Thanks for the input.
This thread is in a way teaching me that, things are way more dynamic, complex than I first thought. Or rather atleast bringing that new aspect into my scope of thinking.
What do I mean?
Well, I had an idea of what talent was. This idea in a way is programmed by society. Eg talent at singing, dancing etc etc. I would say, a 'rigid' idea or definition about talent was encrusted upon my mind.
However, my new understanding of talent is something much more dynamical. I cannot describe it properly because I dont understand it. I can only see a glimmer of it mainly thanks to the input received from others.
Dorothy Minder said:
Do you feel an urge to be "good at something" or "better than others" in a relative sense?
Yes and no. There is an aspect that I suppose does get affected by how it is perceived by others. It wants praise, it takes other peoples impression to heart. I suppose it is the 'ego' element.
There is another side that just wants to 'be.' It looks at something and see's a possibility, an exciting possibilty and it wants to reach that possibility. It wants to get there and touch it, experience it, express it, see the world through it etc.
However, between the 2 different sides, there is a relationship, maybe the 3rd force according to mouravieff that determines what is.
I dont understand how the dynamics work but I know in the end, the result, atleast for me is frustration. Where neither side actually achieves its goal. The 1st element doesnt get its praise and the 2nd element doesnt get to experience its dream.
DM said:
Depends what you mean by me.
I can't be me. I can't actualise one element of me. There is always conflict between the different elements. The ego doesnt have full spectrum control, neither does the essence or soul. What I am finding is that, the situation of 1 having ultimate control is not possible or desirable. What is required is the personality and its varied parts, to get to a level where it can be an instrument of the soul or essence and that leaves out the 'outside' world and what kind of 'effect' it can have on the whole organism. This whole situation I believe is the whole point of life. So I cant be me but I am working on it.
DM said:
Maybe if you shed the weight of social comparison and competition, you'll discover a lightness of being that dramatically increases your effectiveness in certain ways.
True, a lesson for the personality to learn. A lesson yet to be learnt or realised.
TS said:
The way I see it, even if you were "good at something" you'd still feel unworthy of being good at it.
Maybe you'd keep seeing all the things that you don't do right and beat you up with that.
True, if I can see a blemish, I suppose one will never be satisfied. I dont know why but it seems some of the goals set by oneself are beyond anythng achievable. It is like there is a really deep inner desire to 'honour' something.
I dont see 'talents' or 'abilities' as there own thing. I see them as a living force. An entity in its own right and us doing it, we are entering into the domain of something else. Basically another house and there is the desire to honour that house. It's something transcendental, it something that I definately dont own. Not my talent. Rather a gift. I dont own any talents maybe one day a trillion lifetimes or incarnations down the road i'll be a talent in my own right.
I am starting to see every single thing, things represented by words or ideas or thoughts, lets say like 'freedom' 'sadness' 'happyness' 'delightful' 'vengeful' etc as other beings. It's very weird. Maybe just imagination running amok. Ahh, imagination, can you imagine running into the full embodiment of imagination as a being? What kind of person or being would that be like... What about forgetfullness? WOW. I wonder if he knows who or what he is... Seriously a very interesting way to look at things.
An interesting idea would be to see a movie embodied by ideas as entities in there own right. Maybe the ideas would be gods. Who by there grace lend us there gifts to live and experience and learn and grow.
Dangerously abstract and vague but if life is anything, it is that.
Aidyslun said:
It seems to me that there’s an adventure in finding our talents and in discovering our gifts.
You might be right.