand statues I guess what counts is the creation of the statue, afterwards... that's another story.this is why buddhists make mandalas