Jedi Master
I donated some money to them this morning, I'll think i'll setup a montly donation soon as it seems they really need it, this is the mail I received this morning
There a very strong and lovely couple I wish them the best of luck, if you are able you may think about throwing them a few quid, as it really looks like there in dire straits, I couldn't imagine living with all that harassment and still having the will to continue.
Now a short update of our story, which is not contained in our DVD:
God saved us from death in the Al Qaeda torture center in Tripoli and then two more times before we got out of Libya in 2011. Since then we have been attacked by our own government because we tried to find some good DC politicians who, when they heard our story and saw the videos we took, of the US/UN/NATO atrocities in Libya, would do their job and stop the US involvement and support of Al Qaeda, Muslim Brother, Ansar al Sharia and all the other names these terrorists/psychopaths use.
The attacks on us have escalated, probably because Benghazi and Libya will (finally) be fully investigated. There have been several documentaries that validate everything we have been saying for years. Here is just one:
Attempted trap set up for us in Hot Springs Arkansas 8 months ago. We smelled rats, because the 4 men would not ID themselves and were vague about their intent. We claimed hunger and left “post haste” on back roads to Texas and then to far/deep South East Texas. A tracing call came in about 65 minutes, after we had left the “group”. We will not be accepting any offers of cooperation, unless all participants are well defined in advance.
10 months ago we were “taken” as soon as we entered the small rural highway, by 2 black SUVs with dark windows. JoAnne in one me in the other. Phones taken. Driven 95 minutes to a location?? could not see out of windows. Interrogated for 30 hours in separate rooms; metal furniture, bright lights; all refused to show an ID/credentials. Said they did not have to; they could take us any time they wanted; could make us disappear and no one would know anything. Constant threats to both of us. We refused to drink or eat anything they offered (as a friend had warned us). We were finally returned to our house 33.5 hours after our abduction. Our car was now in the drive way. SO they had all our keys and access to everything. Our computers, car, house, files, absolutely everything. What they did/planted/poisoned/installed we do not know, but we threw out all the food we had and started over. We could not afford to do this, but our preservation requires us to be more than cautious. No authority wants do do anything because we have no names; no addresses just our descriptions. We know not what agency; not even which city we were taken to. Houston, Tyler, Longview, Beaumont or any of another several hundred possibilities??
May of 2014, we spoke at a John Birch Society Businessmen's Lunch in Houston. That night, as we travelled back to far-South-East Texas, we were followed by 2 Texas DPS cars, with radar locked on us for 70 miles; “going-off” constantly. JoAnne asked if they (the cops) had attached a radar unit on our bumper? because it was non-stop alerts. When we were in the middle of nowhere we were stopped by 2 Texas Highway Patrol cars; lights flashing. A drug dog was produced and after much encouragement, by the officer, we were told the dog “marked”??? drugs in our vehicle”. We were arrested/detained for 2.5 hours, on the side of the road, while our car and all our belongings were removed from our SUV. After hours of searches in the same location in our car NO DRUGS were found!! The arresting officer; B. Lamb Jr. Badge # 12101 of Region 2, District C, Area 08; was on constant phone discussions with somebody, who was directing his search. When NO DRUGS were found, we were released. It was an obvious “set-up” of planted drugs, that failed.
But now marks the 30th month since we started “going public” instead of trying to inform our not-interested government, of the actual locations of Al Qaeda, MB and other terrorists activities in Libya and North Africa! We were threatened by the CIA (Niki Barracol) in May 2013, then again in January and the last time was May. Congressman Pete Sessions (Chairman of the rules committee) made the head of the Defence Intelligence Agency, come to his office in DC to explain exactly why we (JoAnne and I) had been attacked by this government. Pete verified that we had been officially blacklisted; successfully soft-killed and destroyed financially. The Intel agencies knew this when they were in our home, at our invitation in 2013. They knew we had been left ruined and would be homeless. The lied to us at every opportunity. We were played and further destroyed inside our own home, by our government....because we saw their crimes. We are witnesses to the war crimes committed by our own government! Pete also confirmed that all of the information and intelligence we provided to the 4 US Intel Agencies, was 100% correct and accurate. The result of that highest level meeting, of a ranking congressman and the DIA..... was NOTHING! So we remain victims of these attacks.
