Beautiful Art: architecture, paintings, sculptures, etc

Just asking out of curiosity :-) For me it's Deimos (meaning terror and dread) from Dragan Bibin, it's so simple yet it hits something inside me.


And of course a bit cliché but i like The Starry Night and Starry Night Over the Rhône from Van Gogh :clap:

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The other day I was looking into French impressionists, I like some of Cézanne's landscapes for how they capture the light of Southern France, and I really enjoy Monet's opulent garden scenes, but Monet, for me, is lacking something. Like a missing layer that goes beyond the sheer beauty and joy of looking at the scenes depicted. Then I discovered the landscapes of Russian Realist painter Isaak Iljitsch Lewitan (1860-1900), and I was mesmerized. Maybe because he captures scenes, that I personally deeply enjoy when experiencing them in real life, like the light shining through branches in a forest in late Autumn or hazy morning scenes at sunrise. He seems to be capturing more than meets the eye, and somehow looking at his landscapes feels like becoming part of it, like actually standing there and taking in the beautifully melancholy scenery. I read that in his short life, he died at only 39 years old, he completed over 1,000 paintings. Imagine the inner artistic urge he must have felt throughout his life.
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Incroyable musée sous-marin à Cancun au Mexique comptant plus de 500 sculptures qui se visite avec palmes et tubas... Imaginez une foule d'hommes et de femmes, debout, les pieds dans le sable, la tête recouverte d'algues flottant au fil de l'eau... Une scène spectaculaire digne d'un film de science-fiction.Elle se passe au large de Cancun, au Yucatan (Mexique). Dans les eaux limpides d'Isla Mujeres, au milieu de la mer des Caraïbes, un musée à nul autre pareil a vu le jour en 2009.

Incredible underwater museum in Cancun, Mexico, with more than 500 sculptures that can be visited with fins and snorkels... Imagine a crowd of men and women, standing, feet in the sand, heads covered in algae floating in the flow of water... A spectacular scene worthy of a science fiction film. It takes place off the coast of Cancun, in Yucatan (Mexico). In the clear waters of Isla Mujeres, in the middle of the Caribbean Sea, a museum like no other was opened in 2009.

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Voici une véritable mallette de tueurs de vampires dans les années 1800.Ce mystérieux kit comprend tous les outils et armes que l’on pourrait s’attendre à trouver dans l’équipement d’un chasseur de vampires. La boîte contenait ainsi des crucifix, de l’eau bénite, un pieu et son maillet, des perles de rosaire, une bible, des lustres en laiton, ainsi qu’une paire de pistolets, une flasque à poudre et quelques autres accessoires. D’ailleurs, croyez-vous que les vampires ont un jour vraiment existé où qu’ils existent encore ?

This is a real vampire slayer's briefcase from the 1800s. This mysterious kit includes all the tools and weapons one would expect to find in a vampire hunter's kit. The box thus contained crucifixes, holy water, a stake and its mallet, rosary beads, a Bible, brass chandeliers, as well as a pair of pistols, a powder flask and a few other accessories. By the way, do you believe that vampires ever really existed or do they still exist?

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