Beautiful Art: architecture, paintings, sculptures, etc

This gate in Vienna is a masterpiece of optical illusion

Le village perché d’Haid Al-Jazil au Yémen est tout droit sorti d’un conte fantastique ! Situé au Yémen, ce village complètement irréel est perché sur un bloc de roches en équilibre à plus de 150 mètres au-dessus de la vallée du Wadi Hadramaout. Il est vieux d'environ 500 ans et est principalement constitué de maisons en briques de boue qui confondent les habitations dans le décor naturel. Les maisons deviennent alors quasiment invisibles. Il est actuellement encore habité. Lors du derniers recensement il comptait 17 habitants.

The hilltop village of Haid Al-Jazil in Yemen is straight out of a fantasy tale! Located in Yemen, this completely unreal village is perched on a block of rocks in balance more than 150 meters above the valley of Wadi Hadramaout. It is around 500 years old and is mostly made up of mud brick houses which blend the dwellings into the natural setting. The houses then become almost invisible. It is currently still inhabited. At the last census it had 17 inhabitants.

Un seau « versant du bois ». Une magnifique sculpture réalisée par le talentueux artiste roumain Gabi Rizea. Le plus fou c’est de se dire qu’il réalise ses sculptures avec une tronçonneuse. Pour info, l’arbre était déjà mort avant la coupe bien entendu.

A bucket "pouring wood". A magnificent sculpture made by the talented Romanian artist Gabi Rizea. The craziest thing is to think that he makes his sculptures with a chainsaw. FYI, the tree was already dead before the cut of course.

The hilltop village of Haid Al-Jazil in Yemen is straight out of a fantasy tale! Located in Yemen, this completely unreal village is perched on a block of rocks in balance more than 150 meters above the valley of Wadi Hadramaout. It is around 500 years old and is mostly made up of mud brick houses which blend the dwellings into the natural setting. The houses then become almost invisible. It is currently still inhabited. At the last census it had 17 inhabitants.

What a fascinating place. Here is a drone video:

Superbe création en trompe l'œil sur un immeuble entier, réalisée par l'artiste gaffeur russe Danila Shmelev alias Shozy ! sshhozzy [IG]

Superb trompe l'oeil creation on an entire building, created by the Russian blunderer artist Danila Shmelev alias Shozy! 📸 sshhozzy [IG]


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