The US Intel agencies have now listed us as the worst kind of people because we tell everybody their names and published their names on our DVD. We have received 4 death threats from our own government...because we will not stop telling the truth??
On Wednesday the 29th of October, 2014 our web site was professionally hacked. For the 3rd time. The web-host's systems caught it and suspended our site till we could get it fixed. The company that "cleans sites" said it would take 1 to 8 hours to complete. SIX DAYS LATER HE FINALLY GOT IT CLEANED, because?? We now hire (by the hour) drupel experts to maintain and update our site when we can afford it. Your support has helped us complete a major redo and added security, which we have needed for 2 years but had to set aside.
4 months ago Wells Fargo closed the only bank account we had left. It was our Non-Profit account that had been operating for 15 years without any problem. None! Ever! They gave us no explanation why it was closed, and informed us that the department which had “made the business decision to close our account, could not be contacted, and they would not even give us the name of that department. We had $918 in that account which represented about 40 days of expenses for us. After 10 days and 3 trips of 200 miles we were given a “PMO? personal money order?” for our $918??? I have never seen a PMO. I asked for real money, but the Branch Manager said she was given exact instructions what to do and the PMO was it. We deposited it in a new bank, but after 3 weeks it was still not-collected funds. I then opened a claim against Wells and by phone only was told there was a $2400 loss from an old personal bank account of JoAnne and me, which dates several years, wherein the bank had been unable to contact us. Therefore we still owe them $2400 and the other funds will be released when we have cleared the old debt. No such debt ever existed. They offer no proof. We have no recourse. AND the $918 + 2 small $25 savings accounts will not be credited to the debt. Hello?? What is this.
11 Weeks ago Thursday at midnight our internet (DSL) was cut. At 3:30 a.m. I was snatched from my bed and taken to a nearby office and grilled and threatened for 2 hours, then returned home at 6:30 a.m. This was the first time I was taken but JoAnne not. The "gist" was that I/we should shut up. Our grace to exist is near its end. We are attacking people that never lose and will not accept any more problems from us. “No more warnings will be coming!” The last time a snatch took place .. it lasted more than 30 hours. This was a very short snatch. JoAnne had just supplied Dr. Jerome Corsi, of World Net Daily, with all the information that proved Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, committed illegal acts by approving arms deliveries to known terrorists, in order to overthrow Libya and Syria. JoAnne has had that proof since 2011.
These "snatches" are too scary for both of us, but we really have no options and must continue to place our lives in GOD's hands.
We made our DVD to sell, so we could buy gas, food and medicines. We live in strangers homes for a few weeks at a time. But we are alive and we continue to appear on radio shows and are willing to be featured speakers at seminars...anywhere, if our expenses are paid. We will continue to tell the truth and expose the criminal acts of our government, so long as we continue to get support from good people like you. Please keep us in your prayers. We have been blocked from doing any seminars so our DVD sales have dwindled to only a few a week. Your purchase represents genuine life supporting help for us.
Every attempt to destroy us by “the bad guys” has been foiled, because we are being protected. Thank YOU GOD for your constant protection and mercy! The power of prayer never meant much to either of us before we were trapped in Tripoli. We were good people helped our friends and neighbours, had a substantial non-profit organization that we funded, but we were not really engaged in our spiritual lives. We are now fully engaged and know our lives are on track, doing HIS WILL.
I will mail your DVDs to as soon as you confirm your address. Please share them with your family and friends. Your support are the winds that keep our sails filled during our difficult travels.
I've also attached our prayer which we listen to every day …. since GOD extracted us from the hands of Al Qaeda and sent us down this path as "truth-tellers". I am sure you will hear why it has become our special prayer.
We pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas Holiday Season followed by a safe and prosperous new year.
Thank you again.
Jimmy and JoAnne Moriarty
There a very strong and lovely couple I wish them the best of luck, if you are able you may think about throwing them a few quid, as it really looks like there in dire straits, I couldn't imagine living with all that harassment and still having the will to continue.